/* * ReactOS Floppy Driver * Copyright (C) 2004, Vizzini (vizzini@plasmic.com) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * PROJECT: ReactOS Floppy Driver * FILE: floppy.c * PURPOSE: Main floppy driver routines * PROGRAMMER: Vizzini (vizzini@plasmic.com) * REVISIONS: * 15-Feb-2004 vizzini - Created * NOTES: * - This driver is only designed to work with ISA-bus floppy controllers. This * won't work on PCI-based controllers or on anything else with level-sensitive * interrupts without modification. I don't think these controllers exist. * * ---- General to-do items ---- * TODO: Figure out why CreateClose isn't called any more. Seems to correspond * with the driver not being unloadable. * TODO: Think about StopDpcQueued -- could be a race; too tired atm to tell * TODO: Clean up drive start/stop responsibilities (currently a mess...) * * ---- Support for proper media detection ---- * TODO: Handle MFM flag * TODO: Un-hardcode the data rate from various places * TODO: Proper media detection (right now we're hardcoded to 1.44) * TODO: Media detection based on sector 1 */ #include "precomp.h" /* * Global controller info structures. Each controller gets one. Since the system * will probably have only one, with four being a very unlikely maximum, a static * global array is easiest to deal with. */ static CONTROLLER_INFO gControllerInfo[MAX_CONTROLLERS]; static ULONG gNumberOfControllers = 0; /* Queue thread management */ static KEVENT QueueThreadTerminate; static PVOID QueueThreadObject; static VOID NTAPI MotorStopDpcFunc(PKDPC UnusedDpc, PVOID DeferredContext, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2) /* * FUNCTION: Stop the floppy motor * ARGUMENTS: * UnusedDpc: DPC object that's going off * DeferredContext: called with DRIVE_INFO for drive to turn off * SystemArgument1: unused * SystemArgument2: unused * NOTES: * - Must set an event to let other threads know we're done turning off the motor * - Called back at DISPATCH_LEVEL */ { PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo = (PCONTROLLER_INFO)DeferredContext; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SystemArgument1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SystemArgument2); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(UnusedDpc); ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); ASSERT(ControllerInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "MotorStopDpcFunc called\n"); HwTurnOffMotor(ControllerInfo); ControllerInfo->StopDpcQueued = FALSE; KeSetEvent(&ControllerInfo->MotorStoppedEvent, EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE); } VOID NTAPI StartMotor(PDRIVE_INFO DriveInfo) /* * FUNCTION: Start the motor, taking into account proper handling of the timer race * ARGUMENTS: * DriveInfo: drive to start * NOTES: * - Never call HwTurnOnMotor() directly * - This protocol manages a race between the cancel timer and the requesting thread. * You wouldn't want to turn on the motor and then cancel the timer, because the * cancel dpc might fire in the meantime, and that'd un-do what you just did. If you * cancel the timer first, but KeCancelTimer returns false, the dpc is already running, * so you have to wait until the dpc is completly done running, or else you'll race * with the turner-offer * - PAGED_CODE because we wait */ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(DriveInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "StartMotor called\n"); if(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->StopDpcQueued && !KeCancelTimer(&DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->MotorTimer)) { /* Motor turner-offer is already running; wait for it to finish */ INFO_(FLOPPY, "StartMotor: motor turner-offer is already running; waiting for it\n"); KeWaitForSingleObject(&DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->MotorStoppedEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); INFO_(FLOPPY, "StartMotor: wait satisfied\n"); } DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->StopDpcQueued = FALSE; if(HwTurnOnMotor(DriveInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "StartMotor(): warning: HwTurnOnMotor failed\n"); } } VOID NTAPI StopMotor(PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo) /* * FUNCTION: Stop all motors on the controller * ARGUMENTS: * DriveInfo: Drive to stop * NOTES: * - Never call HwTurnOffMotor() directly * - This manages the timer cancelation race (see StartMotor for details). * All we have to do is set up a timer. */ { LARGE_INTEGER StopTime; ASSERT(ControllerInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "StopMotor called\n"); /* one relative second, in 100-ns units */ StopTime.QuadPart = 10000000; StopTime.QuadPart *= -1; KeClearEvent(&ControllerInfo->MotorStoppedEvent); KeSetTimer(&ControllerInfo->MotorTimer, StopTime, &ControllerInfo->MotorStopDpc); ControllerInfo->StopDpcQueued = TRUE; } VOID NTAPI WaitForControllerInterrupt(PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo) /* * FUNCTION: Wait for the controller to interrupt, and then clear the event * ARGUMENTS: * ControllerInfo: Controller to wait for * NOTES: * - There is a small chance that an unexpected or spurious interrupt could * be lost with this clear/wait/clear scheme used in this driver. This is * deemed to be an acceptable risk due to the unlikeliness of the scenario, * and the fact that it'll probably work fine next time. * - PAGED_CODE because it waits */ { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(ControllerInfo); KeWaitForSingleObject(&ControllerInfo->SynchEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); KeClearEvent(&ControllerInfo->SynchEvent); } static DRIVER_DISPATCH CreateClose; static NTSTATUS NTAPI CreateClose(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) /* * FUNCTION: Dispatch function called for Create and Close IRPs * ARGUMENTS: * DeviceObject: DeviceObject that is the target of the IRP * Irp: IRP to process * RETURNS: * STATUS_SUCCESS in all cases * NOTES: * - The Microsoft sample drivers tend to return FILE_OPENED in Information, so I do too. * - No reason to fail the device open * - No state to track, so this routine is easy * - Can be called <= DISPATCH_LEVEL * * TODO: Figure out why this isn't getting called */ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DeviceObject); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "CreateClose called\n"); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Irp->IoStatus.Information = FILE_OPENED; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_DISK_INCREMENT); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static NTSTATUS NTAPI Recalibrate(PDRIVE_INFO DriveInfo) /* * FUNCTION: Start the recalibration process * ARGUMENTS: * DriveInfo: Pointer to the driveinfo struct associated with the targeted drive * RETURNS: * STATUS_SUCCESS on successful starting of the process * STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR if it fails * NOTES: * - Sometimes you have to do two recalibrations, particularly if the disk has <80 tracks. * - PAGED_CODE because we wait */ { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG i; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(DriveInfo); /* first turn on the motor */ /* Must stop after every start, prior to return */ StartMotor(DriveInfo); /* set the data rate */ WARN_(FLOPPY, "FIXME: UN-HARDCODE DATA RATE\n"); if(HwSetDataRate(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo, 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "Recalibrate: HwSetDataRate failed\n"); StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } /* clear the event just in case the last call forgot */ KeClearEvent(&DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->SynchEvent); /* sometimes you have to do this twice; we'll just do it twice all the time since * we don't know if the people calling this Recalibrate routine expect a disk to * even be in the drive, and if so, if that disk is formatted. */ for(i = 0; i < 2; i++) { /* Send the command */ Status = HwRecalibrate(DriveInfo); if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "Recalibrate: HwRecalibrate returned error\n"); continue; } WaitForControllerInterrupt(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); /* Get the results */ Status = HwRecalibrateResult(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); if(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "Recalibrate: HwRecalibrateResult returned error\n"); break; } } KeClearEvent(&DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->SynchEvent); /* Must stop after every start, prior to return */ StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ResetChangeFlag(PDRIVE_INFO DriveInfo) /* * FUNCTION: Reset the drive's change flag (as reflected in the DIR) * ARGUMENTS: * DriveInfo: the drive to reset * RETURNS: * STATUS_SUCCESS if the changeline is cleared * STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE if the changeline cannot be cleared * STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR if the controller cannot be communicated with * NOTES: * - Change reset procedure: recalibrate, seek 1, seek 0 * - If the line is still set after that, there's clearly no disk in the * drive, so we return STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE * - PAGED_CODE because we wait */ { BOOLEAN DiskChanged; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(DriveInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "ResetChangeFlag called\n"); /* Try to recalibrate. We don't care if it works. */ Recalibrate(DriveInfo); /* clear spurious interrupts in prep for seeks */ KeClearEvent(&DriveInfo->ControllerInfo->SynchEvent); /* must re-start the drive because Recalibrate() stops it */ StartMotor(DriveInfo); /* Seek to 1 */ if(HwSeek(DriveInfo, 1) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "ResetChangeFlag(): HwSeek failed; returning STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR\n"); StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } WaitForControllerInterrupt(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); if(HwSenseInterruptStatus(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "ResetChangeFlag(): HwSenseInterruptStatus failed; bailing out\n"); StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } /* Seek back to 0 */ if(HwSeek(DriveInfo, 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "ResetChangeFlag(): HwSeek failed; returning STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR\n"); StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } WaitForControllerInterrupt(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); if(HwSenseInterruptStatus(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "ResetChangeFlag(): HwSenseInterruptStatus #2 failed; bailing\n"); StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } /* Check the change bit */ if(HwDiskChanged(DriveInfo, &DiskChanged) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "ResetChangeFlag(): HwDiskChanged failed; returning STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR\n"); StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } StopMotor(DriveInfo->ControllerInfo); /* if the change flag is still set, there's probably no media in the drive. */ if(DiskChanged) return STATUS_NO_MEDIA_IN_DEVICE; /* else we're done! */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static VOID NTAPI Unload(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) /* * FUNCTION: Unload the driver from memory * ARGUMENTS: * DriverObject - The driver that is being unloaded */ { ULONG i,j; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(DriverObject); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "unloading\n"); KeSetEvent(&QueueThreadTerminate, 0, FALSE); KeWaitForSingleObject(QueueThreadObject, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, 0); ObDereferenceObject(QueueThreadObject); for(i = 0; i < gNumberOfControllers; i++) { if(!gControllerInfo[i].Initialized) continue; for(j = 0; j < gControllerInfo[i].NumberOfDrives; j++) { if(!gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].Initialized) continue; if(gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject) { UNICODE_STRING Link; RtlInitUnicodeString(&Link, gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].SymLinkBuffer); IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&Link); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Link, gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].ArcPathBuffer); IoDeassignArcName(&Link); IoDeleteDevice(gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject); } } IoDisconnectInterrupt(gControllerInfo[i].InterruptObject); /* Power down the controller */ if(HwPowerOff(&gControllerInfo[i]) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "unload: warning: HwPowerOff failed\n"); } } } static NTSTATUS NTAPI ConfigCallback(PVOID Context, PUNICODE_STRING PathName, INTERFACE_TYPE BusType, ULONG BusNumber, PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION *BusInformation, CONFIGURATION_TYPE ControllerType, ULONG ControllerNumber, PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION *ControllerInformation, CONFIGURATION_TYPE PeripheralType, ULONG PeripheralNumber, PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION *PeripheralInformation) /* * FUNCTION: Callback to IoQueryDeviceDescription, which tells us about our controllers * ARGUMENTS: * Context: Unused * PathName: Unused * BusType: Type of the bus that our controller is on * BusNumber: Number of the bus that our controller is on * BusInformation: Unused * ControllerType: Unused * ControllerNumber: Number of the controller that we're adding * ControllerInformation: Full configuration information for our controller * PeripheralType: Unused * PeripheralNumber: Unused * PeripheralInformation: Full configuration information for each drive on our controller * RETURNS: * STATUS_SUCCESS in all cases * NOTES: * - The only documentation I've found about the contents of these structures is * from the various Microsoft floppy samples and from the DDK headers. They're * very vague, though, so I'm only mostly sure that this stuff is correct, as * the MS samples do things completely differently than I have done them. Seems * to work in my VMWare, though. * - Basically, the function gets all of the information (port, dma, irq) about the * controller, and then loops through all of the drives presented in PeripheralInformation. * - Each controller has a CONTROLLER_INFO created for it, and each drive has a DRIVE_INFO. * - Device objects are created for each drive (not controller), as that's the targeted * device in the eyes of the rest of the OS. Each DRIVE_INFO points to a single CONTROLLER_INFO. * - We only support up to four controllers in the whole system, each of which supports up to four * drives. */ { PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION ControllerFullDescriptor = ControllerInformation[IoQueryDeviceConfigurationData]; PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR ControllerResourceDescriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)((PCHAR)ControllerFullDescriptor + ControllerFullDescriptor->DataOffset); PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION PeripheralFullDescriptor = PeripheralInformation[IoQueryDeviceConfigurationData]; PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR PeripheralResourceDescriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)((PCHAR)PeripheralFullDescriptor + PeripheralFullDescriptor->DataOffset); PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR PartialDescriptor; PCM_FLOPPY_DEVICE_DATA FloppyDeviceData; UCHAR i; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PeripheralType); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PeripheralNumber); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(BusInformation); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ControllerType); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(PathName); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "ConfigCallback called with ControllerNumber %d\n", ControllerNumber); gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].ControllerNumber = ControllerNumber; gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].InterfaceType = BusType; gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].BusNumber = BusNumber; /* Get controller interrupt level/vector, dma channel, and port base */ for(i = 0; i < ControllerResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count; i++) { KeInitializeEvent(&gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].SynchEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); PartialDescriptor = &ControllerResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i]; if(PartialDescriptor->Type == CmResourceTypeInterrupt) { gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].Level = PartialDescriptor->u.Interrupt.Level; gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].Vector = PartialDescriptor->u.Interrupt.Vector; if(PartialDescriptor->Flags & CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED) gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].InterruptMode = Latched; else gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].InterruptMode = LevelSensitive; } else if(PartialDescriptor->Type == CmResourceTypePort) { PHYSICAL_ADDRESS TranslatedAddress; ULONG AddressSpace = 0x1; /* I/O Port Range */ if(!HalTranslateBusAddress(BusType, BusNumber, PartialDescriptor->u.Port.Start, &AddressSpace, &TranslatedAddress)) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "HalTranslateBusAddress failed; returning\n"); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } if(AddressSpace == 0) gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].BaseAddress = MmMapIoSpace(TranslatedAddress, FDC_PORT_BYTES, MmNonCached); else gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].BaseAddress = (PUCHAR)(ULONG_PTR)TranslatedAddress.QuadPart; } else if(PartialDescriptor->Type == CmResourceTypeDma) gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].Dma = PartialDescriptor->u.Dma.Channel; } /* Start with 0 drives, then go looking */ gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].NumberOfDrives = 0; /* learn about drives attached to controller */ for(i = 0; i < PeripheralResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count; i++) { PDRIVE_INFO DriveInfo = &gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].DriveInfo[i]; PartialDescriptor = &PeripheralResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[i]; if(PartialDescriptor->Type != CmResourceTypeDeviceSpecific) continue; FloppyDeviceData = (PCM_FLOPPY_DEVICE_DATA)(PartialDescriptor + 1); DriveInfo->ControllerInfo = &gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers]; DriveInfo->UnitNumber = i; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.MaxDensity = FloppyDeviceData->MaxDensity; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.MountDensity = FloppyDeviceData->MountDensity; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.StepRateHeadUnloadTime = FloppyDeviceData->StepRateHeadUnloadTime; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.HeadLoadTime = FloppyDeviceData->HeadLoadTime; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.MotorOffTime = FloppyDeviceData->MotorOffTime; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.SectorLengthCode = FloppyDeviceData->SectorLengthCode; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.SectorPerTrack = FloppyDeviceData->SectorPerTrack; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.ReadWriteGapLength = FloppyDeviceData->ReadWriteGapLength; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.FormatGapLength = FloppyDeviceData->FormatGapLength; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.FormatFillCharacter = FloppyDeviceData->FormatFillCharacter; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.HeadSettleTime = FloppyDeviceData->HeadSettleTime; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.MotorSettleTime = FloppyDeviceData->MotorSettleTime; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.MaximumTrackValue = FloppyDeviceData->MaximumTrackValue; DriveInfo->FloppyDeviceData.DataTransferLength = FloppyDeviceData->DataTransferLength; /* Once it's all set up, acknowledge its existance in the controller info object */ gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].NumberOfDrives++; } gControllerInfo[gNumberOfControllers].Populated = TRUE; gNumberOfControllers++; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static BOOLEAN NTAPI Isr(PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, PVOID ServiceContext) /* * FUNCTION: Interrupt service routine for the controllers * ARGUMENTS: * Interrupt: Interrupt object representing the interrupt that occured * ServiceContext: Pointer to the ControllerInfo object that caused the interrupt * RETURNS: * TRUE in all cases (see notes) * NOTES: * - We should always be the target of the interrupt, being an edge-triggered ISA interrupt, but * this won't be the case with a level-sensitive system like PCI * - Note that it probably doesn't matter if the interrupt isn't dismissed, as it's edge-triggered. * It probably won't keep re-interrupting. * - There are two different ways to dismiss a floppy interrupt. If the command has a result phase * (see intel datasheet), you dismiss the interrupt by reading the first data byte. If it does * not, you dismiss the interrupt by doing a Sense Interrupt command. Again, because it's edge- * triggered, this is safe to not do here, as we can just wait for the DPC. * - Either way, we don't want to do this here. The controller shouldn't interrupt again, so we'll * schedule a DPC to take care of it. * - This driver really cannot shrare interrupts, as I don't know how to conclusively say * whether it was our controller that interrupted or not. I just have to assume that any time * my ISR gets called, it was my board that called it. Dumb design, yes, but it goes back to * the semantics of ISA buses. That, and I don't know much about ISA drivers. :-) * UPDATE: The high bit of Status Register A seems to work on non-AT controllers. * - Called at DIRQL */ { PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo = (PCONTROLLER_INFO)ServiceContext; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Interrupt); ASSERT(ControllerInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "ISR called\n"); /* * Due to the stupidity of the drive/controller relationship on the floppy drive, only one device object * can have an active interrupt pending. Due to the nature of these IRPs, though, there will only ever * be one thread expecting an interrupt at a time, and furthermore, Interrupts (outside of spurious ones) * won't ever happen unless a thread is expecting them. Therefore, all we have to do is signal an event * and we're done. Queue a DPC and leave. */ KeInsertQueueDpc(&ControllerInfo->Dpc, NULL, NULL); return TRUE; } VOID NTAPI DpcForIsr(PKDPC UnusedDpc, PVOID Context, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2) /* * FUNCTION: This DPC gets queued by every ISR. Does the real per-interrupt work. * ARGUMENTS: * UnusedDpc: Pointer to the DPC object that represents our function * DeviceObject: Device that this DPC is running for * Irp: Unused * Context: Pointer to our ControllerInfo struct * NOTES: * - This function just kicks off whatever the SynchEvent is and returns. We depend on * the thing that caused the drive to interrupt to handle the work of clearing the interrupt. * This enables us to get back to PASSIVE_LEVEL and not hog system time on a really stupid, * slow, screwed-up piece of hardare. * - If nothing is waiting for us to set the event, the interrupt is effectively lost and will * never be dismissed. I wonder if this will become a problem. * - Called at DISPATCH_LEVEL */ { PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo = (PCONTROLLER_INFO)Context; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(UnusedDpc); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SystemArgument1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(SystemArgument2); ASSERT(ControllerInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "DpcForIsr called\n"); KeSetEvent(&ControllerInfo->SynchEvent, EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE); } static NTSTATUS NTAPI InitController(PCONTROLLER_INFO ControllerInfo) /* * FUNCTION: Initialize a newly-found controller * ARGUMENTS: * ControllerInfo: pointer to the controller to be initialized * RETURNS: * STATUS_SUCCESS if the controller is successfully initialized * STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR otherwise */ { int i; UCHAR HeadLoadTime; UCHAR HeadUnloadTime; UCHAR StepRateTime; UCHAR ControllerVersion; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(ControllerInfo); TRACE_(FLOPPY, "InitController called with Controller 0x%p\n", ControllerInfo); /* Get controller in a known state */ HwConfigure(ControllerInfo, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, 0, 0); /* Get the controller version */ ControllerVersion = HwGetVersion(ControllerInfo); KeClearEvent(&ControllerInfo->SynchEvent); /* Reset the controller */ if(HwReset(ControllerInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "InitController: unable to reset controller\n"); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: waiting for initial interrupt\n"); /* Wait for an interrupt */ WaitForControllerInterrupt(ControllerInfo); /* Reset means you have to clear each of the four interrupts (one per drive) */ for(i = 0; i < MAX_DRIVES_PER_CONTROLLER; i++) { INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: Sensing interrupt %d\n", i); if(HwSenseInterruptStatus(ControllerInfo) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "InitController: Unable to clear interrupt 0x%x\n", i); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } } INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: done sensing interrupts\n"); /* Next, see if we have the right version to do implied seek */ if(ControllerVersion == VERSION_ENHANCED) { /* If so, set that up -- all defaults below except first TRUE for EIS */ if(HwConfigure(ControllerInfo, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0, 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "InitController: unable to set up implied seek\n"); ControllerInfo->ImpliedSeeks = FALSE; } else { INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: implied seeks set!\n"); ControllerInfo->ImpliedSeeks = TRUE; } /* * FIXME: Figure out the answer to the below * * I must admit that I'm really confused about the Model 30 issue. At least one * important bit (the disk change bit in the DIR) is flipped if this is a Model 30 * controller. However, at least one other floppy driver believes that there are only * two computers that are guaranteed to have a Model 30 controller: * - IBM Thinkpad 750 * - IBM PS2e * * ...and another driver only lists a config option for "thinkpad", that flips * the change line. A third driver doesn't mention the Model 30 issue at all. * * What I can't tell is whether or not the average, run-of-the-mill computer now has * a Model 30 controller. For the time being, I'm going to wire this to FALSE, * and just not support the computers mentioned above, while I try to figure out * how ubiquitous these newfangled 30 thingies are. */ //ControllerInfo->Model30 = TRUE; ControllerInfo->Model30 = FALSE; } else { INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: enhanced version not supported; disabling implied seeks\n"); ControllerInfo->ImpliedSeeks = FALSE; ControllerInfo->Model30 = FALSE; } /* Specify */ WARN_(FLOPPY, "FIXME: Figure out speed\n"); HeadLoadTime = SPECIFY_HLT_500K; HeadUnloadTime = SPECIFY_HUT_500K; StepRateTime = SPECIFY_SRT_500K; INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: setting data rate\n"); /* Set data rate */ if(HwSetDataRate(ControllerInfo, DRSR_DSEL_500KBPS) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "InitController: unable to set data rate\n"); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: issuing specify command to controller\n"); /* Don't disable DMA --> enable dma (dumb & confusing) */ if(HwSpecify(ControllerInfo, HeadLoadTime, HeadUnloadTime, StepRateTime, FALSE) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "InitController: unable to specify options\n"); return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; } /* Init the stop stuff */ KeInitializeDpc(&ControllerInfo->MotorStopDpc, MotorStopDpcFunc, ControllerInfo); KeInitializeTimer(&ControllerInfo->MotorTimer); KeInitializeEvent(&ControllerInfo->MotorStoppedEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); ControllerInfo->StopDpcQueued = FALSE; /* * Recalibrate each drive on the controller (depends on StartMotor, which depends on the timer stuff above) * We don't even know if there is a disk in the drive, so this may not work, but that's OK. */ for(i = 0; i < ControllerInfo->NumberOfDrives; i++) { INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: recalibrating drive 0x%x on controller 0x%p\n", i, ControllerInfo); Recalibrate(&ControllerInfo->DriveInfo[i]); } INFO_(FLOPPY, "InitController: done initializing; returning STATUS_SUCCESS\n"); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static BOOLEAN NTAPI AddControllers(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) /* * FUNCTION: Called on initialization to find our controllers and build device and controller objects for them * ARGUMENTS: * DriverObject: Our driver's DriverObject (so we can create devices against it) * RETURNS: * FALSE if we can't allocate a device, adapter, or interrupt object, or if we fail to find any controllers * TRUE otherwise (i.e. we have at least one fully-configured controller) * NOTES: * - Currently we only support ISA buses. * - BUG: Windows 2000 seems to clobber the response from the IoQueryDeviceDescription callback, so now we * just test a boolean value in the first object to see if it was completely populated. The same value * is tested for each controller before we build device objects for it. * TODO: * - Report resource usage to the HAL */ { INTERFACE_TYPE InterfaceType = Isa; CONFIGURATION_TYPE ControllerType = DiskController; CONFIGURATION_TYPE PeripheralType = FloppyDiskPeripheral; KAFFINITY Affinity; DEVICE_DESCRIPTION DeviceDescription; UCHAR i; UCHAR j; PAGED_CODE(); /* Find our controllers on all ISA buses */ IoQueryDeviceDescription(&InterfaceType, 0, &ControllerType, 0, &PeripheralType, 0, ConfigCallback, 0); /* * w2k breaks the return val from ConfigCallback, so we have to hack around it, rather than just * looking for a return value from ConfigCallback. We expect at least one controller. */ if(!gControllerInfo[0].Populated) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: failed to get controller info from registry\n"); return FALSE; } /* Now that we have a controller, set it up with the system */ for(i = 0; i < gNumberOfControllers && gControllerInfo[i].NumberOfDrives > 0; i++) { /* 0: Report resource usage to the kernel, to make sure they aren't assigned to anyone else */ /* FIXME: Implement me. */ /* 1: Set up interrupt */ gControllerInfo[i].MappedVector = HalGetInterruptVector(gControllerInfo[i].InterfaceType, gControllerInfo[i].BusNumber, gControllerInfo[i].Level, gControllerInfo[i].Vector, &gControllerInfo[i].MappedLevel, &Affinity); /* Must set up the DPC before we connect the interrupt */ KeInitializeDpc(&gControllerInfo[i].Dpc, DpcForIsr, &gControllerInfo[i]); INFO_(FLOPPY, "Connecting interrupt %d to controller%d (object 0x%p)\n", gControllerInfo[i].MappedVector, i, &gControllerInfo[i]); /* NOTE: We cannot share our interrupt, even on level-triggered buses. See Isr() for details. */ if(IoConnectInterrupt(&gControllerInfo[i].InterruptObject, Isr, &gControllerInfo[i], 0, gControllerInfo[i].MappedVector, gControllerInfo[i].MappedLevel, gControllerInfo[i].MappedLevel, gControllerInfo[i].InterruptMode, FALSE, Affinity, 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: unable to connect interrupt\n"); continue; } /* 2: Set up DMA */ memset(&DeviceDescription, 0, sizeof(DeviceDescription)); DeviceDescription.Version = DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION; DeviceDescription.DmaChannel = gControllerInfo[i].Dma; DeviceDescription.InterfaceType = gControllerInfo[i].InterfaceType; DeviceDescription.BusNumber = gControllerInfo[i].BusNumber; DeviceDescription.MaximumLength = 2*18*512; /* based on a 1.44MB floppy */ /* DMA 0,1,2,3 are 8-bit; 4,5,6,7 are 16-bit (4 is chain i think) */ DeviceDescription.DmaWidth = gControllerInfo[i].Dma > 3 ? Width16Bits: Width8Bits; gControllerInfo[i].AdapterObject = HalGetAdapter(&DeviceDescription, &gControllerInfo[i].MapRegisters); if(!gControllerInfo[i].AdapterObject) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: unable to allocate an adapter object\n"); IoDisconnectInterrupt(gControllerInfo[i].InterruptObject); continue; } /* 2b: Initialize the new controller */ if(InitController(&gControllerInfo[i]) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers(): Unable to set up controller %d - initialization failed\n", i); IoDisconnectInterrupt(gControllerInfo[i].InterruptObject); continue; } /* 2c: Set the controller's initlized flag so we know to release stuff in Unload */ gControllerInfo[i].Initialized = TRUE; /* 3: per-drive setup */ for(j = 0; j < gControllerInfo[i].NumberOfDrives; j++) { WCHAR DeviceNameBuf[MAX_DEVICE_NAME]; UNICODE_STRING DeviceName; UNICODE_STRING LinkName; UNICODE_STRING ArcPath; UCHAR DriveNumber; INFO_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers(): Configuring drive %d on controller %d\n", i, j); /* * 3a: create a device object for the drive * Controllers and drives are 0-based, so the combos are: * 0: 0,0 * 1: 0,1 * 2: 0,2 * 3: 0,3 * 4: 1,0 * 5: 1,1 * ... * 14: 3,2 * 15: 3,3 */ DriveNumber = (UCHAR)(i*4 + j); /* loss of precision is OK; there are only 16 of 'em */ RtlZeroMemory(&DeviceNameBuf, MAX_DEVICE_NAME * sizeof(WCHAR)); swprintf(DeviceNameBuf, L"\\Device\\Floppy%d", DriveNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&DeviceName, DeviceNameBuf); if(IoCreateDevice(DriverObject, sizeof(PVOID), &DeviceName, FILE_DEVICE_DISK, FILE_REMOVABLE_MEDIA | FILE_FLOPPY_DISKETTE, FALSE, &gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: unable to register a Device object\n"); IoDisconnectInterrupt(gControllerInfo[i].InterruptObject); continue; /* continue on to next drive */ } INFO_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: New device: %S (0x%p)\n", DeviceNameBuf, gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject); /* 3b.5: Create an ARC path in case we're booting from this drive */ swprintf(gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].ArcPathBuffer, L"\\ArcName\\multi(%d)disk(%d)fdisk(%d)", gControllerInfo[i].BusNumber, i, DriveNumber); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ArcPath, gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].ArcPathBuffer); IoAssignArcName(&ArcPath, &DeviceName); /* 3c: Set flags up */ gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject->Flags |= DO_DIRECT_IO; /* 3d: Create a symlink */ swprintf(gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].SymLinkBuffer, L"\\DosDevices\\%c:", DriveNumber + 'A'); RtlInitUnicodeString(&LinkName, gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].SymLinkBuffer); if(IoCreateSymbolicLink(&LinkName, &DeviceName) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: Unable to create a symlink for drive %d\n", DriveNumber); IoDisconnectInterrupt(gControllerInfo[i].InterruptObject); IoDeassignArcName(&ArcPath); continue; /* continue to next drive */ } /* 3e: Increase global floppy drives count */ IoGetConfigurationInformation()->FloppyCount++; /* 3f: Set up the DPC */ IoInitializeDpcRequest(gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject, (PIO_DPC_ROUTINE)DpcForIsr); /* 3g: Point the device extension at our DriveInfo struct */ gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject->DeviceExtension = &gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j]; /* 3h: neat comic strip */ /* 3i: set the initial media type to unknown */ memset(&gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DiskGeometry, 0, sizeof(DISK_GEOMETRY)); gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DiskGeometry.MediaType = Unknown; /* 3j: Now that we're done, set the Initialized flag so we know to free this in Unload */ gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].Initialized = TRUE; /* 3k: Clear the DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING flag */ gControllerInfo[i].DriveInfo[j].DeviceObject->Flags &= ~DO_DEVICE_INITIALIZING; } } INFO_(FLOPPY, "AddControllers: --------------------------------------------> finished adding controllers\n"); return (IoGetConfigurationInformation()->FloppyCount != 0); } VOID NTAPI SignalMediaChanged(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) /* * FUNCTION: Process an IRP when the media has changed, and possibly notify the user * ARGUMENTS: * DeviceObject: DeviceObject associated with the IRP * Irp: IRP that we're failing due to change * NOTES: * - This procedure is documented in the DDK by "Notifying the File System of Possible Media Changes", * "IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice", and by "Responding to Check-Verify Requests from the File System". * - Callable at <= DISPATCH_LEVEL */ { PDRIVE_INFO DriveInfo = DeviceObject->DeviceExtension; TRACE_(FLOPPY, "SignalMediaChanged called\n"); DriveInfo->DiskChangeCount++; /* If volume is not mounted, do NOT set verify and return STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR */ if(!(DeviceObject->Vpb->Flags & VPB_MOUNTED)) { Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; return; } /* Notify the filesystem that it will need to verify the volume */ DeviceObject->Flags |= DO_VERIFY_VOLUME; Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_VERIFY_REQUIRED; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; /* * If this is a user-based, threaded request, let the IO manager know to pop up a box asking * the user to supply the correct media, but only if the error (which we just picked out above) * is deemed by the IO manager to be "user induced". The reason we don't just unconditionally * call IoSetHardError... is because MS might change the definition of "user induced" some day, * and we don't want to have to remember to re-code this. */ if(Irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread && IoIsErrorUserInduced(Irp->IoStatus.Status)) IoSetHardErrorOrVerifyDevice(Irp, DeviceObject); } static VOID NTAPI QueueThread(PVOID Context) /* * FUNCTION: Thread that manages the queue and dispatches any queued requests * ARGUMENTS: * Context: unused */ { PIRP Irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; PVOID Objects[2]; PAGED_CODE(); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Context); Objects[0] = &QueueSemaphore; Objects[1] = &QueueThreadTerminate; for(;;) { KeWaitForMultipleObjects(2, Objects, WaitAny, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL, NULL); if(KeReadStateEvent(&QueueThreadTerminate)) { INFO_(FLOPPY, "QueueThread terminating\n"); return; } INFO_(FLOPPY, "QueueThread: servicing an IRP\n"); Irp = IoCsqRemoveNextIrp(&Csq, 0); /* we won't get an irp if it was canceled */ if(!Irp) { INFO_(FLOPPY, "QueueThread: IRP queue empty\n"); continue; } DeviceObject = (PDEVICE_OBJECT)Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0]; ASSERT(DeviceObject); Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); /* Decide what to do with the IRP */ switch(Stack->MajorFunction) { case IRP_MJ_READ: case IRP_MJ_WRITE: ReadWritePassive(DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, Irp); break; case IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL: DeviceIoctlPassive(DeviceObject->DeviceExtension, Irp); break; default: WARN_(FLOPPY, "QueueThread(): Unrecognized irp: mj: 0x%x\n", Stack->MajorFunction); Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; IoCompleteRequest(Irp, IO_NO_INCREMENT); } } } NTSTATUS NTAPI DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) /* * FUNCTION: Entry-point for the driver * ARGUMENTS: * DriverObject: Our driver object * RegistryPath: Unused * RETURNS: * STATUS_SUCCESS on successful initialization of at least one drive * STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE if we didn't find even one drive * STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL otherwise */ { HANDLE ThreadHandle; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(RegistryPath); /* * Set up dispatch routines */ DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = (PDRIVER_DISPATCH)CreateClose; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = (PDRIVER_DISPATCH)CreateClose; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_READ] = (PDRIVER_DISPATCH)ReadWrite; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_WRITE] = (PDRIVER_DISPATCH)ReadWrite; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = (PDRIVER_DISPATCH)DeviceIoctl; DriverObject->DriverUnload = Unload; /* * We depend on some zeroes in these structures. I know this is supposed to be * initialized to 0 by the complier but this makes me feel beter. */ memset(&gControllerInfo, 0, sizeof(gControllerInfo)); /* * Set up queue. This routine cannot fail (trust me, I wrote it). */ IoCsqInitialize(&Csq, CsqInsertIrp, CsqRemoveIrp, CsqPeekNextIrp, CsqAcquireLock, CsqReleaseLock, CsqCompleteCanceledIrp); /* * ...and its lock */ KeInitializeSpinLock(&IrpQueueLock); /* * ...and the queue list itself */ InitializeListHead(&IrpQueue); /* * The queue is counted by a semaphore. The queue management thread * blocks on this semaphore, so if requests come in faster than the queue * thread can handle them, the semaphore count goes up. */ KeInitializeSemaphore(&QueueSemaphore, 0, 0x7fffffff); /* * Event to terminate that thread */ KeInitializeEvent(&QueueThreadTerminate, NotificationEvent, FALSE); /* * Create the queue processing thread. Save its handle in the global variable * ThreadHandle so we can wait on its termination during Unload. */ if(PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0, QueueThread, 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "Unable to create system thread; failing init\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } if(ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ThreadHandle, STANDARD_RIGHTS_ALL, PsThreadType, KernelMode, &QueueThreadObject, NULL) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { WARN_(FLOPPY, "Unable to reference returned thread handle; failing init\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* * Close the handle, now that we have the object pointer and a reference of our own. * The handle will certainly not be valid in the context of the caller next time we * need it, as handles are process-specific. */ ZwClose(ThreadHandle); /* * Start the device discovery proces. Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if * it finds even one drive attached to one controller. */ if(!AddControllers(DriverObject)) return STATUS_NO_SUCH_DEVICE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }