/* * winternl.h * * Windows NT internal data structures and functions * * Note: This header exists only for compatibility with the native SDK. * It's definitions are incomplete and potentially unsuitable. * ReactOS modules should not make use of it! * * USE NDK INSTEAD! * * This file is part of the ReactOS PSDK package. * * Contributors: * Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ #pragma once #ifdef __REACTOS__ #error "Do not use this header, use NDK!" #endif #ifndef _WINTERNL_ #define _WINTERNL_ //#include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef _Return_type_success_(return >= 0) LONG NTSTATUS; #ifndef NT_SUCCESS #define NT_SUCCESS(Status) (((NTSTATUS)(Status)) >= 0) #endif #ifndef NT_INFORMATION #define NT_INFORMATION(Status) ((((ULONG)(Status)) >> 30) == 1) #endif #ifndef NT_WARNING #define NT_WARNING(Status) ((((ULONG)(Status)) >> 30) == 2) #endif #ifndef NT_ERROR #define NT_ERROR(Status) ((((ULONG)(Status)) >> 30) == 3) #endif typedef CONST char *PCSZ; typedef struct _STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PCHAR Buffer; } STRING, *PSTRING; typedef STRING ANSI_STRING; typedef PSTRING PANSI_STRING; typedef PSTRING PCANSI_STRING; // yes, thats the definition from MS! typedef STRING OEM_STRING; typedef PSTRING POEM_STRING; typedef const STRING *PCOEM_STRING; typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PWSTR Buffer; } UNICODE_STRING, *PUNICODE_STRING; typedef const UNICODE_STRING *PCUNICODE_STRING; typedef struct _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS { BYTE Reserved1[16]; PVOID Reserved2[10]; UNICODE_STRING ImagePathName; UNICODE_STRING CommandLine; } RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS, *PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS; typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA { BYTE Reserved1[8]; PVOID Reserved2[3]; LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList; } PEB_LDR_DATA, *PPEB_LDR_DATA; typedef struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY { PVOID Reserved1[2]; LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderLinks; PVOID Reserved2[2]; PVOID DllBase; PVOID Reserved3[2]; UNICODE_STRING FullDllName; BYTE Reserved4[8]; PVOID Reserved5[3]; union { ULONG CheckSum; PVOID Reserved6; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; ULONG TimeDateStamp; } LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, *PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY; typedef VOID (NTAPI *PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE)( VOID); typedef struct _PEB { BYTE Reserved1[2]; BYTE BeingDebugged; BYTE Reserved2[1]; PVOID Reserved3[2]; PPEB_LDR_DATA Ldr; PRTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS ProcessParameters; PVOID Reserved4[3]; PVOID AtlThunkSListPtr; PVOID Reserved5; ULONG Reserved6; PVOID Reserved7; ULONG Reserved8; ULONG AtlThunkSListPtr32; PVOID Reserved9[45]; BYTE Reserved10[96]; PPS_POST_PROCESS_INIT_ROUTINE PostProcessInitRoutine; BYTE Reserved11[128]; PVOID Reserved12[1]; ULONG SessionId; } PEB, *PPEB; typedef struct _TEB { PVOID Reserved1[12]; PPEB ProcessEnvironmentBlock; PVOID Reserved2[399]; BYTE Reserved3[1952]; PVOID TlsSlots[64]; BYTE Reserved4[8]; PVOID Reserved5[26]; PVOID ReservedForOle; PVOID Reserved6[4]; PVOID TlsExpansionSlots; } TEB, *PTEB; typedef enum _FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { FileDirectoryInformation = 1 } FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS; #define INTERNAL_TS_ACTIVE_CONSOLE_ID (*((volatile ULONG*)0x7ffe02d8)) #define LOGONID_CURRENT ((ULONG)-1) #define SERVERNAME_CURRENT ((HANDLE)NULL) /* Flags for NtCreateFile and NtOpenFile */ #define FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE 0x00000001 #define FILE_WRITE_THROUGH 0x00000002 #define FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY 0x00000004 #define FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING 0x00000008 #define FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_ALERT 0x00000010 #define FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT 0x00000020 #define FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE 0x00000040 #define FILE_CREATE_TREE_CONNECTION 0x00000080 #define FILE_COMPLETE_IF_OPLOCKED 0x00000100 #define FILE_NO_EA_KNOWLEDGE 0x00000200 #define FILE_OPEN_REMOTE_INSTANCE 0x00000400 #define FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS 0x00000800 #define FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE 0x00001000 #define FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID 0x00002000 #define FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT 0x00004000 #define FILE_NO_COMPRESSION 0x00008000 #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= _WIN32_WINNT_WIN7) #define FILE_OPEN_REQUIRING_OPLOCK 0x00010000 #endif #define FILE_RESERVE_OPFILTER 0x00100000 #define FILE_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0x00200000 #define FILE_OPEN_NO_RECALL 0x00400000 #define FILE_OPEN_FOR_FREE_SPACE_QUERY 0x00800000 /* Status for NtCreateFile or NtOpenFile */ #define FILE_SUPERSEDED 0x00000000 #define FILE_OPENED 0x00000001 #define FILE_CREATED 0x00000002 #define FILE_OVERWRITTEN 0x00000003 #define FILE_EXISTS 0x00000004 #define FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST 0x00000005 #define FILE_VALID_OPTION_FLAGS 0x00ffffff #define FILE_VALID_PIPE_OPTION_FLAGS 0x00000032 #define FILE_VALID_MAILSLOT_OPTION_FLAGS 0x00000032 #define FILE_VALID_SET_FLAGS 0x00000036 /* Disposition for NtCreateFile */ #define FILE_SUPERSEDE 0x00000000 #define FILE_OPEN 0x00000001 #define FILE_CREATE 0x00000002 #define FILE_OPEN_IF 0x00000003 #define FILE_OVERWRITE 0x00000004 #define FILE_OVERWRITE_IF 0x00000005 #define FILE_MAXIMUM_DISPOSITION 0x00000005 typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES { ULONG Length; HANDLE RootDirectory; PUNICODE_STRING ObjectName; ULONG Attributes; PVOID SecurityDescriptor; PVOID SecurityQualityOfService; } OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, *POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES; #define OBJ_INHERIT 0x00000002L #define OBJ_PERMANENT 0x00000010L #define OBJ_EXCLUSIVE 0x00000020L #define OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE 0x00000040L #define OBJ_OPENIF 0x00000080L #define OBJ_OPENLINK 0x00000100L #define OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE 0x00000200L #define OBJ_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK 0x00000400L #define OBJ_VALID_ATTRIBUTES 0x000007F2L #ifndef InitializeObjectAttributes #define InitializeObjectAttributes(p, n, a, r, s) \ { \ (p)->Length = sizeof(OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); \ (p)->RootDirectory = r; \ (p)->Attributes = a; \ (p)->ObjectName = n; \ (p)->SecurityDescriptor = s; \ (p)->SecurityQualityOfService = NULL; \ } #endif typedef struct _IO_STATUS_BLOCK { union { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Pointer; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; ULONG_PTR Information; } IO_STATUS_BLOCK, *PIO_STATUS_BLOCK; __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtCreateFile( _Out_ PHANDLE FileHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, _In_opt_ PLARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize, _In_ ULONG FileAttributes, _In_ ULONG ShareAccess, _In_ ULONG CreateDisposition, _In_ ULONG CreateOptions, _In_reads_bytes_opt_(EaLength) PVOID EaBuffer, _In_ ULONG EaLength); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenFile( _Out_ PHANDLE FileHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_ POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, _In_ ULONG ShareAccess, _In_ ULONG OpenOptions); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtClose( _In_ HANDLE Handle); typedef VOID (NTAPI *PIO_APC_ROUTINE)( _In_ PVOID ApcContext, _In_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, _In_ ULONG Reserved); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtDeviceIoControlFile( _In_ HANDLE FileHandle, _In_opt_ HANDLE Event, _In_opt_ PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine, _In_opt_ PVOID ApcContext, _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, _In_ ULONG IoControlCode, _In_reads_bytes_opt_(InputBufferLength) PVOID InputBuffer, _In_ ULONG InputBufferLength, _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(OutputBufferLength) PVOID OutputBuffer, _In_ ULONG OutputBufferLength); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtWaitForSingleObject( _In_ HANDLE Object, _In_ BOOLEAN Alertable, _In_opt_ PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtRenameKey( _In_ HANDLE KeyHandle, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING NewName); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys( _In_ HANDLE MasterKeyHandle, _In_opt_ ULONG Count, _In_reads_opt_(Count) OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES SubordinateObjects[], _In_opt_ HANDLE Event, _In_opt_ PIO_APC_ROUTINE ApcRoutine, _In_opt_ PVOID ApcContext, _Out_ PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, _In_ ULONG CompletionFilter, _In_ BOOLEAN WatchTree, _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(BufferSize) PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG BufferSize, _In_ BOOLEAN Asynchronous); typedef struct _KEY_VALUE_ENTRY { PUNICODE_STRING ValueName; ULONG DataLength; ULONG DataOffset; ULONG Type; } KEY_VALUE_ENTRY, *PKEY_VALUE_ENTRY; __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryMultipleValueKey( _In_ HANDLE KeyHandle, _Inout_updates_(EntryCount) PKEY_VALUE_ENTRY ValueEntries, _In_ ULONG EntryCount, _Out_writes_bytes_(*BufferLength) PVOID ValueBuffer, _Inout_ PULONG BufferLength, _Out_opt_ PULONG RequiredBufferLength); typedef enum _KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { KeyWriteTimeInformation, KeyWow64FlagsInformation, KeyControlFlagsInformation, KeySetVirtualizationInformation, KeySetDebugInformation, KeySetHandleTagsInformation, MaxKeySetInfoClass } KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS; __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtSetInformationKey( _In_ HANDLE KeyHandle, _In_ _Strict_type_match_ KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS KeySetInformationClass, _In_reads_bytes_(KeySetInformationLength) PVOID KeySetInformation, _In_ ULONG KeySetInformationLength); typedef enum _PROCESSINFOCLASS { ProcessBasicInformation = 0, ProcessDebugPort = 7, ProcessWow64Information = 26, ProcessImageFileName = 27, ProcessBreakOnTermination = 29 } PROCESSINFOCLASS; typedef struct _PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION { PVOID Reserved1; PPEB PebBaseAddress; PVOID Reserved2[2]; ULONG_PTR UniqueProcessId; PVOID Reserved3; } PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION, *PPROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION; __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryInformationProcess( _In_ HANDLE ProcessHandle, _In_ PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass, _Out_ PVOID ProcessInformation, _In_ ULONG ProcessInformationLength, _Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength); typedef enum _THREADINFOCLASS { ThreadIsIoPending = 16 } THREADINFOCLASS; __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryInformationThread( _In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle, _In_ THREADINFOCLASS ThreadInformationClass, _Out_ PVOID ThreadInformation, _In_ ULONG ThreadInformationLength, _Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength); typedef enum _OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { ObjectBasicInformation = 0, ObjectTypeInformation = 2 } OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef struct _PUBLIC_OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION { ULONG Attributes; ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess; ULONG HandleCount; ULONG PointerCount; ULONG Reserved[10]; } PUBLIC_OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION, *PPUBLIC_OBJECT_BASIC_INFORMATION; typedef struct __PUBLIC_OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION { UNICODE_STRING TypeName; ULONG Reserved [22]; } PUBLIC_OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION, *PPUBLIC_OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION; _IRQL_requires_max_(PASSIVE_LEVEL) __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQueryObject( _In_opt_ HANDLE Handle, _In_ OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS ObjectInformationClass, _Out_writes_bytes_opt_(ObjectInformationLength) PVOID ObjectInformation, _In_ ULONG ObjectInformationLength, _Out_opt_ PULONG ReturnLength); typedef enum _SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { SystemBasicInformation = 0, SystemPerformanceInformation = 2, SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 3, SystemProcessInformation = 5, SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation = 8, SystemInterruptInformation = 23, SystemExceptionInformation = 33, SystemRegistryQuotaInformation = 37, SystemLookasideInformation = 45, SystemPolicyInformation = 134, } SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS; typedef struct _SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION { BYTE Reserved1[24]; PVOID Reserved2[4]; CCHAR NumberOfProcessors; } SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { BYTE Reserved1[312]; } SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION { BYTE Reserved1[48]; } SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION { ULONG NextEntryOffset; BYTE Reserved1[52]; PVOID Reserved2[3]; HANDLE UniqueProcessId; PVOID Reserved3; ULONG HandleCount; BYTE Reserved4[4]; PVOID Reserved5[11]; SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage; SIZE_T PrivatePageCount; LARGE_INTEGER Reserved6[6]; } SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION { LARGE_INTEGER IdleTime; LARGE_INTEGER KernelTime; LARGE_INTEGER UserTime; LARGE_INTEGER Reserved1[2]; ULONG Reserved2; } SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION { BYTE Reserved1[24]; } SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION { BYTE Reserved1[16]; } SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION { ULONG RegistryQuotaAllowed; ULONG RegistryQuotaUsed; PVOID Reserved1; } SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION { BYTE Reserved1[32]; } SYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_POLICY_INFORMATION { PVOID Reserved1[2]; ULONG Reserved2[3]; } SYSTEM_POLICY_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_POLICY_INFORMATION; __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQuerySystemInformation( _In_ SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, _Out_ PVOID SystemInformation, _In_ ULONG InformationLength, _Out_opt_ PULONG ResultLength); typedef enum _WINSTATIONINFOCLASS { WinStationInformation = 8 } WINSTATIONINFOCLASS; typedef struct _WINSTATIONINFORMATIONW { BYTE Reserved2[70]; ULONG LogonId; BYTE Reserved3[1140]; } WINSTATIONINFORMATIONW, * PWINSTATIONINFORMATIONW; typedef BOOLEAN (WINAPI * PWINSTATIONQUERYINFORMATIONW)( HANDLE, ULONG, WINSTATIONINFOCLASS, PVOID, ULONG, PULONG); __kernel_entry NTSYSCALLAPI NTSTATUS NTAPI NtQuerySystemTime( _Out_ PLARGE_INTEGER SystemTime); #define RtlMoveMemory(Dest,Source,Length) memmove((Dest),(Source),(Length)) #define RtlFillMemory(Dest,Length,Fill) memset((Dest),(Fill),(Length)) #define RtlZeroMemory(Dest,Length) RtlFillMemory((Dest),(Length),0) VOID NTAPI RtlInitString( PSTRING DestinationString, PCSZ SourceString); VOID NTAPI RtlInitAnsiString( PANSI_STRING DestinationString, PCSZ SourceString); VOID NTAPI RtlInitUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, PCWSTR SourceString); VOID NTAPI RtlFreeAnsiString( PANSI_STRING AnsiString); VOID NTAPI RtlFreeOemString( POEM_STRING OemString); VOID NTAPI RtlFreeUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING DestinationString, PCANSI_STRING SourceString, BOOLEAN AllocateDestinationString); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( PANSI_STRING DestinationString, PCUNICODE_STRING SourceString, BOOLEAN AllocateDestinationString); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( POEM_STRING DestinationString, PCUNICODE_STRING SourceString, BOOLEAN AllocateDestinationString); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize( _Out_ PULONG BytesInMultiByteString, _In_reads_bytes_(BytesInUnicodeString) PWCH UnicodeString, _In_ ULONG BytesInUnicodeString); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlCharToInteger( PCSZ String, ULONG Base, PULONG Value); BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3( _In_ PUNICODE_STRING Name, _Inout_opt_ POEM_STRING OemName, _Inout_opt_ PBOOLEAN NameContainsSpaces); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime( IN PLARGE_INTEGER LocalTime, _Out_ PLARGE_INTEGER SystemTime); BOOLEAN NTAPI RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970( PLARGE_INTEGER Time, PULONG ElapsedSeconds); _When_(Status < 0, _Out_range_(>, 0)) _When_(Status >= 0, _Out_range_(==, 0)) ULONG NTAPI RtlNtStatusToDosError( _In_ NTSTATUS Status); NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString, PSID Sid, BOOLEAN AllocateDestinationString); ULONG NTAPI RtlUniform( PULONG Seed); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _WINTERNL_ */