/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Local Spooler * LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+) * PURPOSE: Functions related to Print Monitors * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015-2017 Colin Finck (colin@reactos.org) */ #include "precomp.h" // Global Variables LIST_ENTRY PrintMonitorList; // Local Constants static DWORD dwMonitorInfo1Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(MONITOR_INFO_1W, pName), MAXDWORD }; static DWORD dwMonitorInfo2Offsets[] = { FIELD_OFFSET(MONITOR_INFO_2W, pName), FIELD_OFFSET(MONITOR_INFO_2W, pEnvironment), FIELD_OFFSET(MONITOR_INFO_2W, pDLLName), MAXDWORD }; PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR FindPrintMonitor(PCWSTR pwszName) { PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor; TRACE("FindPrintMonitor(%S)\n", pwszName); if (!pwszName) return NULL; for (pEntry = PrintMonitorList.Flink; pEntry != &PrintMonitorList; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pPrintMonitor = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, LOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR, Entry); if (_wcsicmp(pPrintMonitor->pwszName, pwszName) == 0) return pPrintMonitor; } return NULL; } BOOL InitializePrintMonitorList(void) { const WCHAR wszMonitorsPath[] = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Print\\Monitors"; const DWORD cchMonitorsPath = _countof(wszMonitorsPath) - 1; DWORD cchMaxSubKey; DWORD cchPrintMonitorName; DWORD dwErrorCode; DWORD dwSubKeys; DWORD i; HINSTANCE hinstPrintMonitor = NULL; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hSubKey = NULL; MONITORINIT MonitorInit; PInitializePrintMonitor pfnInitializePrintMonitor; PInitializePrintMonitor2 pfnInitializePrintMonitor2; PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor = NULL; PWSTR pwszRegistryPath = NULL; TRACE("InitializePrintMonitorList()\n"); // Initialize an empty list for our Print Monitors. InitializeListHead(&PrintMonitorList); // Open the key containing Print Monitors. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wszMonitorsPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegOpenKeyExW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } // Get the number of Print Providers and maximum sub key length. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegQueryInfoKeyW(hKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwSubKeys, &cchMaxSubKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegQueryInfoKeyW failed with status %lu!\n", dwErrorCode); goto Cleanup; } // Loop through all available Print Providers. for (i = 0; i < dwSubKeys; i++) { // Cleanup tasks from the previous run if (hSubKey) { RegCloseKey(hSubKey); hSubKey = NULL; } if (pwszRegistryPath) { DllFreeSplMem(pwszRegistryPath); pwszRegistryPath = NULL; } if (pPrintMonitor) { if (pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName) DllFreeSplMem(pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName); if (pPrintMonitor->pwszName) DllFreeSplMem(pPrintMonitor->pwszName); DllFreeSplMem(pPrintMonitor); pPrintMonitor = NULL; } // Create a new LOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR structure for it. pPrintMonitor = DllAllocSplMem(sizeof(LOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR)); if (!pPrintMonitor) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } // Allocate memory for the Print Monitor Name. pPrintMonitor->pwszName = DllAllocSplMem((cchMaxSubKey + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pPrintMonitor->pwszName) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } // Get the name of this Print Monitor. cchPrintMonitorName = cchMaxSubKey + 1; dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegEnumKeyExW(hKey, i, pPrintMonitor->pwszName, &cchPrintMonitorName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegEnumKeyExW failed for iteration %lu with status %lu!\n", i, dwErrorCode); continue; } // Open this Print Monitor's registry key. dwErrorCode = (DWORD)RegOpenKeyExW(hKey, pPrintMonitor->pwszName, 0, KEY_READ, &hSubKey); if (dwErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("RegOpenKeyExW failed for Print Provider \"%S\" with status %lu!\n", pPrintMonitor->pwszName, dwErrorCode); continue; } // Get the file name of the Print Monitor. pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName = AllocAndRegQueryWSZ(hSubKey, L"Driver"); if (!pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName) continue; // Try to load it. hinstPrintMonitor = LoadLibraryW(pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName); if (!hinstPrintMonitor) { ERR("LoadLibraryW failed for \"%S\" with error %lu!\n", pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName, GetLastError()); continue; } // Try to find a Level 2 initialization routine first. pfnInitializePrintMonitor2 = (PInitializePrintMonitor2)GetProcAddress(hinstPrintMonitor, "InitializePrintMonitor2"); if (pfnInitializePrintMonitor2) { // Prepare a MONITORINIT structure. MonitorInit.cbSize = sizeof(MONITORINIT); MonitorInit.bLocal = TRUE; // TODO: Fill the other fields. // Call the Level 2 initialization routine. pPrintMonitor->pMonitor = (PMONITOR2)pfnInitializePrintMonitor2(&MonitorInit, &pPrintMonitor->hMonitor); if (!pPrintMonitor->pMonitor) { ERR("InitializePrintMonitor2 failed for \"%S\" with error %lu!\n", pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName, GetLastError()); continue; } pPrintMonitor->bIsLevel2 = TRUE; } else { // Try to find a Level 1 initialization routine then. pfnInitializePrintMonitor = (PInitializePrintMonitor)GetProcAddress(hinstPrintMonitor, "InitializePrintMonitor"); if (pfnInitializePrintMonitor) { // Construct the registry path. pwszRegistryPath = DllAllocSplMem((cchMonitorsPath + 1 + cchPrintMonitorName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pwszRegistryPath) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; ERR("DllAllocSplMem failed!\n"); goto Cleanup; } CopyMemory(pwszRegistryPath, wszMonitorsPath, cchMonitorsPath * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszRegistryPath[cchMonitorsPath] = L'\\'; CopyMemory(&pwszRegistryPath[cchMonitorsPath + 1], pPrintMonitor->pwszName, (cchPrintMonitorName + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); // Call the Level 1 initialization routine. pPrintMonitor->pMonitor = (LPMONITOREX)pfnInitializePrintMonitor(pwszRegistryPath); if (!pPrintMonitor->pMonitor) { ERR("InitializePrintMonitor failed for \"%S\" with error %lu!\n", pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName, GetLastError()); continue; } } else { ERR("No initialization routine found for \"%S\"!\n", pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName); continue; } } // Add this Print Monitor to the list. InsertTailList(&PrintMonitorList, &pPrintMonitor->Entry); // Don't let the cleanup routine free this. pPrintMonitor = NULL; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: // Inside the loop if (hSubKey) RegCloseKey(hSubKey); if (pwszRegistryPath) DllFreeSplMem(pwszRegistryPath); if (pPrintMonitor) { if (pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName) DllFreeSplMem(pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName); if (pPrintMonitor->pwszName) DllFreeSplMem(pPrintMonitor->pwszName); DllFreeSplMem(pPrintMonitor); } // Outside the loop if (hKey) RegCloseKey(hKey); SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); } static void _LocalGetMonitorLevel1(PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor, PMONITOR_INFO_1W* ppMonitorInfo, PBYTE* ppMonitorInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { DWORD cbMonitorName; PWSTR pwszStrings[1]; // Calculate the string lengths. if (!ppMonitorInfo) { cbMonitorName = (wcslen(pPrintMonitor->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); *pcbNeeded += sizeof(MONITOR_INFO_1W) + cbMonitorName; return; } // Set the pName field. pwszStrings[0] = pPrintMonitor->pwszName; // Copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppMonitorInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppMonitorInfo), dwMonitorInfo1Offsets, *ppMonitorInfoEnd); (*ppMonitorInfo)++; } static void _LocalGetMonitorLevel2(PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor, PMONITOR_INFO_2W* ppMonitorInfo, PBYTE* ppMonitorInfoEnd, PDWORD pcbNeeded) { DWORD cbFileName; DWORD cbMonitorName; PWSTR pwszStrings[3]; // Calculate the string lengths. if (!ppMonitorInfo) { cbMonitorName = (wcslen(pPrintMonitor->pwszName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); cbFileName = (wcslen(pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); *pcbNeeded += sizeof(MONITOR_INFO_2W) + cbMonitorName + cbCurrentEnvironment + cbFileName; return; } // Set the pName field. pwszStrings[0] = pPrintMonitor->pwszName; // Set the pEnvironment field. pwszStrings[1] = (PWSTR)wszCurrentEnvironment; // Set the pDLLName field. pwszStrings[2] = pPrintMonitor->pwszFileName; // Copy the structure and advance to the next one in the output buffer. *ppMonitorInfoEnd = PackStrings(pwszStrings, (PBYTE)(*ppMonitorInfo), dwMonitorInfo2Offsets, *ppMonitorInfoEnd); (*ppMonitorInfo)++; } BOOL WINAPI LocalEnumMonitors(PWSTR pName, DWORD Level, PBYTE pMonitors, DWORD cbBuf, PDWORD pcbNeeded, PDWORD pcReturned) { DWORD dwErrorCode; PBYTE pMonitorInfoEnd; PLIST_ENTRY pEntry; PLOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR pPrintMonitor; TRACE("LocalEnumMonitors(%S, %lu, %p, %lu, %p, %p)\n", pName, Level, pMonitors, cbBuf, pcbNeeded, pcReturned); // Sanity checks. if (Level > 2) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_LEVEL; goto Cleanup; } // Begin counting. *pcbNeeded = 0; *pcReturned = 0; // Count the required buffer size and the number of monitors. for (pEntry = PrintMonitorList.Flink; pEntry != &PrintMonitorList; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pPrintMonitor = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, LOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR, Entry); if (Level == 1) _LocalGetMonitorLevel1(pPrintMonitor, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded); else if (Level == 2) _LocalGetMonitorLevel2(pPrintMonitor, NULL, NULL, pcbNeeded); } // Check if the supplied buffer is large enough. if (cbBuf < *pcbNeeded) { dwErrorCode = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; goto Cleanup; } // Copy over the Monitor information. pMonitorInfoEnd = &pMonitors[*pcbNeeded]; for (pEntry = PrintMonitorList.Flink; pEntry != &PrintMonitorList; pEntry = pEntry->Flink) { pPrintMonitor = CONTAINING_RECORD(pEntry, LOCAL_PRINT_MONITOR, Entry); if (Level == 1) _LocalGetMonitorLevel1(pPrintMonitor, (PMONITOR_INFO_1W*)&pMonitors, &pMonitorInfoEnd, NULL); else if (Level == 2) _LocalGetMonitorLevel2(pPrintMonitor, (PMONITOR_INFO_2W*)&pMonitors, &pMonitorInfoEnd, NULL); (*pcReturned)++; } dwErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; Cleanup: SetLastError(dwErrorCode); return (dwErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS); }