/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/gate.c * PURPOSE: Implements the Gate Dispatcher Object * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ VOID FASTCALL KeInitializeGate(IN PKGATE Gate) { /* Initialize the Dispatcher Header */ KeInitializeDispatcherHeader(&Gate->Header, GateObject, sizeof(KGATE) / sizeof(ULONG), 0); } VOID FASTCALL KeWaitForGate(IN PKGATE Gate, IN KWAIT_REASON WaitReason, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode) { KLOCK_QUEUE_HANDLE ApcLock; PKTHREAD Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); PKWAIT_BLOCK GateWaitBlock; NTSTATUS Status; PKQUEUE Queue; ASSERT_GATE(Gate); ASSERT_IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); /* Start wait loop */ do { /* Acquire the APC lock */ KiAcquireApcLock(Thread, &ApcLock); /* Check if a kernel APC is pending and we're below APC_LEVEL */ if ((Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending) && !(Thread->SpecialApcDisable) && (ApcLock.OldIrql < APC_LEVEL)) { /* Release the lock, this will fire the APC */ KiReleaseApcLock(&ApcLock); } else { /* Check if we have a queue and lock the dispatcher if so */ Queue = Thread->Queue; if (Queue) KiAcquireDispatcherLockAtDpcLevel(); /* Lock the thread */ KiAcquireThreadLock(Thread); /* Lock the gate */ KiAcquireDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); /* Check if it's already signaled */ if (Gate->Header.SignalState) { /* Unsignal it */ Gate->Header.SignalState = 0; /* Release the gate and thread locks */ KiReleaseDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); KiReleaseThreadLock(Thread); /* Release the gate lock */ if (Queue) KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); /* Release the APC lock and return */ KiReleaseApcLock(&ApcLock); break; } /* Setup a Wait Block */ GateWaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; GateWaitBlock->Object = (PVOID)Gate; GateWaitBlock->Thread = Thread; /* Set the Thread Wait Data */ Thread->WaitMode = WaitMode; Thread->WaitReason = WaitReason; Thread->WaitIrql = ApcLock.OldIrql; Thread->State = GateWait; Thread->GateObject = Gate; /* Insert into the Wait List */ InsertTailList(&Gate->Header.WaitListHead, &GateWaitBlock->WaitListEntry); /* Release the gate lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); /* Set swap busy */ KiSetThreadSwapBusy(Thread); /* Release the thread lock */ KiReleaseThreadLock(Thread); /* Check if we had a queue */ if (Queue) { /* Wake it up */ KiActivateWaiterQueue(Queue); /* Release the dispatcher lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); } /* Release the APC lock but stay at DPC level */ KiReleaseApcLockFromDpcLevel(&ApcLock); /* Find a new thread to run */ Status = KiSwapThread(Thread, KeGetCurrentPrcb()); /* Make sure we weren't executing an APC */ if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) return; } } while (TRUE); } VOID FASTCALL KeSignalGateBoostPriority(IN PKGATE Gate) { PKTHREAD WaitThread; PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; KIRQL OldIrql; ASSERT_GATE(Gate); ASSERT_IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); /* Start entry loop */ for (;;) { /* Raise to synch level */ OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel(); /* Lock the gate */ KiAcquireDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); /* Make sure we're not already signaled or that the list is empty */ if (Gate->Header.SignalState) break; /* Check if our wait list is empty */ if (IsListEmpty(&Gate->Header.WaitListHead)) { /* It is, so signal the event */ Gate->Header.SignalState = 1; break; } else { /* Get WaitBlock */ WaitBlock = CONTAINING_RECORD(Gate->Header.WaitListHead.Flink, KWAIT_BLOCK, WaitListEntry); /* Get the Associated thread */ WaitThread = WaitBlock->Thread; /* Check to see if the waiting thread is locked */ if (KiTryThreadLock(WaitThread)) { /* Unlock the gate */ KiReleaseDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); /* Lower IRQL and loop again */ KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); continue; } /* Remove it */ RemoveEntryList(&WaitBlock->WaitListEntry); /* Clear wait status */ WaitThread->WaitStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Set state and CPU */ WaitThread->State = DeferredReady; WaitThread->DeferredProcessor = KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number; /* Release the gate lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); /* Release the thread lock */ KiReleaseThreadLock(WaitThread); /* FIXME: Boosting */ /* Check if we have a queue */ if (WaitThread->Queue) { /* Acquire the dispatcher lock */ KiAcquireDispatcherLockAtDpcLevel(); /* Check if we still have one */ if (WaitThread->Queue) { /* Increment active threads */ WaitThread->Queue->CurrentCount++; } /* Release lock */ KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel(); } /* Make the thread ready */ KiReadyThread(WaitThread); /* Exit the dispatcher */ KiExitDispatcher(OldIrql); return; } } /* If we got here, then there's no rescheduling. */ KiReleaseDispatcherObject(&Gate->Header); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); } /* EOF */