/* * ReactOS Generic Framebuffer display driver * * Copyright (C) 2004 Filip Navara * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "framebufacc.h" static DRVFN DrvFunctionTable[] = { {INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV, (PFN)DrvEnablePDEV}, {INDEX_DrvCompletePDEV, (PFN)DrvCompletePDEV}, {INDEX_DrvDisablePDEV, (PFN)DrvDisablePDEV}, {INDEX_DrvEnableSurface, (PFN)DrvEnableSurface}, {INDEX_DrvDisableSurface, (PFN)DrvDisableSurface}, {INDEX_DrvAssertMode, (PFN)DrvAssertMode}, {INDEX_DrvGetModes, (PFN)DrvGetModes}, {INDEX_DrvSetPalette, (PFN)DrvSetPalette}, {INDEX_DrvSetPointerShape, (PFN)DrvSetPointerShape}, {INDEX_DrvMovePointer, (PFN)DrvMovePointer} }; /* * DrvEnableDriver * * Initial driver entry point exported by the driver DLL. It fills in a * DRVENABLEDATA structure with the driver's DDI version number and the * calling addresses of all DDI functions supported by the driver. * * Status * @implemented */ BOOL APIENTRY DrvEnableDriver( ULONG iEngineVersion, ULONG cj, PDRVENABLEDATA pded) { if (cj >= sizeof(DRVENABLEDATA)) { pded->c = sizeof(DrvFunctionTable) / sizeof(DRVFN); pded->pdrvfn = DrvFunctionTable; pded->iDriverVersion = DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT5; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /* * DrvEnablePDEV * * Returns a description of the physical device's characteristics to GDI. * * Status * @implemented */ DHPDEV APIENTRY DrvEnablePDEV( IN DEVMODEW *pdm, IN LPWSTR pwszLogAddress, IN ULONG cPat, OUT HSURF *phsurfPatterns, IN ULONG cjCaps, OUT ULONG *pdevcaps, IN ULONG cjDevInfo, OUT DEVINFO *pdi, IN HDEV hdev, IN LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, IN HANDLE hDriver) { PPDEV ppdev; GDIINFO GdiInfo; DEVINFO DevInfo; ULONG returnedDataLength = 0; ppdev = EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(PDEV), ALLOC_TAG); if (ppdev == NULL) { return NULL; } ppdev->hDriver = hDriver; if (!IntInitScreenInfo(ppdev, pdm, &GdiInfo, &DevInfo)) { EngFreeMem(ppdev); return NULL; } /* hw mouse pointer */ ppdev->pPointerAttributes = NULL; ppdev->PointerAttributesSize = 0; /* Test see if the driver support hw mouse or not */ if (!EngDeviceIoControl(ppdev->hDriver,IOCTL_VIDEO_QUERY_POINTER_CAPABILITIES, &ppdev->ModeIndex, sizeof(PVIDEO_MODE), &ppdev->PointerCapabilities, sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_CAPABILITIES), &returnedDataLength)) { /* Test see if we got a hw mouse or not */ if ( (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_MONO_POINTER) || (ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_COLOR_POINTER) ) { /* determent the hw mouse mode */ if (!(ppdev->PointerCapabilities.Flags & VIDEO_MODE_ASYNC_POINTER)) { DevInfo.flGraphicsCaps &= ~GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE; } else { DevInfo.flGraphicsCaps |= GCAPS_ASYNCMOVE; } } } /* setup paletted */ if (!IntInitDefaultPalette(ppdev, &DevInfo)) { EngFreeMem(ppdev); return NULL; } memcpy(pdi, &DevInfo, min(sizeof(DEVINFO), cjDevInfo)); memcpy(pdevcaps, &GdiInfo, min(sizeof(GDIINFO), cjCaps)); return (DHPDEV)ppdev; } /* * DrvCompletePDEV * * Stores the GDI handle (hdev) of the physical device in dhpdev. The driver * should retain this handle for use when calling GDI services. * * Status * @implemented */ VOID APIENTRY DrvCompletePDEV( IN DHPDEV dhpdev, IN HDEV hdev) { ((PPDEV)dhpdev)->hDevEng = hdev; } /* * DrvDisablePDEV * * Release the resources allocated in DrvEnablePDEV. If a surface has been * enabled DrvDisableSurface will have already been called. * * Status * @implemented */ VOID APIENTRY DrvDisablePDEV( IN DHPDEV dhpdev) { if (((PPDEV)dhpdev)->DefaultPalette) { EngDeletePalette(((PPDEV)dhpdev)->DefaultPalette); } if (((PPDEV)dhpdev)->PaletteEntries != NULL) { EngFreeMem(((PPDEV)dhpdev)->PaletteEntries); } EngFreeMem(dhpdev); }