/* * PROJECT: ReactOS VGA Miniport Driver * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: boot/drivers/video/miniport/vga/vbemodes.c * PURPOSE: Mode Initialization and Mode Set for VBE-compatible cards * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "vga.h" /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ ULONG NTAPI RaiseToPower2Ulong(IN ULONG Value) { ULONG SquaredResult = Value; if ((Value - 1) & Value) for (SquaredResult = 1; (SquaredResult < Value) && (SquaredResult); SquaredResult *= 2); return SquaredResult; } ULONG NTAPI RaiseToPower2(IN USHORT Value) { ULONG SquaredResult = Value; if ((Value - 1) & Value) for (SquaredResult = 1; (SquaredResult < Value) && (SquaredResult); SquaredResult *= 2); return SquaredResult; } ULONG NTAPI VbeGetVideoMemoryBaseAddress(IN PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION VgaExtension, IN PVIDEOMODE VgaMode) { ULONG Length = 4 * 1024; USHORT TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset; PVOID Context; INT10_BIOS_ARGUMENTS BiosArguments; PVBE_MODE_INFO VbeModeInfo; ULONG BaseAddress; VP_STATUS Status; /* Need linear and INT10 interface */ if (!(VgaMode->fbType & VIDEO_MODE_BANKED)) return 0; if (VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Size) return 0; /* Allocate scratch area and context */ VbeModeInfo = VideoPortAllocatePool(VgaExtension, 1, sizeof(VBE_MODE_INFO), ' agV'); if (!VbeModeInfo) return 0; Context = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Context; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10AllocateBuffer(Context, &TrampolineMemorySegment, &TrampolineMemoryOffset, &Length); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return 0; /* Ask VBE BIOS for mode info */ BiosArguments.Ecx = HIWORD(VgaMode->Mode); BiosArguments.Edi = TrampolineMemorySegment; BiosArguments.SegEs = TrampolineMemoryOffset; BiosArguments.Eax = VBE_GET_MODE_INFORMATION; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10CallBios(Context, &BiosArguments); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return 0; if (BiosArguments.Eax != VBE_SUCCESS) return 0; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10ReadMemory(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset, VbeModeInfo, sizeof(VBE_MODE_INFO)); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return 0; /* Return phys address and cleanup */ BaseAddress = VbeModeInfo->PhysBasePtr; VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10FreeBuffer(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset); VideoPortFreePool(VgaExtension, VbeModeInfo); return BaseAddress; } VP_STATUS NTAPI VbeSetMode(IN PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION VgaDeviceExtension, IN PVIDEOMODE VgaMode, OUT PULONG PhysPtrChange) { VP_STATUS Status; VIDEO_X86_BIOS_ARGUMENTS BiosArguments; ULONG ModeIndex; ULONG BaseAddress; VideoPortZeroMemory(&BiosArguments, sizeof(BiosArguments)); ModeIndex = VgaMode->Mode; BiosArguments.Eax = ModeIndex & 0x0000FFFF; BiosArguments.Ebx = ModeIndex >> 16; VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Switching to %lx %lx\n", BiosArguments.Eax, BiosArguments.Ebx); Status = VideoPortInt10(VgaDeviceExtension, &BiosArguments); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return Status; /* Check for VESA mode */ if (ModeIndex >> 16) { /* Mode set fail */ if (BiosArguments.Eax != VBE_SUCCESS) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Check current mode is desired mode */ BiosArguments.Eax = VBE_GET_CURRENT_VBE_MODE; Status = VideoPortInt10(VgaDeviceExtension, &BiosArguments); if ((Status == NO_ERROR) && (BiosArguments.Eax == VBE_SUCCESS) && ((BiosArguments.Ebx ^ (ModeIndex >> 16)) & VBE_MODE_BITS)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Set logical scanline width if different from physical */ if (VgaMode->LogicalWidth != VgaMode->hres) { /* Check setting works after being set */ BiosArguments.Eax = VBE_SET_GET_LOGICAL_SCAN_LINE_LENGTH; BiosArguments.Ecx = VgaMode->LogicalWidth; BiosArguments.Ebx = 0; Status = VideoPortInt10(VgaDeviceExtension, &BiosArguments); if ((Status != NO_ERROR) || (BiosArguments.Eax != VBE_SUCCESS) || (BiosArguments.Ecx != VgaMode->LogicalWidth)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } /* Get VRAM address to update changes */ BaseAddress = VbeGetVideoMemoryBaseAddress(VgaDeviceExtension, VgaMode); if ((BaseAddress) && (VgaMode->PhysBase != BaseAddress)) { *PhysPtrChange = TRUE; VgaMode->PhysBase = BaseAddress; } return NO_ERROR; } VOID NTAPI InitializeModeTable(IN PHW_DEVICE_EXTENSION VgaExtension) { ULONG ModeCount = 0; ULONG Length = 4 * 1024; ULONG TotalMemory; VP_STATUS Status; INT10_BIOS_ARGUMENTS BiosArguments; PVBE_INFO VbeInfo; PVBE_MODE_INFO VbeModeInfo; PVOID Context; USHORT TrampolineMemorySegment; USHORT TrampolineMemoryOffset; ULONG VbeVersion; ULONG NewModes = 0; BOOLEAN FourBppModeFound = FALSE; USHORT ModeResult; USHORT Mode; PUSHORT ThisMode; BOOLEAN LinearAddressing; ULONG Size, ScreenSize; PVIDEOMODE VgaMode; PVOID BaseAddress; ULONG ScreenStride = 0; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS PhysicalAddress; /* Enable only default vga modes if no vesa */ VgaModeList = ModesVGA; if (VideoPortIsNoVesa()) { VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Size = 0; VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Version = 0; return; } /* Query INT10 interface */ VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Version = VIDEO_PORT_INT10_INTERFACE_VERSION_1; VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Size = sizeof(VIDEO_PORT_INT10_INTERFACE); if (VideoPortQueryServices(VgaExtension, VideoPortServicesInt10, (PINTERFACE)&VgaExtension->Int10Interface)) { VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Size = 0; VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Version = 0; } /* Add ref */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "have int10 iface\n"); VgaExtension->Int10Interface.InterfaceReference(VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Context); Context = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Context; /* Allocate scratch area and context */ Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10AllocateBuffer(Context, &TrampolineMemorySegment, &TrampolineMemoryOffset, &Length); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return; VbeInfo = VideoPortAllocatePool(VgaExtension, 1, sizeof(VBE_INFO), ' agV'); VbeModeInfo = &VbeInfo->Modes; if (!VbeInfo) return; /* Init VBE data and write to card buffer */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "have int10 data\n"); VbeInfo->ModeArray[128] = 0xFFFF; strcpy(VbeInfo->Info.Signature, "VBE2"); Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10WriteMemory(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset, VbeInfo, 512); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return; /* Get controller info */ BiosArguments.Edi = TrampolineMemoryOffset; BiosArguments.SegEs = TrampolineMemorySegment; BiosArguments.Eax = VBE_GET_CONTROLLER_INFORMATION; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10CallBios(Context, &BiosArguments); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return; if (BiosArguments.Eax != VBE_SUCCESS) return; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10ReadMemory(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset, VbeInfo, 512); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return; /* Check correct VBE BIOS */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "have vbe data\n"); TotalMemory = VbeInfo->Info.TotalMemory << 16; VbeVersion = VbeInfo->Info.Version; VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "vbe version %lx memory %lx\n", VbeVersion, TotalMemory); if (!ValidateVbeInfo(VgaExtension, VbeInfo)) return; /* Read modes */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "read modes from %p\n", VbeInfo->Info.VideoModePtr); Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10ReadMemory(Context, HIWORD(VbeInfo->Info.VideoModePtr), LOWORD(VbeInfo->Info.VideoModePtr), VbeInfo->ModeArray, 128 * sizeof(USHORT)); if (Status != NO_ERROR) return; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Read modes at: %p\n", VbeInfo->ModeArray); /* Count modes, check for new 4bpp SVGA modes */ ThisMode = VbeInfo->ModeArray; ModeResult = VbeInfo->ModeArray[0]; while (ModeResult != 0xFFFF) { Mode = ModeResult & 0x1FF; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Mode found: %lx\n", Mode); if ((Mode == 0x102) || (Mode == 0x6A)) FourBppModeFound = TRUE; ModeResult = *++ThisMode; NewModes++; } /* Remove the built-in mode if not supported by card and check max modes */ if (!FourBppModeFound) --NumVideoModes; if ((NewModes >= 128) && (NumVideoModes > 8)) goto Cleanup; /* Switch to new SVGA mode list, copy VGA modes */ VgaModeList = VideoPortAllocatePool(VgaExtension, 1, (NewModes + NumVideoModes) * sizeof(VIDEOMODE), ' agV'); if (!VgaModeList) goto Cleanup; VideoPortMoveMemory(VgaModeList, ModesVGA, NumVideoModes * sizeof(VIDEOMODE)); /* Apply fixup for Intel Brookdale */ if (g_bIntelBrookdaleBIOS) { VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Intel Brookdale-G Video BIOS Not Support!\n"); while (TRUE); } /* Scan SVGA modes */ // VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Static modes: %d\n", NumVideoModes); VgaMode = &VgaModeList[NumVideoModes]; ThisMode = VbeInfo->ModeArray; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "new modes: %d\n", NewModes); while (NewModes--) { /* Get info on mode */ BiosArguments.Eax = VBE_GET_MODE_INFORMATION; BiosArguments.Ecx = *ThisMode; BiosArguments.Edi = TrampolineMemoryOffset; BiosArguments.SegEs = TrampolineMemorySegment; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10CallBios(Context, &BiosArguments); if (Status != NO_ERROR) goto Next; if (BiosArguments.Eax != VBE_SUCCESS) goto Next; Status = VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10ReadMemory(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset, VbeModeInfo, 256); if (Status != NO_ERROR) goto Next; /* Parse graphics modes only if linear framebuffer support */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "attr: %lx\n", VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes); if (!(VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes & (VBE_MODEATTR_VALID | VBE_MODEATTR_GRAPHICS))) goto Next; LinearAddressing = ((VbeVersion >= 0x200) && (VbeModeInfo->PhysBasePtr) && (VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes & VBE_MODEATTR_LINEAR)) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* Check SVGA modes if 8bpp or higher */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "PhysBase: %lx\n", VbeModeInfo->PhysBasePtr); if ((VbeModeInfo->XResolution >= 640) && (VbeModeInfo->YResolution >= 480) && (VbeModeInfo->NumberOfPlanes >= 1) && (VbeModeInfo->BitsPerPixel >= 8)) { /* Copy VGA mode info */ VideoPortZeroMemory(VgaMode, sizeof(VIDEOMODE)); VgaMode->numPlanes = VbeModeInfo->NumberOfPlanes; VgaMode->hres = VbeModeInfo->XResolution; VgaMode->vres = VbeModeInfo->YResolution; VgaMode->Frequency = 1; VgaMode->Mode = (*ThisMode << 16) | VBE_SET_VBE_MODE; VgaMode->Granularity = VbeModeInfo->WinGranularity << 10; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Mode %lx (Granularity %d)\n", VgaMode->Mode, VgaMode->Granularity); /* Set flags */ if (VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes & VBE_MODEATTR_COLOR) VgaMode->fbType |= VIDEO_MODE_COLOR; if (VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes & VBE_MODEATTR_GRAPHICS) VgaMode->fbType |= VIDEO_MODE_GRAPHICS; if (VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes & VBE_MODEATTR_NON_VGA) VgaMode->NonVgaMode = TRUE; /* If no char data, say 80x25 */ VgaMode->col = VbeModeInfo->XCharSize ? VbeModeInfo->XResolution / VbeModeInfo->XCharSize : 80; VgaMode->row = VbeModeInfo->YCharSize ? VbeModeInfo->YResolution / VbeModeInfo->YCharSize : 25; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "%d by %d rows\n", VgaMode->Columns, VgaMode->Rows); /* Check RGB555 (15bpp only) */ VgaMode->bitsPerPlane = VbeModeInfo->BitsPerPixel / VbeModeInfo->NumberOfPlanes; if ((VgaMode->bitsPerPlane == 16) && (VbeModeInfo->GreenMaskSize == 5)) VgaMode->bitsPerPlane = 15; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "BPP: %d\n", VgaMode->BitsPerPlane); /* Do linear or banked frame buffers */ VgaMode->FrameBufferBase = 0; if (!LinearAddressing) { /* Read the screen stride (scanline size) */ ScreenStride = RaiseToPower2(VbeModeInfo->BytesPerScanLine); VgaMode->wbytes = ScreenStride; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "ScanLines: %lx Stride: %lx\n", VbeModeInfo->BytesPerScanLine, VgaMode->Stride); /* Size of frame buffer is Height X ScanLine, align to bank/page size */ ScreenSize = VgaMode->hres * ScreenStride; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Size: %lx\n", ScreenSize); Size = (ScreenSize + ((64 * 1024) - 1)) & ((64 * 1024) - 1); //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Size: %lx\n", ScreenSize); if (Size > TotalMemory) Size = (Size + ((4 * 1024) - 1)) & ((4 * 1024) - 1); //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Size: %lx\n", ScreenSize); /* Banked VGA at 0xA0000 (64K) */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Final size: %lx\n", Size); VgaMode->fbType |= VIDEO_MODE_BANKED; VgaMode->sbytes = Size; VgaMode->PhysSize = 64 * 1024; VgaMode->FrameBufferSize = 64 * 1024; VgaMode->NoBankSwitch = TRUE; VgaMode->PhysBase = 0xA0000; VgaMode->LogicalWidth = RaiseToPower2(VgaMode->hres); } else { /* VBE 3.00+ has specific field, read legacy field if not */ //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "LINEAR MODE!!!\n"); ScreenStride = (VbeVersion >= 0x300) ? VbeModeInfo->LinBytesPerScanLine : 0; if (!ScreenStride) ScreenStride = VbeModeInfo->BytesPerScanLine; VgaMode->wbytes = ScreenStride; //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "ScanLines: %lx Stride: %lx\n", VbeModeInfo->BytesPerScanLine, VgaMode->Stride); /* Size of frame buffer is Height X ScanLine, align to page size */ ScreenSize = VgaMode->hres * LOWORD(VgaMode->wbytes); //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Size: %lx\n", ScreenSize); Size = RaiseToPower2Ulong(ScreenSize); //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Size: %lx\n", ScreenSize); if (Size > TotalMemory) Size = (Size + ((4 * 1024) - 1)) & ((4 * 1024) - 1); //VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "Size: %lx\n", ScreenSize); /* Linear VGA must read settings from VBE */ VgaMode->fbType |= VIDEO_MODE_LINEAR; VgaMode->sbytes = Size; VgaMode->PhysSize = Size; VgaMode->FrameBufferSize = Size; VgaMode->NoBankSwitch = FALSE; VgaMode->PhysBase = VbeModeInfo->PhysBasePtr; VgaMode->LogicalWidth = VgaMode->hres; /* Make VBE_SET_VBE_MODE command use Linear Framebuffer Select */ VgaMode->Mode |= (VBE_MODE_LINEAR_FRAMEBUFFER << 16); } /* Override bank switch if not support by card */ if (VbeModeInfo->ModeAttributes & VBE_MODEATTR_NO_BANK_SWITCH) VgaMode->NoBankSwitch = TRUE; /* Next */ if (ScreenSize <= TotalMemory) { VgaMode++; ModeCount++; } } Next: /* Next */ ThisMode++; } /* Check if last mode was color to do test */ VideoPortDebugPrint(0, "mode scan complete. Total modes: %d\n", ModeCount); if (--VgaMode->fbType & VIDEO_MODE_COLOR) { /* Try map physical buffer and free if worked */ PhysicalAddress.QuadPart = VgaMode->PhysBase; BaseAddress = VideoPortGetDeviceBase(VgaExtension, PhysicalAddress, 4 * 1024, FALSE); if (BaseAddress) { VideoPortFreeDeviceBase(VgaExtension, BaseAddress); } else { /* Not work, so throw out VBE data */ ModeCount = 0; } } /* Cleanup sucess path */ VideoPortFreePool(VgaExtension, VbeInfo); VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10FreeBuffer(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset); NumVideoModes += ModeCount; return; Cleanup: /* Cleanup failure path, reset standard VGA and free memory */ VgaModeList = ModesVGA; VideoPortFreePool(VgaExtension, VbeInfo); VgaExtension->Int10Interface.Int10FreeBuffer(Context, TrampolineMemorySegment, TrampolineMemoryOffset); } /* EOF */