/* * GdiPlusStringFormat.h * * Windows GDI+ * * This file is part of the w32api package. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED * * This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may * use, modify or distribute it freely. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY * DISCLAIMED. This includes but is not limited to warranties of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #ifndef _GDIPLUSSTRINGFORMAT_H #define _GDIPLUSSTRINGFORMAT_H class StringFormat : public GdiplusBase { public: StringFormat(INT formatFlags, LANGID language) { } StringFormat(const StringFormat *format) { } StringFormat *Clone(VOID) { return NULL; } static const StringFormat *GenericDefault(VOID) { return NULL; } static const StringFormat *GenericTypographic(VOID) { return NULL; } StringAlignment GetAlignment(VOID) const { return StringAlignmentNear; } LANGID GetDigitSubstitutionLanguage(VOID) const { return 0; } StringDigitSubstitute GetDigitSubstitutionMethod(VOID) const { return StringDigitSubstituteNone; } INT GetFormatFlags(VOID) const { return 0; } HotkeyPrefix GetHotkeyPrefix(VOID) const { return HotkeyPrefixNone; } Status GetLastStatus(VOID) const { return NotImplemented; } StringAlignment GetLineAlignment(VOID) const { return StringAlignmentNear; } INT GetMeasurableCharacterRangeCount(VOID) const { return 0; } INT GetTabStopCount(VOID) const { return 0; } Status GetTabStops(INT count, REAL *firstTabOffset, REAL *tabStops) const { return NotImplemented; } StringTrimming GetTrimming(VOID) const { return StringTrimmingNone; } Status SetAlignment(StringAlignment align) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetDigitSubstitution(LANGID language, StringDigitSubstitute substitute) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetFormatFlags(INT flags) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetHotkeyPrefix(HotkeyPrefix hotkeyPrefix) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetLineAlignment(StringAlignment align) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetMeasurableCharacterRanges(INT rangeCount, const CharacterRange *ranges) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetTabStops(REAL firstTabOffset, INT count, const REAL *tabStops) { return NotImplemented; } Status SetTrimming(StringTrimming trimming) { return NotImplemented; } }; #endif /* _GDIPLUSSTRINGFORMAT_H */