/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2002, 2017 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/filesystem/ntfs/btree.c * PURPOSE: NTFS filesystem driver * PROGRAMMERS: Trevor Thompson */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "ntfs.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ // TEMP FUNCTION for diagnostic purposes. // Prints VCN of every node in an index allocation VOID PrintAllVCNs(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationContext, ULONG NodeSize) { ULONGLONG CurrentOffset = 0; PINDEX_BUFFER CurrentNode, Buffer; ULONGLONG BufferSize = AttributeDataLength(IndexAllocationContext->pRecord); ULONG BytesRead; ULONGLONG i; int Count = 0; if (BufferSize == 0) { DPRINT1("Index Allocation is empty.\n"); return; } Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, BufferSize, TAG_NTFS); BytesRead = ReadAttribute(Vcb, IndexAllocationContext, 0, (PCHAR)Buffer, BufferSize); ASSERT(BytesRead = BufferSize); CurrentNode = Buffer; // loop through all the nodes for (i = 0; i < BufferSize; i += NodeSize) { NTSTATUS Status = FixupUpdateSequenceArray(Vcb, &CurrentNode->Ntfs); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Fixing fixup failed!\n"); continue; } DPRINT1("Node #%d, VCN: %I64u\n", Count, CurrentNode->VCN); CurrentNode = (PINDEX_BUFFER)((ULONG_PTR)CurrentNode + NodeSize); CurrentOffset += NodeSize; Count++; } ExFreePoolWithTag(Buffer, TAG_NTFS); } /** * @name CompareTreeKeys * @implemented * * Compare two B_TREE_KEY's to determine their order in the tree. * * @param Key1 * Pointer to a B_TREE_KEY that will be compared. * * @param Key2 * Pointer to the other B_TREE_KEY that will be compared. * * @param CaseSensitive * Boolean indicating if the function should operate in case-sensitive mode. This will be TRUE * if an application created the file with the FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS flag. * * @returns * 0 if the two keys are equal. * < 0 if key1 is less thank key2 * > 0 if key1 is greater than key2 * * @remarks * Any other key is always less than the final (dummy) key in a node. Key1 must not be the dummy node. */ LONG CompareTreeKeys(PB_TREE_KEY Key1, PB_TREE_KEY Key2, BOOLEAN CaseSensitive) { UNICODE_STRING Key1Name, Key2Name; LONG Comparison; // Key1 must not be the final key (AKA the dummy key) ASSERT(!(Key1->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_END)); // If Key2 is the "dummy key", key 1 will always come first if (Key2->NextKey == NULL) return -1; Key1Name.Buffer = Key1->IndexEntry->FileName.Name; Key1Name.Length = Key1Name.MaximumLength = Key1->IndexEntry->FileName.NameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); Key2Name.Buffer = Key2->IndexEntry->FileName.Name; Key2Name.Length = Key2Name.MaximumLength = Key2->IndexEntry->FileName.NameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); // Are the two keys the same length? if (Key1Name.Length == Key2Name.Length) return RtlCompareUnicodeString(&Key1Name, &Key2Name, !CaseSensitive); // Is Key1 shorter? if (Key1Name.Length < Key2Name.Length) { // Truncate KeyName2 to be the same length as KeyName1 Key2Name.Length = Key1Name.Length; // Compare the names of the same length Comparison = RtlCompareUnicodeString(&Key1Name, &Key2Name, !CaseSensitive); // If the truncated names are the same length, the shorter one comes first if (Comparison == 0) return -1; } else { // Key2 is shorter // Truncate KeyName1 to be the same length as KeyName2 Key1Name.Length = Key2Name.Length; // Compare the names of the same length Comparison = RtlCompareUnicodeString(&Key1Name, &Key2Name, !CaseSensitive); // If the truncated names are the same length, the shorter one comes first if (Comparison == 0) return 1; } return Comparison; } PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE CreateBTreeNodeFromIndexNode(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE IndexRoot, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationAttributeCtx, PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE NodeEntry) { PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE NewNode; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE CurrentNodeEntry; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE FirstNodeEntry; ULONG CurrentEntryOffset = 0; PINDEX_BUFFER NodeBuffer; ULONG IndexBufferSize = Vcb->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord; PULONGLONG NodeNumber; PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey; NTSTATUS Status; ULONGLONG IndexNodeOffset; ULONG BytesRead; if (IndexAllocationAttributeCtx == NULL) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't find index allocation attribute even though there should be one!\n"); return NULL; } // Get the node number from the end of the node entry NodeNumber = (PULONGLONG)((ULONG_PTR)NodeEntry + NodeEntry->Length - sizeof(ULONGLONG)); // Create the new tree node DPRINT1("About to allocate %ld for NewNode\n", sizeof(B_TREE_FILENAME_NODE)); NewNode = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_FILENAME_NODE), TAG_NTFS); if (!NewNode) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for new filename node.\n"); return NULL; } RtlZeroMemory(NewNode, sizeof(B_TREE_FILENAME_NODE)); // Create the first key CurrentKey = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY), TAG_NTFS); if (!CurrentKey) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to allocate memory for key!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(NewNode, TAG_NTFS); return NULL; } RtlZeroMemory(CurrentKey, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY)); NewNode->FirstKey = CurrentKey; // Allocate memory for the node buffer NodeBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, IndexBufferSize, TAG_NTFS); if (!NodeBuffer) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for node buffer!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(CurrentKey, TAG_NTFS); ExFreePoolWithTag(NewNode, TAG_NTFS); return NULL; } // Calculate offset into index allocation IndexNodeOffset = GetAllocationOffsetFromVCN(Vcb, IndexBufferSize, *NodeNumber); // TODO: Confirm index bitmap has this node marked as in-use // Read the node BytesRead = ReadAttribute(Vcb, IndexAllocationAttributeCtx, IndexNodeOffset, (PCHAR)NodeBuffer, IndexBufferSize); ASSERT(BytesRead == IndexBufferSize); NT_ASSERT(NodeBuffer->Ntfs.Type == NRH_INDX_TYPE); NT_ASSERT(NodeBuffer->VCN == *NodeNumber); // Apply the fixup array to the node buffer Status = FixupUpdateSequenceArray(Vcb, &NodeBuffer->Ntfs); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't apply fixup array to index node buffer!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(NodeBuffer, TAG_NTFS); ExFreePoolWithTag(CurrentKey, TAG_NTFS); ExFreePoolWithTag(NewNode, TAG_NTFS); return NULL; } // Walk through the index and create keys for all the entries FirstNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)(&NodeBuffer->Header) + NodeBuffer->Header.FirstEntryOffset); CurrentNodeEntry = FirstNodeEntry; while (CurrentEntryOffset < NodeBuffer->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries) { // Allocate memory for the current entry CurrentKey->IndexEntry = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, CurrentNodeEntry->Length, TAG_NTFS); if (!CurrentKey->IndexEntry) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for next key!\n"); DestroyBTreeNode(NewNode); ExFreePoolWithTag(NodeBuffer, TAG_NTFS); return NULL; } NewNode->KeyCount++; // If this isn't the last entry if (!(CurrentNodeEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_END)) { // Create the next key PB_TREE_KEY NextKey = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY), TAG_NTFS); if (!NextKey) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for next key!\n"); DestroyBTreeNode(NewNode); ExFreePoolWithTag(NodeBuffer, TAG_NTFS); return NULL; } RtlZeroMemory(NextKey, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY)); // Add NextKey to the end of the list CurrentKey->NextKey = NextKey; // Copy the current entry to its key RtlCopyMemory(CurrentKey->IndexEntry, CurrentNodeEntry, CurrentNodeEntry->Length); // See if the current key has a sub-node if (CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE) { DPRINT1("TODO: Only a node with a single-level is supported right now!\n"); // Needs debugging: CurrentKey->LesserChild = CreateBTreeNodeFromIndexNode(Vcb, IndexRoot, IndexAllocationAttributeCtx, CurrentKey->IndexEntry); } CurrentKey = NextKey; } else { // Copy the final entry to its key RtlCopyMemory(CurrentKey->IndexEntry, CurrentNodeEntry, CurrentNodeEntry->Length); CurrentKey->NextKey = NULL; // See if the current key has a sub-node if (CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE) { DPRINT1("TODO: Only a node with a single-level is supported right now!\n"); // Needs debugging: CurrentKey->LesserChild = CreateBTreeNodeFromIndexNode(Vcb, IndexRoot, IndexAllocationAttributeCtx, CurrentKey->IndexEntry); } break; } // Advance to the next entry CurrentEntryOffset += CurrentNodeEntry->Length; CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)CurrentNodeEntry + CurrentNodeEntry->Length); } NewNode->NodeNumber = *NodeNumber; NewNode->ExistsOnDisk = TRUE; ExFreePoolWithTag(NodeBuffer, TAG_NTFS); return NewNode; } /** * @name CreateBTreeFromIndex * @implemented * * Parse an index and create a B-Tree in memory from it. * * @param IndexRootContext * Pointer to an NTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT that describes the location of the index root attribute. * * @param NewTree * Pointer to a PB_TREE that will receive the pointer to a newly-created B-Tree. * * @returns * STATUS_SUCCESS on success. * STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if an allocation fails. * * @remarks * Allocates memory for the entire tree. Caller is responsible for destroying the tree with DestroyBTree(). */ NTSTATUS CreateBTreeFromIndex(PDEVICE_EXTENSION Vcb, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecordWithIndex, /*PCWSTR IndexName,*/ PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexRootContext, PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE IndexRoot, PB_TREE *NewTree) { PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE CurrentNodeEntry; PB_TREE Tree = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE), TAG_NTFS); PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE RootNode = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_FILENAME_NODE), TAG_NTFS); PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY), TAG_NTFS); ULONG CurrentOffset = IndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset; PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationContext = NULL; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT1("CreateBTreeFromIndex(%p, %p)\n", IndexRoot, NewTree); if (!Tree || !RootNode || !CurrentKey) { DPRINT1("Couldn't allocate enough memory for B-Tree!\n"); if (Tree) ExFreePoolWithTag(Tree, TAG_NTFS); if (CurrentKey) ExFreePoolWithTag(CurrentKey, TAG_NTFS); if (RootNode) ExFreePoolWithTag(RootNode, TAG_NTFS); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(Tree, sizeof(B_TREE)); RtlZeroMemory(RootNode, sizeof(B_TREE_FILENAME_NODE)); RtlZeroMemory(CurrentKey, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY)); // See if the file record has an attribute allocation Status = FindAttribute(Vcb, FileRecordWithIndex, AttributeIndexAllocation, L"$I30", 4, &IndexAllocationContext, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) IndexAllocationContext = NULL; else PrintAllVCNs(Vcb, IndexAllocationContext, IndexRoot->SizeOfEntry); // Setup the Tree RootNode->FirstKey = CurrentKey; Tree->RootNode = RootNode; // Make sure we won't try reading past the attribute-end if (FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, Header) + IndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries > IndexRootContext->pRecord->Resident.ValueLength) { DPRINT1("Filesystem corruption detected!\n"); DestroyBTree(Tree); return STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR; } // Start at the first node entry CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)IndexRoot + FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, Header) + IndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset); // Create a key for each entry in the node while (CurrentOffset < IndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries) { // Allocate memory for the current entry CurrentKey->IndexEntry = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, CurrentNodeEntry->Length, TAG_NTFS); if (!CurrentKey->IndexEntry) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for next key!\n"); DestroyBTree(Tree); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RootNode->KeyCount++; // If this isn't the last entry if (!(CurrentNodeEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_END)) { // Create the next key PB_TREE_KEY NextKey = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY), TAG_NTFS); if (!NextKey) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for next key!\n"); DestroyBTree(Tree); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } RtlZeroMemory(NextKey, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY)); // Add NextKey to the end of the list CurrentKey->NextKey = NextKey; // Copy the current entry to its key RtlCopyMemory(CurrentKey->IndexEntry, CurrentNodeEntry, CurrentNodeEntry->Length); // Does this key have a sub-node? if (CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE) { // Create the child node CurrentKey->LesserChild = CreateBTreeNodeFromIndexNode(Vcb, IndexRoot, IndexAllocationContext, CurrentKey->IndexEntry); if (!CurrentKey->LesserChild) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't create child node!\n"); DestroyBTree(Tree); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } // Advance to the next entry CurrentOffset += CurrentNodeEntry->Length; CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)CurrentNodeEntry + CurrentNodeEntry->Length); CurrentKey = NextKey; } else { // Copy the final entry to its key RtlCopyMemory(CurrentKey->IndexEntry, CurrentNodeEntry, CurrentNodeEntry->Length); CurrentKey->NextKey = NULL; // Does this key have a sub-node? if (CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE) { // Create the child node CurrentKey->LesserChild = CreateBTreeNodeFromIndexNode(Vcb, IndexRoot, IndexAllocationContext, CurrentKey->IndexEntry); if (!CurrentKey->LesserChild) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Couldn't create child node!\n"); DestroyBTree(Tree); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } break; } } *NewTree = Tree; if (IndexAllocationContext) ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexAllocationContext); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @name CreateIndexRootFromBTree * @implemented * * Parse a B-Tree in memory and convert it into an index that can be written to disk. * * @param DeviceExt * Pointer to the DEVICE_EXTENSION of the target drive. * * @param Tree * Pointer to a B_TREE that describes the index to be written. * * @param MaxIndexSize * Describes how large the index can be before it will take too much space in the file record. * After reaching MaxIndexSize, an index can no longer be represented with just an index root * attribute, and will require an index allocation and $I30 bitmap (TODO). * * @param IndexRoot * Pointer to a PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE that will receive a pointer to the newly-created index. * * @param Length * Pointer to a ULONG which will receive the length of the new index root. * * @returns * STATUS_SUCCESS on success. * STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if an allocation fails. * STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED if the new index can't fit within MaxIndexSize. * * @remarks * If the function succeeds, it's the caller's responsibility to free IndexRoot with ExFreePoolWithTag(). */ NTSTATUS CreateIndexRootFromBTree(PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExt, PB_TREE Tree, ULONG MaxIndexSize, PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE *IndexRoot, ULONG *Length) { ULONG i; PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE CurrentNodeEntry; PINDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE NewIndexRoot = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord, TAG_NTFS); DPRINT1("CreateIndexRootFromBTree(%p, %p, 0x%lx, %p, %p)\n", DeviceExt, Tree, MaxIndexSize, IndexRoot, Length); if (!NewIndexRoot) { DPRINT1("Failed to allocate memory for Index Root!\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // Setup the new index root RtlZeroMemory(NewIndexRoot, DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerFileRecord); NewIndexRoot->AttributeType = AttributeFileName; NewIndexRoot->CollationRule = COLLATION_FILE_NAME; NewIndexRoot->SizeOfEntry = DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerIndexRecord; // If Bytes per index record is less than cluster size, clusters per index record becomes sectors per index if (NewIndexRoot->SizeOfEntry < DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster) NewIndexRoot->ClustersPerIndexRecord = NewIndexRoot->SizeOfEntry / DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector; else NewIndexRoot->ClustersPerIndexRecord = NewIndexRoot->SizeOfEntry / DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; // Setup the Index node header NewIndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset = sizeof(INDEX_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE); NewIndexRoot->Header.Flags = INDEX_ROOT_SMALL; // Start summing the total size of this node's entries NewIndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries = NewIndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset; // Setup each Node Entry CurrentKey = Tree->RootNode->FirstKey; CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)NewIndexRoot + FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, Header) + NewIndexRoot->Header.FirstEntryOffset); for (i = 0; i < Tree->RootNode->KeyCount; i++) { // Would adding the current entry to the index increase the index size beyond the limit we've set? ULONG IndexSize = FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, Header) + NewIndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries + CurrentNodeEntry->Length; if (IndexSize > MaxIndexSize) { DPRINT1("TODO: Adding file would require creating an index allocation!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(NewIndexRoot, TAG_NTFS); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } ASSERT(CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Length != 0); // Copy the index entry RtlCopyMemory(CurrentNodeEntry, CurrentKey->IndexEntry, CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Length); DPRINT1("Index Node Entry Stream Length: %u\nIndex Node Entry Length: %u\n", CurrentNodeEntry->KeyLength, CurrentNodeEntry->Length); // Does the current key have any sub-nodes? if (CurrentKey->LesserChild) NewIndexRoot->Header.Flags = INDEX_ROOT_LARGE; // Add Length of Current Entry to Total Size of Entries NewIndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries += CurrentNodeEntry->Length; // Go to the next node entry CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)CurrentNodeEntry + CurrentNodeEntry->Length); CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } NewIndexRoot->Header.AllocatedSize = NewIndexRoot->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries; *IndexRoot = NewIndexRoot; *Length = NewIndexRoot->Header.AllocatedSize + FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE, Header); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS CreateIndexBufferFromBTreeNode(PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExt, PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE Node, ULONG BufferSize, PINDEX_BUFFER IndexBuffer) { ULONG i; PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey; PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE CurrentNodeEntry; NTSTATUS Status; // TODO: Fix magic, do math RtlZeroMemory(IndexBuffer, BufferSize); IndexBuffer->Ntfs.Type = NRH_INDX_TYPE; IndexBuffer->Ntfs.UsaOffset = 0x28; IndexBuffer->Ntfs.UsaCount = 9; // TODO: Check bitmap for VCN ASSERT(Node->ExistsOnDisk); IndexBuffer->VCN = Node->NodeNumber; IndexBuffer->Header.FirstEntryOffset = 0x28; IndexBuffer->Header.AllocatedSize = BufferSize - FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_BUFFER, Header); // Start summing the total size of this node's entries IndexBuffer->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries = IndexBuffer->Header.FirstEntryOffset; CurrentKey = Node->FirstKey; CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)&(IndexBuffer->Header) + IndexBuffer->Header.FirstEntryOffset); for (i = 0; i < Node->KeyCount; i++) { // Would adding the current entry to the index increase the node size beyond the allocation size? ULONG IndexSize = FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_BUFFER, Header) + IndexBuffer->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries + CurrentNodeEntry->Length; if (IndexSize > BufferSize) { DPRINT1("TODO: Adding file would require creating a new node!\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } ASSERT(CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Length != 0); // Copy the index entry RtlCopyMemory(CurrentNodeEntry, CurrentKey->IndexEntry, CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Length); DPRINT1("Index Node Entry Stream Length: %u\nIndex Node Entry Length: %u\n", CurrentNodeEntry->KeyLength, CurrentNodeEntry->Length); // Add Length of Current Entry to Total Size of Entries IndexBuffer->Header.TotalSizeOfEntries += CurrentNodeEntry->Length; // TODO: Check for child nodes // Go to the next node entry CurrentNodeEntry = (PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)((ULONG_PTR)CurrentNodeEntry + CurrentNodeEntry->Length); CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } Status = AddFixupArray(DeviceExt, &IndexBuffer->Ntfs); return Status; } NTSTATUS UpdateIndexAllocation(PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExt, PB_TREE Tree, ULONG IndexBufferSize, PFILE_RECORD_HEADER FileRecord) { // Find the index allocation and bitmap PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationContext, BitmapContext; PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN HasIndexAllocation = FALSE; ULONG i; DPRINT1("UpdateIndexAllocations() called.\n"); Status = FindAttribute(DeviceExt, FileRecord, AttributeIndexAllocation, L"$I30", 4, &IndexAllocationContext, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) HasIndexAllocation = TRUE; // TODO: Handle bitmap BitmapContext = NULL; // Walk through the root node and update all the sub-nodes CurrentKey = Tree->RootNode->FirstKey; for (i = 0; i < Tree->RootNode->KeyCount; i++) { if (CurrentKey->LesserChild) { if (!HasIndexAllocation) { DPRINT1("FIXME: Need to add index allocation\n"); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else { Status = UpdateIndexNode(DeviceExt, CurrentKey->LesserChild, IndexBufferSize, IndexAllocationContext, BitmapContext); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to update index node!\n"); ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexAllocationContext); return Status; } } } CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } if(HasIndexAllocation) ReleaseAttributeContext(IndexAllocationContext); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS UpdateIndexNode(PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExt, PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE Node, ULONG IndexBufferSize, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT IndexAllocationContext, PNTFS_ATTR_CONTEXT BitmapContext) { ULONG i; PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey = Node->FirstKey; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT1("UpdateIndexNode(%p, %p, %lu, %p, %p) called for index node with VCN %I64u\n", DeviceExt, Node, IndexBufferSize, IndexAllocationContext, BitmapContext, Node->NodeNumber); // Do we need to write this node to disk? if (Node->DiskNeedsUpdating) { ULONGLONG NodeOffset; ULONG LengthWritten; // Allocate memory for an index buffer PINDEX_BUFFER IndexBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, IndexBufferSize, TAG_NTFS); if (!IndexBuffer) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to allocate %lu bytes for index buffer!\n", IndexBufferSize); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // Create the index buffer we'll be writing to disk to represent this node Status = CreateIndexBufferFromBTreeNode(DeviceExt, Node, IndexBufferSize, IndexBuffer); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to create index buffer from node!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(IndexBuffer, TAG_NTFS); return Status; } // Get Offset of index buffer in index allocation NodeOffset = GetAllocationOffsetFromVCN(DeviceExt, IndexBufferSize, Node->NodeNumber); // Write the buffer to the index allocation Status = WriteAttribute(DeviceExt, IndexAllocationContext, NodeOffset, (const PUCHAR)IndexBuffer, IndexBufferSize, &LengthWritten, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || LengthWritten != IndexBufferSize) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to update index allocation!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(IndexBuffer, TAG_NTFS); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; else return STATUS_END_OF_FILE; } Node->DiskNeedsUpdating = FALSE; // Free the index buffer ExFreePoolWithTag(IndexBuffer, TAG_NTFS); } // Walk through the node and look for children to update for (i = 0; i < Node->KeyCount; i++) { ASSERT(CurrentKey); // If there's a child node if (CurrentKey->LesserChild) { // Update the child node on disk Status = UpdateIndexNode(DeviceExt, CurrentKey->LesserChild, IndexBufferSize, IndexAllocationContext, BitmapContext); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to update child node!\n"); return Status; } } CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } PB_TREE_KEY CreateBTreeKeyFromFilename(ULONGLONG FileReference, PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE FileNameAttribute) { PB_TREE_KEY NewKey; ULONG AttributeSize = GetFileNameAttributeLength(FileNameAttribute); ULONG EntrySize = ALIGN_UP_BY(AttributeSize + FIELD_OFFSET(INDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE, FileName), 8); // Create a new Index Entry for the file PINDEX_ENTRY_ATTRIBUTE NewEntry = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, EntrySize, TAG_NTFS); if (!NewEntry) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to allocate memory for Index Entry!\n"); return NULL; } // Setup the Index Entry RtlZeroMemory(NewEntry, EntrySize); NewEntry->Data.Directory.IndexedFile = FileReference; NewEntry->Length = EntrySize; NewEntry->KeyLength = AttributeSize; // Copy the FileNameAttribute RtlCopyMemory(&NewEntry->FileName, FileNameAttribute, AttributeSize); // Setup the New Key NewKey = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(B_TREE_KEY), TAG_NTFS); if (!NewKey) { DPRINT1("ERROR: Failed to allocate memory for new key!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(NewEntry, TAG_NTFS); return NULL; } NewKey->IndexEntry = NewEntry; NewKey->NextKey = NULL; return NewKey; } VOID DestroyBTreeKey(PB_TREE_KEY Key) { if (Key->IndexEntry) ExFreePoolWithTag(Key->IndexEntry, TAG_NTFS); if (Key->LesserChild) DestroyBTreeNode(Key->LesserChild); ExFreePoolWithTag(Key, TAG_NTFS); } VOID DestroyBTreeNode(PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE Node) { PB_TREE_KEY NextKey; PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey = Node->FirstKey; ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < Node->KeyCount; i++) { NT_ASSERT(CurrentKey); NextKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; DestroyBTreeKey(CurrentKey); CurrentKey = NextKey; } NT_ASSERT(NextKey == NULL); ExFreePoolWithTag(Node, TAG_NTFS); } /** * @name DestroyBTree * @implemented * * Destroys a B-Tree. * * @param Tree * Pointer to the B_TREE which will be destroyed. * * @remarks * Destroys every bit of data stored in the tree. */ VOID DestroyBTree(PB_TREE Tree) { DestroyBTreeNode(Tree->RootNode); ExFreePoolWithTag(Tree, TAG_NTFS); } VOID DumpBTreeKey(PB_TREE_KEY Key, ULONG Number, ULONG Depth) { ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < Depth; i++) DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint(" Key #%d", Number); if (!(Key->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_END)) { UNICODE_STRING FileName; FileName.Length = Key->IndexEntry->FileName.NameLength * sizeof(WCHAR); FileName.MaximumLength = FileName.Length; FileName.Buffer = Key->IndexEntry->FileName.Name; DbgPrint(" '%wZ'\n", &FileName); } else { DbgPrint(" (Dummy Key)\n"); } // Is there a child node? if (Key->IndexEntry->Flags & NTFS_INDEX_ENTRY_NODE) { if (Key->LesserChild) DumpBTreeNode(Key->LesserChild, Number, Depth + 1); else { // This will be an assert once nodes with arbitrary depth are debugged DPRINT1("DRIVER ERROR: No Key->LesserChild despite Key->IndexEntry->Flags indicating this is a node!\n"); } } } VOID DumpBTreeNode(PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE Node, ULONG Number, ULONG Depth) { PB_TREE_KEY CurrentKey; ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < Depth; i++) DbgPrint(" "); DbgPrint("Node #%d, Depth %d, has %d key%s\n", Number, Depth, Node->KeyCount, Node->KeyCount == 1 ? "" : "s"); CurrentKey = Node->FirstKey; for (i = 1; i <= Node->KeyCount; i++) { DumpBTreeKey(CurrentKey, i, Depth); CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } } /** * @name DumpBTree * @implemented * * Displays a B-Tree. * * @param Tree * Pointer to the B_TREE which will be displayed. * * @remarks * Displays a diagnostic summary of a B_TREE. */ VOID DumpBTree(PB_TREE Tree) { DbgPrint("B_TREE @ %p\n", Tree); DumpBTreeNode(Tree->RootNode, 0, 0); } // Calculates start of Index Buffer relative to the index allocation, given the node's VCN ULONGLONG GetAllocationOffsetFromVCN(PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExt, ULONG IndexBufferSize, ULONGLONG Vcn) { if (IndexBufferSize < DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster) return Vcn * DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerSector; return Vcn * DeviceExt->NtfsInfo.BytesPerCluster; } /** * @name NtfsInsertKey * @implemented * * Inserts a FILENAME_ATTRIBUTE into a B-Tree node. * * @param FileReference * Reference number to the file being added. This will be a combination of the MFT index and update sequence number. * * @param FileNameAttribute * Pointer to a FILENAME_ATTRIBUTE which is the data for the key that will be added to the tree. A copy will be made. * * @param Node * Pointer to a B_TREE_FILENAME_NODE into which a new key will be inserted, in order. * * @param CaseSensitive * Boolean indicating if the function should operate in case-sensitive mode. This will be TRUE * if an application created the file with the FILE_FLAG_POSIX_SEMANTICS flag. * * @remarks * A node is always sorted, with the least comparable filename stored first and a dummy key to mark the end. */ NTSTATUS NtfsInsertKey(ULONGLONG FileReference, PFILENAME_ATTRIBUTE FileNameAttribute, PB_TREE_FILENAME_NODE Node, BOOLEAN CaseSensitive) { PB_TREE_KEY NewKey, CurrentKey, PreviousKey; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ULONG NodeSize; ULONG AllocatedNodeSize; ULONG MaxNodeSizeWithoutHeader; ULONG i; DPRINT1("NtfsInsertKey(0x%I64x, %p, %p, %s)\n", FileReference, FileNameAttribute, Node, CaseSensitive ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); // Create the key for the filename attribute NewKey = CreateBTreeKeyFromFilename(FileReference, FileNameAttribute); if (!NewKey) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; // Find where to insert the key CurrentKey = Node->FirstKey; PreviousKey = NULL; for (i = 0; i < Node->KeyCount; i++) { // Should the New Key go before the current key? LONG Comparison = CompareTreeKeys(NewKey, CurrentKey, CaseSensitive); ASSERT(Comparison != 0); // Is NewKey < CurrentKey? if (Comparison < 0) { // Does CurrentKey have a sub-node? if (CurrentKey->LesserChild) { // Insert the key into the child node Status = NtfsInsertKey(FileReference, FileNameAttribute, CurrentKey->LesserChild, CaseSensitive); } else { // Insert New Key before Current Key NewKey->NextKey = CurrentKey; // Increase KeyCount and mark node as dirty Node->KeyCount++; Node->DiskNeedsUpdating = TRUE; // was CurrentKey the first key? if (CurrentKey == Node->FirstKey) Node->FirstKey = NewKey; else PreviousKey->NextKey = NewKey; break; } } PreviousKey = CurrentKey; CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } // Is the node larger than its allocated size? NodeSize = 0; CurrentKey = Node->FirstKey; for (i = 0; i < Node->KeyCount; i++) { NodeSize += CurrentKey->IndexEntry->Length; CurrentKey = CurrentKey->NextKey; } // TEMPTEMP: TODO: MATH AllocatedNodeSize = 0xfe8; MaxNodeSizeWithoutHeader = AllocatedNodeSize - 0x28; if (NodeSize > MaxNodeSizeWithoutHeader) { DPRINT1("FIXME: Splitting a node is still a WIP!\n"); //SplitBTreeNode(NULL, Node); //DumpBTree(Tree); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } // NewEntry and NewKey will be destroyed later by DestroyBTree() return Status; }