INT Test_NtUserGetIconInfo(PTESTINFO pti) { HICON hIcon; ICONINFO iinfo; HBITMAP mask, color; UNICODE_STRING hInstStr; UNICODE_STRING ResourceStr; DWORD bpp = 0; ZeroMemory(&iinfo, sizeof(ICONINFO)); /* BASIC TESTS */ hIcon = (HICON) NtUserCallOneParam(0, _ONEPARAM_ROUTINE_CREATEEMPTYCUROBJECT); TEST(hIcon != NULL); /* Last param is unknown */ TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE) == FALSE); TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE) == FALSE); TEST(NtUserDestroyCursor(hIcon, 0) == TRUE); mask = CreateBitmap(16,16,1,1,NULL); color = CreateBitmap(16,16,1,16,NULL); iinfo.hbmMask = mask; iinfo.hbmColor = color ; iinfo.fIcon = TRUE; iinfo.xHotspot = 8; iinfo.yHotspot = 8; hIcon = CreateIconIndirect(&iinfo); TEST(hIcon!=NULL); // TODO : test last parameter... TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE) == TRUE); TEST(iinfo.hbmMask != NULL); TEST(iinfo.hbmColor != NULL); TEST(iinfo.fIcon == TRUE); TEST(iinfo.yHotspot == 8); TEST(iinfo.xHotspot == 8); TEST(iinfo.hbmMask != mask); TEST(iinfo.hbmColor != color); /* Does it make a difference? */ TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, TRUE) == TRUE); TEST(iinfo.hbmMask != NULL); TEST(iinfo.hbmColor != NULL); TEST(iinfo.fIcon == TRUE); TEST(iinfo.yHotspot == 8); TEST(iinfo.xHotspot == 8); TEST(iinfo.hbmMask != mask); TEST(iinfo.hbmColor != color); DeleteObject(mask); DeleteObject(color); DestroyIcon(hIcon); /* Test full param, with local icon */ hIcon = LoadImageA(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE); TEST(hIcon != NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&hInstStr, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ResourceStr, NULL); TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, &hInstStr, &ResourceStr, &bpp, FALSE) == TRUE); TESTX(hInstStr.Buffer == NULL, "hInstStr.buffer : %p\n", hInstStr.Buffer); TEST((LPCTSTR)ResourceStr.Buffer == MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON)); TEST(bpp == 32); /* Last param doesn't seem to matter*/ TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, &hInstStr, &ResourceStr, &bpp, TRUE) == TRUE); TESTX(hInstStr.Buffer == NULL, "hInstStr.buffer : %p\n", hInstStr.Buffer); TEST((LPCTSTR)ResourceStr.Buffer == MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON)); TEST(bpp == 32); DestroyIcon(hIcon); /* Test full param, with foreign icon */ hIcon = LoadImageA(GetModuleHandleA("shell32.dll"), MAKEINTRESOURCE(293), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE); TEST(hIcon != NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&hInstStr, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ResourceStr, NULL); TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, &hInstStr, &ResourceStr, &bpp, FALSE) == TRUE); TESTX(hInstStr.Buffer == NULL, "hInstStr.buffer : %p\n", hInstStr.Buffer); TEST(hInstStr.Length == 0); TEST(hInstStr.MaximumLength == 0); TEST((LPCTSTR)ResourceStr.Buffer == MAKEINTRESOURCE(293)); TEST(ResourceStr.Length == 0); TEST(ResourceStr.MaximumLength == 0); TEST(bpp == 32); RtlInitUnicodeString(&hInstStr, NULL); RtlInitUnicodeString(&ResourceStr, NULL); TEST(NtUserGetIconInfo(hIcon, &iinfo, &hInstStr, &ResourceStr, &bpp, TRUE) == TRUE); TESTX(hInstStr.Buffer == NULL, "hInstStr.buffer : %p\n", hInstStr.Buffer); TEST(hInstStr.Length == 0); TEST(hInstStr.MaximumLength == 0); TEST((LPCTSTR)ResourceStr.Buffer == MAKEINTRESOURCE(293)); TEST(bpp == 32); DestroyIcon(hIcon); return APISTATUS_NORMAL; }