/* * Copyright 2001 Andreas Mohr * Copyright 2005-2006 Hervé Poussineau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef __SETUPAPI_PRIVATE_H #define __SETUPAPI_PRIVATE_H #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #define _INC_WINDOWS #define COM_NO_WINDOWS_H #define COBJMACROS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NTOS_MODE_USER #include #include WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(setupapi); #ifdef __REACTOS__ #undef __WINESRC__ #endif #define SETUP_DEVICE_INFO_SET_MAGIC 0xd00ff057 #define SETUP_CLASS_IMAGE_LIST_MAGIC 0xd00ff058 #define CMP_MAGIC 0x01234567 struct DeviceInterface /* Element of DeviceInfo.InterfaceListHead */ { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Link to is parent device */ struct DeviceInfo *DeviceInfo; GUID InterfaceClassGuid; /* SPINT_ACTIVE : the interface is active/enabled * SPINT_DEFAULT: the interface is the default interface for the device class * SPINT_REMOVED: the interface is removed */ DWORD Flags; /* Contains the symbolic link of this interface, for example * \\?\ACPI#PNP0501#4&2658d0a0&0#{GUID} */ WCHAR SymbolicLink[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; /* We don't want to open the .inf file to read only one information in it, so keep a handle to it once it * has been already loaded once. Keep also a reference counter */ struct InfFileDetails { /* Handle to the .inf file */ HINF hInf; /* Reference count to this object. Once it raises 0, the .inf file is * automatically closed and this memory structure is deleted */ LONG References; /* Contains the directory name of the .inf file. * Points into szData at then end of the structure */ PCWSTR DirectoryName; /* Contains the .inf file name (without directory name). * Points into szData at then end of the structure */ PCWSTR FileName; /* Variable size array (contains data for DirectoryName and FileName) */ WCHAR szData[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; struct DriverInfoElement /* Element of DeviceInfoSet.DriverListHead and DeviceInfo.DriverListHead */ { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; SP_DRVINSTALL_PARAMS Params; ULARGE_INTEGER DriverDate; SP_DRVINFO_DATA_V2_W Info; SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA_W Details; GUID ClassGuid; LPWSTR MatchingId; struct InfFileDetails *InfFileDetails; }; struct ClassInstallParams { PSP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS PropChangeParams; PSP_ADDPROPERTYPAGE_DATA AddPropertyPageData; }; struct DeviceInfo /* Element of DeviceInfoSet.ListHead */ { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Used when dealing with CM_* functions */ DEVINST dnDevInst; /* Link to parent DeviceInfoSet */ struct DeviceInfoSet *set; /* Reserved Field of SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W structure * points to a struct DriverInfoElement */ SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W InstallParams; /* Information about devnode: * - instanceId: * "Root\*PNP0501" for example. * It doesn't contain the unique ID for the device * (points into the Data field at the end of the structure) * WARNING: no NULL char exist between instanceId and UniqueId * in Data field! * - UniqueId * "5&1be2108e&0" or "0000" * If DICD_GENERATE_ID is specified in creation flags, * this unique ID is autogenerated using 4 digits, base 10 * (points into the Data field at the end of the structure) * - DeviceDescription * String which identifies the device. Can be NULL. If not NULL, * points into the Data field at the end of the structure * - ClassGuid * Identifies the class of this device. It is GUID_NULL if the * device has not been installed * - CreationFlags * Is a combination of: * - DICD_GENERATE_ID * the unique ID needs to be generated * - DICD_INHERIT_CLASSDRVS * inherit driver of the device info set (== same pointer) */ PCWSTR instanceId; PCWSTR UniqueId; PCWSTR DeviceDescription; GUID ClassGuid; DWORD CreationFlags; /* If CreationFlags contains DICD_INHERIT_CLASSDRVS, this list is invalid */ /* If the driver is not searched/detected, this list is empty */ LIST_ENTRY DriverListHead; /* List of struct DriverInfoElement */ /* List of interfaces implemented by this device */ LIST_ENTRY InterfaceListHead; /* List of struct DeviceInterface */ /* Used by SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsW/SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW */ struct ClassInstallParams ClassInstallParams; /* Variable size array (contains data for instanceId, UniqueId, DeviceDescription) */ WCHAR Data[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; struct DeviceInfoSet /* HDEVINFO */ { DWORD magic; /* SETUP_DEVICE_INFO_SET_MAGIC */ /* If != GUID_NULL, only devices of this class can be in the device info set */ GUID ClassGuid; /* Local or distant HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key */ HKEY HKLM; /* Used when dealing with CM_* functions */ HMACHINE hMachine; /* Reserved Field points to a struct DriverInfoElement */ SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W InstallParams; /* List of struct DriverInfoElement (if no driver has been * searched/detected, this list is empty) */ LIST_ENTRY DriverListHead; /* List of struct DeviceInfo */ LIST_ENTRY ListHead; struct DeviceInfo *SelectedDevice; /* Used by SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsW/SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW */ struct ClassInstallParams ClassInstallParams; /* Contains the name of the remote computer ('\\COMPUTERNAME' for example), * or NULL if related to local machine. Points into szData field at the * end of the structure */ PCWSTR MachineName; /* Variable size array (contains data for MachineName) */ WCHAR szData[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; }; struct ClassImageList { DWORD magic; /* SETUP_CLASS_IMAGE_LIST_MAGIC */ /* Number of GUIDs contained in Guids and IconIndexes arrays */ DWORD NumberOfGuids; /* Array of GUIDs associated to icons of the image list. Its size * is NumberOfGuids and is pointing after the end this structure */ GUID* Guids; /* Array of corresponding icons index in the image list. Its size * is NumberOfGuids and is pointing after the end this structure */ INT* IconIndexes; }; struct FileLog /* HSPFILELOG */ { DWORD ReadOnly; DWORD SystemLog; LPWSTR LogName; }; extern HINSTANCE hInstance; #define RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE 256 #define REG_INSTALLEDFILES "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\InstalledFiles" #define REGPART_RENAME "\\Rename" #define REG_VERSIONCONFLICT "Software\\Microsoft\\VersionConflictManager" inline static WCHAR *strdupAtoW( const char *str ) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; if (str) { DWORD len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0 ); if ((ret = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, ret, len ); } return ret; } /* string substitutions */ struct inf_file; extern const WCHAR *DIRID_get_string( int dirid ); extern unsigned int PARSER_string_substA( const struct inf_file *file, const WCHAR *text, char *buffer, unsigned int size ); extern unsigned int PARSER_string_substW( const struct inf_file *file, const WCHAR *text, WCHAR *buffer, unsigned int size ); extern const WCHAR *PARSER_get_inf_filename( HINF hinf ); extern WCHAR *PARSER_get_src_root( HINF hinf ); extern WCHAR *PARSER_get_dest_dir( INFCONTEXT *context ); /* support for Ascii queue callback functions */ struct callback_WtoA_context { void *orig_context; PSP_FILE_CALLBACK_A orig_handler; }; UINT CALLBACK QUEUE_callback_WtoA( void *context, UINT notification, UINT_PTR, UINT_PTR ); /* from msvcrt/sys/stat.h */ #define _S_IWRITE 0x0080 #define _S_IREAD 0x0100 extern HINSTANCE hInstance; extern OSVERSIONINFOW OsVersionInfo; /* devinst.c */ BOOL CreateDeviceInfo( IN struct DeviceInfoSet *list, IN LPCWSTR InstancePath, IN LPCGUID pClassGuid, OUT struct DeviceInfo **pDeviceInfo); LONG SETUP_CreateDevicesList( IN OUT struct DeviceInfoSet *list, IN PCWSTR MachineName OPTIONAL, IN CONST GUID *Class OPTIONAL, IN PCWSTR Enumerator OPTIONAL); /* driver.c */ struct InfFileDetails * CreateInfFileDetails( IN LPCWSTR FullInfFileName); VOID DereferenceInfFile(struct InfFileDetails* infFile); BOOL DestroyDriverInfoElement(struct DriverInfoElement* driverInfo); /* install.c */ BOOL GetStringField( PINFCONTEXT context, DWORD index, PWSTR *value); /* interface.c */ BOOL DestroyDeviceInterface( struct DeviceInterface* deviceInterface); LONG SETUP_CreateInterfaceList( struct DeviceInfoSet *list, PCWSTR MachineName, CONST GUID *InterfaceGuid, PCWSTR DeviceInstanceW /* OPTIONAL */, BOOL OnlyPresentInterfaces); /* misc.c */ DWORD GetFunctionPointer( IN PWSTR InstallerName, OUT HMODULE* ModulePointer, OUT PVOID* FunctionPointer); DWORD FreeFunctionPointer( IN HMODULE ModulePointer, IN PVOID FunctionPointer); DWORD WINAPI pSetupStringFromGuid(LPGUID lpGUID, PWSTR pString, DWORD dwStringLen); DWORD WINAPI CaptureAndConvertAnsiArg(LPCSTR pSrc, LPWSTR *pDst); VOID WINAPI MyFree(LPVOID lpMem); LPVOID WINAPI MyMalloc(DWORD dwSize); LPVOID WINAPI MyRealloc(LPVOID lpSrc, DWORD dwSize); LPWSTR WINAPI DuplicateString(LPCWSTR lpSrc); BOOL WINAPI IsUserAdmin(VOID); LPWSTR WINAPI MultiByteToUnicode(LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, UINT uCodePage); LPSTR WINAPI UnicodeToMultiByte(LPCWSTR lpUnicodeStr, UINT uCodePage); /* parser.c */ typedef BOOL (*FIND_CALLBACK)(LPCWSTR SectionName, PVOID Context); BOOL EnumerateSectionsStartingWith(HINF hInf, LPCWSTR pStr, FIND_CALLBACK Callback, PVOID Context); #endif /* __SETUPAPI_PRIVATE_H */