/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Virtual DOS Machine * FILE: rom.c * PURPOSE: ROM Support Functions * PROGRAMMERS: Hermes Belusca-Maito (hermes.belusca@sfr.fr) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #define NDEBUG #include "emulator.h" #include "callback.h" #include "rom.h" /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ static HANDLE OpenRomFile(IN LPCWSTR RomFileName, OUT PDWORD RomSize OPTIONAL) { HANDLE hRomFile; DWORD dwRomSize; /* Open the ROM image file */ SetLastError(0); // For debugging purposes hRomFile = CreateFileW(RomFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); DPRINT1("ROM opening %s ; GetLastError() = %u\n", hRomFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? "succeeded" : "failed", GetLastError()); /* We failed, bail out */ if (hRomFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return NULL; /* OK, we have a handle to the ROM image file */ /* * Retrieve the size of the file. * * The size of the ROM image file is at most 256kB. For instance, * the SeaBIOS image, which includes also expansion ROMs inside it, * covers the range C000:0000 to F000:FFFF . * * We therefore can use GetFileSize. */ dwRomSize = GetFileSize(hRomFile, NULL); if ( (dwRomSize == INVALID_FILE_SIZE && GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwRomSize > 0x40000) ) { /* We failed, bail out */ DPRINT1("Error when retrieving ROM size, or size too large (%d)\n", dwRomSize); /* Close the ROM image file */ CloseHandle(hRomFile); return NULL; } /* Success, return file handle and size if needed */ if (RomSize) *RomSize = dwRomSize; return hRomFile; } static BOOL LoadRomFileByHandle(IN HANDLE RomFileHandle, IN PVOID RomLocation, IN ULONG RomSize) { /* * The size of the ROM image file is at most 256kB. For instance, * the SeaBIOS image, which includes also expansion ROMs inside it, * covers the range C000:0000 to F000:FFFF . */ if (RomSize > 0x40000) { DPRINT1("Wrong ROM image size 0x%lx, expected at most 0x40000 (256kB)", RomSize); return FALSE; } /* Attempt to load the ROM image file into memory */ SetLastError(0); // For debugging purposes return ReadFile(RomFileHandle, REAL_TO_PHYS(RomLocation), RomSize, &RomSize, NULL); } static UCHAR ComputeChecksum(IN ULONG RomLocation, IN ULONG RomSize) { ULONG RomLastAddress = RomLocation + RomSize; UCHAR Sum = 0x00; // Using a UCHAR guarantees that we wrap at 0xFF i.e. we do a sum modulo 0x100. while (RomLocation < RomLastAddress) { Sum += *(PUCHAR)REAL_TO_PHYS(RomLocation); ++RomLocation; } return Sum; } static VOID InitRomRange(IN PCALLBACK16 Context, IN ULONG Start, IN ULONG End, IN ULONG Increment) { ULONG Address, AddressBoot; ULONG RomSize; UCHAR Checksum; for (Address = Start; Address < End; Address += Increment) { /* Does the ROM have a valid signature? */ if (*(PUSHORT)REAL_TO_PHYS(Address) == OPTION_ROM_SIGNATURE) { /* Check the control sum of the ROM */ /* * If this is an adapter ROM (Start: C8000, End: E0000), its * reported size is stored in byte 2 of the ROM. * * If this is an expansion ROM (Start: E0000, End: F0000), * its real length is 64kB. */ RomSize = *(PUCHAR)REAL_TO_PHYS(Address + 2) * 512; if (Address >= 0xE0000) RomSize = 0x10000; Checksum = ComputeChecksum(Address, RomSize); if (Checksum == 0x00) { AddressBoot = Address + 3; DPRINT1("Going to run @ address 0x%p\n", AddressBoot); AddressBoot = MAKELONG((AddressBoot & 0xFFFF), (AddressBoot & 0xF0000) >> 4); // setDS((Address & 0xF0000) >> 4); setDS((Address & 0xFF000) >> 4); RunCallback16(Context, AddressBoot); // Call16((AddressBoot & 0xF0000) >> 4, (AddressBoot & 0xFFFF)); DPRINT1("Rom @ address 0x%p initialized\n", Address); } else { DPRINT1("Rom @ address 0x%p has invalid checksum of 0x%02x\n", Address, Checksum); } } } } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ BOOLEAN LoadBios(IN LPCWSTR BiosFileName, OUT PVOID* BiosLocation OPTIONAL, OUT PDWORD BiosSize OPTIONAL) { BOOL Success; HANDLE hBiosFile; DWORD dwBiosSize = 0; PVOID pBiosLocation; /* Open the BIOS image file */ hBiosFile = OpenRomFile(BiosFileName, &dwBiosSize); /* If we failed, bail out */ if (hBiosFile == NULL) return FALSE; /* BIOS location needs to be aligned on 32-bit boundary */ // (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress + ROM_AREA_END + 1 - dwBiosSize) pBiosLocation = MEM_ALIGN_DOWN(TO_LINEAR(0xF000, 0xFFFF) + 1 - dwBiosSize, sizeof(ULONG)); /* Attempt to load the BIOS image file into memory */ Success = LoadRomFileByHandle(hBiosFile, pBiosLocation, dwBiosSize); DPRINT1("BIOS loading %s ; GetLastError() = %u\n", Success ? "succeeded" : "failed", GetLastError()); /* Close the BIOS image file */ CloseHandle(hBiosFile); /* In case of success, return BIOS location and size if needed */ if (Success) { if (BiosLocation) *BiosLocation = pBiosLocation; if (BiosSize) *BiosSize = dwBiosSize; } return (BOOLEAN)Success; } BOOLEAN LoadRom(IN LPCWSTR RomFileName, IN PVOID RomLocation, OUT PDWORD RomSize OPTIONAL) { BOOL Success; HANDLE hRomFile; DWORD dwRomSize = 0; /* Open the ROM image file */ hRomFile = OpenRomFile(RomFileName, &dwRomSize); /* If we failed, bail out */ if (hRomFile == NULL) return FALSE; /* Attempt to load the ROM image file into memory */ Success = LoadRomFileByHandle(hRomFile, RomLocation, dwRomSize); DPRINT1("ROM loading %s ; GetLastError() = %u\n", Success ? "succeeded" : "failed", GetLastError()); /* Close the ROM image file and return */ CloseHandle(hRomFile); /* In case of success, return ROM size if needed */ if (Success) { if (RomSize) *RomSize = dwRomSize; } return (BOOLEAN)Success; } VOID SearchAndInitRoms(IN PCALLBACK16 Context) { /* Adapters ROMs -- Start: C8000, End: E0000, 2kB blocks */ InitRomRange(Context, 0xC8000, 0xE0000, 0x0800); /* Expansion ROM -- Start: E0000, End: F0000, 64kB block */ InitRomRange(Context, 0xE0000, 0xEFFFF, 0x10000); } /* EOF */