/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/config/cmlazy.c * PURPOSE: Configuration Manager - Internal Registry APIs * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "ntoskrnl.h" #define NDEBUG #include "debug.h" /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ KTIMER CmpLazyFlushTimer; KDPC CmpLazyFlushDpc; WORK_QUEUE_ITEM CmpLazyWorkItem; KTIMER CmpEnableLazyFlushTimer; KDPC CmpEnableLazyFlushDpc; BOOLEAN CmpLazyFlushPending; BOOLEAN CmpForceForceFlush; BOOLEAN CmpHoldLazyFlush = TRUE; ULONG CmpLazyFlushIntervalInSeconds = 5; static ULONG CmpLazyFlushHiveCount = 7; ULONG CmpLazyFlushCount = 1; LONG CmpFlushStarveWriters; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ BOOLEAN NTAPI CmpDoFlushNextHive(_In_ BOOLEAN ForceFlush, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Error, _Out_ PULONG DirtyCount) { NTSTATUS Status; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; PCMHIVE CmHive; BOOLEAN Result; ULONG HiveCount = CmpLazyFlushHiveCount; /* Set Defaults */ *Error = FALSE; *DirtyCount = 0; /* Don't do anything if we're not supposed to */ if (CmpNoWrite) return TRUE; /* Make sure we have to flush at least one hive */ if (!HiveCount) HiveCount = 1; /* Acquire the list lock and loop */ ExAcquirePushLockShared(&CmpHiveListHeadLock); NextEntry = CmpHiveListHead.Flink; while ((NextEntry != &CmpHiveListHead) && HiveCount) { /* Get the hive and check if we should flush it */ CmHive = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, CMHIVE, HiveList); if (!(CmHive->Hive.HiveFlags & HIVE_NOLAZYFLUSH) && (CmHive->FlushCount != CmpLazyFlushCount)) { /* Great sucess! */ Result = TRUE; /* One less to flush */ HiveCount--; /* Ignore clean or volatile hives */ if ((!CmHive->Hive.DirtyCount && !ForceFlush) || (CmHive->Hive.HiveFlags & HIVE_VOLATILE)) { /* Don't do anything but do update the count */ CmHive->FlushCount = CmpLazyFlushCount; DPRINT("Hive %wZ is clean.\n", &CmHive->FileFullPath); } else { /* Do the sync */ DPRINT("Flushing: %wZ\n", &CmHive->FileFullPath); DPRINT("Handle: %p\n", CmHive->FileHandles[HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY]); Status = HvSyncHive(&CmHive->Hive); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Let them know we failed */ DPRINT1("Failed to flush %wZ on handle %p (status 0x%08lx)\n", &CmHive->FileFullPath, CmHive->FileHandles[HFILE_TYPE_PRIMARY], Status); *Error = TRUE; Result = FALSE; break; } CmHive->FlushCount = CmpLazyFlushCount; } } else if ((CmHive->Hive.DirtyCount) && (!(CmHive->Hive.HiveFlags & HIVE_VOLATILE)) && (!(CmHive->Hive.HiveFlags & HIVE_NOLAZYFLUSH))) { /* Use another lazy flusher for this hive */ ASSERT(CmHive->FlushCount == CmpLazyFlushCount); *DirtyCount += CmHive->Hive.DirtyCount; DPRINT("CmHive %wZ already uptodate.\n", &CmHive->FileFullPath); } /* Try the next one */ NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; } /* Check if we've flushed everything */ if (NextEntry == &CmpHiveListHead) { /* We have, tell the caller we're done */ Result = FALSE; } else { /* We need to be called again */ Result = TRUE; } /* Unlock the list and return the result */ ExReleasePushLock(&CmpHiveListHeadLock); return Result; } _Function_class_(KDEFERRED_ROUTINE) VOID NTAPI CmpEnableLazyFlushDpcRoutine(IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2) { /* Don't stop lazy flushing from happening anymore */ CmpHoldLazyFlush = FALSE; } _Function_class_(KDEFERRED_ROUTINE) VOID NTAPI CmpLazyFlushDpcRoutine(IN PKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID DeferredContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2) { /* Check if we should queue the lazy flush worker */ DPRINT("Flush pending: %s, Holding lazy flush: %s.\n", CmpLazyFlushPending ? "yes" : "no", CmpHoldLazyFlush ? "yes" : "no"); if ((!CmpLazyFlushPending) && (!CmpHoldLazyFlush)) { CmpLazyFlushPending = TRUE; ExQueueWorkItem(&CmpLazyWorkItem, DelayedWorkQueue); } } VOID NTAPI CmpLazyFlush(VOID) { LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; PAGED_CODE(); /* Check if we should set the lazy flush timer */ if ((!CmpNoWrite) && (!CmpHoldLazyFlush)) { /* Do it */ DueTime.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(CmpLazyFlushIntervalInSeconds, -10 * 1000 * 1000); KeSetTimer(&CmpLazyFlushTimer, DueTime, &CmpLazyFlushDpc); } } _Function_class_(WORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE) VOID NTAPI CmpLazyFlushWorker(IN PVOID Parameter) { BOOLEAN ForceFlush, Result, MoreWork = FALSE; ULONG DirtyCount = 0; PAGED_CODE(); /* Don't do anything if lazy flushing isn't enabled yet */ if (CmpHoldLazyFlush) { DPRINT1("Lazy flush held. Bye bye.\n"); CmpLazyFlushPending = FALSE; return; } /* Check if we are forcing a flush */ ForceFlush = CmpForceForceFlush; if (ForceFlush) { DPRINT("Forcing flush.\n"); /* Lock the registry exclusively */ CmpLockRegistryExclusive(); } else { DPRINT("Not forcing flush.\n"); /* Starve writers before locking */ InterlockedIncrement(&CmpFlushStarveWriters); CmpLockRegistry(); } /* Flush the next hive */ MoreWork = CmpDoFlushNextHive(ForceFlush, &Result, &DirtyCount); if (!MoreWork) { /* We're done */ InterlockedIncrement((PLONG)&CmpLazyFlushCount); } /* Check if we have starved writers */ if (!ForceFlush) InterlockedDecrement(&CmpFlushStarveWriters); /* Not pending anymore, release the registry lock */ CmpLazyFlushPending = FALSE; CmpUnlockRegistry(); DPRINT("Lazy flush done. More work to be done: %s. Entries still dirty: %u.\n", MoreWork ? "Yes" : "No", DirtyCount); if (MoreWork) { /* Relaunch the flush timer, so the remaining hives get flushed */ CmpLazyFlush(); } } VOID NTAPI CmpCmdInit(IN BOOLEAN SetupBoot) { LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; PAGED_CODE(); /* Setup the lazy DPC */ KeInitializeDpc(&CmpLazyFlushDpc, CmpLazyFlushDpcRoutine, NULL); /* Setup the lazy timer */ KeInitializeTimer(&CmpLazyFlushTimer); /* Setup the lazy worker */ ExInitializeWorkItem(&CmpLazyWorkItem, CmpLazyFlushWorker, NULL); /* Setup the forced-lazy DPC and timer */ KeInitializeDpc(&CmpEnableLazyFlushDpc, CmpEnableLazyFlushDpcRoutine, NULL); KeInitializeTimer(&CmpEnableLazyFlushTimer); /* Enable lazy flushing after 10 minutes */ DueTime.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(600, -10 * 1000 * 1000); KeSetTimer(&CmpEnableLazyFlushTimer, DueTime, &CmpEnableLazyFlushDpc); /* Setup flush variables */ CmpNoWrite = CmpMiniNTBoot; CmpWasSetupBoot = SetupBoot; /* Testing: Force Lazy Flushing */ CmpHoldLazyFlush = FALSE; /* Setup the hive list */ CmpInitializeHiveList(SetupBoot); } NTSTATUS NTAPI CmpCmdHiveOpen(IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES FileAttributes, IN PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ImpersonationContext, IN OUT PBOOLEAN Allocate, OUT PCMHIVE *NewHive, IN ULONG CheckFlags) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING FileName; PWCHAR FilePath; UCHAR Buffer[sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION) + MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR)]; ULONG Length = sizeof(Buffer); POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION FileNameInfo = (POBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION)Buffer; PAGED_CODE(); if (FileAttributes->RootDirectory) { /* * Validity check: The ObjectName is relative to RootDirectory, * therefore it must not start with a path separator. */ if (FileAttributes->ObjectName && FileAttributes->ObjectName->Buffer && FileAttributes->ObjectName->Length >= sizeof(WCHAR) && *FileAttributes->ObjectName->Buffer == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) { return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_SYNTAX_BAD; } /* Try to get the value */ Status = ZwQueryObject(FileAttributes->RootDirectory, ObjectNameInformation, FileNameInfo, Length, &Length); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Fail */ DPRINT1("CmpCmdHiveOpen(): Root directory handle object name query failed, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* Null-terminate and add the length of the terminator */ Length -= sizeof(OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION); FilePath = FileNameInfo->Name.Buffer; FilePath[Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; Length += sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); /* Compute the size of the full path; Length already counts the terminating NULL */ Length = Length + sizeof(WCHAR) + FileAttributes->ObjectName->Length; if (Length > MAXUSHORT) { /* Name size too long, bail out */ return STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_INVALID; } /* Build the full path */ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&FileName, NULL, 0); FileName.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, Length, TAG_CM); if (!FileName.Buffer) { /* Fail */ DPRINT1("CmpCmdHiveOpen(): Unable to allocate memory\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } FileName.MaximumLength = Length; RtlCopyUnicodeString(&FileName, &FileNameInfo->Name); /* * Append a path terminator if needed (we have already accounted * for a possible extra one when allocating the buffer). */ if (/* FileAttributes->ObjectName->Buffer[0] != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR && */ // We excluded ObjectName starting with a path separator above. FileName.Length > 0 && FileName.Buffer[FileName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) - 1] != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) { /* ObjectName does not start with '\' and PathBuffer does not end with '\' */ FileName.Buffer[FileName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR; FileName.Length += sizeof(WCHAR); FileName.Buffer[FileName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; } /* Append the object name */ Status = RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(&FileName, FileAttributes->ObjectName); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Fail */ DPRINT1("CmpCmdHiveOpen(): RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString() failed, Status = 0x%08lx\n", Status); ExFreePoolWithTag(FileName.Buffer, TAG_CM); return Status; } } else { FileName = *FileAttributes->ObjectName; } /* Open the file in the current security context */ Status = CmpInitHiveFromFile(&FileName, 0, NewHive, Allocate, CheckFlags); if (((Status == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) || (Status == STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER) || (Status == STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD) || (Status == STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED) || (Status == STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED) || (Status == STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION)) && (ImpersonationContext)) { /* We failed due to an account/security error, impersonate SYSTEM */ Status = SeImpersonateClientEx(ImpersonationContext, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Now try again */ Status = CmpInitHiveFromFile(&FileName, 0, NewHive, Allocate, CheckFlags); /* Restore impersonation token */ PsRevertToSelf(); } } if (FileAttributes->RootDirectory) { ExFreePoolWithTag(FileName.Buffer, TAG_CM); } /* Return status of open attempt */ return Status; } VOID NTAPI CmpShutdownWorkers(VOID) { /* Stop lazy flushing */ PAGED_CODE(); KeCancelTimer(&CmpLazyFlushTimer); } VOID NTAPI CmSetLazyFlushState(IN BOOLEAN Enable) { /* Set state for lazy flusher */ CmpHoldLazyFlush = !Enable; } /* EOF */