/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Automatic Testing Utility * LICENSE: GNU GPLv2 or any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation * PURPOSE: Running Wine Tests automatically * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2008-2009 Colin Finck */ #include "precomp.h" /** * Runs a specific test for a specific module. * If we get results for a test, they are submitted to the Web Service. * * @param CommandLine * Command line to run (should be the path to a module's test suite together with a parameter for the specified test) * * @param hReadPipe * Handle to the Read Pipe set up in RunWineTests. * * @param StartupInfo * Pointer to the StartupInfo structure set up in RunWineTests. * * @param GetSuiteIDData * Pointer to the GetSuiteIDData structure set up in IntRunModuleTests. * * @param SubmitData * Pointer to the SubmitData structure set up in RunWineTests. * * @return * TRUE if everything went well, FALSE otherwise. */ static BOOL IntRunTest(PWSTR CommandLine, HANDLE hReadPipe, LPSTARTUPINFOW StartupInfo, PWINE_GETSUITEID_DATA GetSuiteIDData, PWINE_SUBMIT_DATA SubmitData) { BOOL BreakLoop = FALSE; DWORD BytesAvailable; DWORD LogAvailable = 0; DWORD LogLength = 0; DWORD LogPosition = 0; DWORD Temp; PCHAR Buffer; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; if(AppOptions.Submit) { /* Allocate one block for the log */ SubmitData->Log = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, BUFFER_BLOCKSIZE); LogAvailable = BUFFER_BLOCKSIZE; LogLength = BUFFER_BLOCKSIZE; } /* Allocate a buffer with the exact size of the output string. We have to output this string in one call to prevent a race condition, when another application also outputs a string over the debug line. */ Buffer = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, 27 + strlen(GetSuiteIDData->Module) + 8 + strlen(GetSuiteIDData->Test) + 2); sprintf(Buffer, "Running Wine Test, Module: %s, Test: %s\n", GetSuiteIDData->Module, GetSuiteIDData->Test); StringOut(Buffer); HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, Buffer); /* Execute the test */ if(!CreateProcessW(NULL, CommandLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { StringOut("CreateProcessW for running the test failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Receive all the data from the pipe */ do { /* When the application finished, make sure that we peek the pipe one more time, so that we get all data. If the following condition would be the while() condition, we might hit a race condition: - We check for data with PeekNamedPipe -> no data available - The application outputs its data and finishes - WaitForSingleObject reports that the application has finished and we break the loop without receiving any data */ if(WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) BreakLoop = TRUE; if(!PeekNamedPipe(hReadPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &BytesAvailable, NULL)) { StringOut("PeekNamedPipe failed for the test run\n"); return FALSE; } if(BytesAvailable) { /* There is data, so get it and output it */ Buffer = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, BytesAvailable + 1); if(!ReadFile(hReadPipe, Buffer, BytesAvailable, &Temp, NULL)) { StringOut("ReadFile failed for the test run\n"); return FALSE; } /* Output all test output through StringOut, even while the test is still running */ Buffer[BytesAvailable] = 0; StringOut(Buffer); if(AppOptions.Submit) { /* Also store it in the buffer */ if(BytesAvailable > LogAvailable) { /* Allocate enough new blocks to hold all available data */ Temp = ((BytesAvailable - LogAvailable) / BUFFER_BLOCKSIZE + 1) * BUFFER_BLOCKSIZE; LogAvailable += Temp; LogLength += Temp; SubmitData->Log = HeapReAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, SubmitData->Log, LogLength); } memcpy(&SubmitData->Log[LogPosition], Buffer, BytesAvailable); LogPosition += BytesAvailable; LogAvailable -= BytesAvailable; } HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, Buffer); } } while(!BreakLoop); /* Close the process handles */ CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); if(AppOptions.Submit) { SubmitData->Log[LogLength - LogAvailable] = 0; /* If we got any output, submit it to the web service */ if(*SubmitData->Log) { /* We don't want to waste any ID's, so only request them if we can be sure that we have results to submit. */ /* Get a Test ID if we don't have one yet */ if(!SubmitData->General.TestID) { SubmitData->General.TestID = GetTestID(WineTest); if(!SubmitData->General.TestID) return FALSE; } /* Get a Suite ID for this combination */ SubmitData->General.SuiteID = GetSuiteID(WineTest, GetSuiteIDData); if(!SubmitData->General.SuiteID) return FALSE; /* Submit the stuff */ Submit(WineTest, SubmitData); /* Cleanup */ HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, SubmitData->General.SuiteID); } /* Cleanup */ HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, SubmitData->Log); } StringOut("\n\n"); return TRUE; } /** * Runs the desired tests for a specified module. * * @param File * The file name of the module's test suite. * * @param FilePath * The full path to the file of the module's test suite. * * @param hReadPipe * Handle to the Read Pipe set up in RunWineTests. * * @param StartupInfo * Pointer to the StartupInfo structure set up in RunWineTests. * * @param SubmitData * Pointer to the SubmitData structure set up in RunWineTests. * * @return * TRUE if everything went well, FALSE otherwise. */ static BOOL IntRunModuleTests(PWSTR File, PWSTR FilePath, HANDLE hReadPipe, LPSTARTUPINFOW StartupInfo, PWINE_SUBMIT_DATA SubmitData) { DWORD BytesAvailable; DWORD Length; DWORD Temp; PCHAR Buffer; PCHAR pStart; PCHAR pEnd; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; size_t FilePosition; WINE_GETSUITEID_DATA GetSuiteIDData; /* Build the full command line */ FilePosition = wcslen(FilePath); FilePath[FilePosition++] = ' '; FilePath[FilePosition] = 0; wcscat(FilePath, L"--list"); /* Store the tested module name */ Length = wcschr(File, L'_') - File; GetSuiteIDData.Module = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, Length + 1); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, File, Length, GetSuiteIDData.Module, Length, NULL, NULL); GetSuiteIDData.Module[Length] = 0; /* Start the process for getting all available tests */ if(!CreateProcessW(NULL, FilePath, NULL, NULL, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { StringOut("CreateProcessW for getting the available tests failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Wait till this process ended */ if(WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED) { StringOut("WaitForSingleObject failed for the test list\n"); return FALSE; } /* Close the process handles */ CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); /* Read the output data into a buffer */ if(!PeekNamedPipe(hReadPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &BytesAvailable, NULL)) { StringOut("PeekNamedPipe failed for the test list\n"); return FALSE; } Buffer = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, BytesAvailable); if(!ReadFile(hReadPipe, Buffer, BytesAvailable, &Temp, NULL)) { StringOut("ReadFile failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Jump to the first available test */ pStart = strchr(Buffer, '\n'); pStart += 5; while(pStart < (Buffer + BytesAvailable)) { /* Get start and end of this test name */ pEnd = pStart; while(*pEnd != '\r') ++pEnd; /* Store the test name */ GetSuiteIDData.Test = HeapAlloc(hProcessHeap, 0, pEnd - pStart + 1); memcpy(GetSuiteIDData.Test, pStart, pEnd - pStart); GetSuiteIDData.Test[pEnd - pStart] = 0; /* If the user gave us a test to run, we check whether the module's test suite really provides this test. */ if(!AppOptions.Test || (AppOptions.Test && !strcmp(AppOptions.Test, GetSuiteIDData.Test))) { /* Build the command line for this test */ Length = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pStart, pEnd - pStart, NULL, 0); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pStart, pEnd - pStart, &FilePath[FilePosition], Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); FilePath[FilePosition + Length] = 0; if(!IntRunTest(FilePath, hReadPipe, StartupInfo, &GetSuiteIDData, SubmitData)) return FALSE; } /* Cleanup */ HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, GetSuiteIDData.Test); /* Move to the next test */ pStart = pEnd + 6; } /* Cleanup */ HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, GetSuiteIDData.Module); HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, Buffer); return TRUE; } /** * Runs the Wine tests according to the options specified by the parameters. * * @return * TRUE if everything went well, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOL RunWineTests() { GENERAL_FINISH_DATA FinishData; HANDLE hFind; HANDLE hReadPipe; HANDLE hWritePipe; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; STARTUPINFOW StartupInfo = {0}; size_t PathPosition; WCHAR FilePath[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATAW fd; WINE_SUBMIT_DATA SubmitData = { {0} }; /* Create a pipe for getting the output of the tests */ SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; if(!CreatePipe(&hReadPipe, &hWritePipe, &SecurityAttributes, 0)) { StringOut("CreatePipe failed\n"); return FALSE; } StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo); StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; StartupInfo.hStdOutput = hWritePipe; /* Build the path for finding the tests */ if(GetWindowsDirectoryW(FilePath, MAX_PATH) > MAX_PATH - 60) { StringOut("Windows directory path is too long\n"); return FALSE; } wcscat(FilePath, L"\\bin\\"); PathPosition = wcslen(FilePath); if(AppOptions.Module) { /* Find a test belonging to this module */ wcscat(FilePath, AppOptions.Module); wcscat(FilePath, L"_*.exe"); } else { /* Find all tests */ wcscat(FilePath, L"*.exe"); } hFind = FindFirstFileW(FilePath, &fd); if(hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { StringOut("FindFirstFileW failed\n"); return FALSE; } /* Run the tests */ do { /* Build the full path to the test suite */ wcscpy(&FilePath[PathPosition], fd.cFileName); /* Run it */ if(!IntRunModuleTests(fd.cFileName, FilePath, hReadPipe, &StartupInfo, &SubmitData)) return FALSE; } while(FindNextFileW(hFind, &fd)); /* Cleanup */ FindClose(hFind); if(AppOptions.Submit && SubmitData.General.TestID) { /* We're done with the tests, so close this test run */ FinishData.TestID = SubmitData.General.TestID; if(!Finish(WineTest, &FinishData)) return FALSE; /* Cleanup */ HeapFree(hProcessHeap, 0, FinishData.TestID); } CloseHandle(hReadPipe); CloseHandle(hWritePipe); return TRUE; }