/* * PROJECT: ReactOS HAL * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: hal/halx86/legacy/bus/sysbus.c * PURPOSE: * PROGRAMMERS: Stefan Ginsberg (stefan.ginsberg@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ BOOLEAN NTAPI HalpTranslateSystemBusAddress(IN PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BusAddress, IN OUT PULONG AddressSpace, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress) { PSUPPORTED_RANGE Range = NULL; /* Check what kind of address space this is */ switch (*AddressSpace) { /* Memory address */ case 0: /* Loop all prefetch memory */ for (Range = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->PrefetchMemory; Range; Range = Range->Next) { /* Check if it's in a valid range */ if ((BusAddress.QuadPart >= Range->Base) && (BusAddress.QuadPart <= Range->Limit)) { /* Get out */ break; } } /* Check if we haven't found anything yet */ if (!Range) { /* Loop all bus memory */ for (Range = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->Memory; Range; Range = Range->Next) { /* Check if it's in a valid range */ if ((BusAddress.QuadPart >= Range->Base) && (BusAddress.QuadPart <= Range->Limit)) { /* Get out */ break; } } } /* Done */ break; /* I/O Space */ case 1: /* Loop all bus I/O memory */ for (Range = &BusHandler->BusAddresses->IO; Range; Range = Range->Next) { /* Check if it's in a valid range */ if ((BusAddress.QuadPart >= Range->Base) && (BusAddress.QuadPart <= Range->Limit)) { /* Get out */ break; } } /* Done */ break; } /* Check if we found a range */ if (Range) { /* Do the translation and return the kind of address space this is */ TranslatedAddress->QuadPart = BusAddress.QuadPart + Range->SystemBase; if ((TranslatedAddress->QuadPart != BusAddress.QuadPart) || (*AddressSpace != Range->SystemAddressSpace)) { /* Different than what the old HAL would do */ DPRINT1("Translation of %I64x is %I64x %s\n", BusAddress.QuadPart, TranslatedAddress->QuadPart, Range->SystemAddressSpace ? "In I/O Space" : "In RAM"); } *AddressSpace = Range->SystemAddressSpace; return TRUE; } /* Nothing found */ DPRINT1("Translation of %I64x failed!\n", BusAddress.QuadPart); return FALSE; } ULONG NTAPI HalpGetSystemInterruptVector(IN PBUS_HANDLER BusHandler, IN PBUS_HANDLER RootHandler, IN ULONG BusInterruptLevel, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, OUT PKIRQL Irql, OUT PKAFFINITY Affinity) { ULONG Vector; /* Get the root vector */ Vector = HalpGetRootInterruptVector(BusInterruptLevel, BusInterruptVector, Irql, Affinity); /* Check if the vector is owned by the HAL and fail if it is */ if (HalpIDTUsageFlags[Vector].Flags & IDT_REGISTERED) DPRINT1("Vector %lx is ALREADY IN USE!\n", Vector); return (HalpIDTUsageFlags[Vector].Flags & IDT_REGISTERED) ? 0 : Vector; } /* EOF */