/* * COPYRIGHT: GPL, see COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/base/kdgdb/kdcom.c * PURPOSE: COM port functions for the kernel debugger. */ #include "kdgdb.h" #include #include #include #include /* Serial debug connection */ #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_PORT 2 /* COM2 */ #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_COM1_IRQ 4 /* COM1 IRQ */ #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_COM2_IRQ 3 /* COM2 IRQ */ #define DEFAULT_DEBUG_BAUD_RATE 115200 /* 115200 Baud */ #define DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE 19200 #if defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_AMD64) #if defined(SARCH_PC98) const ULONG BaseArray[] = {0, 0x30, 0x238}; #else const ULONG BaseArray[] = {0, 0x3F8, 0x2F8, 0x3E8, 0x2E8}; #endif #elif defined(_M_PPC) const ULONG BaseArray[] = {0, 0x800003F8}; #elif defined(_M_MIPS) const ULONG BaseArray[] = {0, 0x80006000, 0x80007000}; #elif defined(_M_ARM) const ULONG BaseArray[] = {0, 0xF1012000}; #else #error Unknown architecture #endif #define MAX_COM_PORTS (sizeof(BaseArray) / sizeof(BaseArray[0]) - 1) /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ CPPORT KdComPort; ULONG KdComPortIrq = 0; // Not used at the moment. #ifdef KDDEBUG CPPORT KdDebugComPort; #endif /* DEBUGGING ******************************************************************/ #ifdef KDDEBUG ULONG KdpDbgPrint(const char *Format, ...) { va_list ap; int Length; char* ptr; CHAR Buffer[512]; va_start(ap, Format); Length = _vsnprintf(Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), Format, ap); va_end(ap); /* Check if we went past the buffer */ if (Length == -1) { /* Terminate it if we went over-board */ Buffer[sizeof(Buffer) - 1] = '\n'; /* Put maximum */ Length = sizeof(Buffer); } ptr = Buffer; while (Length--) { if (*ptr == '\n') CpPutByte(&KdDebugComPort, '\r'); CpPutByte(&KdDebugComPort, *ptr++); } return 0; } #endif /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ NTSTATUS NTAPI KdD0Transition(VOID) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KdD3Transition(VOID) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KdSave(IN BOOLEAN SleepTransition) { /* Nothing to do on COM ports */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KdRestore(IN BOOLEAN SleepTransition) { /* Nothing to do on COM ports */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI KdpPortInitialize(IN ULONG ComPortNumber, IN ULONG ComPortBaudRate) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = CpInitialize(&KdComPort, UlongToPtr(BaseArray[ComPortNumber]), ComPortBaudRate); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } KdComPortInUse = KdComPort.Address; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /****************************************************************************** * \name KdDebuggerInitialize0 * \brief Phase 0 initialization. * \param [opt] LoaderBlock Pointer to the Loader parameter block. Can be NULL. * \return Status */ NTSTATUS NTAPI KdDebuggerInitialize0(IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock OPTIONAL) { ULONG ComPortNumber = DEFAULT_DEBUG_PORT; ULONG ComPortBaudRate = DEFAULT_DEBUG_BAUD_RATE; PCHAR CommandLine, PortString, BaudString, IrqString; ULONG Value; /* Check if we have a LoaderBlock */ if (LoaderBlock) { /* Get the Command Line */ CommandLine = LoaderBlock->LoadOptions; /* Upcase it */ _strupr(CommandLine); /* Get the port and baud rate */ PortString = strstr(CommandLine, "DEBUGPORT"); BaudString = strstr(CommandLine, "BAUDRATE"); IrqString = strstr(CommandLine, "IRQ"); /* Check if we got the /DEBUGPORT parameter */ if (PortString) { /* Move past the actual string, to reach the port*/ PortString += strlen("DEBUGPORT"); /* Now get past any spaces and skip the equal sign */ while (*PortString == ' ') PortString++; PortString++; /* Do we have a serial port? */ if (strncmp(PortString, "COM", 3) != 0) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Check for a valid Serial Port */ PortString += 3; Value = atol(PortString); if (Value >= sizeof(BaseArray) / sizeof(BaseArray[0])) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /* Set the port to use */ ComPortNumber = Value; } /* Check if we got a baud rate */ if (BaudString) { /* Move past the actual string, to reach the rate */ BaudString += strlen("BAUDRATE"); /* Now get past any spaces */ while (*BaudString == ' ') BaudString++; /* And make sure we have a rate */ if (*BaudString) { /* Read and set it */ Value = atol(BaudString + 1); if (Value) ComPortBaudRate = Value; } } /* Check Serial Port Settings [IRQ] */ if (IrqString) { /* Move past the actual string, to reach the rate */ IrqString += strlen("IRQ"); /* Now get past any spaces */ while (*IrqString == ' ') IrqString++; /* And make sure we have an IRQ */ if (*IrqString) { /* Read and set it */ Value = atol(IrqString + 1); if (Value) KdComPortIrq = Value; } } } #ifdef KDDEBUG /* * Try to find a free COM port and use it as the KD debugging port. * NOTE: Inspired by reactos/boot/freeldr/freeldr/comm/rs232.c, Rs232PortInitialize(...) */ { /* * Start enumerating COM ports from the last one to the first one, * and break when we find a valid port. * If we reach the first element of the list, the invalid COM port, * then it means that no valid port was found. */ ULONG ComPort; for (ComPort = MAX_COM_PORTS; ComPort > 0; ComPort--) { /* Check if the port exist; skip the KD port */ if ((ComPort != ComPortNumber) && CpDoesPortExist(UlongToPtr(BaseArray[ComPort]))) break; } if (ComPort != 0) CpInitialize(&KdDebugComPort, UlongToPtr(BaseArray[ComPort]), DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE); } #endif /* Initialize the port */ return KdpPortInitialize(ComPortNumber, ComPortBaudRate); } /****************************************************************************** * \name KdDebuggerInitialize1 * \brief Phase 1 initialization. * \param [opt] LoaderBlock Pointer to the Loader parameter block. Can be NULL. * \return Status */ NTSTATUS NTAPI KdDebuggerInitialize1(IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock OPTIONAL) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID NTAPI KdpSendByte(_In_ UCHAR Byte) { /* Send the byte */ CpPutByte(&KdComPort, Byte); } KDSTATUS NTAPI KdpPollByte(OUT PUCHAR OutByte) { /* Poll the byte */ if (CpGetByte(&KdComPort, OutByte, FALSE, FALSE) == CP_GET_SUCCESS) { return KdPacketReceived; } else { return KdPacketTimedOut; } } KDSTATUS NTAPI KdpReceiveByte(_Out_ PUCHAR OutByte) { USHORT CpStatus; do { CpStatus = CpGetByte(&KdComPort, OutByte, TRUE, FALSE); } while (CpStatus == CP_GET_NODATA); /* Get the byte */ if (CpStatus == CP_GET_SUCCESS) { return KdPacketReceived; } return KdPacketTimedOut; } KDSTATUS NTAPI KdpPollBreakIn(VOID) { KDSTATUS KdStatus; UCHAR Byte; KdStatus = KdpPollByte(&Byte); if (KdStatus == KdPacketReceived) { if (Byte == 0x03) { KDDBGPRINT("BreakIn Polled.\n"); return KdPacketReceived; } else if (Byte == '$') { /* GDB tried to send a new packet. N-ack it. */ KdpSendByte('-'); } } return KdPacketTimedOut; } /* EOF */