/* * DEL.C - del internal command. * * * History: * * 06/29/98 (Rob Lake rlake@cs.mun.ca) * rewrote del to support wildcards * added my name to the contributors * * 07/13/98 (Rob Lake) * fixed bug that caused del not to delete file with out * attribute. moved set, del, ren, and ver to there own files * * 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * added config.h include * * 09-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl) * Fixed command line parsing bugs. * * 21-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Started major rewrite using a new structure. * * 03-Feb-1999 (Eric Kohl) * First working version. * * 30-Mar-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Added quiet ("/Q"), wipe ("/W") and zap ("/Z") option. * * 06-Nov-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Little fix to keep DEL quiet inside batch files. * * 28-Jan-2004 (Michael Fritscher ) * Added prompt ("/P"), yes ("/Y") and wipe("/W") option. * * 22-Jun-2005 (Brandon Turner ) * Added exclusive deletion "del * -abc.txt -text*.txt" * * 22-Jun-2005 (Brandon Turner ) * Implemented /A example "del /A:H /A:-R *.exe -ping.exe" * * 07-Aug-2005 * Removed the exclusive deletion (see two comments above) because '-' is a valid file name character. * Optimized the recursive deletion in directories. * Preload some nice strings. */ #include "precomp.h" #ifdef INCLUDE_CMD_DEL enum { DEL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x001, /* /A */ DEL_NOTHING = 0x004, /* /N */ DEL_PROMPT = 0x008, /* /P */ DEL_QUIET = 0x010, /* /Q */ DEL_SUBDIR = 0x020, /* /S */ DEL_TOTAL = 0x040, /* /T */ DEL_WIPE = 0x080, /* /W */ DEL_EMPTYDIR = 0x100, /* /X : not implemented */ DEL_YES = 0x200, /* /Y */ DEL_FORCE = 0x800 /* /F */ }; enum { ATTR_ARCHIVE = 0x001, /* /A:A */ ATTR_HIDDEN = 0x002, /* /A:H */ ATTR_SYSTEM = 0x004, /* /A:S */ ATTR_READ_ONLY = 0x008, /* /A:R */ ATTR_N_ARCHIVE = 0x010, /* /A:-A */ ATTR_N_HIDDEN = 0x020, /* /A:-H */ ATTR_N_SYSTEM = 0x040, /* /A:-S */ ATTR_N_READ_ONLY = 0x080 /* /A:-R */ }; static TCHAR szDeleteWipe[RC_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; static TCHAR CMDPath[MAX_PATH]; static BOOLEAN StringsLoaded = FALSE; static VOID LoadStrings(VOID) { LoadString(CMD_ModuleHandle, STRING_DELETE_WIPE, szDeleteWipe, ARRAYSIZE(szDeleteWipe)); GetModuleFileName(NULL, CMDPath, ARRAYSIZE(CMDPath)); StringsLoaded = TRUE; } static BOOL RemoveFile (LPTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwFlags, WIN32_FIND_DATA* f) { /*This function is called by CommandDelete and does the actual process of deleting the single file*/ if (CheckCtrlBreak(BREAK_INPUT)) return 1; /*check to see if it is read only and if this is done based on /A if it is done by file name, access is denied. However, if it is done using the /A switch you must un-read only the file and allow it to be deleted*/ if ((dwFlags & DEL_ATTRIBUTES) || (dwFlags & DEL_FORCE)) { if (f->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) { /*setting file to normal, not saving old attrs first because the file is going to be deleted anyways so the only thing that matters is that it isn't read only.*/ SetFileAttributes(lpFileName,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); } } if (dwFlags & DEL_WIPE) { HANDLE file; DWORD temp; #define BufferSize 65536 BYTE buffer[BufferSize]; LONGLONG i; LARGE_INTEGER FileSize; FileSize.u.HighPart = f->nFileSizeHigh; FileSize.u.LowPart = f->nFileSizeLow; for(i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++) { buffer[i]=rand() % 256; } file = CreateFile (lpFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH, NULL); if (file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { for(i = 0; i < (FileSize.QuadPart - BufferSize); i += BufferSize) { WriteFile (file, buffer, BufferSize, &temp, NULL); ConOutPrintf (_T("%I64d%% %s\r"),(i * (LONGLONG)100)/FileSize.QuadPart,szDeleteWipe); } WriteFile (file, buffer, (DWORD)(FileSize.QuadPart - i), &temp, NULL); ConOutPrintf (_T("100%% %s\n"),szDeleteWipe); CloseHandle (file); } } return DeleteFile (lpFileName); } static DWORD DeleteFiles(LPTSTR FileName, DWORD* dwFlags, DWORD dwAttrFlags) { TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pFilePart; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA f; BOOL bExclusion; INT res; DWORD dwFiles = 0; _tcscpy(szFileName, FileName); if (_tcschr (szFileName, _T('*')) == NULL && IsExistingDirectory (szFileName)) { /* If it doesnt have a \ at the end already then on needs to be added */ if (szFileName[_tcslen(szFileName) - 1] != _T('\\')) _tcscat (szFileName, _T("\\")); /* Add a wildcard after the \ */ _tcscat (szFileName, _T("*")); } if (!_tcscmp (szFileName, _T("*")) || !_tcscmp (szFileName, _T("*.*")) || (szFileName[_tcslen(szFileName) - 2] == _T('\\') && szFileName[_tcslen(szFileName) - 1] == _T('*'))) { /* well, the user wants to delete everything but if they didnt yes DEL_YES, DEL_QUIET, or DEL_PROMPT then we are going to want to make sure that in fact they want to do that. */ if (!((*dwFlags & DEL_YES) || (*dwFlags & DEL_QUIET) || (*dwFlags & DEL_PROMPT))) { res = FilePromptYNA (STRING_DEL_HELP2); if ((res == PROMPT_NO) || (res == PROMPT_BREAK)) return 0x80000000; if (res == PROMPT_ALL) *dwFlags |= DEL_YES; } } GetFullPathName(szFileName, MAX_PATH, szFullPath, &pFilePart); hFile = FindFirstFile(szFullPath, &f); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { bExclusion = FALSE; /*if it is going to be excluded by - no need to check attrs*/ if (*dwFlags & DEL_ATTRIBUTES && !bExclusion) { /*save if file attr check if user doesnt care about that attr anyways*/ if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_ARCHIVE && !(f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_HIDDEN && !(f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_SYSTEM && !(f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_READ_ONLY && !(f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_N_ARCHIVE && (f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_N_HIDDEN && (f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_N_SYSTEM && (f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM)) bExclusion = TRUE; if (dwAttrFlags & ATTR_N_READ_ONLY && (f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) bExclusion = TRUE; } if (bExclusion) continue; /* ignore directories */ if (f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) continue; _tcscpy (pFilePart, f.cFileName); /* We cant delete ourselves */ if (!_tcscmp (CMDPath,szFullPath)) continue; TRACE("Full filename: %s\n", debugstr_aw(szFullPath)); /* ask for deleting */ if (*dwFlags & DEL_PROMPT) { ConErrResPrintf(STRING_DEL_ERROR5, szFullPath); res = FilePromptYN (STRING_DEL_ERROR6); if ((res == PROMPT_NO) || (res == PROMPT_BREAK)) { nErrorLevel = 0; continue; } } /*user cant ask it to be quiet and tell you what it did*/ if (!(*dwFlags & DEL_QUIET) && !(*dwFlags & DEL_TOTAL)) { ConErrResPrintf(STRING_DEL_ERROR7, szFullPath); } /* delete the file */ if (*dwFlags & DEL_NOTHING) continue; if (RemoveFile (szFullPath, *dwFlags, &f)) { dwFiles++; } else { ErrorMessage (GetLastError(), _T("")); // FindClose(hFile); // return -1; } } while (FindNextFile (hFile, &f)); FindClose (hFile); } else error_sfile_not_found(szFullPath); return dwFiles; } static DWORD ProcessDirectory(LPTSTR FileName, DWORD* dwFlags, DWORD dwAttrFlags) { TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pFilePart; LPTSTR pSearchPart; HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA f; DWORD dwFiles = 0; GetFullPathName(FileName, MAX_PATH, szFullPath, &pFilePart); dwFiles = DeleteFiles(szFullPath, dwFlags, dwAttrFlags); if (dwFiles & 0x80000000) return dwFiles; if (*dwFlags & DEL_SUBDIR) { /* Get just the file name */ pSearchPart = _tcsrchr(FileName,_T('\\')); if (pSearchPart != NULL) pSearchPart++; else pSearchPart = FileName; /* Get the full path to the file */ GetFullPathName (FileName,MAX_PATH,szFullPath,NULL); /* strip the filename off of it */ pFilePart = _tcsrchr(szFullPath, _T('\\')); if (pFilePart == NULL) { pFilePart = szFullPath; } else { pFilePart++; } _tcscpy(pFilePart, _T("*")); hFile = FindFirstFile(szFullPath, &f); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!(f.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || !_tcscmp(f.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp(f.cFileName, _T(".."))) continue; _tcscpy(pFilePart, f.cFileName); _tcscat(pFilePart, _T("\\")); _tcscat(pFilePart, pSearchPart); dwFiles +=ProcessDirectory(szFullPath, dwFlags, dwAttrFlags); if (dwFiles & 0x80000000) { break; } } while (FindNextFile (hFile, &f)); FindClose (hFile); } } return dwFiles; } INT CommandDelete (LPTSTR param) { /*cmd is the command that was given, in this case it will always be "del" or "delete" param is whatever is given after the command*/ LPTSTR *arg = NULL; INT args; INT i; INT nEvalArgs = 0; /* number of evaluated arguments */ DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwAttrFlags = 0; DWORD dwFiles = 0; LONG ch; TCHAR szOriginalArg[MAX_PATH]; /*checks the first two chars of param to see if it is /? this however allows the following command to not show help "del frog.txt /?" */ if (!StringsLoaded) { LoadStrings(); } if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_DEL_HELP1); return 0; } nErrorLevel = 0; arg = split (param, &args, FALSE, FALSE); if (args == 0) { /* only command given */ error_req_param_missing (); freep (arg); return 1; } /* check for options anywhere in command line */ for (i = 0; i < args; i++) { if (*arg[i] == _T('/')) { /*found a command, but check to make sure it has something after it*/ if (_tcslen (arg[i]) >= 2) { ch = _totupper (arg[i][1]); if (ch == _T('N')) { dwFlags |= DEL_NOTHING; } else if (ch == _T('P')) { dwFlags |= DEL_PROMPT; } else if (ch == _T('Q')) { dwFlags |= DEL_QUIET; } else if (ch == _T('F')) { dwFlags |= DEL_FORCE; } else if (ch == _T('S')) { dwFlags |= DEL_SUBDIR; } else if (ch == _T('T')) { dwFlags |= DEL_TOTAL; } else if (ch == _T('W')) { dwFlags |= DEL_WIPE; } else if (ch == _T('Y')) { dwFlags |= DEL_YES; } else if (ch == _T('A')) { dwFlags |= DEL_ATTRIBUTES; /*the proper syntax for /A has a min of 4 chars i.e. /A:R or /A:-H */ if (_tcslen (arg[i]) < 4) { error_invalid_parameter_format(arg[i]); return 0; } ch = _totupper (arg[i][3]); if (_tcslen (arg[i]) == 4) { if (ch == _T('A')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_ARCHIVE; } if (ch == _T('H')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_HIDDEN; } if (ch == _T('S')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_SYSTEM; } if (ch == _T('R')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_READ_ONLY; } } if (_tcslen (arg[i]) == 5) { if (ch == _T('-')) { ch = _totupper (arg[i][4]); if (ch == _T('A')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_N_ARCHIVE; } if (ch == _T('H')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_N_HIDDEN; } if (ch == _T('S')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_N_SYSTEM; } if (ch == _T('R')) { dwAttrFlags |= ATTR_N_READ_ONLY; } } } } } nEvalArgs++; } } /* there are only options on the command line --> error!!! there is the same number of args as there is flags, so none of the args were filenames*/ if (args == nEvalArgs) { error_req_param_missing (); freep (arg); return 1; } /* keep quiet within batch files */ if (bc != NULL) dwFlags |= DEL_QUIET; /* check for filenames anywhere in command line */ for (i = 0; i < args && !(dwFiles & 0x80000000); i++) { /*this checks to see if it is a flag; if it isn't, we assume it is a file name*/ if ((*arg[i] == _T('/')) || (*arg[i] == _T('-'))) continue; /* We want to make a copies of the argument */ if (_tcslen(arg[i]) == 2 && arg[i][1] == _T(':')) { /* Check for C: D: ... */ GetRootPath(arg[i], szOriginalArg, MAX_PATH); } else { _tcscpy(szOriginalArg,arg[i]); } dwFiles += ProcessDirectory(szOriginalArg, &dwFlags, dwAttrFlags); } freep (arg); /*Based on MS cmd, we only tell what files are being deleted when /S is used */ if (dwFlags & DEL_TOTAL) { dwFiles &= 0x7fffffff; if (dwFiles < 2) { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_DEL_HELP3, dwFiles); } else { ConOutResPrintf(STRING_DEL_HELP4, dwFiles); } } return 0; } #endif