/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Session Manager * LICENSE: GPL v2 or later - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: base/system/smss/client.c * PURPOSE: Client management. * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Development Team */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include "smss.h" #include #define NDEBUG #include /* Private ADT */ #define SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT 16 #define SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX -1 struct _SM_CLIENT_DIRECTORY { RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION Lock; ULONG Count; PSM_CLIENT_DATA Client [SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT]; PSM_CLIENT_DATA CandidateClient; } SmpClientDirectory; /********************************************************************** * SmInitializeClientManagement/0 */ NTSTATUS SmInitializeClientManagement (VOID) { DPRINT("SM: %s called\n", __FUNCTION__); RtlInitializeCriticalSection(& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); SmpClientDirectory.Count = 0; RtlZeroMemory (SmpClientDirectory.Client, sizeof SmpClientDirectory.Client); SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient = NULL; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * SmpSetClientInitialized/1 */ VOID FASTCALL SmpSetClientInitialized (PSM_CLIENT_DATA Client) { DPRINT("SM: %s(%p) called\n", __FUNCTION__, Client); Client->Flags |= SM_CLIENT_FLAG_INITIALIZED; } /********************************************************************** * SmpGetFirstFreeClientEntry/0 PRIVATE * * NOTE: call it holding SmpClientDirectory.Lock only */ static INT NTAPI SmpGetFirstFreeClientEntry (VOID) { INT ClientIndex = 0; DPRINT("SM: %s called\n", __FUNCTION__); if (SmpClientDirectory.Count < SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT) { for (ClientIndex = 0; (ClientIndex < SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT); ClientIndex ++) { if (NULL == SmpClientDirectory.Client[ClientIndex]) { DPRINT("SM: %s => %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ClientIndex); return ClientIndex; // found } } } return SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX; // full! } /********************************************************************** * SmpLookupClient/1 PRIVATE * * DESCRIPTION * Lookup the subsystem server descriptor (client data) given its * base image ID. * * ARGUMENTS * SubsystemId: IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_xxx * * RETURN VALUES * SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX on error; * otherwise an index in the range (0..SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT). * * WARNING * SmpClientDirectory.Lock must be held by the caller. */ static INT FASTCALL SmpLookupClient (USHORT SubsystemId) { INT ClientIndex = 0; DPRINT("SM: %s(%d) called\n", __FUNCTION__, SubsystemId); if (0 != SmpClientDirectory.Count) { for (ClientIndex = 0; (ClientIndex < SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT); ClientIndex ++) { if (NULL != SmpClientDirectory.Client[ClientIndex]) { if (SubsystemId == SmpClientDirectory.Client[ClientIndex]->SubsystemId) { return ClientIndex; } } } } return SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX; } /********************************************************************** * SmpDestroyClientObject/2 PRIVATE * * WARNING * SmpClientDirectory.Lock must be held by the caller. */ static NTSTATUS NTAPI SmpDestroyClientObject (PSM_CLIENT_DATA Client, NTSTATUS DestroyReason) { DPRINT("SM:%s(%p,%08lx) called\n", __FUNCTION__, Client, DestroyReason); /* TODO: send shutdown to the SB port */ NtTerminateProcess (Client->ServerProcess, DestroyReason); RtlFreeHeap (SmpHeap, 0, Client); -- SmpClientDirectory.Count; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * SmBeginClientInitialization/1 * * DESCRIPTION * Check if the candidate client matches the begin session * message from the subsystem process. * * ARGUMENTS * Request: message received by \SmApiPort * ClientData: * * RETURN VALUES * NTSTATUS */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SmBeginClientInitialization (IN PSM_PORT_MESSAGE Request, OUT PSM_CLIENT_DATA * ClientData) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PSM_CONNECT_DATA ConnectData = SmpGetConnectData (Request); ULONG SbApiPortNameSize = SM_CONNECT_DATA_SIZE(*Request); INT ClientIndex = SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX; HANDLE Process; DPRINT("SM: %s(%p,%p) called\n", __FUNCTION__, Request, ClientData); RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); /* * Is there a subsystem bootstrap in progress? */ if (NULL != SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient) { PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION pbi; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; RtlZeroMemory (& pbi, sizeof pbi); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = NtOpenProcess(&Process, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, &ObjectAttributes, &Request->Header.ClientId); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); Status = NtQueryInformationProcess (Process, ProcessBasicInformation, & pbi, sizeof pbi, NULL); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); { SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->ServerProcessId = (ULONG) pbi.UniqueProcessId; } } else { DPRINT1("SM: %s: subsys booting with no descriptor!\n", __FUNCTION__); Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return Status; } /* * Check if a client for the ID already exist. */ if (SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX != SmpLookupClient(ConnectData->SubSystemId)) { DPRINT("SM: %s: attempt to register again subsystem %d.\n", __FUNCTION__, ConnectData->SubSystemId); // TODO something else to do here? RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* * Check if a free entry exists in SmpClientDirectory.Client[]. */ ClientIndex = SmpGetFirstFreeClientEntry(); if (SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == ClientIndex) { DPRINT("SM: %s: SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == ClientIndex ", __FUNCTION__); SmpDestroyClientObject (SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient, STATUS_NO_MEMORY); SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient = NULL; return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* OK! */ DPRINT("SM: %s: registering subsystem ID=%d \n", __FUNCTION__, ConnectData->SubSystemId); /* * Initialize the client data */ SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->SubsystemId = ConnectData->SubSystemId; /* SM && DBG auto-initializes; other subsystems are required to call * SM_API_COMPLETE_SESSION via SMDLL. */ if ((IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE == SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->SubsystemId) || ((USHORT)-1 == SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->SubsystemId)) { SmpSetClientInitialized (SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient); } if (SbApiPortNameSize > 0) { /* Only external servers have an SB port */ RtlCopyMemory (SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->SbApiPortName, ConnectData->SbName, SbApiPortNameSize); } /* * Insert the new descriptor in the * client directory. */ SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex] = SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient; /* * Increment the number of active subsystems. */ ++ SmpClientDirectory.Count; /* * Notify to the caller the reference to the client data. */ if (ClientData) { *ClientData = SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient; } /* * Free the slot for the candidate subsystem. */ SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient = NULL; /* Done */ RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * SmCompleteClientInitialization/1 * * DESCRIPTION * Lookup the subsystem server descriptor given the process ID * of the subsystem server process. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SmCompleteClientInitialization (ULONG ProcessId) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; INT ClientIndex = SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX; DPRINT("SM: %s(%lu) called\n", __FUNCTION__, ProcessId); RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); if (SmpClientDirectory.Count > 0) { for (ClientIndex = 0; ClientIndex < SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT; ClientIndex ++) { if ((NULL != SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]) && (ProcessId == SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->ServerProcessId)) { SmpSetClientInitialized (SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } } RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return Status; } /********************************************************************** * SmpDestroyClientByClientIndex/1 PRIVATE */ static NTSTATUS NTAPI SmpDestroyClientByClientIndex (INT ClientIndex) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PSM_CLIENT_DATA Client = NULL; DPRINT("SM: %s(%d) called\n", __FUNCTION__, ClientIndex); if (SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == ClientIndex) { DPRINT1("SM: %s: SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == ClientIndex!\n", __FUNCTION__); Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } else { Client = SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]; SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex] = NULL; if (NULL != Client) { Status = SmpDestroyClientObject (Client, STATUS_SUCCESS); } else { DPRINT("SM:%s: NULL == Client[%d]!\n", __FUNCTION__, ClientIndex); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } return Status; } /********************************************************************** * SmpTimeoutCandidateClient/1 * * DESCRIPTION * Give the candidate client time to bootstrap and complete * session initialization. If the client fails in any way, * drop the pending client and kill the process. * * ARGUMENTS * x: HANDLE for the candidate process. * * RETURN VALUE * NONE. */ static VOID NTAPI SmpTimeoutCandidateClient (PVOID x) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; HANDLE CandidateClientProcessHandle = (HANDLE) x; LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut; DPRINT("SM: %s(%p) called\n", __FUNCTION__, x); TimeOut.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) -300000000L; // 30s Status = NtWaitForSingleObject (CandidateClientProcessHandle, FALSE, & TimeOut); if (STATUS_TIMEOUT == Status) { RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); if (NULL != SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient) { DPRINT("SM:%s: destroy candidate %p\n", __FUNCTION__, SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient); Status = SmpDestroyClientObject (SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient, STATUS_TIMEOUT); SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient = NULL; } RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); } NtTerminateThread (NtCurrentThread(), Status); } /********************************************************************** * SmpCreateClient/1 * * DESCRIPTION * Create a "candidate" client. Client descriptor will enter the * client directory only at the end of the registration * procedure. Otherwise, we will kill the associated process. * * ARGUMENTS * ProcessHandle: handle of the subsystem server process. * * RETURN VALUE * NTSTATUS: * STATUS_SUCCESS if all OK; * STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY if another SS is still booting; * STATUS_NO_MEMORY if client descriptor allocation failed; * * */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SmCreateClient (PRTL_USER_PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo, PWSTR ProgramName) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DPRINT("SM: %s(%p, %S) called\n", __FUNCTION__, ProcessInfo->ProcessHandle, ProgramName); RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); /* * Check if the candidate client slot is empty. */ if (NULL == SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient) { /* * Check if there exist a free entry in the * SmpClientDirectory.Client array. */ if (SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == SmpGetFirstFreeClientEntry()) { DPRINT("SM: %s(%p): out of memory!\n", __FUNCTION__, ProcessInfo->ProcessHandle); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* * Allocate the storage for client data */ SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient = RtlAllocateHeap (SmpHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (SM_CLIENT_DATA)); if (NULL == SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient) { DPRINT("SM: %s(%p): out of memory!\n", __FUNCTION__, ProcessInfo->ProcessHandle); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } else { DPRINT("SM:%s(%p,%S): candidate is %p\n", __FUNCTION__, ProcessInfo, ProgramName, SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient); /* Initialize the candidate client. */ RtlInitializeCriticalSection(& SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->Lock); SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->ServerProcess = (HANDLE) ProcessInfo->ProcessHandle; SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->ServerProcessId = (DWORD_PTR) ProcessInfo->ClientId.UniqueProcess; /* * Copy the program name */ RtlCopyMemory (SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->ProgramName, ProgramName, SM_SB_NAME_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } else { DPRINT1("SM: %s: CandidateClient %p pending!\n", __FUNCTION__, SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient); Status = STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY; } RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); /* Create the timeout thread for external subsystems */ if (_wcsicmp (ProgramName, L"Session Manager") && _wcsicmp (ProgramName, L"Debug")) { Status = RtlCreateUserThread (NtCurrentProcess(), NULL, FALSE, 0, 0, 0, (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) SmpTimeoutCandidateClient, SmpClientDirectory.CandidateClient->ServerProcess, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("SM:%s: RtlCreateUserThread() failed (Status=%08lx)\n", __FUNCTION__, Status); } } return Status; } /********************************************************************** * SmpDestroyClient/1 * * 1. close any handle * 2. kill client process * 3. release resources */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SmDestroyClient (ULONG SubsystemId) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; INT ClientIndex = SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX; DPRINT("SM: %s(%lu) called\n", __FUNCTION__, SubsystemId); RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); ClientIndex = SmpLookupClient (SubsystemId); if (SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == ClientIndex) { DPRINT1("SM: %s: del req for non existent subsystem (id=%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, SubsystemId); return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } Status = SmpDestroyClientByClientIndex (ClientIndex); RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return Status; } /* === Utilities for SmQryInfo === */ /********************************************************************** * SmGetClientBasicInformation/1 */ NTSTATUS FASTCALL SmGetClientBasicInformation (PSM_BASIC_INFORMATION i) { INT ClientIndex = 0; INT Index = 0; DPRINT("SM: %s(%p) called\n", __FUNCTION__, i); RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); i->SubSystemCount = SmpClientDirectory.Count; i->Unused = 0; if (SmpClientDirectory.Count > 0) { for (ClientIndex = 0; (ClientIndex < SM_MAX_CLIENT_COUNT); ClientIndex ++) { if ((NULL != SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]) && (Index < SM_QRYINFO_MAX_SS_COUNT)) { i->SubSystem[Index].Id = SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->SubsystemId; i->SubSystem[Index].Flags = SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->Flags; i->SubSystem[Index].ProcessId = SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->ServerProcessId; ++ Index; } } } RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * SmGetSubSystemInformation/1 */ NTSTATUS FASTCALL SmGetSubSystemInformation (PSM_SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION i) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; INT ClientIndex = SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX; DPRINT("SM: %s(%p) called\n", __FUNCTION__, i); RtlEnterCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); ClientIndex = SmpLookupClient (i->SubSystemId); if (SM_INVALID_CLIENT_INDEX == ClientIndex) { Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } else { i->Flags = SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->Flags; i->ProcessId = SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->ServerProcessId; RtlCopyMemory (i->NameSpaceRootNode, SmpClientDirectory.Client [ClientIndex]->SbApiPortName, (SM_QRYINFO_MAX_ROOT_NODE * sizeof(i->NameSpaceRootNode[0]))); } RtlLeaveCriticalSection (& SmpClientDirectory.Lock); return Status; } /* EOF */