/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * PURPOSE: Video initialization and display settings * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/ntuser/display.c * PROGRAMER: Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ #include DBG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL(UserDisplay); BOOL gbBaseVideo = 0; static const PWCHAR KEY_VIDEO = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\HARDWARE\\DEVICEMAP\\VIDEO"; VOID RegWriteDisplaySettings(HKEY hkey, PDEVMODEW pdm) { RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel", pdm->dmBitsPerPel); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.XResolution", pdm->dmPelsWidth); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.YResolution", pdm->dmPelsHeight); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.Flags", pdm->dmDisplayFlags); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.VRefresh", pdm->dmDisplayFrequency); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.XPanning", pdm->dmPanningWidth); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.YPanning", pdm->dmPanningHeight); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.Orientation", pdm->dmDisplayOrientation); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"DefaultSettings.FixedOutput", pdm->dmDisplayFixedOutput); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"Attach.RelativeX", pdm->dmPosition.x); RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"Attach.RelativeY", pdm->dmPosition.y); // RegWriteDWORD(hkey, L"Attach.ToDesktop, pdm->dmBitsPerPel", pdm->); } VOID RegReadDisplaySettings(HKEY hkey, PDEVMODEW pdm) { DWORD dwValue; /* Zero out the structure */ RtlZeroMemory(pdm, sizeof(DEVMODEW)); /* Helper macro */ #define READ(field, str, flag) \ if (RegReadDWORD(hkey, L##str, &dwValue)) \ { \ pdm->field = dwValue; \ pdm->dmFields |= flag; \ } /* Read all present settings */ READ(dmBitsPerPel, "DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel", DM_BITSPERPEL); READ(dmPelsWidth, "DefaultSettings.XResolution", DM_PELSWIDTH); READ(dmPelsHeight, "DefaultSettings.YResolution", DM_PELSHEIGHT); READ(dmDisplayFlags, "DefaultSettings.Flags", DM_DISPLAYFLAGS); READ(dmDisplayFrequency, "DefaultSettings.VRefresh", DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY); READ(dmPanningWidth, "DefaultSettings.XPanning", DM_PANNINGWIDTH); READ(dmPanningHeight, "DefaultSettings.YPanning", DM_PANNINGHEIGHT); READ(dmDisplayOrientation, "DefaultSettings.Orientation", DM_DISPLAYORIENTATION); READ(dmDisplayFixedOutput, "DefaultSettings.FixedOutput", DM_DISPLAYFIXEDOUTPUT); READ(dmPosition.x, "Attach.RelativeX", DM_POSITION); READ(dmPosition.y, "Attach.RelativeY", DM_POSITION); } PGRAPHICS_DEVICE NTAPI InitDisplayDriver( IN PWSTR pwszDeviceName, IN PWSTR pwszRegKey) { PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice; UNICODE_STRING ustrDeviceName, ustrDisplayDrivers, ustrDescription; NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR awcBuffer[128]; ULONG cbSize; HKEY hkey; DEVMODEW dmDefault; DWORD dwVga; ERR("InitDisplayDriver(%S, %S);\n", pwszDeviceName, pwszRegKey); /* Open the driver's registry key */ Status = RegOpenKey(pwszRegKey, &hkey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Failed to open registry key: %ls\n", pwszRegKey); return NULL; } /* Query the diplay drivers */ cbSize = sizeof(awcBuffer) - 10; Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"InstalledDisplayDrivers", REG_MULTI_SZ, awcBuffer, &cbSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Didn't find 'InstalledDisplayDrivers', status = 0x%lx\n", Status); ZwClose(hkey); return NULL; } /* Initialize the UNICODE_STRING */ ustrDisplayDrivers.Buffer = awcBuffer; ustrDisplayDrivers.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cbSize; ustrDisplayDrivers.Length = (USHORT)cbSize; /* Set Buffer for description and size of remaining buffer */ ustrDescription.Buffer = awcBuffer + (cbSize / sizeof(WCHAR)); cbSize = sizeof(awcBuffer) - cbSize; /* Query the device string */ Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"Device Description", REG_SZ, ustrDescription.Buffer, &cbSize); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ustrDescription.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cbSize; ustrDescription.Length = (USHORT)cbSize; } else { RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrDescription, L""); } /* Query the default settings */ RegReadDisplaySettings(hkey, &dmDefault); /* Query if this is a VGA compatible driver */ cbSize = sizeof(DWORD); Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"VgaCompatible", REG_DWORD, &dwVga, &cbSize); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) dwVga = 0; /* Close the registry key */ ZwClose(hkey); /* Register the device with GDI */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrDeviceName, pwszDeviceName); pGraphicsDevice = EngpRegisterGraphicsDevice(&ustrDeviceName, &ustrDisplayDrivers, &ustrDescription, &dmDefault); if (pGraphicsDevice && dwVga) { pGraphicsDevice->StateFlags |= DISPLAY_DEVICE_VGA_COMPATIBLE; } return pGraphicsDevice; } NTSTATUS NTAPI InitVideo() { ULONG iDevNum, iVGACompatible = -1, ulMaxObjectNumber = 0; WCHAR awcDeviceName[20]; WCHAR awcBuffer[256]; NTSTATUS Status; PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice; ULONG cbValue; HKEY hkey; TRACE("----------------------------- InitVideo() -------------------------------\n"); /* Open the key for the boot command line */ Status = RegOpenKey(L"\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control", &hkey); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { cbValue = 256; Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"SystemStartOptions", REG_SZ, awcBuffer, &cbValue); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Check if VGA mode is requested. */ if (wcsstr(awcBuffer, L"/BASEVIDEO") != 0) { ERR("VGA mode requested.\n"); gbBaseVideo = TRUE; } } ZwClose(hkey); } /* Open the key for the adapters */ Status = RegOpenKey(KEY_VIDEO, &hkey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Could not open device registry key!\n"); return Status; } /* Read the name of the VGA adapter */ cbValue = 20; Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, L"VgaCompatible", REG_SZ, awcDeviceName, &cbValue); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { iVGACompatible = _wtoi(&awcDeviceName[13]); ERR("VGA adapter = %ld\n", iVGACompatible); } /* Get the maximum mumber of adapters */ if (!RegReadDWORD(hkey, L"MaxObjectNumber", &ulMaxObjectNumber)) { ERR("Could not read MaxObjectNumber, defaulting to 0.\n"); } TRACE("Found %ld devices\n", ulMaxObjectNumber + 1); /* Loop through all adapters */ for (iDevNum = 0; iDevNum <= ulMaxObjectNumber; iDevNum++) { /* Create the adapter's key name */ swprintf(awcDeviceName, L"\\Device\\Video%lu", iDevNum); /* Read the reg key name */ cbValue = sizeof(awcBuffer); Status = RegQueryValue(hkey, awcDeviceName, REG_SZ, awcBuffer, &cbValue); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("failed to query the registry path:0x%lx\n", Status); continue; } /* Initialize the driver for this device */ pGraphicsDevice = InitDisplayDriver(awcDeviceName, awcBuffer); if (!pGraphicsDevice) continue; /* Check if this is a VGA compatible adapter */ if (pGraphicsDevice->StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_VGA_COMPATIBLE) { /* Save this as the VGA adapter */ if (!gpVgaGraphicsDevice) gpVgaGraphicsDevice = pGraphicsDevice; TRACE("gpVgaGraphicsDevice = %p\n", gpVgaGraphicsDevice); } else { /* Set the first one as primary device */ if (!gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice) gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = pGraphicsDevice; TRACE("gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = %p\n", gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice); } } /* Close the device map registry key */ ZwClose(hkey); /* Was VGA mode requested? */ if (gbBaseVideo) { /* Check if we found a VGA compatible device */ if (gpVgaGraphicsDevice) { /* Set the VgaAdapter as primary */ gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = gpVgaGraphicsDevice; // FIXME: DEVMODE } else { ERR("Could not find VGA compatible driver. Trying normal.\n"); } } /* Check if we had any success */ if (!gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice) { /* Check if there is a VGA device we skipped */ if (gpVgaGraphicsDevice) { /* There is, use the VGA device */ gpPrimaryGraphicsDevice = gpVgaGraphicsDevice; } else { ERR("No usable display driver was found.\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } InitSysParams(); return 1; } NTSTATUS NTAPI UserEnumDisplayDevices( PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, DWORD iDevNum, PDISPLAY_DEVICEW pdispdev, DWORD dwFlags) { PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice; ULONG cbSize; HKEY hkey; NTSTATUS Status; /* Ask gdi for the GRAPHICS_DEVICE */ pGraphicsDevice = EngpFindGraphicsDevice(pustrDevice, iDevNum, 0); if (!pGraphicsDevice) { /* No device found */ ERR("No GRAPHICS_DEVICE found\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Open the device map registry key */ Status = RegOpenKey(KEY_VIDEO, &hkey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* No device found */ ERR("Could not open reg key\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Query the registry path */ cbSize = sizeof(pdispdev->DeviceKey); RegQueryValue(hkey, pGraphicsDevice->szNtDeviceName, REG_SZ, pdispdev->DeviceKey, &cbSize); /* Close registry key */ ZwClose(hkey); /* Copy device name, device string and StateFlags */ RtlStringCbCopyW(pdispdev->DeviceName, sizeof(pdispdev->DeviceName), pGraphicsDevice->szWinDeviceName); RtlStringCbCopyW(pdispdev->DeviceString, sizeof(pdispdev->DeviceString), pGraphicsDevice->pwszDescription); pdispdev->StateFlags = pGraphicsDevice->StateFlags; // FIXME: fill in DEVICE ID pdispdev->DeviceID[0] = UNICODE_NULL; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } //NTSTATUS BOOL NTAPI NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, DWORD iDevNum, PDISPLAY_DEVICEW pDisplayDevice, DWORD dwFlags) { UNICODE_STRING ustrDevice; WCHAR awcDevice[CCHDEVICENAME]; DISPLAY_DEVICEW dispdev; NTSTATUS Status; TRACE("Enter NtUserEnumDisplayDevices(%wZ, %ld)\n", pustrDevice, iDevNum); dispdev.cb = sizeof(dispdev); if (pustrDevice) { /* Initialize destination string */ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&ustrDevice, awcDevice, sizeof(awcDevice)); _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the UNICODE_STRING and the buffer */ ProbeForRead(pustrDevice, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), 1); ProbeForRead(pustrDevice->Buffer, pustrDevice->Length, 1); /* Copy the string */ RtlCopyUnicodeString(&ustrDevice, pustrDevice); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { // _SEH2_YIELD(return _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); _SEH2_YIELD(return NT_SUCCESS(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode())); } _SEH2_END if (ustrDevice.Length > 0) pustrDevice = &ustrDevice; else pustrDevice = NULL; } /* If name is given only iDevNum==0 gives results */ if (pustrDevice && iDevNum != 0) return FALSE; /* Acquire global USER lock */ UserEnterShared(); /* Call the internal function */ Status = UserEnumDisplayDevices(pustrDevice, iDevNum, &dispdev, dwFlags); /* Release lock */ UserLeave(); /* On success copy data to caller */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Enter SEH */ _SEH2_TRY { /* First probe the cb field */ ProbeForWrite(&pDisplayDevice->cb, sizeof(DWORD), 1); /* Check the buffer size */ if (pDisplayDevice->cb) { /* Probe the output buffer */ pDisplayDevice->cb = min(pDisplayDevice->cb, sizeof(dispdev)); ProbeForWrite(pDisplayDevice, pDisplayDevice->cb, 1); /* Copy as much as the given buffer allows */ RtlCopyMemory(pDisplayDevice, &dispdev, pDisplayDevice->cb); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END } TRACE("Leave NtUserEnumDisplayDevices, Status = 0x%lx\n", Status); /* Return the result */ // return Status; return NT_SUCCESS(Status); // FIXME } NTSTATUS NTAPI UserEnumCurrentDisplaySettings( PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, PDEVMODEW *ppdm) { PPDEVOBJ ppdev; /* Get the PDEV for the device */ ppdev = EngpGetPDEV(pustrDevice); if (!ppdev) { /* No device found */ ERR("No PDEV found!\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } *ppdm = ppdev->pdmwDev; PDEVOBJ_vRelease(ppdev); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI UserEnumDisplaySettings( PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, DWORD iModeNum, LPDEVMODEW *ppdm, DWORD dwFlags) { PGRAPHICS_DEVICE pGraphicsDevice; PDEVMODEENTRY pdmentry; ULONG i, iFoundMode; TRACE("Enter UserEnumDisplaySettings('%wZ', %ld)\n", pustrDevice, iModeNum); /* Ask GDI for the GRAPHICS_DEVICE */ pGraphicsDevice = EngpFindGraphicsDevice(pustrDevice, 0, 0); if (!pGraphicsDevice) { /* No device found */ ERR("No device found!\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } if (iModeNum >= pGraphicsDevice->cDevModes) return STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES; iFoundMode = 0; for (i = 0; i < pGraphicsDevice->cDevModes; i++) { pdmentry = &pGraphicsDevice->pDevModeList[i]; /* FIXME: Consider EDS_RAWMODE */ #if 0 if ((!(dwFlags & EDS_RAWMODE) && (pdmentry->dwFlags & 1)) ||! (dwFlags & EDS_RAWMODE)) #endif { /* Is this the one we want? */ if (iFoundMode == iModeNum) { *ppdm = pdmentry->pdm; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Increment number of found modes */ iFoundMode++; } } /* Nothing was found */ return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } NTSTATUS NTAPI UserOpenDisplaySettingsKey( OUT PHKEY phkey, IN PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, IN BOOL bGlobal) { HKEY hkey; DISPLAY_DEVICEW dispdev; NTSTATUS Status; /* Get device info */ Status = UserEnumDisplayDevices(pustrDevice, 0, &dispdev, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; if (bGlobal) { // FIXME: Need to fix the registry key somehow } /* Open the registry key */ Status = RegOpenKey(dispdev.DeviceKey, &hkey); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; *phkey = hkey; return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI UserEnumRegistryDisplaySettings( IN PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, OUT LPDEVMODEW pdm) { HKEY hkey; NTSTATUS Status = UserOpenDisplaySettingsKey(&hkey, pustrDevice, 0); if(NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RegReadDisplaySettings(hkey, pdm); ZwClose(hkey); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } return Status ; } NTSTATUS APIENTRY NtUserEnumDisplaySettings( IN PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, IN DWORD iModeNum, OUT LPDEVMODEW lpDevMode, IN DWORD dwFlags) { UNICODE_STRING ustrDevice; WCHAR awcDevice[CCHDEVICENAME]; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG cbSize, cbExtra; DEVMODEW dmReg, *pdm; TRACE("Enter NtUserEnumDisplaySettings(%wZ, %ld, %p, 0x%lx)\n", pustrDevice, iModeNum, lpDevMode, dwFlags); if (pustrDevice) { /* Initialize destination string */ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&ustrDevice, awcDevice, sizeof(awcDevice)); _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the UNICODE_STRING and the buffer */ ProbeForRead(pustrDevice, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), 1); ProbeForRead(pustrDevice->Buffer, pustrDevice->Length, 1); /* Copy the string */ RtlCopyUnicodeString(&ustrDevice, pustrDevice); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { _SEH2_YIELD(return _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END pustrDevice = &ustrDevice; } /* Acquire global USER lock */ UserEnterShared(); if (iModeNum == ENUM_REGISTRY_SETTINGS) { /* Get the registry settings */ Status = UserEnumRegistryDisplaySettings(pustrDevice, &dmReg); pdm = &dmReg; } else if (iModeNum == ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS) { /* Get the current settings */ Status = UserEnumCurrentDisplaySettings(pustrDevice, &pdm); } else { /* Get specified settings */ Status = UserEnumDisplaySettings(pustrDevice, iModeNum, &pdm, dwFlags); } /* Release lock */ UserLeave(); /* Did we succeed? */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Copy some information back */ _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForRead(lpDevMode, sizeof(DEVMODEW), 1); cbSize = lpDevMode->dmSize; cbExtra = lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra; ProbeForWrite(lpDevMode, cbSize + cbExtra, 1); /* Output what we got */ RtlCopyMemory(lpDevMode, pdm, min(cbSize, pdm->dmSize)); /* Output private/extra driver data */ if (cbExtra > 0 && pdm->dmDriverExtra > 0) { RtlCopyMemory((PCHAR)lpDevMode + cbSize, (PCHAR)pdm + pdm->dmSize, min(cbExtra, pdm->dmDriverExtra)); } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; } return Status; } LONG APIENTRY UserChangeDisplaySettings( PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, LPDEVMODEW pdm, HWND hwnd, DWORD flags, LPVOID lParam) { DEVMODEW dm; LONG lResult = DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL; HKEY hkey; NTSTATUS Status; PPDEVOBJ ppdev; //PDESKTOP pdesk; /* If no DEVMODE is given, use registry settings */ if (!pdm) { /* Get the registry settings */ Status = UserEnumRegistryDisplaySettings(pustrDevice, &dm); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ERR("Could not load registry settings\n"); return DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM; } } else if (pdm->dmSize < FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODEW, dmFields)) return DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE; /* This is what winXP SP3 returns */ else dm = *pdm; /* Check params */ if ((dm.dmFields & (DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT)) != (DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT)) { ERR("Devmode doesn't specify the resolution.\n"); return DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE; } /* Get the PDEV */ ppdev = EngpGetPDEV(pustrDevice); if (!ppdev) { ERR("Failed to get PDEV\n"); return DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM; } /* Fixup values */ if(dm.dmBitsPerPel == 0 || !(dm.dmFields & DM_BITSPERPEL)) { dm.dmBitsPerPel = ppdev->pdmwDev->dmBitsPerPel; dm.dmFields |= DM_BITSPERPEL; } if((dm.dmFields & DM_DISPLAYFREQUENCY) && (dm.dmDisplayFrequency == 0)) dm.dmDisplayFrequency = ppdev->pdmwDev->dmDisplayFrequency; /* Look for the requested DEVMODE */ pdm = PDEVOBJ_pdmMatchDevMode(ppdev, &dm); if (!pdm) { ERR("Could not find a matching DEVMODE\n"); lResult = DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE; goto leave; } else if (flags & CDS_TEST) { /* It's possible, go ahead! */ lResult = DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL; goto leave; } /* Shall we update the registry? */ if (flags & CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY) { /* Open the local or global settings key */ Status = UserOpenDisplaySettingsKey(&hkey, pustrDevice, flags & CDS_GLOBAL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Store the settings */ RegWriteDisplaySettings(hkey, pdm); /* Close the registry key */ ZwClose(hkey); } else { ERR("Could not open registry key\n"); lResult = DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED; } } /* Check if DEVMODE matches the current mode */ if (pdm == ppdev->pdmwDev && !(flags & CDS_RESET)) { ERR("DEVMODE matches, nothing to do\n"); goto leave; } /* Shall we apply the settings? */ if (!(flags & CDS_NORESET)) { ULONG ulResult; PVOID pvOldCursor; /* Remove mouse pointer */ pvOldCursor = UserSetCursor(NULL, TRUE); /* Do the mode switch */ ulResult = PDEVOBJ_bSwitchMode(ppdev, pdm); /* Restore mouse pointer, no hooks called */ UserSetCursor(pvOldCursor, TRUE); /* Check for failure */ if (!ulResult) { ERR("Failed to set mode\n"); lResult = (lResult == DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED) ? DISP_CHANGE_FAILED : DISP_CHANGE_RESTART; goto leave; } /* Update the system metrics */ InitMetrics(); //IntvGetDeviceCaps(&PrimarySurface, &GdiHandleTable->DevCaps); /* Set new size of the monitor */ UserUpdateMonitorSize((HDEV)ppdev); /* Remove all cursor clipping */ UserClipCursor(NULL); //pdesk = IntGetActiveDesktop(); //IntHideDesktop(pdesk); /* Send WM_DISPLAYCHANGE to all toplevel windows */ co_IntSendMessageTimeout(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_DISPLAYCHANGE, (WPARAM)ppdev->gdiinfo.cBitsPixel, (LPARAM)(ppdev->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes + (ppdev->gdiinfo.ulVertRes << 16)), SMTO_NORMAL, 100, &ulResult); //co_IntShowDesktop(pdesk, ppdev->gdiinfo.ulHorzRes, ppdev->gdiinfo.ulVertRes); UserRedrawDesktop(); } leave: /* Release the PDEV */ PDEVOBJ_vRelease(ppdev); return lResult; } LONG APIENTRY NtUserChangeDisplaySettings( PUNICODE_STRING pustrDevice, LPDEVMODEW lpDevMode, HWND hwnd, DWORD dwflags, LPVOID lParam) { WCHAR awcDevice[CCHDEVICENAME]; UNICODE_STRING ustrDevice; DEVMODEW dmLocal; LONG lRet; /* Check arguments */ if ((dwflags != CDS_VIDEOPARAMETERS && lParam != NULL) || (hwnd != NULL)) { EngSetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM; } /* Check flags */ if ((dwflags & (CDS_GLOBAL|CDS_NORESET)) && !(dwflags & CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY)) { return DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS; } /* Copy the device name */ if (pustrDevice) { /* Initialize destination string */ RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(&ustrDevice, awcDevice, sizeof(awcDevice)); _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the UNICODE_STRING and the buffer */ ProbeForRead(pustrDevice, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING), 1); ProbeForRead(pustrDevice->Buffer, pustrDevice->Length, 1); /* Copy the string */ RtlCopyUnicodeString(&ustrDevice, pustrDevice); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Set and return error */ SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); _SEH2_YIELD(return DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM); } _SEH2_END pustrDevice = &ustrDevice; } /* Copy devmode */ if (lpDevMode) { _SEH2_TRY { /* Probe the size field of the structure */ ProbeForRead(lpDevMode, sizeof(dmLocal.dmSize), 1); /* Calculate usable size */ dmLocal.dmSize = min(sizeof(dmLocal), lpDevMode->dmSize); /* Probe and copy the full DEVMODE */ ProbeForRead(lpDevMode, dmLocal.dmSize, 1); RtlCopyMemory(&dmLocal, lpDevMode, dmLocal.dmSize); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Set and return error */ SetLastNtError(_SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); _SEH2_YIELD(return DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM); } _SEH2_END /* Check for extra parameters */ if (dmLocal.dmDriverExtra > 0) { /* FIXME: TODO */ ERR("lpDevMode->dmDriverExtra is IGNORED!\n"); dmLocal.dmDriverExtra = 0; } /* Use the local structure */ lpDevMode = &dmLocal; } // FIXME: Copy videoparameters /* Acquire global USER lock */ UserEnterExclusive(); /* Call internal function */ lRet = UserChangeDisplaySettings(pustrDevice, lpDevMode, hwnd, dwflags, NULL); /* Release lock */ UserLeave(); return lRet; }