// irc_test.cpp #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) #endif//_MSC_VER #include #include #include "File.h" #include "ssprintf.h" #include "trim.h" #include "IRCClient.h" using std::string; using std::vector; #if defined(_DEBUG) && 0 const char* BOTNAME = "RoyBot"; const char* CHANNEL = "#RoyBotTest"; #else const char* BOTNAME = "ArchBlackmann"; const char* CHANNEL = "#ReactOS"; #endif //vector tech, module, dev, stru, period, status, type, func, irql, curse, cursecop; class List { public: string name; bool macro; std::vector list; string tag; int last; List() { last = -1; } List ( const char* _name, bool _macro ) : name(_name), macro(_macro) { tag = ssprintf("%%%s%%",_name); last = -1; } }; vector lists; vector ops; void ImportList ( const char* listname, bool macro ) { lists.push_back ( List ( listname, macro ) ); List& list = lists.back(); File f ( ssprintf("%s.txt",listname).c_str(), "r" ); string line; while ( f.next_line ( line, true ) ) list.list.push_back ( line ); } const char* ListRand ( List& list ) { vector& l = list.list; if ( !l.size() ) { static string nothing; nothing = ssprintf ( "", list.name.c_str() ); return nothing.c_str(); } else if ( l.size() == 1 ) return l[0].c_str(); int sel = list.last; while ( sel == list.last ) sel = rand()%l.size(); list.last = sel; return l[sel].c_str(); } const char* ListRand ( int i ) { return ListRand ( lists[i] ); } int GetListIndex ( const char* listname ) { for ( int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i++ ) { if ( !stricmp ( lists[i].name.c_str(), listname ) ) return i; } return -1; } List& GetList ( const char* listname ) { return lists[GetListIndex(listname)]; } const char* ListRand ( const char* list ) { int i = GetListIndex ( list ); if ( i < 0 ) return NULL; return ListRand(i); } string TaggedReply ( const char* listname ) { string t = ListRand(listname); string out; const char* p = t.c_str(); while ( *p ) { if ( *p == '%' ) { bool found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < lists.size() && !found; i++ ) { if ( lists[i].macro && !strnicmp ( p, lists[i].tag.c_str(), lists[i].tag.size() ) ) { out += ListRand(i); p += lists[i].tag.size(); found = true; } } if ( !found ) out += *p++; } const char* p2 = strchr ( p, '%' ); if ( !p2 ) p2 = p + strlen(p); if ( p2 > p ) { out += string ( p, p2-p ); p = p2; } } return out; } string gobble ( string& s, const char* delim ) { const char* p = s.c_str(); p += strspn ( p, delim ); const char* p2 = strpbrk ( p, delim ); if ( !p2 ) p2 = p + strlen(p); string out ( p, p2-p ); p2 += strspn ( p2, delim ); s = string ( p2 ); return out; } bool isop ( const string& who ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++ ) { if ( ops[i] == who ) return true; } return false; } // do custom stuff with the IRCClient from your subclass via the provided callbacks... class MyIRCClient : public IRCClient { File flog; public: MyIRCClient() { flog.open ( "arch.log", "w+" ); } // see IRCClient.h for documentation on these callbacks... bool OnConnected() { return true; } bool OnJoin ( const string& user, const string& channel ) { printf ( "user '%s' joined channel '%s'\n", user.c_str(), channel.c_str() ); return true; } bool OnPart ( const std::string& user, const std::string& channel ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++ ) { if ( ops[i] == user ) { printf ( "remove '%s' to ops list\n", user.c_str() ); ops.erase ( &ops[i] ); } } return true; } bool OnNick ( const std::string& oldNick, const std::string& newNick ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++ ) { if ( ops[i] == oldNick ) { printf ( "op '%s' changed nick to '%s'\n", oldNick.c_str(), newNick.c_str() ); ops[i] = newNick; return true; } } return true; } bool OnEndChannelUsers ( const string& channel ) { return true; } bool OnPrivMsg ( const string& from, const string& text ) { printf ( "<%s> %s\n", from.c_str(), text.c_str() ); flog.printf ( "<%s> %s\n", from.c_str(), text.c_str() ); if ( strnicmp ( text.c_str(), "!say ", 5 ) || !isop(from) ) return PrivMsg ( from, "hey, your tongue doesn't belong there!" ); string say = trim(&text[5]); if ( !strnicmp ( say.c_str(), "/me ", 4 ) ) return Action ( CHANNEL, trim(&say[4]) ); else return PrivMsg ( CHANNEL, trim(say) ); } bool OnChannelMsg ( const string& channel, const string& from, const string& text ) { printf ( "%s <%s> %s\n", channel.c_str(), from.c_str(), text.c_str() ); flog.printf ( "%s <%s> %s\n", channel.c_str(), from.c_str(), text.c_str() ); bool found_name = false; string text2 ( text ); strlwr ( &text2[0] ); if ( !strnicmp ( text.c_str(), BOTNAME, strlen(BOTNAME) ) ) found_name = true; else if ( !strnicmp ( text.c_str(), "arch ", 5 ) ) found_name = true; if ( found_name ) { string s ( text ); gobble ( s, " \t" ); // remove bot name found_name = true; if ( s[0] == '!' ) { bool from_op = isop(from); string cmd = gobble ( s, " \t" ); if ( !from_op ) { if ( cmd == "!grovel" ) { string out = ssprintf(TaggedReply("nogrovel").c_str(),from.c_str()); if ( !strnicmp ( out.c_str(), "/me ", 4 ) ) return Action ( channel, &out[4] ); else return PrivMsg ( channel, out ); } return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: I don't take commands from non-ops",from.c_str()) ); } if ( cmd == "!add" ) { string listname = gobble ( s, " \t" ); int i = GetListIndex ( listname.c_str() ); if ( i == -1 ) return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: I don't have a list named '%s'",from.c_str(),listname.c_str()) ); List& list = lists[i]; if ( s[0] == '\"' || s[0] == '\'' ) { char delim = s[0]; const char* p = &s[1]; const char* p2 = strchr ( p, delim ); if ( !p2 ) return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: Couldn't add, unmatched quotes",from.c_str()) ); s = string ( p, p2-p ); } for ( i = 0; i < list.list.size(); i++ ) { if ( list.list[i] == s ) return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: entry already exists in list '%s'",from.c_str(),listname.c_str()) ); } if ( !stricmp ( listname.c_str(), "curse" ) ) strlwr ( &s[0] ); list.list.push_back ( s ); { File f ( ssprintf("%s.txt",list.name.c_str()), "w" ); for ( i = 0; i < list.list.size(); i++ ) f.printf ( "%s\n", list.list[i].c_str() ); } return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: entry added to list '%s'",from.c_str(),listname.c_str()) ); } else if ( cmd == "!remove" ) { string listname = gobble ( s, " \t" ); int i = GetListIndex ( listname.c_str() ); if ( i == -1 ) return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: I don't have a list named '%s'",from.c_str(),listname.c_str()) ); List& list = lists[i]; if ( s[0] == '\"' || s[0] == '\'' ) { char delim = s[0]; const char* p = &s[1]; const char* p2 = strchr ( p, delim ); if ( !p2 ) return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: Couldn't add, unmatched quotes",from.c_str()) ); s = string ( p, p2-p ); } for ( i = 0; i < list.list.size(); i++ ) { if ( list.list[i] == s ) { list.list.erase ( &list.list[i] ); { File f ( ssprintf("%s.txt",list.name.c_str()), "w" ); for ( i = 0; i < list.list.size(); i++ ) f.printf ( "%s\n", list.list[i].c_str() ); } return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: entry removed from list '%s'",from.c_str(),listname.c_str()) ); } } return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: entry doesn't exist in list '%s'",from.c_str(),listname.c_str()) ); } else if ( cmd == "!grovel" ) { string out = ssprintf(TaggedReply("grovel").c_str(),from.c_str()); if ( !strnicmp ( out.c_str(), "/me ", 4 ) ) return Action ( channel, &out[4] ); else return PrivMsg ( channel, out ); } else if ( cmd == "!kiss" ) { if ( s.size() ) return Action ( channel, ssprintf("kisses %s",s.c_str()) ); else return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: huh?",from.c_str()) ); } else if ( cmd == "!hug" ) { if ( s.size() ) return Action ( channel, ssprintf("hugs %s",s.c_str()) ); else return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: huh?",from.c_str()) ); } else if ( cmd == "!give" ) { string who = gobble(s," \t"); if ( who.size() && s.size() ) return Action ( channel, ssprintf("gives %s a %s",who.c_str(),s.c_str()) ); else return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: huh?",from.c_str()) ); } else { return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: huh?",from.c_str()) ); } } } bool found_curse = false; static vector& curse = GetList("curse").list; text2 = ssprintf(" %s ",text2.c_str()); for ( int i = 0; i < curse.size() && !found_curse; i++ ) { if ( strstr ( text2.c_str(), curse[i].c_str() ) ) found_curse = true; } if ( found_curse ) { static List& cursecop = GetList("cursecop"); return PrivMsg ( channel, ssprintf("%s: %s", from.c_str(), ListRand(cursecop)) ); } else if ( found_name ) { string out = ssprintf("%s: %s", from.c_str(), TaggedReply("tech").c_str()); flog.printf ( "TECH-REPLY: %s\n", out.c_str() ); if ( !strnicmp ( out.c_str(), "/me ", 4 ) ) return Action ( channel, &out[4] ); else return PrivMsg ( channel, out ); } return true; } bool OnChannelMode ( const string& channel, const string& mode ) { //printf ( "OnChannelMode(%s,%s)\n", channel.c_str(), mode.c_str() ); return true; } bool OnUserModeInChannel ( const string& src, const string& channel, const string& mode, const string& target ) { printf ( "OnUserModeInChannel(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n", src.c_str(), channel.c_str(), mode.c_str(), target.c_str() ); const char* p = mode.c_str(); if ( !p ) return true; while ( *p ) { switch ( *p++ ) { case '+': while ( *p != 0 && *p != ' ' ) { if ( *p == 'o' ) { printf ( "adding '%s' to ops list\n", target.c_str() ); ops.push_back ( target ); } break; } break; case '-': while ( *p != 0 && *p != ' ' ) { if ( *p == 'o' ) { for ( int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++ ) { if ( ops[i] == target ) { printf ( "remove '%s' to ops list\n", target.c_str() ); ops.erase ( &ops[i] ); } } break; } } } } return true; } bool OnMode ( const string& user, const string& mode ) { //printf ( "OnMode(%s,%s)\n", user.c_str(), mode.c_str() ); return true; } bool OnChannelUsers ( const string& channel, const vector& users ) { //printf ( "[%s has %i users]: ", channel.c_str(), users.size() ); for ( int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++ ) { if ( users[i][0] == '@' ) ops.push_back ( &users[i][1] ); /*if ( i ) printf ( ", " ); printf ( "%s", users[i].c_str() );*/ } //printf ( "\n" ); return true; } }; int main ( int argc, char** argv ) { srand ( time(NULL) ); ImportList ( "dev", true ); ImportList ( "func", true ); ImportList ( "dev", true ); ImportList ( "func", true ); ImportList ( "irql", true ); ImportList ( "module", true ); ImportList ( "period", true ); ImportList ( "status", true ); ImportList ( "stru", true ); ImportList ( "type", true ); ImportList ( "tech", false ); ImportList ( "curse", false ); ImportList ( "cursecop", false ); ImportList ( "grovel", false ); ImportList ( "nogrovel", false ); #ifdef _DEBUG printf ( "initializing IRCClient debugging\n" ); IRCClient::SetDebug ( true ); #endif//_DEBUG printf ( "calling suStartup()\n" ); suStartup(); printf ( "creating IRCClient object\n" ); MyIRCClient irc; printf ( "connecting to freenode\n" ); //const char* server = ""; const char* server = "irc.freenode.net"; if ( !irc.Connect ( server ) ) // irc.freenode.net { printf ( "couldn't connect to server\n" ); return -1; } printf ( "sending user command\n" ); if ( !irc.User ( BOTNAME, "", "irc.freenode.net", BOTNAME ) ) { printf ( "USER command failed\n" ); return -1; } printf ( "sending nick\n" ); if ( !irc.Nick ( BOTNAME ) ) { printf ( "NICK command failed\n" ); return -1; } printf ( "setting mode\n" ); if ( !irc.Mode ( "+i" ) ) { printf ( "MODE command failed\n" ); return -1; } printf ( "joining channel\n" ); if ( !irc.Join ( CHANNEL ) ) { printf ( "JOIN command failed\n" ); return -1; } printf ( "entering irc client processor\n" ); irc.Run ( false ); // do the processing in this thread... return 0; }