LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_USAGE "ReactOS Timeout Utility\n\ \n\ TIMEOUT [/?] [/T] delay [/NOBREAK]\n\ \n\ Description:\n\ This tool waits until a specified time period (in seconds) has elapsed,\n\ or until any key is pressed. A parameter to ignore the key press is also\n\ accepted.\n\ \n\ Parameters:\n\ /? Display this help screen.\n\ \n\ /T delay Specify the number of seconds to wait (-1 to 99999).\n\ A value of -1 means the program will wait until a key is pressed.\n\ Note that the ""/T"" specification is optional, you can just\n\ specify the delay value without it.\n\ \n\ /NOBREAK Ignore all keyboard input except for Ctrl+C.\n\ " IDS_ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE "ERROR: The timer value must be within range (-1 to 99999).\n" IDS_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE "ERROR: Unable to get the standard handle for the console (error %lu).\n" IDS_ERROR_READ_INPUT "ERROR: Unable to read the console input (error %lu).\n" IDS_ERROR_NO_TIMER_VALUE "ERROR: The timer value must be specified (-1 to 99999).\n" IDS_ERROR_ONE_TIME "ERROR: Only one timer value is needed.\n" IDS_NOBREAK_INPUT "Press Ctrl+C to quit..." IDS_USER_INPUT "Press any key to continue..." IDS_NOBREAK_INPUT_COUNT "Waiting for %d second(s), press Ctrl+C to quit..." IDS_USER_INPUT_COUNT "Waiting for %d second(s), press any key to continue..." END