/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/fsrtl/unc.c * PURPOSE: Manages UNC support routines for file system drivers. * PROGRAMMERS: Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include KSEMAPHORE FsRtlpUncSemaphore; ULONG FsRtlpRedirs = 0; struct { HANDLE MupHandle; HANDLE NullHandle; UNICODE_STRING RedirectorDeviceName; BOOLEAN MailslotsSupported; } FsRtlpDRD; BOOLEAN FsRtlpIsDfsEnabled(VOID) { HANDLE Key; ULONG Length; NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING KeyName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; struct { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION KeyInfo; ULONG KeyValue; } KeyQueryOutput; /* You recognize MuppIsDfsEnabled()! Congratz :-) */ KeyName.Buffer = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Mup"; KeyName.Length = sizeof(L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Mup") - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); KeyName.MaximumLength = sizeof(L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Mup"); /* Simply query registry to get whether DFS is disabled. * If DFS isn't disabled from registry side, assume it is enabled * and go through MUP. * MUP itself might disable it, but that's not our concern * any longer */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &KeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); Status = ZwOpenKey(&Key, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return TRUE; } KeyName.Buffer = L"DisableDfs"; KeyName.Length = sizeof(L"DisableDfs") - sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); KeyName.MaximumLength = sizeof(L"DisableDfs"); Status = ZwQueryValueKey(Key, &KeyName, KeyValuePartialInformation, &KeyQueryOutput, sizeof(KeyQueryOutput), &Length); ZwClose(Key); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || KeyQueryOutput.KeyInfo.Type != REG_DWORD) { return TRUE; } return ((ULONG)KeyQueryOutput.KeyInfo.Data != 1); } NTSTATUS FsRtlpOpenDev(OUT PHANDLE DeviceHandle, IN PCWSTR DeviceName) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING StrDeviceName; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; PAGED_CODE(); /* Just open the device and return the obtained handle */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&StrDeviceName, DeviceName); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &StrDeviceName, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = ZwCreateFile(DeviceHandle, GENERIC_WRITE, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, 0, NULL, 0); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = IoStatusBlock.Status; } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { *DeviceHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return Status; } VOID FsRtlpSetSymbolicLink(IN PCUNICODE_STRING DeviceName) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UncDevice; PAGED_CODE(); /* Delete the old link, and set the new one if we have a name */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&UncDevice, L"\\DosDevices\\UNC"); IoDeleteSymbolicLink(&UncDevice); if (DeviceName != NULL) { Status = IoCreateSymbolicLink(&UncDevice, (PUNICODE_STRING)DeviceName); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); } } NTSTATUS FsRtlpRegisterProviderWithMUP(IN HANDLE MupHandle, IN PCUNICODE_STRING RedirectorDeviceName, IN BOOLEAN MailslotsSupported) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG BufferSize; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; PMUP_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION_INFO RegistrationInfo; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT1("FsRtlpRegisterProviderWithMUP(%p, %wZ, %u)\n", (PVOID)MupHandle, RedirectorDeviceName, MailslotsSupported); /* We have to be able to store the name and the registration information */ BufferSize = RedirectorDeviceName->Length + sizeof(MUP_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION_INFO); RegistrationInfo = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, BufferSize, TAG_UNC); if (RegistrationInfo == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Set the information about the provider (including its name) */ RegistrationInfo->RedirectorDeviceNameOffset = sizeof(MUP_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION_INFO); RegistrationInfo->RedirectorDeviceNameLength = RedirectorDeviceName->Length; RegistrationInfo->MailslotsSupported = MailslotsSupported; RtlCopyMemory((PWSTR)((ULONG_PTR)RegistrationInfo + RegistrationInfo->RedirectorDeviceNameOffset), RedirectorDeviceName->Buffer, RedirectorDeviceName->Length); /* Call MUP with the registration FSCTL */ Status = NtFsControlFile(MupHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, FSCTL_MUP_REGISTER_PROVIDER, RegistrationInfo, BufferSize, NULL, 0); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(MupHandle, TRUE, NULL); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = IoStatusBlock.Status; } /* And we're done! */ ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); ExFreePoolWithTag(RegistrationInfo, TAG_UNC); return Status; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /*++ * @name FsRtlDeregisterUncProvider * @implemented * * FILLME * * @param Handle * FILLME * * @return None * * @remarks None * *--*/ VOID NTAPI FsRtlDeregisterUncProvider(IN HANDLE Handle) { PAGED_CODE(); /* We won't work on invalid input */ if (Handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || Handle == 0) { return; } KeWaitForSingleObject(&FsRtlpUncSemaphore, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Sanity check: we need to have providers */ ASSERT(FsRtlpRedirs > 0); /* At that point, we had only one provider at a time */ if (Handle == (HANDLE)FsRtlpDRD.NullHandle) { /* Free its name if possible (it might have been overtaken in case of * registration of other UNC provider */ if (FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer != NULL) { ExFreePoolWithTag(FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer, TAG_UNC); FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer = NULL; } /* Close the handle to MUP */ if (FsRtlpDRD.MupHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ZwClose(FsRtlpDRD.MupHandle); FsRtlpDRD.MupHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* Last handle isn't required anymore */ FsRtlpDRD.NullHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } /* One less provider */ --FsRtlpRedirs; /* In case we reach no provider anylonger, reset the symbolic link */ if (FsRtlpRedirs == 0) { FsRtlpSetSymbolicLink(NULL); } KeReleaseSemaphore(&FsRtlpUncSemaphore, IO_NO_INCREMENT, 1, FALSE); /* Final note: * NULL device handle and 'normal' MUP device handle are not closed by * FsRtl. It's up to the user to close them afterwards. * If the handle is leaked, MUP will never be notified about the * unregistration. */ } /*++ * @name FsRtlRegisterUncProvider * @implemented * * FILLME * * @param Handle * FILLME * * @param RedirectorDeviceName * FILLME * * @param MailslotsSupported * FILLME * * @return None * * @remarks None * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI FsRtlRegisterUncProvider(OUT PHANDLE Handle, IN PCUNICODE_STRING RedirectorDeviceName, IN BOOLEAN MailslotsSupported) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE DeviceHandle; UNICODE_STRING MupString; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT1("FsRtlRegisterUncProvider(%p, %wZ, %u)\n", Handle, RedirectorDeviceName, MailslotsSupported); KeWaitForSingleObject(&FsRtlpUncSemaphore, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* In case no provider was registered yet, check for DFS present. * If DFS is present, we need to go with MUP, whatever the case */ if (FsRtlpRedirs == 0) { if (FsRtlpIsDfsEnabled()) { DPRINT1("DFS is not disabled. Going through MUP\n"); /* We've to go with MUP, make sure our internal structure doesn't * contain any leftover data and raise redirs to one, to make sure * we use MUP. */ RtlZeroMemory(&FsRtlpDRD, sizeof(FsRtlpDRD)); FsRtlpRedirs = 1; } } /* In case no UNC provider was already registered, * We'll proceed without MUP and directly redirect * UNC to the provider. */ if (FsRtlpRedirs == 0) { /* As we don't provide MUP, just give a handle to NULL device */ Status = FsRtlpOpenDev(&DeviceHandle, L"\\Device\\Null"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } /* Allocate a buffer big enough to keep a local copy of UNC provider device */ FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, RedirectorDeviceName->MaximumLength, TAG_UNC); if (FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto Cleanup; } FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Length = RedirectorDeviceName->Length; FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.MaximumLength = RedirectorDeviceName->MaximumLength; RtlCopyMemory(FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer, RedirectorDeviceName->Buffer, RedirectorDeviceName->MaximumLength); /* We don't have MUP, and copy provider information */ FsRtlpDRD.MupHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FsRtlpDRD.MailslotsSupported = MailslotsSupported; FsRtlpDRD.NullHandle = DeviceHandle; /* Set DOS device UNC to use provider device */ FsRtlpSetSymbolicLink(RedirectorDeviceName); } else { /* We (will) have several providers, MUP is required */ Status = FsRtlpOpenDev(&DeviceHandle, L"\\Device\\Mup"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Opening MUP may have failed because the driver was not loaded, so load it and retry */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&MupString, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Mup"); ZwLoadDriver(&MupString); Status = FsRtlpOpenDev(&DeviceHandle, L"\\Device\\Mup"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } } /* In case we had a single provider till now, we have to forward the old provider to MUP * And then, register the new one to MUP as well */ if (FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer != NULL) { /* We will only continue if we can register previous provider in MUP */ Status = FsRtlpRegisterProviderWithMUP(DeviceHandle, &FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName, FsRtlpDRD.MailslotsSupported); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } /* Save our Mup handle for later usage */ FsRtlpDRD.MupHandle = DeviceHandle; /* Release information about previous provider */ ExFreePoolWithTag(FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer, TAG_UNC); FsRtlpDRD.RedirectorDeviceName.Buffer = NULL; /* Re-open MUP to have a handle to give back to the user */ Status = FsRtlpOpenDev(&DeviceHandle, L"\\Device\\Mup"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto Cleanup; } } /* Redirect UNC DOS device to MUP */ RtlInitUnicodeString(&MupString, L"\\Device\\Mup"); FsRtlpSetSymbolicLink(&MupString); /* Register new provider */ Status = FsRtlpRegisterProviderWithMUP(DeviceHandle, RedirectorDeviceName, MailslotsSupported); } Cleanup: /* In case of success, increment number of providers and return handle * to the device pointed by UNC DOS device */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ++FsRtlpRedirs; *Handle = DeviceHandle; } else { /* Cleanup in case of failure */ if (DeviceHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && DeviceHandle != 0) { ZwClose(DeviceHandle); } *Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } KeReleaseSemaphore(&FsRtlpUncSemaphore, IO_NO_INCREMENT, 1, FALSE); return Status; }