/* $Id: dllmain.c 12852 2005-01-06 13:58:04Z mf $ * * dllmain.c * * ReactOS CRTDLL.DLL Compatibility Library * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRENTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warrenties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(crtdll); /* EXTERNAL PROTOTYPES ********************************************************/ extern int BlockEnvToEnvironA(void); extern int BlockEnvToEnvironW(void); extern void FreeEnvironment(char **environment); extern void _atexit_cleanup(void); extern unsigned int _osver; extern unsigned int _winminor; extern unsigned int _winmajor; extern unsigned int _winver; unsigned int CRTDLL__basemajor_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__baseminor_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__baseversion_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__cpumode_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__osmajor_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__osminor_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__osmode_dll; unsigned int CRTDLL__osversion_dll; extern char* _acmdln; /* pointer to ascii command line */ extern wchar_t* _wcmdln; /* pointer to wide character command line */ #undef _environ extern char** _environ; /* pointer to environment block */ extern char** __initenv; /* pointer to initial environment block */ extern wchar_t** _wenviron; /* pointer to environment block */ extern wchar_t** __winitenv; /* pointer to initial environment block */ /* dev_t is a short in crtdll but an unsigned int in msvcrt */ typedef short crtdll_dev_t; struct crtdll_stat { crtdll_dev_t st_dev; _ino_t st_ino; unsigned short st_mode; short st_nlink; short st_uid; short st_gid; crtdll_dev_t st_rdev; _off_t st_size; time_t st_atime; time_t st_mtime; time_t st_ctime; }; /* convert struct _stat from crtdll format to msvcrt format */ static void convert_struct_stat( struct crtdll_stat *dst, const struct _stat *src ) { dst->st_dev = src->st_dev; dst->st_ino = src->st_ino; dst->st_mode = src->st_mode; dst->st_nlink = src->st_nlink; dst->st_uid = src->st_uid; dst->st_gid = src->st_gid; dst->st_rdev = src->st_rdev; dst->st_size = src->st_size; dst->st_atime = src->st_atime; dst->st_mtime = src->st_mtime; dst->st_ctime = src->st_ctime; } /* from msvcrt */ extern void __getmainargs( int *argc, char ***argv, char ***envp, int expand_wildcards, int *new_mode ); /* LIBRARY GLOBAL VARIABLES ***************************************************/ HANDLE hHeap = NULL; /* handle for heap */ /* LIBRARY ENTRY POINT ********************************************************/ BOOL WINAPI DllMain(PVOID hinstDll, ULONG dwReason, PVOID reserved) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH://1 /* initialize version info */ //TRACE("Attach %d\n", nAttachCount); _osver = GetVersion(); CRTDLL__basemajor_dll = (_osver >> 24) & 0xFF; CRTDLL__baseminor_dll = (_osver >> 16) & 0xFF; CRTDLL__baseversion_dll = (_osver >> 16); CRTDLL__cpumode_dll = 1; /* FIXME */ CRTDLL__osmajor_dll = (_osver >>8) & 0xFF; CRTDLL__osminor_dll = (_osver & 0xFF); CRTDLL__osmode_dll = 1; /* FIXME */ CRTDLL__osversion_dll = (_osver & 0xFFFF); _winmajor = (_osver >> 8) & 0xFF; _winminor = _osver & 0xFF; _winver = (_winmajor << 8) + _winminor; _osver = (_osver >> 16) & 0xFFFF; hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 100000, 0); if (hHeap == NULL) return FALSE; /* create tls stuff */ if (!CreateThreadData()) return FALSE; if (BlockEnvToEnvironA() < 0) return FALSE; if (BlockEnvToEnvironW() < 0) { FreeEnvironment((char**)_wenviron); return FALSE; } _acmdln = _strdup(GetCommandLineA()); _wcmdln = _wcsdup(GetCommandLineW()); /* FIXME: more initializations... */ /* FIXME: Initialization of the WINE code */ msvcrt_init_mt_locks(); msvcrt_init_io(); setlocale(0, "C"); //_setmbcp(_MB_CP_LOCALE); TRACE("Attach done\n"); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH://2 break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH://4 FreeThreadData(NULL); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH://0 //TRACE("Detach %d\n", nAttachCount); /* Deinit of the WINE code */ msvcrt_free_io(); msvcrt_free_mt_locks(); _atexit_cleanup(); /* destroy tls stuff */ DestroyThreadData(); if (__winitenv && __winitenv != _wenviron) FreeEnvironment((char**)__winitenv); if (_wenviron) FreeEnvironment((char**)_wenviron); if (__initenv && __initenv != _environ) FreeEnvironment(__initenv); if (_environ) FreeEnvironment(_environ); /* destroy heap */ HeapDestroy(hHeap); TRACE("Detach done\n"); break; } return TRUE; } /********************************************************************* * __GetMainArgs (CRTDLL.@) */ void __GetMainArgs( int *argc, char ***argv, char ***envp, int expand_wildcards ) { int new_mode = 0; __getmainargs( argc, argv, envp, expand_wildcards, &new_mode ); } /********************************************************************* * _fstat (CRTDLL.@) */ int CRTDLL__fstat(int fd, struct crtdll_stat* buf) { extern int _fstat(int,struct _stat*); struct _stat st; int ret; if (!(ret = _fstat( fd, &st ))) convert_struct_stat( buf, &st ); return ret; } /********************************************************************* * _stat (CRTDLL.@) */ int CRTDLL__stat(const char* path, struct crtdll_stat * buf) { extern int _stat(const char*,struct _stat*); struct _stat st; int ret; if (!(ret = _stat( path, &st ))) convert_struct_stat( buf, &st ); return ret; } /********************************************************************* * _strdec (CRTDLL.@) */ char *_strdec(const char *str1, const char *str2) { return (char *)(str2 - 1); } /********************************************************************* * _strinc (CRTDLL.@) */ char *_strinc(const char *str) { return (char *)(str + 1); } /********************************************************************* * _strncnt (CRTDLL.@) */ size_t _strncnt(const char *str, size_t maxlen) { size_t len = strlen(str); return (len > maxlen) ? maxlen : len; } /********************************************************************* * _strnextc (CRTDLL.@) */ unsigned int _strnextc(const char *str) { return (unsigned int)str[0]; } /********************************************************************* * _strninc (CRTDLL.@) */ char *_strninc(const char *str, size_t len) { return (char *)(str + len); } /********************************************************************* * _strspnp (CRTDLL.@) */ char *_strspnp( const char *str1, const char *str2) { str1 += strspn( str1, str2 ); return *str1 ? (char*)str1 : NULL; } /* EOF */