# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BCC32=bcc32 CPP32=cpp32 !if !$d(BCB) BCB = $(MAKEDIR)\.. !endif # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IDE SECTION # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following section of the project makefile is managed by the BCB IDE. # It is recommended to use the IDE to change any of the values in this # section. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT = eh_test.exe OBJFILES = TestClass.obj \ nc_alloc.obj \ random_number.obj \ test_algo.obj \ test_algobase.obj \ test_bit_vector.obj \ test_bitset.obj \ test_deque.obj \ test_hash_map.obj \ test_hash_set.obj \ test_list.obj \ test_map.obj \ test_rope.obj \ test_set.obj \ test_slist.obj \ test_string.obj \ test_valarray.obj \ test_vector.obj main.obj # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PATHCPP = .; PATHPAS = .; PATHASM = .; PATHRC = .; # USERDEFINES = _STLP_NO_OWN_IOSTREAMS USERDEFINES = _DEBUG SYSDEFINES = _RTLDLL;NO_STRICT;USEPACKAGES # SYSDEFINES = NO_STRICT;USEPACKAGES # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CFLAG1 = -w- -jb -j1 -I.;..\..\stlport;$(BCB)\include; -Od -v -N -x -xp -tWC -D$(SYSDEFINES);$(USERDEFINES) LDFLAGS = -L..\..\lib;$(BCB)\..\lib cw32i.lib stlp.4.5.lib .autodepend # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- all : $(PROJECT) cd ..\..\lib ..\test\eh\eh_test.exe -s 100 $(PROJECT) : $(OBJFILES) $(BCC32) -e$(PROJECT) $(CFLAG1) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJFILES) clean: del *.obj *.exe *.core *.tds # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .cpp.obj: $(BCC32) $(CFLAG1) -n$(@D) -c $< .cpp.exe: $(BCC32) $(CFLAG1) $(LDFLAGS) -n$(@D) $< .cpp.i: $(CPP32) $(CFLAG1) -n. -Sr -Ss -Sd {$< } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------