list(APPEND SOURCE asn.c bitmap.c bsops.c cache.c channels.c connectdialog.c iso.c licence.c mcs.c mppc.c orders.c pstcache.c rdp5.c rdp.c secure.c settings.c ssl_calls.c tcp.c uimain.c win32.c bsops.h constants.h orders.h proto.h rdesktop.h resource.h types.h uimain.h precomp.h) add_definitions(-DWITH_SSL) file(GLOB mstsc_rc_deps res/*.*) add_rc_deps(rdc.rc ${mstsc_rc_deps}) add_executable(mstsc ${SOURCE} rdc.rc) set_module_type(mstsc win32gui UNICODE) add_importlibs(mstsc user32 gdi32 comctl32 ws2_32 crypt32 secur32 advapi32 shell32 ole32 comdlg32 msvcrt kernel32) add_pch(mstsc precomp.h SOURCE) add_cd_file(TARGET mstsc DESTINATION reactos/system32 FOR all) if(MSVC) # Disable warning C4267: 'initializing': conversion from 'size_t' to 'uint16', possible loss of data target_compile_options(mstsc PRIVATE /wd4267) endif()