/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS NT Library * FILE: dl/ntdll/dispatch/i386/dispatch.S * PURPOSE: User-Mode NT Dispatchers * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex@relsoft.net) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include EXTERN _LdrpInit@12:PROC EXTERN _NtTestAlert@0:PROC EXTERN _RtlDispatchException@8:PROC EXTERN _RtlRaiseException@4:PROC EXTERN _RtlRaiseStatus@4:PROC EXTERN _ZwCallbackReturn@12:PROC EXTERN _ZwContinue@8:PROC EXTERN _ZwRaiseException@12:PROC /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ .code PUBLIC _LdrInitializeThunk@16 _LdrInitializeThunk@16: /* Get the APC Context */ lea eax, [esp+16] /* Send it as the first parameter */ mov [esp+4], eax /* Terminate the frame list */ xor ebp, ebp /* Jump into the C initialization routine */ jmp _LdrpInit@12 _KiUserApcExceptionHandler: /* Put the exception record in ECX and check the Flags */ mov ecx, [esp+4] test dword ptr [ecx+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_FLAGS], EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND + EXCEPTION_UNWINDING jz .return /* Test alert the thread */ call _NtTestAlert@0 .return: /* We'll execute handler */ mov eax, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ret 16 PUBLIC _KiUserApcDispatcher@16 _KiUserApcDispatcher@16: /* Setup SEH stack */ lea eax, [esp+CONTEXT_ALIGNED_SIZE+16] mov ecx, fs:[TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST] mov edx, offset _KiUserApcExceptionHandler mov [eax], ecx mov [eax+4], edx /* Enable SEH */ mov fs:[TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST], eax /* Put the Context in EDI */ pop eax lea edi, [esp+12] /* Call the APC Routine */ call eax /* Restore exception list */ mov ecx, [edi+CONTEXT_ALIGNED_SIZE] mov fs:[TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST], ecx /* Switch back to the context */ push 1 push edi call _ZwContinue@8 /* Save callback return value */ mov esi, eax /* Raise status */ StatusRaiseApc: push esi call _RtlRaiseStatus@4 jmp StatusRaiseApc ret 16 _KiUserCallbackExceptionHandler: /* Put the exception record in ECX and check the Flags */ mov ecx, [esp+4] test dword ptr [ecx+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_FLAGS], EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND + EXCEPTION_UNWINDING jz return /* Tell the kernel to invalidate the stack */ push STATUS_CALLBACK_POP_STACK push 0 push 0 call _ZwCallbackReturn@12 return: /* We'll execute the handler */ mov eax, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ret 16 PUBLIC _KiUserCallbackDispatcher@12 _KiUserCallbackDispatcher@12: /* Setup SEH stack */ mov ecx, fs:[TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST] mov edx, offset _KiUserCallbackExceptionHandler lea eax, [esp+16] mov [esp+16], ecx mov [esp+20], edx /* Enable SEH */ mov fs:[TEB_EXCEPTION_LIST], eax /* Get the callback Index */ add esp, 4 pop edx /* Get the callback table */ mov eax, [fs:TEB_PEB] mov eax, [eax+PEB_KERNEL_CALLBACK_TABLE] /* Call the routine */ call dword ptr [eax+edx*4] /* Return from callback */ push eax push 0 push 0 call _ZwCallbackReturn@12 /* Save callback return value */ mov esi, eax /* Raise status */ StatusRaise: push esi call _RtlRaiseStatus@4 jmp StatusRaise ret 12 PUBLIC _KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher@0 _KiRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher@0: /* Setup stack for EXCEPTION_RECORD */ push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, EXCEPTION_RECORD_LENGTH /* Fill out the record */ mov [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_ADDRESS], eax mov eax, [fs:KPCR_TEB] mov eax, [eax+TEB_EXCEPTION_CODE] mov [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_CODE], eax mov dword ptr [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_FLAGS], 0 mov dword ptr [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_RECORD], 0 mov dword ptr [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_NUMBER_PARAMETERS], 0 /* Raise the exception */ push esp call _RtlRaiseException@4 /* Return exception code */ mov eax, [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_CODE] mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret PUBLIC _KiUserExceptionDispatcher@8 .PROC _KiUserExceptionDispatcher@8 FPO 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FRAME_FPO /* Clear direction flag */ cld /* Save the Context and Exception Records */ mov ecx, [esp+4] mov ebx, [esp] /* Dispatch the exception */ push ecx push ebx call _RtlDispatchException@8 /* Check for success */ or al, al jz RaiseException /* Pop off the records */ pop ebx pop ecx /* We're fine, continue execution */ push 0 push ecx call _ZwContinue@8 /* Exit */ jmp Exit RaiseException: /* Pop off the records */ pop ebx pop ecx /* Raise the exception */ push 0 push ecx push ebx call _ZwRaiseException@12 Exit: /* Allocate space for the nested exception record */ add esp, -SIZEOF_EXCEPTION_RECORD /* Set it up */ mov [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_CODE], eax mov dword ptr [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_FLAGS], EXCEPTION_NONCONTINUABLE mov [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_EXCEPTION_RECORD], ebx mov dword ptr [esp+EXCEPTION_RECORD_NUMBER_PARAMETERS], 0 /* Raise the exception */ push esp call _RtlRaiseException@4 ret 8 .ENDP PUBLIC _KiIntSystemCall@0 .PROC _KiIntSystemCall@0 FPO 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FRAME_FPO /* Set stack in EDX and do the interrupt */ lea edx, [esp+8] int HEX(2E) /* Return to caller */ ret .ENDP PUBLIC _KiFastSystemCall@0 .PROC _KiFastSystemCall@0 FPO 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FRAME_FPO /* Put ESP in EDX and do the SYSENTER */ mov edx, esp sysenter .ENDP PUBLIC _KiFastSystemCallRet@0 .PROC _KiFastSystemCallRet@0 FPO 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FRAME_FPO /* Just return to caller */ ret .ENDP END