/* * PROJECT: ReactOS API tests * LICENSE: LGPLv2.1+ - See COPYING.LIB in the top level directory * PURPOSE: Test for static C++ object construction * PROGRAMMER: Thomas Faber * Mark Jansen */ #include #include #include "dll_startup.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized" #endif extern "C" { extern int static_init_counter; static int static_init_counter_at_startup; static int static_construct_counter_at_startup; static int m_uninit_at_startup; int static_construct_counter = 789; } static struct init_static { int m_uninit; int m_counter; init_static() : m_counter(2) { static_init_counter_at_startup = static_init_counter; static_construct_counter_at_startup = static_construct_counter; m_uninit_at_startup = m_uninit; static_construct_counter++; m_uninit++; } } init_static; static VOID TestInitStatic(VOID) { ok(static_init_counter_at_startup == 123, "static_init_counter at startup: %d\n", static_init_counter_at_startup); ok(static_construct_counter_at_startup == 789, "static_construct_counter at startup: %d\n", static_construct_counter_at_startup); ok(m_uninit_at_startup == 0, "init_static.m_uninit at startup: %d\n", m_uninit_at_startup); ok(static_init_counter == 123, "static_init_counter: %d\n", static_init_counter); ok(static_construct_counter == 790, "static_construct_counter: %d\n", static_construct_counter); ok(init_static.m_counter == 2, "init_static.m_counter: %d\n", init_static.m_counter); ok(init_static.m_uninit == 1, "init_static.m_uninit: %d\n", init_static.m_uninit); } static VOID TestDllStartup(VOID) { #if defined(TEST_MSVCRT) const PCWSTR DllName = L"msvcrt_crt_dll_startup.dll"; #elif defined(TEST_STATIC_CRT) const PCWSTR DllName = L"static_crt_dll_startup.dll"; #else #error This test only makes sense for static CRT and msvcrt.dll #endif WCHAR DllPath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, DllPath, _countof(DllPath)); wcsrchr(DllPath, L'\\')[1] = UNICODE_NULL; StringCchCatW(DllPath, _countof(DllPath), DllName); HMODULE hDll = LoadLibraryW(DllPath); if (hDll == NULL) { skip("Helper dll not found\n"); return; } SET_COUNTER_VALUES_POINTER *pSetCounterValuesPointer = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(hDll, "SetCounterValuesPointer")); if (pSetCounterValuesPointer == NULL) { skip("Helper function not found\n"); FreeLibrary(hDll); return; } counter_values values; pSetCounterValuesPointer(&values); ok(values.m_uninit_at_startup == 0, "m_uninit_at_startup = %d\n", values.m_uninit_at_startup); ok(values.m_uninit == 1, "m_uninit = %d\n", values.m_uninit); ok(values.m_counter == 2, "m_counter = %d\n", values.m_counter); ok(values.static_construct_counter_at_startup == 5656, "static_construct_counter_at_startup = %d\n", values.static_construct_counter_at_startup); ok(values.static_construct_counter == 5657, "static_construct_counter = %d\n", values.static_construct_counter); ok(values.dtor_counter_at_detach == 0, "dtor_counter_at_detach = %d\n", values.dtor_counter_at_detach); ok(values.dtor_counter == 0, "dtor_counter = %d\n", values.dtor_counter); values.dtor_counter_at_detach = 78789; values.dtor_counter = 7878; FreeLibrary(hDll); ok(values.m_uninit_at_startup == 0, "m_uninit_at_startup = %d\n", values.m_uninit_at_startup); ok(values.m_uninit == 1, "m_uninit = %d\n", values.m_uninit); ok(values.m_counter == 2, "m_counter = %d\n", values.m_counter); ok(values.static_construct_counter_at_startup == 5656, "static_construct_counter_at_startup = %d\n", values.static_construct_counter_at_startup); ok(values.static_construct_counter == 5657, "static_construct_counter = %d\n", values.static_construct_counter); ok(values.dtor_counter_at_detach == 7878, "dtor_counter_at_detach = %d\n", values.dtor_counter_at_detach); ok(values.dtor_counter == 7879, "dtor_counter = %d\n", values.dtor_counter); } struct shared_memory { int init_count; int uninit_count; }; static HANDLE g_FileMapping = NULL; static BOOL g_CreatedFileMapping = FALSE; static shared_memory* g_Memory = NULL; #define MAPPING_NAME L"crt_apitest_static_construct" static void map_memory() { if (g_FileMapping) return; g_FileMapping = OpenFileMappingW(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, MAPPING_NAME); if (g_FileMapping) { g_CreatedFileMapping = FALSE; } else { g_FileMapping = CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(shared_memory), MAPPING_NAME); g_CreatedFileMapping = TRUE; } if (g_FileMapping == NULL) { skip("Could not map shared memory\n"); return; } g_Memory = static_cast(MapViewOfFile(g_FileMapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, sizeof(shared_memory))); if (g_Memory == NULL) { skip("Could not map view of shared memory\n"); CloseHandle(g_FileMapping); g_FileMapping = NULL; } if (g_CreatedFileMapping) ZeroMemory(g_Memory, sizeof(shared_memory)); } static void unmap_memory() { // we do not clean the mapping in the child, since we want to count all dtor's! if (g_FileMapping && g_CreatedFileMapping) { UnmapViewOfFile(g_Memory); CloseHandle(g_FileMapping); g_Memory = NULL; g_FileMapping = NULL; } } static struct shared_mem_static { shared_mem_static() { map_memory(); if (g_Memory) g_Memory->init_count++; } ~shared_mem_static() { if (g_Memory) g_Memory->uninit_count++; unmap_memory(); } } shared_mem_static; static VOID TestStaticDestruct(VOID) { ok(g_Memory != NULL, "Expected the mapping to be in place\n"); ok(g_CreatedFileMapping == TRUE, "Expected to create a new shared section!\n"); if (g_Memory == NULL) { skip("Can't proceed without file mapping\n"); return; } ok(g_Memory->init_count == 1, "Expected init_count to be 1, was: %d\n", g_Memory->init_count); ok(g_Memory->uninit_count == 0, "Expected uninit_count to be 0, was: %d\n", g_Memory->uninit_count); WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; // we just need an extra argument to tell the test it's only running to increment the dtor count :) GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, _countof(path)); WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH+40]; StringCchPrintfW(buf, _countof(buf), L"\"%ls\" static_construct dummy", path); STARTUPINFOW si = { sizeof(si) }; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; BOOL created = CreateProcessW(NULL, buf, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); ok(created, "Expected CreateProcess to succeed\n"); if (created) { winetest_wait_child_process(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); ok(g_Memory->init_count == 2, "Expected init_count to be 2, was: %d\n", g_Memory->init_count); ok(g_Memory->uninit_count == 1, "Expected uninit_count to be 1, was: %d\n", g_Memory->uninit_count); } } START_TEST(static_construct) { char **argv; int argc = winetest_get_mainargs(&argv); if (argc >= 3) { // we are just here to increment the reference count in the shared section! ok(g_Memory != NULL, "Expected the shared memory to be mapped!\n"); ok(g_CreatedFileMapping == FALSE, "Expected the shared memory to be created by my parent!\n"); return; } TestInitStatic(); TestDllStartup(); TestStaticDestruct(); }