/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS Win32k subsystem * PURPOSE: Focus functions * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/ntuser/focus.c * PROGRAMER: ReactOS Team */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserFocus); PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE gpqForeground = NULL; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE gpqForegroundPrev = NULL; PTHREADINFO gptiForeground = NULL; PPROCESSINFO gppiLockSFW = NULL; ULONG guSFWLockCount = 0; // Rule #8, No menus are active. So should be zero. PTHREADINFO ptiLastInput = NULL; /* Check locking of a process or one or more menus are active. */ BOOL FASTCALL IsFGLocked(VOID) { return (gppiLockSFW || guSFWLockCount); } HWND FASTCALL IntGetCaptureWindow(VOID) { PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ForegroundQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); return ( ForegroundQueue ? (ForegroundQueue->spwndCapture ? UserHMGetHandle(ForegroundQueue->spwndCapture) : 0) : 0); } HWND FASTCALL IntGetThreadFocusWindow(VOID) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; if (!ThreadQueue) return NULL; return ThreadQueue->spwndFocus ? UserHMGetHandle(ThreadQueue->spwndFocus) : 0; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntSendDeactivateMessages(HWND hWndPrev, HWND hWnd) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY RefPrev; PWND WndPrev; BOOL Ret = TRUE; if (hWndPrev && (WndPrev = ValidateHwndNoErr(hWndPrev))) { UserRefObjectCo(WndPrev, &RefPrev); if (co_IntSendMessageNoWait(hWndPrev, WM_NCACTIVATE, FALSE, 0)) //(LPARAM)hWnd)) { co_IntSendMessageNoWait(hWndPrev, WM_ACTIVATE, MAKEWPARAM(WA_INACTIVE, WndPrev->style & WS_MINIMIZE), (LPARAM)hWnd); if (WndPrev) WndPrev->state &= ~WNDS_ACTIVEFRAME; } else { ERR("Application is keeping itself Active to prevent the change!\n"); Ret = FALSE; } UserDerefObjectCo(WndPrev); } return Ret; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntMakeWindowActive(PWND Window) { PWND spwndOwner; if (VerifyWnd(Window)) { // Set last active for window and it's owner. spwndOwner = Window; while (spwndOwner->spwndOwner) { spwndOwner = spwndOwner->spwndOwner; } spwndOwner->spwndLastActive = Window; return TRUE; } ERR("MakeWindowActive Failed!\n"); return FALSE; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntSendActivateMessages(PWND WindowPrev, PWND Window, BOOL MouseActivate, BOOL Async) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref, RefPrev; HANDLE OldTID, NewTID; PTHREADINFO pti, ptiOld, ptiNew; BOOL InAAPM = FALSE; //ERR("SendActivateMessages\n"); pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (Window) { UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); if (WindowPrev) UserRefObjectCo(WindowPrev, &RefPrev); /* Send palette messages */ if (gpsi->PUSIFlags & PUSIF_PALETTEDISPLAY && //co_IntPostOrSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(Window), WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0)) co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(Window), WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, 0, 0)) { UserSendNotifyMessage( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_PALETTEISCHANGING, (WPARAM)UserHMGetHandle(Window), 0); } //// Fixes CORE-6434. if (!(Window->style & WS_CHILD)) { PWND pwndTemp = co_GetDesktopWindow(Window)->spwndChild; while (pwndTemp && !(pwndTemp->style & WS_VISIBLE)) pwndTemp = pwndTemp->spwndNext; if (Window != pwndTemp || (WindowPrev && !IntIsWindowVisible(WindowPrev))) { if (!Async || pti->MessageQueue == gpqForeground) { UINT flags = SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE; if (Window == pwndTemp) flags |= SWP_NOACTIVATE; //ERR("co_IntSendActivateMessages SetWindowPos! Async %d pti Q == FGQ %d\n",Async,pti->MessageQueue == gpqForeground); co_WinPosSetWindowPos(Window, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags); } } } //// //// CORE-1161 and CORE-6651 if (Window->spwndPrev) { HWND *phwndTopLevel, *phwndCurrent; PWND pwndCurrent, pwndDesktop; pwndDesktop = UserGetDesktopWindow(); if (Window->spwndParent == pwndDesktop ) { phwndTopLevel = IntWinListChildren(pwndDesktop); phwndCurrent = phwndTopLevel; while(*phwndCurrent) { pwndCurrent = UserGetWindowObject(*phwndCurrent); if (pwndCurrent && pwndCurrent->spwndOwner == Window ) { co_WinPosSetWindowPos(pwndCurrent, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOACTIVATE); } phwndCurrent++; } ExFreePool(phwndTopLevel); } } } //// OldTID = WindowPrev ? IntGetWndThreadId(WindowPrev) : NULL; NewTID = Window ? IntGetWndThreadId(Window) : NULL; ptiOld = WindowPrev ? WindowPrev->head.pti : NULL; ptiNew = Window ? Window->head.pti : NULL; //ERR("SendActivateMessage Old -> %x, New -> %x\n", OldTID, NewTID); if (!(pti->TIF_flags & TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG) && (!WindowPrev || OldTID != NewTID) ) { PWND cWindow; HWND *List, *phWnd; List = IntWinListChildren(UserGetDesktopWindow()); if ( List ) { if ( OldTID ) { ptiOld->TIF_flags |= TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; // Note: Do not set pci flags, this does crash! for (phWnd = List; *phWnd; ++phWnd) { cWindow = ValidateHwndNoErr(*phWnd); if (cWindow && cWindow->head.pti == ptiOld) { // FALSE if the window is being deactivated, // ThreadId that owns the window being activated. //ERR("SendActivateMessage Old\n"); co_IntSendMessageNoWait(*phWnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, FALSE, (LPARAM)NewTID); } } ptiOld->TIF_flags &= ~TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; } if ( NewTID ) { //// Prevents a resource crash due to reentrance! InAAPM = TRUE; pti->TIF_flags |= TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; //// for (phWnd = List; *phWnd; ++phWnd) { cWindow = ValidateHwndNoErr(*phWnd); if (cWindow && cWindow->head.pti == ptiNew) { // TRUE if the window is being activated, // ThreadId that owns the window being deactivated. //ERR("SendActivateMessage New\n"); co_IntSendMessageNoWait(*phWnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, TRUE, (LPARAM)OldTID); } } } ExFreePoolWithTag(List, USERTAG_WINDOWLIST); } } if (Window) { if (WindowPrev) UserDerefObjectCo(WindowPrev); // Now allow the previous window to die. if (Window->state & WNDS_ACTIVEFRAME) { // If already active frame do not allow NCPaint. //ERR("SendActivateMessage Is Active Frame!\n"); Window->state |= WNDS_NONCPAINT; } if (Window->style & WS_MINIMIZE) { TRACE("Widow was minimized\n"); } co_IntMakeWindowActive(Window); co_IntSendMessageNoWait( UserHMGetHandle(Window), WM_NCACTIVATE, (WPARAM)(Window == (gpqForeground ? gpqForeground->spwndActive : NULL)), 0); //(LPARAM)hWndPrev); co_IntSendMessageNoWait( UserHMGetHandle(Window), WM_ACTIVATE, MAKEWPARAM(MouseActivate ? WA_CLICKACTIVE : WA_ACTIVE, Window->style & WS_MINIMIZE), (LPARAM)(WindowPrev ? UserHMGetHandle(WindowPrev) : 0)); if (Window->spwndParent == UserGetDesktopWindow() && Window->spwndOwner == NULL && (!(Window->ExStyle & WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) || (Window->ExStyle & WS_EX_APPWINDOW))) { // FIXME lParam; The value is TRUE if the window is in full-screen mode, or FALSE otherwise. co_IntShellHookNotify(HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED, (WPARAM) UserHMGetHandle(Window), FALSE); } else { co_IntShellHookNotify(HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED, 0, FALSE); } Window->state &= ~WNDS_NONCPAINT; UserDerefObjectCo(Window); } OldTID = WindowPrev ? IntGetWndThreadId(WindowPrev) : NULL; NewTID = Window ? IntGetWndThreadId(Window) : NULL; ptiOld = WindowPrev ? WindowPrev->head.pti : NULL; ptiNew = Window ? Window->head.pti : NULL; //ERR("SendActivateMessage WindowPrev -> %x, Old -> %x, New -> %x\n", WindowPrev, OldTID, NewTID); if (!(pti->TIF_flags & TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG) && (OldTID != NewTID) ) { PWND cWindow; HWND *List, *phWnd; List = IntWinListChildren(UserGetDesktopWindow()); if ( List ) { if ( OldTID ) { ptiOld->TIF_flags |= TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; // Note: Do not set pci flags, this does crash! for (phWnd = List; *phWnd; ++phWnd) { cWindow = ValidateHwndNoErr(*phWnd); if (cWindow && cWindow->head.pti == ptiOld) { // FALSE if the window is being deactivated, // ThreadId that owns the window being activated. co_IntSendMessageNoWait(*phWnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, FALSE, (LPARAM)NewTID); } } ptiOld->TIF_flags &= ~TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; } if ( NewTID ) { //// Prevents a resource crash due to reentrance! InAAPM = TRUE; pti->TIF_flags |= TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; //// for (phWnd = List; *phWnd; ++phWnd) { cWindow = ValidateHwndNoErr(*phWnd); if (cWindow && cWindow->head.pti == ptiNew) { // TRUE if the window is being activated, // ThreadId that owns the window being deactivated. co_IntSendMessageNoWait(*phWnd, WM_ACTIVATEAPP, TRUE, (LPARAM)OldTID); } } } ExFreePoolWithTag(List, USERTAG_WINDOWLIST); } } return InAAPM; } VOID FASTCALL IntSendFocusMessages( PTHREADINFO pti, PWND pWnd) { PWND pWndPrev; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; // Queue can change... ThreadQueue->QF_flags &= ~QF_FOCUSNULLSINCEACTIVE; if (!pWnd && ThreadQueue->spwndActive) { ThreadQueue->QF_flags |= QF_FOCUSNULLSINCEACTIVE; } pWndPrev = ThreadQueue->spwndFocus; /* check if the specified window can be set in the input data of a given queue */ if (!pWnd || ThreadQueue == pWnd->head.pti->MessageQueue) /* set the current thread focus window */ ThreadQueue->spwndFocus = pWnd; if (pWnd) { if (pWndPrev) { //co_IntPostOrSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWndPrev), WM_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM)UserHMGetHandle(pWnd), 0); co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWndPrev), WM_KILLFOCUS, (WPARAM)UserHMGetHandle(pWnd), 0); } if (ThreadQueue->spwndFocus == pWnd) { IntNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, pWnd, OBJID_CLIENT, CHILDID_SELF, 0); //co_IntPostOrSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWnd), WM_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)(pWndPrev ? UserHMGetHandle(pWndPrev) : NULL), 0); co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWnd), WM_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)(pWndPrev ? UserHMGetHandle(pWndPrev) : NULL), 0); } } else { if (pWndPrev) { IntNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, NULL, OBJID_CLIENT, CHILDID_SELF, 0); //co_IntPostOrSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWndPrev), WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0); co_IntSendMessage(UserHMGetHandle(pWndPrev), WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0); } } } VOID FASTCALL FindRemoveAsyncMsg(PWND Wnd, WPARAM wParam) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_SENT_MESSAGE Message; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; if (!Wnd) return; pti = Wnd->head.pti; Entry = pti->SentMessagesListHead.Flink; while (Entry != &pti->SentMessagesListHead) { // Scan sent queue messages to see if we received async messages. Message = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, USER_SENT_MESSAGE, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (Message->Msg.message == WM_ASYNC_SETACTIVEWINDOW && Message->Msg.hwnd == UserHMGetHandle(Wnd) && Message->Msg.wParam == wParam) { ERR("ASYNC SAW: Found one in the Sent Msg Queue! %p Activate/Deactivate %d\n", Message->Msg.hwnd, !!wParam); RemoveEntryList(&Message->ListEntry); // Purge the entry. ClearMsgBitsMask(pti, Message->QS_Flags); ExFreePoolWithTag(Message, TAG_USRMSG); } } } BOOL FASTCALL ToggleFGActivate(PTHREADINFO pti) { BOOL Ret; PPROCESSINFO ppi = pti->ppi; Ret = !!(pti->TIF_flags & TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE); if (Ret) { pti->TIF_flags &= ~TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE; } else Ret = !!(ppi->W32PF_flags & W32PF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE); if (Ret) ppi->W32PF_flags &= ~W32PF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE; //ERR("ToggleFGActivate is %d\n",Ret); return Ret; } BOOL FASTCALL IsAllowedFGActive(PTHREADINFO pti, PWND Wnd) { // Not allowed if one or more,, if (!ToggleFGActivate(pti) || // bits not set, pti->rpdesk != gpdeskInputDesktop || // not current Desktop, pti->MessageQueue == gpqForeground || // if already the queue foreground, IsFGLocked() || // foreground is locked, Wnd->ExStyle & WS_EX_NOACTIVATE ) // or,,, does not become the foreground window when the user clicks it. { return FALSE; } //ERR("IsAllowedFGActive is TRUE\n"); return TRUE; } /* Can the system force foreground from one or more conditions. */ BOOL FASTCALL CanForceFG(PPROCESSINFO ppi) { if (!ptiLastInput || ptiLastInput->ppi == ppi || !gptiForeground || gptiForeground->ppi == ppi || ppi->W32PF_flags & (W32PF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE | W32PF_SETFOREGROUNDALLOWED) || gppiInputProvider == ppi || !gpqForeground ) return TRUE; //ERR("CanForceFG is FALSE\n"); return FALSE; } /* MSDN: The system restricts which processes can set the foreground window. A process can set the foreground window only if one of the following conditions is true: * The process is the foreground process. * The process was started by the foreground process. * The process received the last input event. * There is no foreground process. * The foreground process is being debugged. * The foreground is not locked (see LockSetForegroundWindow). * The foreground lock time-out has expired (see SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT in SystemParametersInfo). * No menus are active. */ static BOOL FASTCALL co_IntSetForegroundAndFocusWindow( _In_ PWND Wnd, _In_ BOOL MouseActivate) { HWND hWnd = Wnd ? UserHMGetHandle(Wnd) : NULL; HWND hWndPrev = NULL; PWND pWndPrev = NULL; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE PrevForegroundQueue; PTHREADINFO pti; BOOL fgRet = FALSE, Ret = FALSE; if (Wnd) ASSERT_REFS_CO(Wnd); //ERR("SetForegroundAndFocusWindow(%x, %s)\n", hWnd, (MouseActivate ? "TRUE" : "FALSE")); PrevForegroundQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); // Use this active desktop. pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (PrevForegroundQueue) { // Same Window Q as foreground just do active. if (Wnd && Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue == PrevForegroundQueue) { //ERR("Same Window Q as foreground just do active.\n"); if (pti->MessageQueue == PrevForegroundQueue) { // Same WQ and TQ go active. //ERR("Same WQ and TQ go active.\n"); Ret = co_IntSetActiveWindow(Wnd, MouseActivate, TRUE, FALSE); } else if (Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue->spwndActive == Wnd) { // Same WQ and it is active. //ERR("Same WQ and it is active.\n"); Ret = TRUE; } else { // Same WQ as FG but not the same TQ send active. //ERR("Same WQ as FG but not the same TQ send active.\n"); co_IntSendMessage(hWnd, WM_ASYNC_SETACTIVEWINDOW, (WPARAM)Wnd, (LPARAM)MouseActivate ); Ret = TRUE; } return Ret; } hWndPrev = PrevForegroundQueue->spwndActive ? UserHMGetHandle(PrevForegroundQueue->spwndActive) : 0; pWndPrev = PrevForegroundQueue->spwndActive; } if ( (( !IsFGLocked() || pti->ppi == gppiInputProvider ) && ( CanForceFG(pti->ppi) || pti->TIF_flags & (TIF_SYSTEMTHREAD|TIF_CSRSSTHREAD|TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE) )) || pti->ppi == ppiScrnSaver ) { //ToggleFGActivate(pti); // win.c line 2662 fail if (Wnd) { IntSetFocusMessageQueue(Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue); gptiForeground = Wnd->head.pti; //ERR("Set Foreground pti 0x%p Q 0x%p hWnd 0x%p\n",Wnd->head.pti, Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue,Wnd->head.h); } else { IntSetFocusMessageQueue(NULL); gptiForeground = NULL; //ERR("Set Foreground pti 0x0 Q 0x0 hWnd 0x0\n"); } /* Henri Verbeet, What happens is that we get the WM_WINE_SETACTIVEWINDOW message sent by the other thread after we already changed the foreground window back to our own window. */ //ERR("SFAFW: 1\n"); FindRemoveAsyncMsg(Wnd, 0); // Do this to fix test_SFW todos! fgRet = TRUE; } // Fix FG Bounce with regedit. if (hWndPrev != hWnd ) { if (PrevForegroundQueue && fgRet && PrevForegroundQueue->spwndActive) { //ERR("SFGW: Send NULL to 0x%x\n",hWndPrev); if (pti->MessageQueue == PrevForegroundQueue) { //ERR("SFGW: TI same as Prev TI\n"); co_IntSetActiveWindow(NULL, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } else if (pWndPrev) { //ERR("SFGW Deactivate: TI not same as Prev TI\n"); // No real reason to wait here. co_IntSendMessageNoWait(hWndPrev, WM_ASYNC_SETACTIVEWINDOW, 0, 0 ); } } } if (!Wnd) return FALSE; // Always return false. if (pti->MessageQueue == Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue) { //ERR("Same PQ and WQ go active.\n"); Ret = co_IntSetActiveWindow(Wnd, MouseActivate, TRUE, FALSE); } else if (Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue->spwndActive == Wnd) { //ERR("Same Active and Wnd.\n"); Ret = TRUE; } else { //ERR("Activate Not same PQ and WQ and Wnd.\n"); co_IntSendMessageNoWait(hWnd, WM_ASYNC_SETACTIVEWINDOW, (WPARAM)Wnd, (LPARAM)MouseActivate ); Ret = TRUE; } return Ret && fgRet; } /* Revision 7888, activate modal dialog when clicking on a disabled window. */ HWND FASTCALL IntFindChildWindowToOwner(PWND Root, PWND Owner) { HWND Ret; PWND Child, OwnerWnd; for(Child = Root->spwndChild; Child; Child = Child->spwndNext) { OwnerWnd = Child->spwndOwner; if(!OwnerWnd) continue; if(OwnerWnd == Owner) { Ret = Child->head.h; return Ret; } } return NULL; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntMouseActivateWindow(PWND Wnd) { HWND Top; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; ASSERT_REFS_CO(Wnd); if (Wnd->style & WS_DISABLED) { BOOL Ret; PWND TopWnd; PWND DesktopWindow = UserGetDesktopWindow(); if (DesktopWindow) { ERR("Window Diabled\n"); Top = IntFindChildWindowToOwner(DesktopWindow, Wnd); if ((TopWnd = ValidateHwndNoErr(Top))) { UserRefObjectCo(TopWnd, &Ref); Ret = co_IntMouseActivateWindow(TopWnd); UserDerefObjectCo(TopWnd); return Ret; } } return FALSE; } ERR("Mouse Active\n"); co_IntSetForegroundAndFocusWindow(Wnd, TRUE); return TRUE; } BOOL FASTCALL co_IntSetActiveWindow(PWND Wnd OPTIONAL, BOOL bMouse, BOOL bFocus, BOOL Async) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; PWND pWndChg, WndPrev; // State changes. HWND hWndPrev; HWND hWnd = 0; BOOL InAAPM; CBTACTIVATESTRUCT cbt; //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 1\n"); if (Wnd) { ASSERT_REFS_CO(Wnd); hWnd = UserHMGetHandle(Wnd); if ((Wnd->style & (WS_POPUP|WS_CHILD)) == WS_CHILD) return FALSE; if (Wnd == UserGetDesktopWindow()) return FALSE; //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 1a hWnd 0x%p\n",hWnd); } //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 2\n"); pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; ASSERT(ThreadQueue != 0); hWndPrev = ThreadQueue->spwndActive ? UserHMGetHandle(ThreadQueue->spwndActive) : NULL; pWndChg = ThreadQueue->spwndActive; // Keep to notify of a preemptive switch. while (Wnd) { BOOL Ret, DoFG, AllowFG; if (Wnd->state & WNDS_BEINGACTIVATED) return TRUE; if (ThreadQueue == Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue) { if (IsAllowedFGActive(pti, Wnd)) { DoFG = TRUE; } else { //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 3 Go Out!\n"); break; } AllowFG = !pti->cVisWindows; // Nothing is visable. //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 3a DoFG = %d AllowFG = %d\n",DoFG,AllowFG); } else //if (ThreadQueue != Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue) { //PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ForegroundQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); // Rule 1 & 4, We are foreground so set this FG window or NULL foreground.... //if (!ForegroundQueue || ForegroundQueue == ThreadQueue) if (!gpqForeground || gpqForeground == ThreadQueue) { DoFG = TRUE; } else DoFG = FALSE; if (DoFG) { if (pti->TIF_flags & TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE || pti->cVisWindows) AllowFG = TRUE; else AllowFG = FALSE; } else AllowFG = FALSE; //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 3b DoFG = %d AllowFG = %d\n",DoFG,AllowFG); } Ret = FALSE; if (DoFG) { pti->TIF_flags |= TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE; //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow 3c FG set\n"); Ret = co_IntSetForegroundAndFocusWindow(Wnd, bMouse); if (AllowFG) { pti->TIF_flags |= TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE; } else { pti->TIF_flags &= ~TIF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE; } } return Ret; } /* Call CBT hook chain */ cbt.fMouse = bMouse; cbt.hWndActive = hWndPrev; if (co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CBT, HCBT_ACTIVATE, (WPARAM)hWnd, (LPARAM)&cbt)) { ERR("SetActiveWindow: WH_CBT Call Hook return!\n"); return FALSE; } if ( ThreadQueue->spwndActive && ThreadQueue->spwndActive->state & WNDS_DESTROYED ) ThreadQueue->spwndActive = NULL; else ThreadQueue->spwndActivePrev = ThreadQueue->spwndActive; WndPrev = ThreadQueue->spwndActive; // Keep to save changing active. if (WndPrev) { if (ThreadQueue == gpqForeground) gpqForegroundPrev = ThreadQueue; if (!co_IntSendDeactivateMessages(UserHMGetHandle(WndPrev), hWnd)) return FALSE; } WndPrev = ThreadQueue->spwndActive; // Again keep to save changing active. // While in calling message proc or hook: // Fail if a preemptive switch was made, current active not made previous, // focus window is dead or no longer the same thread queue. if ( ThreadQueue->spwndActivePrev != ThreadQueue->spwndActive || pWndChg != WndPrev || (Wnd && !VerifyWnd(Wnd)) || ThreadQueue != pti->MessageQueue ) { ERR("SetActiveWindow: Summery ERROR, active state changed!\n"); return FALSE; } if (!WndPrev) ThreadQueue->QF_flags &= ~QF_FOCUSNULLSINCEACTIVE; if (Wnd) Wnd->state |= WNDS_BEINGACTIVATED; IntNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, Wnd, OBJID_WINDOW, CHILDID_SELF, WEF_SETBYWNDPTI); //// Breaks Atl-Esc/Tab via User32. ////FindRemoveAsyncMsg(Wnd,(WPARAM)Wnd); // Clear out activate ASYNC messages. /* check if the specified window can be set in the input data of a given queue */ if ( !Wnd || ThreadQueue == Wnd->head.pti->MessageQueue) { /* set the current thread active window */ ThreadQueue->spwndActive = Wnd; } WndPrev = VerifyWnd(ThreadQueue->spwndActivePrev); // Now should be set but verify it again. InAAPM = co_IntSendActivateMessages(WndPrev, Wnd, bMouse, Async); /* now change focus if necessary */ //// Fixes CORE-6452 allows setting focus on window. if (bFocus && !(ThreadQueue->QF_flags & QF_FOCUSNULLSINCEACTIVE)) { /* Do not change focus if the window is no longer active */ if (pti->MessageQueue->spwndActive != IntGetNonChildAncestor(pti->MessageQueue->spwndFocus)) { PWND pWndSend = pti->MessageQueue->spwndActive; // Clear focus if the active window is minimized. if (pWndSend && pti->MessageQueue->spwndActive->style & WS_MINIMIZE) pWndSend = NULL; // Send focus messages and if so, set the focus. IntSendFocusMessages( pti, pWndSend); } } //// if (InAAPM) { pti->TIF_flags &= ~TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG; } // FIXME: Used in the menu loop!!! //ThreadQueue->QF_flags |= QF_ACTIVATIONCHANGE; //ERR("co_IntSetActiveWindow Exit\n"); if (Wnd) Wnd->state &= ~WNDS_BEINGACTIVATED; return (ThreadQueue->spwndActive == Wnd); } BOOL FASTCALL UserSetActiveWindow(PWND Wnd) { if (Wnd) // Must have a window! { if ((Wnd->style & (WS_POPUP|WS_CHILD)) == WS_CHILD) return FALSE; return co_IntSetActiveWindow(Wnd, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } /* Yes your eye are not deceiving you~! First part of wines Win.c test_SetActiveWindow: flush_events( TRUE ); ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE); SetFocus(0); SetActiveWindow(0); check_wnd_state(0, 0, 0, 0); <-- This should pass if ShowWindow does it's job!!! As of 10/28/2012 it does! */ return FALSE; } HWND FASTCALL co_UserSetFocus(PWND Window) { HWND hWndPrev = 0; PWND pwndTop; PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; if (Window) ASSERT_REFS_CO(Window); pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; ASSERT(ThreadQueue != 0); TRACE("Enter SetFocus hWnd 0x%p pti 0x%p\n",Window ? UserHMGetHandle(Window) : 0, pti ); hWndPrev = ThreadQueue->spwndFocus ? UserHMGetHandle(ThreadQueue->spwndFocus) : 0; if (Window != 0) { if (hWndPrev == UserHMGetHandle(Window)) { return hWndPrev ? (IntIsWindow(hWndPrev) ? hWndPrev : 0) : 0; /* Nothing to do */ } if (Window->head.pti->MessageQueue != ThreadQueue) { ERR("SetFocus Must have the same Q!\n"); return 0; } /* Check if we can set the focus to this window */ //// Fixes wine win test_SetParent both "todo" line 3710 and 3720... for (pwndTop = Window; pwndTop; pwndTop = pwndTop->spwndParent) { if (pwndTop->style & (WS_MINIMIZED|WS_DISABLED)) return 0; if ((pwndTop->style & (WS_POPUP|WS_CHILD)) != WS_CHILD) break; } //// if (co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CBT, HCBT_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)Window->head.h, (LPARAM)hWndPrev)) { ERR("SetFocus 1 WH_CBT Call Hook return!\n"); return 0; } /* Activate pwndTop if needed. */ if (pwndTop != ThreadQueue->spwndActive) { PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ForegroundQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); // Keep it based on desktop. if (ThreadQueue != ForegroundQueue && IsAllowedFGActive(pti, pwndTop)) // Rule 2 & 3. { //ERR("SetFocus: Set Foreground!\n"); if (!(pwndTop->style & WS_VISIBLE)) { pti->ppi->W32PF_flags |= W32PF_ALLOWFOREGROUNDACTIVATE; } if (!co_IntSetForegroundAndFocusWindow(pwndTop, FALSE)) { ERR("SetFocus: Set Foreground and Focus Failed!\n"); return 0; } } /* Set Active when it is needed. */ if (pwndTop != ThreadQueue->spwndActive) { //ERR("SetFocus: Set Active!\n"); if (!co_IntSetActiveWindow(pwndTop, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE)) { ERR("SetFocus: Set Active Failed!\n"); return 0; } } /* Abort if window destroyed */ if (Window->state2 & WNDS2_INDESTROY) return 0; /* Do not change focus if the window is no longer active */ if (pwndTop != ThreadQueue->spwndActive) { ERR("SetFocus: Top window did not go active!\n"); return 0; } } // Check again! SetActiveWindow could have set the focus via WM_ACTIVATE. hWndPrev = ThreadQueue->spwndFocus ? UserHMGetHandle(ThreadQueue->spwndFocus) : 0; IntSendFocusMessages( pti, Window); TRACE("Focus: %p -> %p\n", hWndPrev, Window->head.h); } else /* NULL hwnd passed in */ { if (co_HOOK_CallHooks( WH_CBT, HCBT_SETFOCUS, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)hWndPrev)) { ERR("SetFocus: 2 WH_CBT Call Hook return!\n"); return 0; } /* set the current thread focus window null */ IntSendFocusMessages( pti, NULL); } return hWndPrev ? (IntIsWindow(hWndPrev) ? hWndPrev : 0) : 0; } HWND FASTCALL UserGetForegroundWindow(VOID) { PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ForegroundQueue; ForegroundQueue = IntGetFocusMessageQueue(); return( ForegroundQueue ? (ForegroundQueue->spwndActive ? UserHMGetHandle(ForegroundQueue->spwndActive) : 0) : 0); } HWND FASTCALL UserGetActiveWindow(VOID) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; return( ThreadQueue ? (ThreadQueue->spwndActive ? UserHMGetHandle(ThreadQueue->spwndActive) : 0) : 0); } HWND APIENTRY IntGetCapture(VOID) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; DECLARE_RETURN(HWND); TRACE("Enter IntGetCapture\n"); pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; RETURN( ThreadQueue ? (ThreadQueue->spwndCapture ? UserHMGetHandle(ThreadQueue->spwndCapture) : 0) : 0); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave IntGetCapture, ret=%p\n", _ret_); END_CLEANUP; } HWND FASTCALL co_UserSetCapture(HWND hWnd) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; PWND pWnd, Window = NULL; HWND hWndPrev; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; if (ThreadQueue->QF_flags & QF_CAPTURELOCKED) return NULL; if (hWnd && (Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { if (Window->head.pti->MessageQueue != ThreadQueue) { return NULL; } } hWndPrev = MsqSetStateWindow(pti, MSQ_STATE_CAPTURE, hWnd); if (hWndPrev) { pWnd = UserGetWindowObject(hWndPrev); if (pWnd) IntNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTUREEND, pWnd, OBJID_WINDOW, CHILDID_SELF, WEF_SETBYWNDPTI); } if (Window) IntNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_CAPTURESTART, Window, OBJID_WINDOW, CHILDID_SELF, WEF_SETBYWNDPTI); if (hWndPrev && hWndPrev != hWnd) { if (ThreadQueue->MenuOwner && Window) ThreadQueue->QF_flags |= QF_CAPTURELOCKED; //co_IntPostOrSendMessage(hWndPrev, WM_CAPTURECHANGED, 0, (LPARAM)hWnd); co_IntSendMessage(hWndPrev, WM_CAPTURECHANGED, 0, (LPARAM)hWnd); ThreadQueue->QF_flags &= ~QF_CAPTURELOCKED; } ThreadQueue->spwndCapture = Window; if (hWnd == NULL) // Release mode. { MOUSEINPUT mi; /// These are HACKS! /* Also remove other windows if not capturing anymore */ MsqSetStateWindow(pti, MSQ_STATE_MENUOWNER, NULL); MsqSetStateWindow(pti, MSQ_STATE_MOVESIZE, NULL); /// /* Somebody may have missed some mouse movements */ mi.dx = 0; mi.dy = 0; mi.mouseData = 0; mi.dwFlags = MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE; mi.time = 0; mi.dwExtraInfo = 0; UserSendMouseInput(&mi, FALSE); } return hWndPrev; } /* API Call */ BOOL FASTCALL IntReleaseCapture(VOID) { PTHREADINFO pti; PUSER_MESSAGE_QUEUE ThreadQueue; pti = PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); ThreadQueue = pti->MessageQueue; // Can not release inside WM_CAPTURECHANGED!! if (ThreadQueue->QF_flags & QF_CAPTURELOCKED) return FALSE; co_UserSetCapture(NULL); return TRUE; } /* API Call */ BOOL FASTCALL co_IntSetForegroundWindow(PWND Window) { if (Window) ASSERT_REFS_CO(Window); return co_IntSetForegroundAndFocusWindow(Window, FALSE); } /* API Call */ BOOL FASTCALL co_IntSetForegroundWindowMouse(PWND Window) { if (Window) ASSERT_REFS_CO(Window); return co_IntSetForegroundAndFocusWindow(Window, TRUE); } /* API Call */ BOOL FASTCALL IntLockSetForegroundWindow(UINT uLockCode) { ULONG Err = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; PPROCESSINFO ppi = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); switch (uLockCode) { case LSFW_LOCK: if ( CanForceFG(ppi) && !gppiLockSFW ) { gppiLockSFW = ppi; return TRUE; } break; case LSFW_UNLOCK: if ( gppiLockSFW == ppi) { gppiLockSFW = NULL; return TRUE; } break; default: Err = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } EngSetLastError(Err); return FALSE; } /* API Call */ BOOL FASTCALL IntAllowSetForegroundWindow(DWORD dwProcessId) { PPROCESSINFO ppi, ppiCur; PEPROCESS Process = NULL; ppi = NULL; if (dwProcessId != ASFW_ANY) { if (!NT_SUCCESS(PsLookupProcessByProcessId((HANDLE)dwProcessId, &Process))) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } ppi = PsGetProcessWin32Process(Process); if (!ppi) { ObDereferenceObject(Process); return FALSE; } } ppiCur = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); if (!CanForceFG(ppiCur)) { if (Process) ObDereferenceObject(Process); EngSetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); return FALSE; } if (dwProcessId == ASFW_ANY) { // All processes will be enabled to set the foreground window. //ERR("ptiLastInput is CLEARED!!\n"); ptiLastInput = NULL; } else { // Rule #3, last input event in force. ERR("ptiLastInput is SET!!\n"); //ptiLastInput = ppi->ptiList; // See CORE-6384 & CORE-7030. ObDereferenceObject(Process); } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ HWND APIENTRY NtUserGetForegroundWindow(VOID) { DECLARE_RETURN(HWND); TRACE("Enter NtUserGetForegroundWindow\n"); UserEnterExclusive(); RETURN( UserGetForegroundWindow()); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserGetForegroundWindow, ret=%p\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } HWND APIENTRY NtUserSetActiveWindow(HWND hWnd) { USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; HWND hWndPrev; PWND Window; DECLARE_RETURN(HWND); TRACE("Enter NtUserSetActiveWindow(%p)\n", hWnd); UserEnterExclusive(); Window = NULL; if (hWnd) { if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { ERR("NtUserSetActiveWindow: Invalid handle 0x%p!\n",hWnd); RETURN( NULL); } } if (!Window || Window->head.pti->MessageQueue == gptiCurrent->MessageQueue) { hWndPrev = gptiCurrent->MessageQueue->spwndActive ? UserHMGetHandle(gptiCurrent->MessageQueue->spwndActive) : NULL; if (Window) UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); UserSetActiveWindow(Window); if (Window) UserDerefObjectCo(Window); RETURN( hWndPrev ? (IntIsWindow(hWndPrev) ? hWndPrev : 0) : 0 ); } RETURN( NULL); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserSetActiveWindow, ret=%p\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * @implemented */ HWND APIENTRY NtUserSetCapture(HWND hWnd) { DECLARE_RETURN(HWND); TRACE("Enter NtUserSetCapture(%p)\n", hWnd); UserEnterExclusive(); RETURN( co_UserSetCapture(hWnd)); CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserSetCapture, ret=%p\n", _ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* * @implemented */ HWND APIENTRY NtUserSetFocus(HWND hWnd) { PWND Window; USER_REFERENCE_ENTRY Ref; DECLARE_RETURN(HWND); HWND ret; TRACE("Enter NtUserSetFocus(%p)\n", hWnd); UserEnterExclusive(); if (hWnd) { if (!(Window = UserGetWindowObject(hWnd))) { ERR("NtUserSetFocus: Invalid handle 0x%p!\n",hWnd); RETURN(NULL); } UserRefObjectCo(Window, &Ref); ret = co_UserSetFocus(Window); UserDerefObjectCo(Window); RETURN(ret); } else { RETURN( co_UserSetFocus(0)); } CLEANUP: TRACE("Leave NtUserSetFocus, ret=%p\n",_ret_); UserLeave(); END_CLEANUP; } /* EOF */