/* * Regedit find dialog * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "regedit.h" #define RSF_WHOLESTRING 0x00000001 #define RSF_LOOKATKEYS 0x00000002 #define RSF_LOOKATVALUES 0x00000004 #define RSF_LOOKATDATA 0x00000008 #define RSF_MATCHCASE 0x00010000 static WCHAR s_szFindWhat[256]; static const WCHAR s_szFindFlags[] = L"FindFlags"; static const WCHAR s_szFindFlagsR[] = L"FindFlagsReactOS"; static HWND s_hwndAbortDialog; static BOOL s_bAbort; static DWORD s_dwFlags; static WCHAR s_szName[MAX_PATH]; static DWORD s_cchName; static const WCHAR s_empty[] = L""; static const WCHAR s_backslash[] = L"\\"; extern VOID SetValueName(HWND hwndLV, LPCWSTR pszValueName); BOOL DoEvents(VOID) { MSG msg; if (PeekMessageW(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) s_bAbort = TRUE; if (!IsDialogMessageW(s_hwndAbortDialog, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageW(&msg); } } return s_bAbort; } static LPWSTR lstrstri(LPCWSTR psz1, LPCWSTR psz2) { INT i, cch1, cch2; cch1 = wcslen(psz1); cch2 = wcslen(psz2); for(i = 0; i <= cch1 - cch2; i++) { if (CompareStringW(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, psz1 + i, cch2, psz2, cch2) == 2) return (LPWSTR) (psz1 + i); } return NULL; } static BOOL CompareName(LPCWSTR pszName1, LPCWSTR pszName2) { if (s_dwFlags & RSF_WHOLESTRING) { if (s_dwFlags & RSF_MATCHCASE) return wcscmp(pszName1, pszName2) == 0; else return _wcsicmp(pszName1, pszName2) == 0; } else { if (s_dwFlags & RSF_MATCHCASE) return wcsstr(pszName1, pszName2) != NULL; else return lstrstri(pszName1, pszName2) != NULL; } } static BOOL MatchString(LPCWCH pch1, INT cch1, LPCWCH pch2, INT cch2) { INT i; DWORD dwNorm = ((s_dwFlags & RSF_MATCHCASE) ? NORM_IGNORECASE : 0); if (s_dwFlags & RSF_WHOLESTRING) return 2 == CompareStringW(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, dwNorm, pch1, cch1, pch2, cch2); if (cch1 < cch2) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i <= cch1 - cch2; i++) { if (2 == CompareStringW(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, dwNorm, pch1 + i, cch2, pch2, cch2)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static BOOL MatchData(DWORD dwType, LPCVOID pv1, DWORD cb1) { if (dwType == REG_SZ || dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ || dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ) return MatchString(pv1, (INT)(cb1 / sizeof(WCHAR)), s_szFindWhat, lstrlenW(s_szFindWhat)); return FALSE; } int compare(const void *x, const void *y) { const LPCWSTR *a = (const LPCWSTR *)x; const LPCWSTR *b = (const LPCWSTR *)y; return _wcsicmp(*a, *b); } BOOL RegFindRecurse( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pszSubKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, LPWSTR *ppszFoundSubKey, LPWSTR *ppszFoundValueName) { HKEY hSubKey; LONG lResult; WCHAR szSubKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i, c, cb, type; BOOL fPast; LPWSTR *ppszNames = NULL; LPBYTE pb = NULL; if (DoEvents()) return FALSE; if(wcslen(pszSubKey) >= _countof(szSubKey)) return FALSE; wcscpy(szSubKey, pszSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; lResult = RegOpenKeyExW(hKey, szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hSubKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; lResult = RegQueryInfoKeyW(hSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &c, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; ppszNames = (LPWSTR *) malloc(c * sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (ppszNames == NULL) goto err; ZeroMemory(ppszNames, c * sizeof(LPWSTR)); for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (DoEvents()) goto err; s_cchName = _countof(s_szName); lResult = RegEnumValueW(hSubKey, i, s_szName, &s_cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cb); if (lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { c = i; break; } if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; if (s_cchName >= _countof(s_szName)) continue; ppszNames[i] = _wcsdup(s_szName); } qsort(ppszNames, c, sizeof(LPWSTR), compare); fPast = (pszValueName == NULL); for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (DoEvents()) goto err; if (!fPast && _wcsicmp(ppszNames[i], pszValueName) == 0) { fPast = TRUE; continue; } if (!fPast) continue; if ((s_dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATVALUES) && CompareName(ppszNames[i], s_szFindWhat)) { *ppszFoundSubKey = _wcsdup(szSubKey); *ppszFoundValueName = _wcsdup(ppszNames[i]); goto success; } lResult = RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, ppszNames[i], NULL, &type, NULL, &cb); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; pb = malloc(cb); if (pb == NULL) goto err; lResult = RegQueryValueExW(hSubKey, ppszNames[i], NULL, &type, pb, &cb); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; if ((s_dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATDATA) && MatchData(type, pb, cb)) { *ppszFoundSubKey = _wcsdup(szSubKey); *ppszFoundValueName = _wcsdup(ppszNames[i]); goto success; } free(pb); pb = NULL; } if (ppszNames != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < c; i++) free(ppszNames[i]); free(ppszNames); } ppszNames = NULL; lResult = RegQueryInfoKeyW(hSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &c, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; ppszNames = (LPWSTR *) malloc(c * sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (ppszNames == NULL) goto err; ZeroMemory(ppszNames, c * sizeof(LPWSTR)); for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (DoEvents()) goto err; s_cchName = _countof(s_szName); lResult = RegEnumKeyExW(hSubKey, i, s_szName, &s_cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { c = i; break; } if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; if (s_cchName >= _countof(s_szName)) continue; ppszNames[i] = _wcsdup(s_szName); } qsort(ppszNames, c, sizeof(LPWSTR), compare); for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (DoEvents()) goto err; if ((s_dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATKEYS) && CompareName(ppszNames[i], s_szFindWhat)) { *ppszFoundSubKey = malloc( (wcslen(szSubKey) + wcslen(ppszNames[i]) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppszFoundSubKey == NULL) goto err; if (szSubKey[0]) { wcscpy(*ppszFoundSubKey, szSubKey); wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, s_backslash); } else **ppszFoundSubKey = 0; wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, ppszNames[i]); *ppszFoundValueName = NULL; goto success; } if (RegFindRecurse(hSubKey, ppszNames[i], NULL, ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) { LPWSTR psz = *ppszFoundSubKey; *ppszFoundSubKey = malloc( (wcslen(szSubKey) + wcslen(psz) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppszFoundSubKey == NULL) goto err; if (szSubKey[0]) { wcscpy(*ppszFoundSubKey, szSubKey); wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, s_backslash); } else **ppszFoundSubKey = 0; wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, psz); free(psz); goto success; } } err: if (ppszNames != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < c; i++) free(ppszNames[i]); free(ppszNames); } free(pb); RegCloseKey(hSubKey); return FALSE; success: if (ppszNames != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < c; i++) free(ppszNames[i]); free(ppszNames); } RegCloseKey(hSubKey); return TRUE; } BOOL RegFindWalk( HKEY * phKey, LPCWSTR pszSubKey, LPCWSTR pszValueName, LPWSTR *ppszFoundSubKey, LPWSTR *ppszFoundValueName) { LONG lResult; DWORD i, c; HKEY hBaseKey, hSubKey; WCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szSubKey[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pch; BOOL fPast, fKeyMatched; LPWSTR *ppszNames = NULL; hBaseKey = *phKey; if (wcslen(pszSubKey) >= _countof(szSubKey)) return FALSE; if (RegFindRecurse(hBaseKey, pszSubKey, pszValueName, ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) return TRUE; wcscpy(szSubKey, pszSubKey); while(szSubKey[0] != 0) { if (DoEvents()) return FALSE; pch = wcsrchr(szSubKey, L'\\'); if (pch == NULL) { wcscpy(szKeyName, szSubKey); szSubKey[0] = 0; hSubKey = hBaseKey; } else { lstrcpynW(szKeyName, pch + 1, MAX_PATH); *pch = 0; lResult = RegOpenKeyExW(hBaseKey, szSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hSubKey); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; } lResult = RegQueryInfoKeyW(hSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &c, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto err; ppszNames = (LPWSTR *) malloc(c * sizeof(LPWSTR)); if (ppszNames == NULL) goto err; ZeroMemory(ppszNames, c * sizeof(LPWSTR)); for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (DoEvents()) goto err; s_cchName = _countof(s_szName); lResult = RegEnumKeyExW(hSubKey, i, s_szName, &s_cchName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { c = i; break; } if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; ppszNames[i] = _wcsdup(s_szName); } qsort(ppszNames, c, sizeof(LPWSTR), compare); fPast = FALSE; for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (DoEvents()) goto err; if (!fPast && _wcsicmp(ppszNames[i], szKeyName) == 0) { fPast = TRUE; continue; } if (!fPast) continue; if ((s_dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATKEYS) && CompareName(ppszNames[i], s_szFindWhat)) { *ppszFoundSubKey = malloc( (wcslen(szSubKey) + wcslen(ppszNames[i]) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppszFoundSubKey == NULL) goto err; if (szSubKey[0]) { wcscpy(*ppszFoundSubKey, szSubKey); wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, s_backslash); } else **ppszFoundSubKey = 0; wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, ppszNames[i]); *ppszFoundValueName = NULL; goto success; } fKeyMatched = (_wcsicmp(ppszNames[i], szKeyName) == 0); if (RegFindRecurse(hSubKey, ppszNames[i], (fKeyMatched ? pszValueName : NULL), ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) { LPWSTR psz = *ppszFoundSubKey; *ppszFoundSubKey = malloc( (wcslen(szSubKey) + wcslen(psz) + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (*ppszFoundSubKey == NULL) goto err; if (szSubKey[0]) { wcscpy(*ppszFoundSubKey, szSubKey); wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, s_backslash); } else **ppszFoundSubKey = 0; wcscat(*ppszFoundSubKey, psz); free(psz); goto success; } } if (ppszNames != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < c; i++) free(ppszNames[i]); free(ppszNames); } ppszNames = NULL; if (hBaseKey != hSubKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); } if (*phKey == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) { *phKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if (RegFindRecurse(*phKey, s_empty, NULL, ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) return TRUE; } if (*phKey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) { *phKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; if (RegFindRecurse(*phKey, s_empty, NULL, ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) goto success; } if (*phKey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { *phKey = HKEY_USERS; if (RegFindRecurse(*phKey, s_empty, NULL, ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) goto success; } if (*phKey == HKEY_USERS) { *phKey = HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; if (RegFindRecurse(*phKey, s_empty, NULL, ppszFoundSubKey, ppszFoundValueName)) goto success; } err: if (ppszNames != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < c; i++) free(ppszNames[i]); free(ppszNames); } if (hBaseKey != hSubKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); return FALSE; success: if (ppszNames != NULL) { for(i = 0; i < c; i++) free(ppszNames[i]); free(ppszNames); } if (hBaseKey != hSubKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); return TRUE; } static DWORD GetFindFlags(void) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwType, dwValue, cbData; DWORD dwFlags = RSF_LOOKATKEYS | RSF_LOOKATVALUES | RSF_LOOKATDATA; if (RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szGeneralRegKey, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /* Retrieve flags from registry key */ cbData = sizeof(dwValue); if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, s_szFindFlags, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_DWORD) dwFlags = (dwFlags & ~0x0000FFFF) | ((dwValue & 0x0000FFFF) << 0); } /* Retrieve ReactOS Regedit specific flags from registry key */ cbData = sizeof(dwValue); if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, s_szFindFlagsR, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwValue, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwType == REG_DWORD) dwFlags = (dwFlags & ~0xFFFF0000) | ((dwValue & 0x0000FFFF) << 16); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } return dwFlags; } static void SetFindFlags(DWORD dwFlags) { HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisposition; DWORD dwData; if (RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_szGeneralRegKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwData = (dwFlags >> 0) & 0x0000FFFF; RegSetValueExW(hKey, s_szFindFlags, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *) &dwData, sizeof(dwData)); dwData = (dwFlags >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF; RegSetValueExW(hKey, s_szFindFlagsR, 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *) &dwData, sizeof(dwData)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } static INT_PTR CALLBACK AbortFindDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hDlg); switch(uMsg) { case WM_CLOSE: s_bAbort = TRUE; break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: s_bAbort = TRUE; break; } break; } break; } return 0; } BOOL FindNext(HWND hWnd) { HKEY hKeyRoot; LPCWSTR pszKeyPath; BOOL fSuccess; WCHAR szFullKey[512]; LPCWSTR pszValueName; LPWSTR pszFoundSubKey, pszFoundValueName; if (wcslen(s_szFindWhat) == 0) { FindDialog(hWnd); return TRUE; } s_dwFlags = GetFindFlags(); pszKeyPath = GetItemPath(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd, 0, &hKeyRoot); if (pszKeyPath == NULL) { hKeyRoot = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; pszKeyPath = s_empty; } /* Create abort find dialog */ s_hwndAbortDialog = CreateDialogW(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_FINDING), hWnd, AbortFindDialogProc); if (s_hwndAbortDialog) { ShowWindow(s_hwndAbortDialog, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(s_hwndAbortDialog); } s_bAbort = FALSE; pszValueName = GetValueName(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd, -1); EnableWindow(hFrameWnd, FALSE); EnableWindow(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd, FALSE); EnableWindow(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd, FALSE); EnableWindow(g_pChildWnd->hAddressBarWnd, FALSE); fSuccess = RegFindWalk(&hKeyRoot, pszKeyPath, pszValueName, &pszFoundSubKey, &pszFoundValueName); EnableWindow(hFrameWnd, TRUE); EnableWindow(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd, TRUE); EnableWindow(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd, TRUE); EnableWindow(g_pChildWnd->hAddressBarWnd, TRUE); if (s_hwndAbortDialog) { DestroyWindow(s_hwndAbortDialog); s_hwndAbortDialog = NULL; } if (fSuccess) { GetKeyName(szFullKey, COUNT_OF(szFullKey), hKeyRoot, pszFoundSubKey); SelectNode(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd, szFullKey); free(pszFoundSubKey); if (pszFoundValueName != NULL) { SetValueName(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd, pszFoundValueName); free(pszFoundValueName); SetFocus(g_pChildWnd->hListWnd); } else SetFocus(g_pChildWnd->hTreeWnd); } return fSuccess || s_bAbort; } static INT_PTR CALLBACK FindDialogProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { INT_PTR iResult = 0; HWND hControl; LONG lStyle; DWORD dwFlags; static WCHAR s_szSavedFindValue[256]; switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: dwFlags = GetFindFlags(); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LOOKAT_KEYS); if (hControl) SendMessageW(hControl, BM_SETCHECK, (dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATKEYS) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LOOKAT_VALUES); if (hControl) SendMessageW(hControl, BM_SETCHECK, (dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATVALUES) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LOOKAT_DATA); if (hControl) SendMessageW(hControl, BM_SETCHECK, (dwFlags & RSF_LOOKATDATA) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0); /* Match whole string */ hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MATCHSTRING); if (hControl) SendMessageW(hControl, BM_SETCHECK, (dwFlags & RSF_WHOLESTRING) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0); /* Case sensitivity */ hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MATCHCASE); if (hControl) SendMessageW(hControl, BM_SETCHECK, (dwFlags & RSF_MATCHCASE) ? TRUE : FALSE, 0); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_FINDWHAT); if (hControl) { SetWindowTextW(hControl, s_szSavedFindValue); SetFocus(hControl); SendMessageW(hControl, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1); } break; case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(HIWORD(wParam)) { case BN_CLICKED: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: dwFlags = 0; hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LOOKAT_KEYS); if (hControl && (SendMessageW(hControl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)) dwFlags |= RSF_LOOKATKEYS; hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LOOKAT_VALUES); if (hControl && (SendMessageW(hControl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)) dwFlags |= RSF_LOOKATVALUES; hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_LOOKAT_DATA); if (hControl && (SendMessageW(hControl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)) dwFlags |= RSF_LOOKATDATA; hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MATCHSTRING); if (hControl && (SendMessageW(hControl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)) dwFlags |= RSF_WHOLESTRING; hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_MATCHCASE); if (hControl && (SendMessageW(hControl, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0) == BST_CHECKED)) dwFlags |= RSF_MATCHCASE; SetFindFlags(dwFlags); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_FINDWHAT); if (hControl) GetWindowTextW(hControl, s_szFindWhat, COUNT_OF(s_szFindWhat)); EndDialog(hDlg, 1); break; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, 0); break; } break; case EN_CHANGE: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_FINDWHAT: GetWindowTextW((HWND) lParam, s_szSavedFindValue, COUNT_OF(s_szSavedFindValue)); hControl = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDOK); if (hControl) { lStyle = GetWindowLongPtr(hControl, GWL_STYLE); if (s_szSavedFindValue[0]) lStyle &= ~WS_DISABLED; else lStyle |= WS_DISABLED; SetWindowLongPtr(hControl, GWL_STYLE, lStyle); RedrawWindow(hControl, NULL, NULL, RDW_INVALIDATE); } break; } } break; } return iResult; } void FindNextMessageBox(HWND hWnd) { if (!FindNext(hWnd)) { WCHAR msg[128], caption[128]; LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_FINISHEDFIND, msg, COUNT_OF(msg)); LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_APP_TITLE, caption, COUNT_OF(caption)); MessageBoxW(hWnd, msg, caption, MB_ICONINFORMATION); } } void FindDialog(HWND hWnd) { if (DialogBoxParamW(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDD_FIND), hWnd, FindDialogProc, 0) != 0) { FindNextMessageBox(hWnd); } }