#include "ReportDialog.h" #include "Unfrag.h" #include "Fraginator.h" #include "DriveVolume.h" #include "Defragment.h" #include "resource.h" void SetReportInfo (HWND Dlg, DefragReport &Report, uint32 BytesDivisor, const wchar_t *BytesUnits, bool Fractional) { wchar_t Text[1000]; wchar_t Text2[1000]; wchar_t Text3[1000]; memset (Text, 0, sizeof (Text)); // Volume name SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_DRIVELETTER, Report.RootPath.c_str()); // Volume label SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_VOLUMELABEL, Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().Name.c_str()); // Volume Serial SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_VOLUMESERIAL, Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().Serial.c_str()); // File System SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_FILESYSTEM, Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().FileSystem.c_str()); // DiskSizeBytes if (Fractional) { swprintf (Text, L"%.2f %s", (double)(signed)(Report.DiskSizeBytes / (BytesDivisor / 1024)) / 1024.0, BytesUnits); } else { AddCommas (Text, Report.DiskSizeBytes / BytesDivisor); wcscat (Text, L" "); wcscat (Text, BytesUnits); } SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_DISKSIZEBYTES, Text); // DiskFreeBytes if (Fractional) { swprintf (Text, L"%.2f %s", (double)(signed)(Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().FreeBytes / (BytesDivisor / 1024)) / 1024.0, BytesUnits); } else { AddCommas (Text, Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().FreeBytes / BytesDivisor); wcscat (Text, L" "); wcscat (Text, BytesUnits); } SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_DISKFREEBYTES, Text); // DiskSizeClusters AddCommas (Text, Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().ClusterCount); wcscat (Text, L" clusters"); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_DISKSIZECLUSTERS, Text); // DiskClusterSize swprintf (Text, L"%u bytes", Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().ClusterSize); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_DISKCLUSTERSIZE, Text); // DirsCount AddCommas (Text, Report.DirsCount); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_DIRSCOUNT, Text); // FilesCount AddCommas (Text, Report.FilesCount); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_FILESCOUNT, Text); // FilesFragged swprintf (Text, L"(%.2f%%)", Report.PercentFragged); AddCommas (Text2, Report.FraggedFiles.size()); swprintf (Text3, L"%s %s", Text, Text2); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_FILESFRAGGED, Text3); // Average Frags swprintf (Text, L"%.2f", Report.AverageFragments); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_AVERAGEFRAGS, Text); // FilesSizeBytes if (Fractional) { swprintf (Text, L"%.2f %s", (double)(signed)(Report.FilesSizeBytes / (BytesDivisor / 1024)) / 1024.0, BytesUnits); } else { AddCommas (Text, Report.FilesSizeBytes / (uint64)BytesDivisor); wcscat (Text, L" "); wcscat (Text, BytesUnits); } SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_FILESSIZEBYTES, Text); // Files SizeOnDisk if (Fractional) { swprintf (Text, L"%.2f %s", (double)(signed)((Report.FilesSizeBytes + Report.FilesSlackBytes) / (BytesDivisor / 1024)) / 1024.0, BytesUnits); } else { AddCommas (Text, (Report.FilesSizeBytes + Report.FilesSlackBytes) / (uint64)BytesDivisor); wcscat (Text, L" "); wcscat (Text, BytesUnits); } SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_FILESSIZEONDISK, Text); // FilesSlackBytes if (Fractional) { swprintf (Text, L"%.2f %s", (double)(signed)(Report.FilesSlackBytes / (BytesDivisor / 1024)) / 1024.0, BytesUnits); } else { AddCommas (Text, Report.FilesSlackBytes / BytesDivisor); wcscat (Text, L" "); wcscat (Text, BytesUnits); } swprintf (Text2, L"(%.2f%%)", Report.PercentSlack); swprintf (Text3, L"%s %s", Text2, Text); SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_FILESSLACKBYTES, Text3); // Recommendation bool PFRec = false; // Recommend based off percent fragged files? bool AFRec = false; // Recommend based off average fragments per file? if (Report.PercentFragged >= 5.0f) PFRec = true; if (Report.AverageFragments >= 1.1f) AFRec = true; wcscpy (Text, L"* "); if (PFRec) { swprintf ( Text2, L"%.2f%% of the files on this volume are fragmented. ", Report.PercentFragged ); wcscat (Text, Text2); } if (AFRec) { swprintf ( Text2, L"The average fragments per file (%.2f) indicates a high degree of fragmentation. ", Report.AverageFragments ); wcscat (Text, Text2); } if (Report.PercentFragged < 5.0f && Report.AverageFragments < 1.1f) swprintf (Text, L"* No defragmentation is necessary at this point."); else if (Report.PercentFragged < 15.0f && Report.AverageFragments < 1.3f) wcscat (Text, L"It is recommended that you perform a Fast Defrag."); else wcscat (Text, L"It is recommended that you perform an Extensive Defrag."); // Should we recommend a smaller cluster size? if (Report.PercentSlack >= 10.0f) { swprintf ( Text2, L"\n* A large amount of disk space (%.2f%%) is being lost " L"due to a large (%u bytes) cluster size. It is recommended " L"that you use a disk utility such as Partition Magic to " L"reduce the cluster size of this volume.", Report.PercentSlack, Defrag->GetVolume().GetVolumeInfo().ClusterSize ); wcscat (Text, Text2); } SetDlgItemText (Dlg, IDC_RECOMMEND, Text); return; } INT_PTR CALLBACK ReportDialogProc (HWND Dlg, UINT Msg, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam) { switch (Msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetReportInfo (Dlg, Defrag->GetDefragReport (), 1, L"bytes", false); return (1); case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(WParam)) { case IDC_REPORTOK: EndDialog (Dlg, 0); return (1); case IDC_GIGABYTES: SetReportInfo (Dlg, Defrag->GetDefragReport (), 1024*1024*1024, L"GB", true); return (1); case IDC_MEGABYTES: SetReportInfo (Dlg, Defrag->GetDefragReport (), 1024*1024, L"MB", false); return (1); case IDC_KILOBYTES: SetReportInfo (Dlg, Defrag->GetDefragReport (), 1024, L"KB", false); return (1); case IDC_BYTES: SetReportInfo (Dlg, Defrag->GetDefragReport (), 1, L"bytes", false); return (1); } } return (0); }