/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2017 ReactOS Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: sdk/lib/drivers/rxce/rxce.c * PURPOSE: RXCE library * PROGRAMMER: Pierre Schweitzer (pierre@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #define NDEBUG #include VOID RxAssert( PVOID Assert, PVOID File, ULONG Line, PVOID Message); VOID NTAPI RxCreateSrvCallCallBack( IN OUT PMRX_SRVCALL_CALLBACK_CONTEXT Context); NTSTATUS RxFinishSrvCallConstruction( PMRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE Calldown); VOID NTAPI RxFinishSrvCallConstructionDispatcher( IN PVOID Context); NTSTATUS RxInsertWorkQueueItem( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT pMRxDeviceObject, WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType, PRX_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkQueueItem); PVOID RxNewMapUserBuffer( PRX_CONTEXT RxContext); VOID NTAPI RxpDestroySrvCall( IN PVOID Context); VOID RxpDispatchChangeBufferingStateRequests( PSRV_CALL SrvCall, PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen, PLIST_ENTRY DiscardedRequests); VOID NTAPI RxScavengerTimerRoutine( PVOID Context); VOID NTAPI RxTimerDispatch( _In_ struct _KDPC *Dpc, _In_opt_ PVOID DeferredContext, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument1, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument2); VOID NTAPI RxWorkItemDispatcher( PVOID Context); PVOID NTAPI _RxAllocatePoolWithTag( _In_ POOL_TYPE PoolType, _In_ SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, _In_ ULONG Tag); VOID NTAPI _RxFreePool( _In_ PVOID Buffer); VOID NTAPI _RxFreePoolWithTag( _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG Tag); extern ULONG ReadAheadGranularity; volatile LONG RxNumberOfActiveFcbs = 0; ULONG SerialNumber = 1; PVOID RxNull = NULL; volatile ULONG RxContextSerialNumberCounter; BOOLEAN RxStopOnLoudCompletion = TRUE; BOOLEAN RxSrvCallConstructionDispatcherActive = FALSE; LIST_ENTRY RxSrvCalldownList; RX_SPIN_LOCK RxStrucSupSpinLock; #if 0 ULONG RdbssReferenceTracingValue = (RDBSS_REF_TRACK_SRVCALL | RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETROOT | RDBSS_REF_TRACK_VNETROOT | RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETFOBX | RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETFCB | RDBSS_REF_TRACK_SRVOPEN | RX_PRINT_REF_TRACKING); #else ULONG RdbssReferenceTracingValue = 0; #endif LARGE_INTEGER RxWorkQueueWaitInterval[RxMaximumWorkQueue]; LARGE_INTEGER RxSpinUpDispatcherWaitInterval; RX_DISPATCHER RxDispatcher; RX_WORK_QUEUE_DISPATCHER RxDispatcherWorkQueues; FAST_MUTEX RxLowIoPagingIoSyncMutex; BOOLEAN RxContinueFromAssert = TRUE; ULONG RxExplodePoolTags = 1; LARGE_INTEGER RxTimerInterval; RX_SPIN_LOCK RxTimerLock; LIST_ENTRY RxTimerQueueHead; LIST_ENTRY RxRecurrentWorkItemsList; KDPC RxTimerDpc; KTIMER RxTimer; ULONG RxTimerTickCount; FAST_MUTEX RxContextPerFileSerializationMutex; #if DBG BOOLEAN DumpDispatchRoutine = TRUE; #else BOOLEAN DumpDispatchRoutine = FALSE; #endif #if RDBSS_ASSERTS #ifdef ASSERT #undef ASSERT #endif #define ASSERT(exp) \ if (!(exp)) \ { \ RxAssert(#exp, __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL); \ } #endif #if RX_POOL_WRAPPER #undef RxAllocatePool #undef RxAllocatePoolWithTag #undef RxFreePool #define RxAllocatePool(P, S) _RxAllocatePoolWithTag(P, S, 0) #define RxAllocatePoolWithTag _RxAllocatePoolWithTag #define RxFreePool _RxFreePool #define RxFreePoolWithTag _RxFreePoolWithTag #endif /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxAcquireExclusiveFcbResourceInMRx( _Inout_ PMRX_FCB Fcb) { return RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, (PFCB)Fcb); } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI RxAcquireFcbForLazyWrite( PVOID Context, BOOLEAN Wait) { PFCB Fcb; BOOLEAN Ret; PAGED_CODE(); Fcb = Context; /* The received context is a FCB */ ASSERT(NodeType(Fcb) == RDBSS_NTC_FCB); ASSERT_CORRECT_FCB_STRUCTURE(Fcb); ASSERT(Fcb->Specific.Fcb.LazyWriteThread == NULL); /* Acquire the paging resource (shared) */ Ret = ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource, Wait); if (Ret) { /* Update tracker information */ Fcb->PagingIoResourceFile = __FILE__; Fcb->PagingIoResourceLine = __LINE__; /* Lazy writer thread is the current one */ Fcb->Specific.Fcb.LazyWriteThread = PsGetCurrentThread(); /* There is no top level IRP */ ASSERT(RxIsThisTheTopLevelIrp(NULL)); /* Now, there will be! */ Ret = RxTryToBecomeTheTopLevelIrp(NULL, (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP, Fcb->RxDeviceObject, TRUE); /* In case of failure, release the lock and reset everything */ if (!Ret) { Fcb->PagingIoResourceFile = NULL; Fcb->PagingIoResourceLine = 0; ExReleaseResourceLite(Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource); Fcb->Specific.Fcb.LazyWriteThread = NULL; } } return Ret; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN NTAPI RxAcquireFcbForReadAhead( PVOID Context, BOOLEAN Wait) { PFCB Fcb; BOOLEAN Ret; PAGED_CODE(); Fcb = Context; /* The received context is a FCB */ ASSERT(NodeType(Fcb) == RDBSS_NTC_FCB); ASSERT_CORRECT_FCB_STRUCTURE(Fcb); Ret = ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(Fcb->Header.Resource, Wait); if (Ret) { /* There is no top level IRP */ ASSERT(RxIsThisTheTopLevelIrp(NULL)); /* Now, there will be! */ Ret = RxTryToBecomeTheTopLevelIrp(NULL, (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP, Fcb->RxDeviceObject, TRUE); /* In case of failure, release the lock and reset everything */ if (!Ret) { ExReleaseResourceLite(Fcb->Header.Resource); } } return Ret; } VOID NTAPI RxAcquireFileForNtCreateSection( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI RxAcquireForCcFlush( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxAddVirtualNetRootToNetRoot( PNET_ROOT NetRoot, PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxAddVirtualNetRootToNetRoot(%p, %p)\n", NetRoot, VNetRoot); /* Insert in the VNetRoot list - make sure lock is held */ ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(NetRoot->SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable)); VNetRoot->pNetRoot = (PMRX_NET_ROOT)NetRoot; ++NetRoot->NumberOfVirtualNetRoots; InsertTailList(&NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots, &VNetRoot->NetRootListEntry); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID RxAllocateFcbObject( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject, NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType, POOL_TYPE PoolType, ULONG NameSize, PVOID AlreadyAllocatedObject) { PFCB Fcb; PFOBX Fobx; PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; PVOID Buffer, PAPNBuffer; PNON_PAGED_FCB NonPagedFcb; PMINIRDR_DISPATCH Dispatch; ULONG NonPagedSize, FobxSize, SrvOpenSize, FcbSize; PAGED_CODE(); Dispatch = RxDeviceObject->Dispatch; NonPagedSize = 0; FobxSize = 0; SrvOpenSize = 0; FcbSize = 0; Fcb = NULL; Fobx = NULL; SrvOpen = NULL; NonPagedFcb = NULL; PAPNBuffer = NULL; /* If we ask for FOBX, just allocate FOBX and its extension if asked */ if (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX) { FobxSize = sizeof(FOBX); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_FOBX_EXTENSION)) { FobxSize += QuadAlign(Dispatch->MRxFobxSize); } } /* If we ask for SRV_OPEN, also allocate the "internal" FOBX and the extensions if asked */ else if (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN || NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_INTERNAL_SRVOPEN) { SrvOpenSize = sizeof(SRV_OPEN); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_SRV_OPEN_EXTENSION)) { SrvOpenSize += QuadAlign(Dispatch->MRxSrvOpenSize); } FobxSize = sizeof(FOBX); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_FOBX_EXTENSION)) { FobxSize += QuadAlign(Dispatch->MRxFobxSize); } } /* Otherwise, we're asked to allocate a FCB */ else { /* So, allocate the FCB and its extension if asked */ FcbSize = sizeof(FCB); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_FCB_EXTENSION)) { FcbSize += QuadAlign(Dispatch->MRxFcbSize); } /* If we're asked to allocate from nonpaged, also allocate the NON_PAGED_FCB * Otherwise, it will be allocated later on, specifically */ if (PoolType == NonPagedPool) { NonPagedSize = sizeof(NON_PAGED_FCB); } /* And if it's not for a rename operation also allcoate the internal SRV_OPEN and FOBX and their extensions */ if (NodeType != RDBSS_NTC_OPENTARGETDIR_FCB) { SrvOpenSize = sizeof(SRV_OPEN); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_SRV_OPEN_EXTENSION)) { SrvOpenSize += QuadAlign(Dispatch->MRxSrvOpenSize); } FobxSize = sizeof(FOBX); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_FOBX_EXTENSION)) { FobxSize += QuadAlign(Dispatch->MRxFobxSize); } } } /* If we already have a buffer, go ahead */ if (AlreadyAllocatedObject != NULL) { Buffer = AlreadyAllocatedObject; } /* Otherwise, allocate it */ else { Buffer = RxAllocatePoolWithTag(PoolType, NameSize + FcbSize + SrvOpenSize + FobxSize + NonPagedSize, RX_FCB_POOLTAG); if (Buffer == NULL) { return NULL; } } /* Now, get the pointers - FOBX is easy */ if (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX) { Fobx = Buffer; } /* SRV_OPEN first, FOBX next */ else if (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN) { SrvOpen = Buffer; Fobx = Add2Ptr(Buffer, SrvOpenSize); } else if (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_INTERNAL_SRVOPEN) { SrvOpen = Buffer; } else { /* FCB first, and if needed, SRV_OPEN next, FOBX last */ Fcb = Buffer; if (NodeType != RDBSS_NTC_OPENTARGETDIR_FCB) { SrvOpen = Add2Ptr(Buffer, FcbSize); Fobx = Add2Ptr(Buffer, FcbSize + SrvOpenSize); } /* If we were not allocated from non paged, allocate the NON_PAGED_FCB now */ if (PoolType != NonPagedPool) { NonPagedFcb = RxAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(NON_PAGED_FCB), RX_NONPAGEDFCB_POOLTAG); if (NonPagedFcb == NULL) { RxFreePoolWithTag(Buffer, RX_FCB_POOLTAG); return NULL; } PAPNBuffer = Add2Ptr(Buffer, FcbSize + SrvOpenSize + FobxSize); } /* Otherwise, just point at the right place in what has been allocated previously */ else { NonPagedFcb = Add2Ptr(Fobx, FobxSize); PAPNBuffer = Add2Ptr(Fobx, FobxSize + NonPagedSize); } } /* If we have allocated a SRV_OPEN, initialize it */ if (SrvOpen != NULL) { ZeroAndInitializeNodeType(SrvOpen, RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN, SrvOpenSize); if (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN) { SrvOpen->InternalFobx = Fobx; } else { SrvOpen->InternalFobx = NULL; SrvOpen->Flags |= SRVOPEN_FLAG_FOBX_USED; } if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_SRV_OPEN_EXTENSION)) { SrvOpen->Context = Add2Ptr(SrvOpen, sizeof(SRV_OPEN)); } InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks); } /* If we have allocated a FOBX, initialize it */ if (Fobx != NULL) { ZeroAndInitializeNodeType(Fobx, RDBSS_NTC_FOBX, FobxSize); if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_FOBX_EXTENSION)) { Fobx->Context = Add2Ptr(Fobx, sizeof(FOBX)); } } /* If we have allocated a FCB, initialize it */ if (Fcb != NULL) { ZeroAndInitializeNodeType(Fcb, RDBSS_STORAGE_NTC(FileTypeNotYetKnown), FcbSize); Fcb->NonPaged = NonPagedFcb; ZeroAndInitializeNodeType(Fcb->NonPaged, RDBSS_NTC_NONPAGED_FCB, sizeof(NON_PAGED_FCB)); #if DBG Fcb->CopyOfNonPaged = NonPagedFcb; NonPagedFcb->FcbBackPointer = Fcb; #endif Fcb->InternalSrvOpen = SrvOpen; Fcb->InternalFobx = Fobx; Fcb->PrivateAlreadyPrefixedName.Length = NameSize; Fcb->PrivateAlreadyPrefixedName.MaximumLength = NameSize; Fcb->PrivateAlreadyPrefixedName.Buffer = PAPNBuffer; if (BooleanFlagOn(Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_FCB_EXTENSION)) { Fcb->Context = Add2Ptr(Fcb, sizeof(FCB)); } ZeroAndInitializeNodeType(&Fcb->FcbTableEntry, RDBSS_NTC_FCB_TABLE_ENTRY, sizeof(RX_FCB_TABLE_ENTRY)); InterlockedIncrement(&RxNumberOfActiveFcbs); InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&RxDeviceObject->NumberOfActiveFcbs); ExInitializeFastMutex(&NonPagedFcb->AdvancedFcbHeaderMutex); FsRtlSetupAdvancedHeader(Fcb, &NonPagedFcb->AdvancedFcbHeaderMutex); } DPRINT("Allocated %p\n", Buffer); return Buffer; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID RxAllocateObject( NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType, PMINIRDR_DISPATCH MRxDispatch, ULONG NameLength) { ULONG Tag, ObjectSize; PVOID Object, *Extension; PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY PrefixEntry; USHORT StructSize, ExtensionSize; PAGED_CODE(); /* Select the node to allocate and always deal with the fact we may have to manage its extension */ ExtensionSize = 0; switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: Tag = RX_SRVCALL_POOLTAG; StructSize = sizeof(SRV_CALL); if (MRxDispatch != NULL && BooleanFlagOn(MRxDispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_SRV_CALL_EXTENSION)) { ExtensionSize = QuadAlign(MRxDispatch->MRxSrvCallSize); } break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: Tag = RX_NETROOT_POOLTAG; StructSize = sizeof(NET_ROOT); if (BooleanFlagOn(MRxDispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_NET_ROOT_EXTENSION)) { ExtensionSize = QuadAlign(MRxDispatch->MRxNetRootSize); } break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: Tag = RX_V_NETROOT_POOLTAG; StructSize = sizeof(V_NET_ROOT); if (BooleanFlagOn(MRxDispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_V_NET_ROOT_EXTENSION)) { ExtensionSize = QuadAlign(MRxDispatch->MRxVNetRootSize); } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } /* Now, allocate the object */ ObjectSize = ExtensionSize + StructSize + NameLength; Object = RxAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, ObjectSize, Tag); if (Object == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Initialize it */ ZeroAndInitializeNodeType(Object, NodeType, ObjectSize); /* For SRV_CALL and NETROOT, the name points to the prefix table name */ switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: PrefixEntry = &((PSRV_CALL)Object)->PrefixEntry; Extension = &((PSRV_CALL)Object)->Context; ((PSRV_CALL)Object)->pSrvCallName = &PrefixEntry->Prefix; break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: PrefixEntry = &((PNET_ROOT)Object)->PrefixEntry; Extension = &((PNET_ROOT)Object)->Context; ((PNET_ROOT)Object)->pNetRootName = &PrefixEntry->Prefix; break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: PrefixEntry = &((PV_NET_ROOT)Object)->PrefixEntry; Extension = &((PV_NET_ROOT)Object)->Context; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } /* Set the prefix table unicode string */ RtlZeroMemory(PrefixEntry, sizeof(RX_PREFIX_ENTRY)); PrefixEntry->NodeTypeCode = RDBSS_NTC_PREFIX_ENTRY; PrefixEntry->NodeByteSize = sizeof(RX_PREFIX_ENTRY); PrefixEntry->Prefix.Length = NameLength; PrefixEntry->Prefix.MaximumLength = NameLength; PrefixEntry->Prefix.Buffer = Add2Ptr(Object, ExtensionSize + StructSize); /* Return the extension if we are asked to manage it */ if (ExtensionSize != 0) { *Extension = Add2Ptr(Object, StructSize); } return Object; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxAssert( PVOID Assert, PVOID File, ULONG Line, PVOID Message) { CHAR Response[2]; CONTEXT Context; /* If we're not asked to continue, just stop the system */ if (!RxContinueFromAssert) { KeBugCheckEx(RDBSS_FILE_SYSTEM, RDBSS_BUG_CHECK_ASSERT | Line, 0, 0, 0); } /* Otherwise, capture context to offer the user to dump it */ RtlCaptureContext(&Context); /* Loop until the user hits 'i' */ while (TRUE) { /* If no file provided, use empty name */ if (File == NULL) { File = ""; } /* If no message provided, use empty one */ if (Message == NULL) { Message = ""; } /* Display the message */ DbgPrint("\n*** Assertion failed: %s%s\n*** Source File: %s, line %ld\n\n", Message, Assert, File, Line); /* And ask the user */ DbgPrompt("Break, Ignore (bi)? ", Response, sizeof(Response)); /* If he asks for ignore, quit * In case of invalid input, ask again */ if (Response[0] != 'B' && Response[0] != 'b') { if (Response[0] == 'I' || Response[0] == 'i') { return; } continue; } /* Break: offer the user to dump the context and break */ DbgPrint("Execute '!cxr %lx' to dump context\n", &Context); DbgBreakPoint(); /* Continue looping, so that after dump, execution can continue (with ignore) */ } } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxBootstrapWorkerThreadDispatcher( IN PVOID WorkQueue) { PRX_WORK_QUEUE RxWorkQueue; PAGED_CODE(); RxWorkQueue = WorkQueue; RxpWorkerThreadDispatcher(RxWorkQueue, NULL); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxCancelBlockingOperation( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PFOBX Fobx; BOOLEAN PostRequest; #ifdef _WIN64 C_ASSERT(FIELD_OFFSET(RX_CONTEXT, IoStatusBlock.Status) == 0x0B0); #else C_ASSERT(FIELD_OFFSET(RX_CONTEXT, IoStatusBlock.Status) == 0x064); #endif PAGED_CODE(); Fobx = (PFOBX)RxContext->pFobx; PostRequest = FALSE; /* Acquire the pipe mutex */ ExAcquireFastMutex(&RxContextPerFileSerializationMutex); /* If that's a blocking pipe operation which is not the CCB one, then handle it */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->FlagsForLowIo, RXCONTEXT_FLAG4LOWIO_PIPE_SYNC_OPERATION) && RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Flink != NULL && RxContext != CONTAINING_RECORD(&Fobx->Specific.NamedPipe.ReadSerializationQueue, RX_CONTEXT, RxContextSerializationQLinks) && RxContext != CONTAINING_RECORD(&Fobx->Specific.NamedPipe.WriteSerializationQueue, RX_CONTEXT, RxContextSerializationQLinks)) { /* Clear it! */ ClearFlag(RxContext->FlagsForLowIo, RXCONTEXT_FLAG4LOWIO_PIPE_SYNC_OPERATION); /* Drop it off the list */ RemoveEntryList(&RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks); RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Flink = NULL; RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Blink = NULL; /* Set we've been cancelled */ RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; /* * If it's async, we'll post completion, otherwise, we signal to waiters * it's being cancelled */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION)) { PostRequest = TRUE; } else { RxSignalSynchronousWaiter(RxContext); } } /* Done */ ExReleaseFastMutex(&RxContextPerFileSerializationMutex); /* Post if async */ if (PostRequest) { RxFsdPostRequest(RxContext); } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxChangeBufferingState( PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen, PVOID Context, BOOLEAN ComputeNewState) { PFCB Fcb; NTSTATUS Status, MiniStatus; ULONG NewBufferingState, OldBufferingState; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxChangeBufferingState(%p, %p, %d)\n", SrvOpen, Context, ComputeNewState); Fcb = (PFCB)SrvOpen->pFcb; ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); /* First of all, mark that buffering state is changing */ SetFlag(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERSTATE_CHANGING); /* Assume success */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; _SEH2_TRY { /* If we're asked to compute a new state, ask the mini-rdr for it */ if (ComputeNewState) { MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(MiniStatus, Fcb->MRxDispatch, MRxComputeNewBufferingState, ((PMRX_SRV_OPEN)SrvOpen, Context, &NewBufferingState)); if (MiniStatus != STATUS_SUCCESS) { NewBufferingState = 0; } } else { /* If not, use SRV_OPEN state */ NewBufferingState = SrvOpen->BufferingFlags; } /* If no shared access, and if we're not asked to compute a new state, use maximum flags set */ if ((Fcb->ShareAccess.SharedRead + Fcb->ShareAccess.SharedWrite + Fcb->ShareAccess.SharedDelete) == 0 && !ComputeNewState) { SetFlag(NewBufferingState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_WITH_NO_SHARES); } /* If there's a lock operation to complete, clear that flag */ if (Fcb->OutstandingLockOperationsCount != 0) { ClearFlag(NewBufferingState, FCB_STATE_LOCK_BUFFERING_ENABLED); } /* Get the old state */ OldBufferingState = Fcb->FcbState & FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_MASK; DPRINT("ChangeBufferingState %x -> %x (%x)\n", OldBufferingState, NewBufferingState, SrvOpen->BufferingFlags); /* If we're dropping write cache, then flush the FCB */ if (BooleanFlagOn(OldBufferingState, FCB_STATE_WRITECACHING_ENABLED) && !BooleanFlagOn(NewBufferingState, FCB_STATE_WRITECACHING_ENABLED)) { DPRINT("Flushing\n"); Status = RxFlushFcbInSystemCache(Fcb, TRUE); } /* If we're dropping read cache, then purge */ if (Fcb->UncleanCount == 0 || (BooleanFlagOn(OldBufferingState, FCB_STATE_READCACHING_ENABLED) && !BooleanFlagOn(NewBufferingState, FCB_STATE_READCACHING_ENABLED)) || BooleanFlagOn(NewBufferingState, FCB_STATE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE)) { DPRINT("Purging\n"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("Previous flush failed with status: %lx\n", Status); } CcPurgeCacheSection(&Fcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, NULL, 0, TRUE); } /* If there's already a change pending in SRV_OPEN */ if (ComputeNewState && BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_PENDING)) { /* If there's a FOBX at least */ if (!IsListEmpty(&SrvOpen->FobxList)) { PRX_CONTEXT RxContext; /* Create a fake context to pass to the mini-rdr */ RxContext = RxCreateRxContext(NULL, Fcb->RxDeviceObject, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_MUST_SUCCEED_NONBLOCKING | RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT); if (RxContext != NULL) { PFOBX Fobx; RxContext->pFcb = RX_GET_MRX_FCB(Fcb); /* Give the first FOBX */ Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(SrvOpen->FobxList.Flink, FOBX, FobxQLinks); RxContext->pFobx = (PMRX_FOBX)Fobx; RxContext->pRelevantSrvOpen = Fobx->pSrvOpen; /* If there was a delayed close, perform it */ if (BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_CLOSE_DELAYED)) { DPRINT("Oplock break close for %p\n", SrvOpen); RxCloseAssociatedSrvOpen(Fobx, RxContext); } /* Otherwise, inform the mini-rdr about completion */ else { MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(MiniStatus, Fcb->MRxDispatch, MRxCompleteBufferingStateChangeRequest, (RxContext, (PMRX_SRV_OPEN)SrvOpen, Context)); (void)MiniStatus; } RxDereferenceAndDeleteRxContext(RxContext); } } } /* Set the new state */ Fcb->FcbState ^= (NewBufferingState ^ Fcb->FcbState) & FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_MASK; } _SEH2_FINALLY { /* Job done, clear the flag */ ClearFlag(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERSTATE_CHANGING); if (!BooleanFlagOn(NewBufferingState, FCB_STATE_FILETIMECACHEING_ENABLED)) { ClearFlag(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_TIME_AND_SIZE_ALREADY_SET); } } _SEH2_END; return Status; } NTSTATUS RxCheckVNetRootCredentials( PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot, PLUID LogonId, PUNICODE_STRING UserName, PUNICODE_STRING UserDomain, PUNICODE_STRING Password, ULONG Flags) { PAGED_CODE(); /* If that's a UNC name, there's nothing to process */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_CREATE_FLAG_UNC_NAME) && (BooleanFlagOn(VNetRoot->Flags, VNETROOT_FLAG_CSCAGENT_INSTANCE) || Flags != 0)) { return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } /* Compare the logon ID in the VNetRoot with the one provided */ if (RtlCompareMemory(&VNetRoot->LogonId, LogonId, sizeof(LUID)) != sizeof(LUID)) { return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } /* No credential provided? That's OK */ if (UserName == NULL && UserDomain == NULL && Password == NULL) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Left to do! */ UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS RxCompleteRequest( PRX_CONTEXT Context, NTSTATUS Status) { PIRP Irp; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxCompleteRequest(%p, %lx)\n", Context, Status); ASSERT(Context != NULL); ASSERT(Context->CurrentIrp != NULL); Irp = Context->CurrentIrp; /* Debug what the caller asks for */ if (Context->LoudCompletionString != NULL) { DPRINT("LoudCompletion: %lx/%lx with %wZ\n", Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information, Context->LoudCompletionString); /* Does the user asks to stop on failed completion */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && RxStopOnLoudCompletion) { DPRINT1("LoudFailure: %lx/%lx with %wZ\n", Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information, Context->LoudCompletionString); } } /* Complete for real */ Context->CurrentIrp = NULL; RxCompleteRequest_Real(Context, Irp, Status); DPRINT("Status: %lx\n", Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxCompleteRequest_Real( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PIRP Irp, IN NTSTATUS Status) { CCHAR Boost; KIRQL OldIrql; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; DPRINT("RxCompleteRequest_Real(%p, %p, %lx)\n", RxContext, Irp, Status); /* Nothing to complete, just free context */ if (Irp == NULL) { DPRINT("NULL IRP for %p\n", RxContext); if (RxContext != NULL) { RxDereferenceAndDeleteRxContext_Real(RxContext); } return; } /* Remove cancel routine */ IoAcquireCancelSpinLock(&OldIrql); IoSetCancelRoutine(Irp, NULL); IoReleaseCancelSpinLock(OldIrql); /* Select the boost, given the success/paging operation */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) || !BooleanFlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO)) { Boost = IO_DISK_INCREMENT; } else { Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Boost = IO_NO_INCREMENT; } Irp->IoStatus.Status = Status; if (RxContext != NULL) { ASSERT(RxContext->MajorFunction <= IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION); if (RxContext->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { DPRINT("Completing: MN: %d, Context: %p, IRP: %p, Status: %lx, Info: %lx, #%lx\n", RxContext->MinorFunction, RxContext, Irp, Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information, RxContext->SerialNumber); } } /* If that's an opening, there might be a canonical name allocated, * if completion isn't pending, release it */ Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); if (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CREATE && Status != STATUS_PENDING && RxContext != NULL) { if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Create.Flags, 2)) { Stack->FileObject->FileName.Length += sizeof(WCHAR); } RxpPrepareCreateContextForReuse(RxContext); ASSERT(RxContext->Create.CanonicalNameBuffer == NULL); } /* If it's a write, validate the correct behavior of the operation */ if (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_WRITE) { if (NT_SUCCESS(Irp->IoStatus.Status)) { ASSERT(Irp->IoStatus.Information <= Stack->Parameters.Write.Length); } } /* If it's pending, make sure IRP is marked as such */ if (RxContext != NULL) { if (RxContext->PendingReturned) { ASSERT(BooleanFlagOn(Stack->Control, SL_PENDING_RETURNED)); } } /* Complete now */ DPRINT("Completing IRP with %x/%x\n", Irp->IoStatus.Status, Irp->IoStatus.Information); IoCompleteRequest(Irp, Boost); /* If there's a context, dereference it */ if (RxContext != NULL) { RxDereferenceAndDeleteRxContext_Real(RxContext); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxCompleteSrvOpenKeyAssociation( IN OUT PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen) { PSRV_CALL SrvCall; SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)((PFCB)SrvOpen->pFcb)->VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall; /* Only handle requests if opening was a success */ if (SrvOpen->Condition == Condition_Good) { KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN ProcessChange; LIST_ENTRY DiscardedRequests; /* Initialize our discarded requests list */ InitializeListHead(&DiscardedRequests); RxAcquireBufferingManagerMutex(&SrvCall->BufferingManager); /* Transfer our requests in the SRV_CALL */ RxTransferList(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SrvOpenLists[0], &SrvOpen->SrvOpenKeyList); /* Was increased in RxInitiateSrvOpenKeyAssociation(), opening is done */ InterlockedDecrement(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.NumberOfOutstandingOpens); /* Dispatch requests and get the discarded ones */ RxpDispatchChangeBufferingStateRequests(SrvCall, SrvOpen, &DiscardedRequests); RxReleaseBufferingManagerMutex(&SrvCall->BufferingManager); /* Is there still anything to process? */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SpinLock, &OldIrql); if (IsListEmpty(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerList)) { ProcessChange = FALSE; } else { ProcessChange = (SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerInactive == FALSE); if (ProcessChange) { SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerInactive = TRUE; } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SpinLock, OldIrql); /* Yes? Go ahead! */ if (ProcessChange) { RxReferenceSrvCall(SrvCall); RxPostToWorkerThread(RxFileSystemDeviceObject, HyperCriticalWorkQueue, &SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerWorkItem, RxProcessChangeBufferingStateRequests, SrvCall); } /* And discard left requests */ RxpDiscardChangeBufferingStateRequests(&DiscardedRequests); } else { InterlockedDecrement(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.NumberOfOutstandingOpens); } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxConstructNetRoot( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PSRV_CALL SrvCall, IN PNET_ROOT NetRoot, IN PV_NET_ROOT VirtualNetRoot, OUT PLOCK_HOLDING_STATE LockHoldingState) { NTSTATUS Status; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PMRX_CREATENETROOT_CONTEXT Context; RX_BLOCK_CONDITION RootCondition, VRootCondition; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxConstructNetRoot(%p, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", RxContext, SrvCall, NetRoot, VirtualNetRoot, LockHoldingState); /* Validate the lock is exclusively held */ PrefixTable = RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(*LockHoldingState == LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* Allocate the context */ Context = RxAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(MRX_CREATENETROOT_CONTEXT), RX_SRVCALL_POOLTAG); if (Context == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* We can release lock now */ RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); *LockHoldingState = LHS_LockNotHeld; RootCondition = Condition_Bad; VRootCondition = Condition_Bad; /* Initialize the context */ RtlZeroMemory(Context, sizeof(MRX_CREATENETROOT_CONTEXT)); KeInitializeEvent(&Context->FinishEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); Context->RxContext = RxContext; Context->pVNetRoot = VirtualNetRoot; Context->Callback = RxCreateNetRootCallBack; /* And call the mini-rdr */ MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxCreateVNetRoot, (Context)); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { /* Wait for the mini-rdr to be done */ KeWaitForSingleObject(&Context->FinishEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Update the structures condition according to mini-rdr return */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Context->NetRootStatus)) { if (NT_SUCCESS(Context->VirtualNetRootStatus)) { RootCondition = Condition_Good; VRootCondition = Condition_Good; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { RootCondition = Condition_Good; Status = Context->VirtualNetRootStatus; } } else { Status = Context->VirtualNetRootStatus; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Status = Context->NetRootStatus; } } } else { /* It has to return STATUS_PENDING! */ ASSERT(FALSE); } /* Acquire lock again - for caller lock status will remain unchanged */ ASSERT(*LockHoldingState == LHS_LockNotHeld); RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); *LockHoldingState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; /* Do the transition to the condition got from mini-rdr */ RxTransitionNetRoot(NetRoot, RootCondition); RxTransitionVNetRoot(VirtualNetRoot, VRootCondition); /* Context is not longer needed */ RxFreePoolWithTag(Context, RX_SRVCALL_POOLTAG); DPRINT("Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxConstructSrvCall( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PSRV_CALL SrvCall, OUT PLOCK_HOLDING_STATE LockHoldingState) { NTSTATUS Status; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; PMRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE Calldown; PMRX_SRVCALL_CALLBACK_CONTEXT CallbackContext; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxConstructSrvCall(%p, %p, %p)\n", RxContext, SrvCall, LockHoldingState); /* Validate the lock is exclusively held */ RxDeviceObject = RxContext->RxDeviceObject; PrefixTable = RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(*LockHoldingState == LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* Allocate the context for mini-rdr */ Calldown = RxAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(MRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE), RX_SRVCALL_POOLTAG); if (Calldown == NULL) { SrvCall->Context = NULL; SrvCall->Condition = Condition_Bad; RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); *LockHoldingState = LHS_LockNotHeld; return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Initialize it */ RtlZeroMemory(Calldown, sizeof(MRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE)); SrvCall->Context = NULL; SrvCall->Condition = Condition_InTransition; RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); *LockHoldingState = LHS_LockNotHeld; CallbackContext = &Calldown->CallbackContexts[0]; DPRINT("CalldownContext %p for %wZ\n", CallbackContext, &RxDeviceObject->DeviceName); DPRINT("With calldown %p and SrvCall %p\n", Calldown, SrvCall); CallbackContext->SrvCalldownStructure = Calldown; CallbackContext->CallbackContextOrdinal = 0; CallbackContext->RxDeviceObject = RxDeviceObject; RxReferenceSrvCall(SrvCall); /* If we're async, we'll post, otherwise, we'll have to wait for completion */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION)) { RxPrePostIrp(RxContext, RxContext->CurrentIrp); } else { KeInitializeEvent(&Calldown->FinishEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); } Calldown->NumberToWait = 1; Calldown->NumberRemaining = 1; Calldown->RxContext = RxContext; Calldown->SrvCall = (PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall; Calldown->CallBack = RxCreateSrvCallCallBack; Calldown->BestFinisher = NULL; CallbackContext->Status = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; InitializeListHead(&Calldown->SrvCalldownList); /* Call the mini-rdr */ ASSERT(RxDeviceObject->Dispatch != NULL); ASSERT(NodeType(RxDeviceObject->Dispatch) == RDBSS_NTC_MINIRDR_DISPATCH); ASSERT(RxDeviceObject->Dispatch->MRxCreateSrvCall != NULL); Status = RxDeviceObject->Dispatch->MRxCreateSrvCall((PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall, CallbackContext); /* It has to return STATUS_PENDING! */ ASSERT(Status == STATUS_PENDING); /* No async, start completion */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION)) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&Calldown->FinishEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Finish construction - we'll notify mini-rdr it's the winner */ Status = RxFinishSrvCallConstruction(Calldown); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); *LockHoldingState = LHS_LockNotHeld; } else { ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(PrefixTable)); *LockHoldingState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; } } DPRINT("RxConstructSrvCall() = Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxConstructVirtualNetRoot( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING CanonicalName, IN NET_ROOT_TYPE NetRootType, OUT PV_NET_ROOT *VirtualNetRootPointer, OUT PLOCK_HOLDING_STATE LockHoldingState, OUT PRX_CONNECTION_ID RxConnectionId) { NTSTATUS Status; PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; RX_BLOCK_CONDITION Condition; UNICODE_STRING LocalNetRootName, FilePathName; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(*LockHoldingState != LHS_LockNotHeld); VNetRoot = NULL; Condition = Condition_Bad; /* Before creating the VNetRoot, try to find the appropriate connection */ Status = RxFindOrCreateConnections(RxContext, CanonicalName, NetRootType, &LocalNetRootName, &FilePathName, LockHoldingState, RxConnectionId); /* Found and active */ if (Status == STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE) { /* We need a new VNetRoot */ VNetRoot = RxCreateVNetRoot(RxContext, (PNET_ROOT)RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot->pNetRoot, CanonicalName, &LocalNetRootName, &FilePathName, RxConnectionId); if (VNetRoot != NULL) { RxReferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot); } /* Dereference previous VNetRoot */ RxDereferenceVNetRoot(RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot->pNetRoot, *LockHoldingState); /* Reset and start construct (new structures will replace old ones) */ RxContext->Create.pSrvCall = NULL; RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = NULL; RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = NULL; /* Construct new NetRoot */ if (VNetRoot != NULL) { Status = RxConstructNetRoot(RxContext, (PSRV_CALL)VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall, (PNET_ROOT)VNetRoot->pNetRoot, VNetRoot, LockHoldingState); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Condition = Condition_Good; } } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } else { /* If it failed creating the connection, leave */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (*LockHoldingState != LHS_LockNotHeld) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable); *LockHoldingState = LHS_LockNotHeld; } *VirtualNetRootPointer = VNetRoot; DPRINT("RxConstructVirtualNetRoot() = Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } *LockHoldingState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; VNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT)RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot; Condition = Condition_Good; } /* We have a non stable VNetRoot - transition it */ if (VNetRoot != NULL && !StableCondition(VNetRoot->Condition)) { RxTransitionVNetRoot(VNetRoot, Condition); } /* If recreation failed */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { /* Dereference potential VNetRoot */ if (VNetRoot != NULL) { ASSERT(*LockHoldingState != LHS_LockNotHeld); RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, *LockHoldingState); VNetRoot = NULL; } /* Release lock */ if (*LockHoldingState != LHS_LockNotHeld) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable); *LockHoldingState = LHS_LockNotHeld; } /* Set NULL ptr */ *VirtualNetRootPointer = VNetRoot; return Status; } /* Return the allocated VNetRoot */ *VirtualNetRootPointer = VNetRoot; return Status; } /* * @implemented */ PFCB RxCreateNetFcb( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name) { PFCB Fcb; BOOLEAN FakeFcb; PNET_ROOT NetRoot; POOL_TYPE PoolType; NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; PAGED_CODE(); /* We need a decent VNetRoot */ ASSERT(VNetRoot != NULL && NodeType(VNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT); NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)VNetRoot->pNetRoot; ASSERT(NodeType(NetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT); ASSERT((PMRX_NET_ROOT)NetRoot == RxContext->Create.pNetRoot); RxDeviceObject = NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject; ASSERT(RxDeviceObject == RxContext->RxDeviceObject); Stack = RxContext->CurrentIrpSp; /* Do we need to create a fake FCB? Like for renaming */ FakeFcb = BooleanFlagOn(Stack->Flags, SL_OPEN_TARGET_DIRECTORY) && !BooleanFlagOn(NetRoot->Flags, NETROOT_FLAG_SUPPORTS_SYMBOLIC_LINKS); ASSERT(FakeFcb || RxIsFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable)); PoolType = (BooleanFlagOn(Stack->Flags, SL_OPEN_PAGING_FILE) ? NonPagedPool : PagedPool); NodeType = (FakeFcb) ? RDBSS_NTC_OPENTARGETDIR_FCB : RDBSS_STORAGE_NTC(FileTypeNotYetKnown); /* Allocate the FCB */ Fcb = RxAllocateFcbObject(RxDeviceObject, NodeType, PoolType, NetRoot->InnerNamePrefix.Length + Name->Length, NULL); if (Fcb == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Initialize the FCB */ Fcb->CachedNetRootType = NetRoot->Type; Fcb->RxDeviceObject = RxDeviceObject; Fcb->MRxDispatch = RxDeviceObject->Dispatch; Fcb->VNetRoot = VNetRoot; Fcb->pNetRoot = VNetRoot->pNetRoot; InitializeListHead(&Fcb->SrvOpenList); Fcb->SrvOpenListVersion = 0; Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path.Length = Name->Length; Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path.MaximumLength = Name->Length; Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path.Buffer = Add2Ptr(Fcb->PrivateAlreadyPrefixedName.Buffer, NetRoot->InnerNamePrefix.Length); RtlMoveMemory(Fcb->PrivateAlreadyPrefixedName.Buffer, NetRoot->InnerNamePrefix.Buffer, NetRoot->InnerNamePrefix.Length); RtlMoveMemory(Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path.Buffer, Name->Buffer, Name->Length); /* Copy back parameters from RxContext */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Create.Flags, RX_CONTEXT_CREATE_FLAG_ADDEDBACKSLASH)) { Fcb->FcbState |= FCB_STATE_ADDEDBACKSLASH; } InitializeListHead(&Fcb->NonPaged->TransitionWaitList); if (BooleanFlagOn(Stack->Flags, SL_OPEN_PAGING_FILE)) { Fcb->FcbState |= FCB_STATE_PAGING_FILE; } if (RxContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CREATE && BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Create.Flags, RX_CONTEXT_CREATE_FLAG_SPECIAL_PATH)) { Fcb->FcbState |= FCB_STATE_SPECIAL_PATH; } Fcb->Header.Resource = &Fcb->NonPaged->HeaderResource; ExInitializeResourceLite(Fcb->Header.Resource); Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource = &Fcb->NonPaged->PagingIoResource; ExInitializeResourceLite(Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource); Fcb->BufferedLocks.Resource = &Fcb->NonPaged->BufferedLocksResource; ExInitializeResourceLite(Fcb->BufferedLocks.Resource); /* Fake FCB doesn't go in prefix table */ if (FakeFcb) { Fcb->FcbState |= (FCB_STATE_FAKEFCB | FCB_STATE_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED); InitializeListHead(&Fcb->FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); DPRINT("Fake FCB: %p\n", Fcb); } else { RxFcbTableInsertFcb(&NetRoot->FcbTable, Fcb); } RxReferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot); InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&Fcb->pNetRoot->NumberOfFcbs); Fcb->ulFileSizeVersion = 0; DPRINT("FCB %p for %wZ\n", Fcb, &Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path); RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); return Fcb; } /* * @implemented */ PMRX_FOBX NTAPI RxCreateNetFobx( OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PMRX_SRV_OPEN MrxSrvOpen) { PFCB Fcb; PFOBX Fobx; ULONG Flags; PNET_ROOT NetRoot; PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; POOL_TYPE PoolType; PAGED_CODE(); SrvOpen = (PSRV_OPEN)MrxSrvOpen; ASSERT(NodeType(SrvOpen) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(SrvOpen->Fcb)); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(SrvOpen->Fcb)); Fcb = SrvOpen->Fcb; PoolType = (BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_PAGING_FILE) ? NonPagedPool : PagedPool); /* Can we use pre-allocated FOBX? */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_FOBX_USED) && Fcb->InternalSrvOpen == (PSRV_OPEN)MrxSrvOpen) { Fobx = Fcb->InternalFobx; /* Call allocate to initialize the FOBX */ RxAllocateFcbObject(Fcb->RxDeviceObject, RDBSS_NTC_FOBX, PoolType, 0, Fobx); /* Mark it used now */ Fcb->FcbState |= FCB_STATE_FOBX_USED; Flags = FOBX_FLAG_ENCLOSED_ALLOCATED; } else if (!BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_FOBX_USED)) { Fobx = SrvOpen->InternalFobx; /* Call allocate to initialize the FOBX */ RxAllocateFcbObject(Fcb->RxDeviceObject, RDBSS_NTC_FOBX, PoolType, 0, Fobx); /* Mark it used now */ SrvOpen->Flags |= SRVOPEN_FLAG_FOBX_USED; Flags = FOBX_FLAG_ENCLOSED_ALLOCATED; } else { /* Last case, we cannot, allocate a FOBX */ Fobx = RxAllocateFcbObject(Fcb->RxDeviceObject, RDBSS_NTC_FOBX, PoolType, 0, NULL); Flags = 0; } /* Allocation failed! */ if (Fobx == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Set flags */ Fobx->Flags = Flags; /* Initialize throttling */ NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)RxContext->Create.pNetRoot; if (NetRoot != NULL) { if (NetRoot->DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_DISK) { RxInitializeThrottlingState(&Fobx->Specific.DiskFile.LockThrottlingState, NetRoot->DiskParameters.LockThrottlingParameters.Increment, NetRoot->DiskParameters.LockThrottlingParameters.MaximumDelay); } else if (NetRoot->DeviceType == FILE_DEVICE_NAMED_PIPE) { RxInitializeThrottlingState(&Fobx->Specific.NamedPipe.ThrottlingState, NetRoot->NamedPipeParameters.PipeReadThrottlingParameters.Increment, NetRoot->NamedPipeParameters.PipeReadThrottlingParameters.MaximumDelay); } } /* Propagate flags fron RxContext */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Create.Flags, RX_CONTEXT_CREATE_FLAG_UNC_NAME)) { Fobx->Flags |= FOBX_FLAG_UNC_NAME; } if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Create.NtCreateParameters.CreateOptions, FILE_OPEN_FOR_BACKUP_INTENT)) { Fobx->Flags |= FOBX_FLAG_BACKUP_INTENT; } /* Continue init */ Fobx->FobxSerialNumber = 0; Fobx->SrvOpen = (PSRV_OPEN)MrxSrvOpen; Fobx->NodeReferenceCount = 1; Fobx->RxDeviceObject = Fcb->RxDeviceObject; RxReferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen); InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&SrvOpen->pVNetRoot->NumberOfFobxs); InsertTailList(&SrvOpen->FobxList, &Fobx->FobxQLinks); InitializeListHead(&Fobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); InitializeListHead(&Fobx->ClosePendingList); Fobx->CloseTime.QuadPart = 0; Fobx->fOpenCountDecremented = FALSE; DPRINT("FOBX %p for SRV_OPEN %p FCB %p\n", Fobx, Fobx->SrvOpen, Fobx->SrvOpen->pFcb); return (PMRX_FOBX)Fobx; } /* * @implemented */ PNET_ROOT RxCreateNetRoot( IN PSRV_CALL SrvCall, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN ULONG NetRootFlags, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID OPTIONAL RxConnectionId) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; USHORT CaseInsensitiveLength; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; DPRINT("RxCreateNetRoot(%p, %wZ, %x, %p)\n", SrvCall, Name, NetRootFlags, RxConnectionId); PAGED_CODE(); /* We need a SRV_CALL */ ASSERT(SrvCall != NULL); PrefixTable = SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable)); /* Get name length */ CaseInsensitiveLength = SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length + Name->Length; if (CaseInsensitiveLength > MAXUSHORT) { return NULL; } /* Allocate the NetRoot */ NetRoot = RxAllocateObject(RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT, SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, CaseInsensitiveLength); if (NetRoot == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Construct name */ RtlMoveMemory(Add2Ptr(NetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Buffer, SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length), Name->Buffer, Name->Length); if (SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length != 0) { RtlMoveMemory(NetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Buffer, SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Buffer, SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length); } if (!BooleanFlagOn(SrvCall->Flags, SRVCALL_FLAG_CASE_INSENSITIVE_NETROOTS)) { CaseInsensitiveLength = SrvCall->PrefixEntry.CaseInsensitiveLength; } /* Inisert in prefix table */ RxPrefixTableInsertName(PrefixTable, &NetRoot->PrefixEntry, NetRoot, (PULONG)&NetRoot->NodeReferenceCount, CaseInsensitiveLength, RxConnectionId); /* Prepare the FCB table */ RxInitializeFcbTable(&NetRoot->FcbTable, TRUE); InitializeListHead(&NetRoot->TransitionWaitList); InitializeListHead(&NetRoot->ScavengerFinalizationList); InitializeListHead(&NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots); RxInitializePurgeSyncronizationContext(&NetRoot->PurgeSyncronizationContext); NetRoot->SerialNumberForEnum = SerialNumber++; NetRoot->Flags |= NetRootFlags; NetRoot->DiskParameters.ClusterSize = 1; NetRoot->DiskParameters.ReadAheadGranularity = ReadAheadGranularity; NetRoot->SrvCall = SrvCall; RxReferenceSrvCall(SrvCall); DPRINT("NetRootName: %wZ (%p)\n", NetRoot->pNetRootName, NetRoot); return NetRoot; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxCreateNetRootCallBack( IN PMRX_CREATENETROOT_CONTEXT CreateNetRootContext) { PAGED_CODE(); KeSetEvent(&CreateNetRootContext->FinishEvent, IO_NETWORK_INCREMENT, FALSE); } /* * @implemented */ PRX_CONTEXT NTAPI RxCreateRxContext( IN PIRP Irp, IN PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject, IN ULONG InitialContextFlags) { KIRQL OldIrql; PRX_CONTEXT Context; ASSERT(RxDeviceObject != NULL); DPRINT("RxCreateRxContext(%p, %p, %u)\n", Irp, RxDeviceObject, InitialContextFlags); #if DBG InterlockedIncrement((volatile LONG *)&RxFsdEntryCount); #endif InterlockedIncrement((volatile LONG *)&RxDeviceObject->NumberOfActiveContexts); /* Allocate the context from our lookaside list */ Context = ExAllocateFromNPagedLookasideList(&RxContextLookasideList); if (Context == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Zero it */ RtlZeroMemory(Context, sizeof(RX_CONTEXT)); /* It was allocated on NP pool, keep track of it! */ SetFlag(Context->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_FROM_POOL); /* And initialize it */ RxInitializeContext(Irp, RxDeviceObject, InitialContextFlags, Context); ASSERT((Context->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CREATE) || !BooleanFlagOn(Context->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_MUST_SUCCEED_ALLOCATED)); /* Add it to our global list */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, &OldIrql); InsertTailList(&RxActiveContexts, &Context->ContextListEntry); KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, OldIrql); DPRINT("Context: %p\n", Context); return Context; } /* * @implemented */ PSRV_CALL RxCreateSrvCall( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN PUNICODE_STRING InnerNamePrefix OPTIONAL, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID RxConnectionId) { ULONG NameLength; PSRV_CALL SrvCall; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxCreateSrvCall(%p, %wZ, %wZ, %p)\n", RxContext, Name, InnerNamePrefix, RxConnectionId); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable)); /* Get the name length */ NameLength = Name->Length + 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); if (InnerNamePrefix != NULL) { NameLength += InnerNamePrefix->Length; } /* Allocate the object */ SrvCall = RxAllocateObject(RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL, NULL, NameLength); if (SrvCall == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Initialize it */ SrvCall->SerialNumberForEnum = SerialNumber++; SrvCall->RxDeviceObject = RxContext->RxDeviceObject; RxInitializeBufferingManager(SrvCall); InitializeListHead(&SrvCall->TransitionWaitList); InitializeListHead(&SrvCall->ScavengerFinalizationList); RxInitializePurgeSyncronizationContext(&SrvCall->PurgeSyncronizationContext); RxInitializeSrvCallParameters(RxContext, SrvCall); RtlMoveMemory(SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Buffer, Name->Buffer, Name->Length); SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.MaximumLength = Name->Length + 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); SrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length = Name->Length; RxPrefixTableInsertName(RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable, &SrvCall->PrefixEntry, SrvCall, (PULONG)&SrvCall->NodeReferenceCount, Name->Length, RxConnectionId); DPRINT("SrvCallName: %wZ (%p)\n", SrvCall->pSrvCallName, SrvCall); return SrvCall; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxCreateSrvCallCallBack( IN OUT PMRX_SRVCALL_CALLBACK_CONTEXT Context) { KIRQL OldIrql; PSRV_CALL SrvCall; PRX_CONTEXT RxContext; ULONG NumberRemaining; BOOLEAN StartDispatcher; PMRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE Calldown; DPRINT("RxCreateSrvCallCallBack(%p)\n", Context); /* Get our context structures */ Calldown = Context->SrvCalldownStructure; SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)Calldown->SrvCall; /* If it is a success, that's the winner */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, &OldIrql); if (Context->Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Calldown->BestFinisherOrdinal = Context->CallbackContextOrdinal; Calldown->BestFinisher = Context->RxDeviceObject; } NumberRemaining = --Calldown->NumberRemaining; SrvCall->Status = Context->Status; KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, OldIrql); /* Still some to ask, keep going */ if (NumberRemaining != 0) { return; } /* If that's not async, signal we're done */ RxContext = Calldown->RxContext; if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION)) { KeSetEvent(&Calldown->FinishEvent, IO_NETWORK_INCREMENT, FALSE); return; } /* If that's a mailslot, finish construction, no more to do */ else if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_CREATE_MAILSLOT)) { RxFinishSrvCallConstruction(Calldown); return; } /* Queue our finish call for delayed completion */ DPRINT("Queuing RxFinishSrvCallConstruction() call\n"); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, &OldIrql); InsertTailList(&RxSrvCalldownList, &Calldown->SrvCalldownList); StartDispatcher = !RxSrvCallConstructionDispatcherActive; KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, OldIrql); /* If we have to start dispatcher, go ahead */ if (StartDispatcher) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = RxDispatchToWorkerThread(RxFileSystemDeviceObject, CriticalWorkQueue, RxFinishSrvCallConstructionDispatcher, &RxSrvCalldownList); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* It failed - run it manually.... */ RxFinishSrvCallConstructionDispatcher(NULL); } } } /* * @implemented */ PSRV_OPEN RxCreateSrvOpen( IN PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot, IN OUT PFCB Fcb) { ULONG Flags; PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; POOL_TYPE PoolType; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(Fcb)); PoolType = (BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_PAGING_FILE) ? NonPagedPool : PagedPool); _SEH2_TRY { SrvOpen = Fcb->InternalSrvOpen; /* Check whethet we have to allocate a new SRV_OPEN */ if (Fcb->InternalSrvOpen == NULL || BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_SRVOPEN_USED) || BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->InternalSrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_ENCLOSED_ALLOCATED) || !IsListEmpty(&Fcb->InternalSrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks)) { /* Proceed */ SrvOpen = RxAllocateFcbObject(Fcb->VNetRoot->NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject, RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN, PoolType, 0, NULL); Flags = 0; } else { /* Otherwise, just use internal one and initialize it */ RxAllocateFcbObject(Fcb->VNetRoot->NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject, RDBSS_NTC_INTERNAL_SRVOPEN, PoolType, 0, Fcb->InternalSrvOpen); Fcb->FcbState |= FCB_STATE_SRVOPEN_USED; Flags = SRVOPEN_FLAG_ENCLOSED_ALLOCATED | SRVOPEN_FLAG_FOBX_USED; } /* If SrvOpen was properly allocated, initialize it */ if (SrvOpen != NULL) { SrvOpen->Flags = Flags; SrvOpen->pFcb = RX_GET_MRX_FCB(Fcb); SrvOpen->pAlreadyPrefixedName = &Fcb->PrivateAlreadyPrefixedName; SrvOpen->pVNetRoot = (PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)VNetRoot; SrvOpen->ulFileSizeVersion = Fcb->ulFileSizeVersion; SrvOpen->NodeReferenceCount = 1; RxReferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot); RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); InsertTailList(&Fcb->SrvOpenList, &SrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks); ++Fcb->SrvOpenListVersion; InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->ScavengerFinalizationList); InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->TransitionWaitList); InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->FobxList); InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->SrvOpenKeyList); } } _SEH2_FINALLY { if (_SEH2_AbnormalTermination()) { if (SrvOpen != NULL) { RxFinalizeSrvOpen(SrvOpen, TRUE, TRUE); SrvOpen = NULL; } } else { DPRINT("SrvOpen %p for FCB %p\n", SrvOpen, SrvOpen->pFcb); } } _SEH2_END; return SrvOpen; } /* * @implemented */ PV_NET_ROOT RxCreateVNetRoot( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PNET_ROOT NetRoot, IN PUNICODE_STRING CanonicalName, IN PUNICODE_STRING LocalNetRootName, IN PUNICODE_STRING FilePath, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID RxConnectionId) { NTSTATUS Status; PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; USHORT CaseInsensitiveLength; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxCreateVNetRoot(%p, %p, %wZ, %wZ, %wZ, %p)\n", RxContext, NetRoot, CanonicalName, LocalNetRootName, FilePath, RxConnectionId); /* Lock must be held exclusively */ ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable)); /* Check for overflow */ if (LocalNetRootName->Length + NetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length > MAXUSHORT) { return NULL; } /* Get name length and allocate VNetRoot */ CaseInsensitiveLength = LocalNetRootName->Length + NetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length; VNetRoot = RxAllocateObject(RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT, NetRoot->SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, CaseInsensitiveLength); if (VNetRoot == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Initialize its connection parameters */ Status = RxInitializeVNetRootParameters(RxContext, &VNetRoot->LogonId, &VNetRoot->SessionId, &VNetRoot->pUserName, &VNetRoot->pUserDomainName, &VNetRoot->pPassword, &VNetRoot->Flags); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RxUninitializeVNetRootParameters(VNetRoot->pUserName, VNetRoot->pUserDomainName, VNetRoot->pPassword, &VNetRoot->Flags); RxFreeObject(VNetRoot); return NULL; } /* Set name */ RtlMoveMemory(VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Buffer, CanonicalName->Buffer, VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length); VNetRoot->PrefixOffsetInBytes = LocalNetRootName->Length + NetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length; VNetRoot->NamePrefix.Buffer = Add2Ptr(VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Buffer, VNetRoot->PrefixOffsetInBytes); VNetRoot->NamePrefix.Length = VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length - VNetRoot->PrefixOffsetInBytes; VNetRoot->NamePrefix.MaximumLength = VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length - VNetRoot->PrefixOffsetInBytes; InitializeListHead(&VNetRoot->TransitionWaitList); InitializeListHead(&VNetRoot->ScavengerFinalizationList); if (!BooleanFlagOn(NetRoot->SrvCall->Flags, SRVCALL_FLAG_CASE_INSENSITIVE_FILENAMES)) { USHORT i; if (BooleanFlagOn(NetRoot->SrvCall->Flags, SRVCALL_FLAG_CASE_INSENSITIVE_NETROOTS)) { CaseInsensitiveLength = NetRoot->PrefixEntry.CaseInsensitiveLength; } else { CaseInsensitiveLength = NetRoot->SrvCall->PrefixEntry.CaseInsensitiveLength; } for (i = 1; i < CanonicalName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); ++i) { if (CanonicalName->Buffer[i] != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) { break; } } CaseInsensitiveLength += (i * sizeof(WCHAR)); } /* Insert in prefix table */ RxPrefixTableInsertName(RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable, &VNetRoot->PrefixEntry, VNetRoot, (PULONG)&VNetRoot->NodeReferenceCount, CaseInsensitiveLength, RxConnectionId); RxReferenceNetRoot(NetRoot); RxAddVirtualNetRootToNetRoot(NetRoot, VNetRoot); /* Finish init */ VNetRoot->SerialNumberForEnum = SerialNumber++; VNetRoot->UpperFinalizationDone = FALSE; VNetRoot->ConnectionFinalizationDone = FALSE; VNetRoot->AdditionalReferenceForDeleteFsctlTaken = 0; DPRINT("NamePrefix: %wZ\n", &VNetRoot->NamePrefix); DPRINT("PrefixEntry: %wZ\n", &VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix); return VNetRoot; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxDereference( IN OUT PVOID Instance, IN LOCK_HOLDING_STATE LockHoldingState) { LONG RefCount; NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType; PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE Node; PAGED_CODE(); RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* Check we have a node we can handle */ NodeType = NodeType(Instance); ASSERT((NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX)); Node = (PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE)Instance; RefCount = InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&Node->NodeReferenceCount); ASSERT(RefCount >= 0); /* Trace refcount */ switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: PRINT_REF_COUNT(SRVCALL, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETROOT, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: PRINT_REF_COUNT(VNETROOT, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: PRINT_REF_COUNT(SRVOPEN, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETFOBX, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } /* No need to free - still in use */ if (RefCount > 1) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); return; } /* We have to be locked exclusively */ if (LockHoldingState != LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld) { if ((NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX && RefCount == 0) || (NodeType >= RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL && NodeType <= RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT)) { RxpMarkInstanceForScavengedFinalization(Instance); } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); return; } else { if (BooleanFlagOn(NodeType, RX_SCAVENGER_MASK)) { RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(Instance); } } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); /* Now, deallocate the memory */ switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: { PSRV_CALL SrvCall; SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)Instance; ASSERT(SrvCall->RxDeviceObject != NULL); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable)); RxFinalizeSrvCall(SrvCall, TRUE, TRUE); break; } case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)Instance; ASSERT(NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject != NULL); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable)); RxFinalizeNetRoot(NetRoot, TRUE, TRUE); break; } case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: { PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; VNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT)Instance; ASSERT(VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject != NULL); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable)); RxFinalizeVNetRoot(VNetRoot, TRUE, TRUE); break; } case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: { PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; SrvOpen = (PSRV_OPEN)Instance; ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquired(SrvOpen->Fcb)); if (SrvOpen->OpenCount == 0) { RxFinalizeSrvOpen(SrvOpen, FALSE, FALSE); } break; } case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: { PFOBX Fobx; Fobx = (PFOBX)Instance; ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquired(Fobx->SrvOpen->Fcb)); RxFinalizeNetFobx(Fobx, TRUE, FALSE); break; } } } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxDereferenceAndDeleteRxContext_Real( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { KIRQL OldIrql; ULONG RefCount; BOOLEAN Allocated; PRX_CONTEXT StopContext = NULL; /* Make sure we really have a context */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, &OldIrql); ASSERT(RxContext->NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_RX_CONTEXT); RefCount = InterlockedDecrement((volatile LONG *)&RxContext->ReferenceCount); /* If refcount is 0, start releasing stuff that needs spinlock held */ if (RefCount == 0) { PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; Allocated = BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_FROM_POOL); /* If that's stop context from DO, remove it */ RxDeviceObject = RxContext->RxDeviceObject; if (RxDeviceObject->StartStopContext.pStopContext == RxContext) { RxDeviceObject->StartStopContext.pStopContext = NULL; } else { /* Remove it from the list */ ASSERT((RxContext->ContextListEntry.Flink->Blink == &RxContext->ContextListEntry) && (RxContext->ContextListEntry.Blink->Flink == &RxContext->ContextListEntry)); RemoveEntryList(&RxContext->ContextListEntry); /* If that was the last active context, save the stop context */ if (InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile LONG *)&RxDeviceObject->NumberOfActiveContexts, -1) == 0) { if (RxDeviceObject->StartStopContext.pStopContext != NULL) { StopContext = RxDeviceObject->StartStopContext.pStopContext; } } } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, OldIrql); /* Now, deal with what can be done without spinlock held */ if (RefCount == 0) { /* Refcount shouldn't have changed */ ASSERT(RxContext->ReferenceCount == 0); /* Reset everything that can be */ RxPrepareContextForReuse(RxContext); #ifdef RDBSS_TRACKER ASSERT(RxContext->AcquireReleaseFcbTrackerX == 0); #endif /* If that was the last active, set the event */ if (StopContext != NULL) { StopContext->Flags &= ~RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_RECURSIVE_CALL; KeSetEvent(&StopContext->SyncEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } #if DBG /* Is ShadowCrit still owned? Shouldn't happen! */ if (RxContext->ShadowCritOwner != 0) { DPRINT1("ShadowCritOwner not null! %lx\n", RxContext->ShadowCritOwner); ASSERT(FALSE); } #endif /* If it was allocated, free it */ if (Allocated) { ExFreeToNPagedLookasideList(&RxContextLookasideList, RxContext); } } } VOID NTAPI RxDispatchChangeBufferingStateRequests( PVOID Context) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxDispatchToWorkerThread( IN PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT pMRxDeviceObject, IN WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType, IN PRX_WORKERTHREAD_ROUTINE Routine, IN PVOID pContext) { NTSTATUS Status; PRX_WORK_DISPATCH_ITEM DispatchItem; /* Allocate a bit of context */ DispatchItem = RxAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(RX_WORK_DISPATCH_ITEM), RX_WORKQ_POOLTAG); if (DispatchItem == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Set all the routines, the one our dispatcher will call, the one ntoskrnl will call */ DispatchItem->DispatchRoutine = Routine; DispatchItem->DispatchRoutineParameter = pContext; DispatchItem->WorkQueueItem.WorkerRoutine = RxWorkItemDispatcher; DispatchItem->WorkQueueItem.Parameter = DispatchItem; /* Insert item */ Status = RxInsertWorkQueueItem(pMRxDeviceObject, WorkQueueType, &DispatchItem->WorkQueueItem); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RxFreePoolWithTag(DispatchItem, RX_WORKQ_POOLTAG); DPRINT1("RxInsertWorkQueueItem failed! Queue: %ld, Routine: %p, Context: %p, Status: %lx\n", WorkQueueType, Routine, pContext, Status); } DPRINT("Dispatching: %p, %p\n", Routine, pContext); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxExclusivePrefixTableLockToShared( PRX_PREFIX_TABLE Table) { PAGED_CODE(); ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite(&Table->TableLock); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxExtractServerName( IN PUNICODE_STRING FilePathName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING SrvCallName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING RestOfName) { USHORT i, Length; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(SrvCallName != NULL); /* SrvCall name will start from the begin up to the first separator */ SrvCallName->Buffer = FilePathName->Buffer; for (i = 1; i < FilePathName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); ++i) { if (FilePathName->Buffer[i] == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) { break; } } /* Compute length */ Length = (USHORT)((ULONG_PTR)&FilePathName->Buffer[i] - (ULONG_PTR)FilePathName->Buffer); SrvCallName->MaximumLength = Length; SrvCallName->Length = Length; /* Return the rest if asked */ if (RestOfName != NULL) { Length = (USHORT)((ULONG_PTR)&FilePathName->Buffer[FilePathName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] - (ULONG_PTR)FilePathName->Buffer[i]); RestOfName->Buffer = &FilePathName->Buffer[i]; RestOfName->MaximumLength = Length; RestOfName->Length = Length; } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxFcbTableInsertFcb( IN OUT PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable, IN OUT PFCB Fcb) { PAGED_CODE(); /* We deal with the table, make sure it's locked */ ASSERT(RxIsFcbTableLockExclusive(FcbTable)); /* Compute the hash */ Fcb->FcbTableEntry.HashValue = RxTableComputePathHashValue(&Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path); RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); /* If no length, it will be our null entry */ if (Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path.Length == 0) { FcbTable->TableEntryForNull = &Fcb->FcbTableEntry; } /* Otherwise, insert in the appropriate bucket */ else { InsertTailList(FCB_HASH_BUCKET(FcbTable, Fcb->FcbTableEntry.HashValue), &Fcb->FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); } /* Propagate the change by incrementing the version number */ InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&FcbTable->Version); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ PFCB RxFcbTableLookupFcb( IN PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable, IN PUNICODE_STRING Path) { PFCB Fcb; PRX_FCB_TABLE_ENTRY TableEntry; PAGED_CODE(); /* No path - easy, that's null entry */ if (Path == NULL) { TableEntry = FcbTable->TableEntryForNull; } else { ULONG Hash; PLIST_ENTRY HashBucket, ListEntry; /* Otherwise, compute the hash value and find the associated bucket */ Hash = RxTableComputePathHashValue(Path); HashBucket = FCB_HASH_BUCKET(FcbTable, Hash); /* If the bucket is empty, it means there's no entry yet */ if (IsListEmpty(HashBucket)) { TableEntry = NULL; } else { /* Otherwise, browse all the entry */ for (ListEntry = HashBucket->Flink; ListEntry != HashBucket; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink) { TableEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, RX_FCB_TABLE_ENTRY, HashLinks); InterlockedIncrement(&FcbTable->Compares); /* If entry hash and string are equal, thatt's the one! */ if (TableEntry->HashValue == Hash && TableEntry->Path.Length == Path->Length && RtlEqualUnicodeString(Path, &TableEntry->Path, FcbTable->CaseInsensitiveMatch)) { break; } } /* We reached the end? Not found */ if (ListEntry == HashBucket) { TableEntry = NULL; } } } InterlockedIncrement(&FcbTable->Lookups); /* If table entry isn't null, return the FCB */ if (TableEntry != NULL) { Fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(TableEntry, FCB, FcbTableEntry); RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); } else { Fcb = NULL; InterlockedIncrement(&FcbTable->FailedLookups); } return Fcb; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxFcbTableRemoveFcb( IN OUT PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable, IN OUT PFCB Fcb) { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(FcbTable)); /* If no path, then remove entry for null */ if (Fcb->FcbTableEntry.Path.Length == 0) { FcbTable->TableEntryForNull = NULL; } /* Otherwise, remove from the bucket */ else { RemoveEntryList(&Fcb->FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); } /* Reset its list entry */ InitializeListHead(&Fcb->FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); /* Propagate the change by incrementing the version number */ InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&FcbTable->Version); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxFinalizeConnection( IN OUT PNET_ROOT NetRoot, IN OUT PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot OPTIONAL, IN LOGICAL ForceFilesClosed) { NTSTATUS Status; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; ULONG UncleanAny, UncleanDir; LONG FilesOpen, AdditionalRef; BOOLEAN PrefixLocked, FcbTableLocked, ForceClose; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeType(NetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT); /* Get a BOOLEAN out of LOGICAL * -1 is like FALSE but also drops extra V_NET_ROOT reference in case of failure */ ForceClose = (ForceFilesClosed == TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE); /* First, delete any notification change */ Status = RxCancelNotifyChangeDirectoryRequestsForVNetRoot(VNetRoot, ForceClose); /* If it failed, continue if forced */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS && !ForceFilesClosed) { return Status; } /* Reset status, in case notification deletion failed */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PrefixTable = NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; PrefixLocked = FALSE; FcbTableLocked = FALSE; FilesOpen = 0; AdditionalRef = 0; UncleanAny = 0; UncleanDir = 0; _SEH2_TRY { RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); PrefixLocked = TRUE; RxReferenceNetRoot(NetRoot); RxAcquireFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable, TRUE); FcbTableLocked = TRUE; /* If our V_NET_ROOT wasn't finalized yet, proceed! */ if (!VNetRoot->ConnectionFinalizationDone) { USHORT Bucket; PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable; DPRINT("Finalizing connection %p: %wZ\n", NetRoot, &NetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix); /* We'll browse all its associated FCB to check whether they're open/orphaned */ FcbTable = &NetRoot->FcbTable; for (Bucket = 0; Bucket < FcbTable->NumberOfBuckets; ++Bucket) { PLIST_ENTRY BucketList, Entry; BucketList = &FcbTable->HashBuckets[Bucket]; Entry = BucketList->Flink; while (Entry != BucketList) { PFCB Fcb; Fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, FCB, FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); Entry = Entry->Flink; /* FCB for this connection, go ahead */ if (Fcb->VNetRoot == VNetRoot) { /* It's still open, and no force? Fail and keep track */ if (Fcb->UncleanCount > 0 && !ForceClose) { Status = STATUS_CONNECTION_IN_USE; if (NodeType(Fcb) == RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { ++UncleanDir; } else { ++UncleanAny; } } else { /* Else, force purge */ ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, Fcb); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); ClearFlag(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_COLLAPSING_ENABLED); RxScavengeRelatedFobxs(Fcb); RxPurgeFcb(Fcb); /* We don't need to release FCB lock, FCB finalize will take care of it */ } } } } /* No files left, our V_NET_ROOT is finalized */ if (VNetRoot->NumberOfFobxs == 0) { VNetRoot->ConnectionFinalizationDone = TRUE; } } /* Keep Number of open files and track of the extra reference */ FilesOpen = VNetRoot->NumberOfFobxs; AdditionalRef = VNetRoot->AdditionalReferenceForDeleteFsctlTaken; /* If force close, caller doesn't want to keep connection alive * and wants it totally close, so drop the V_NET_ROOT too */ if (ForceClose) { RxFinalizeVNetRoot(VNetRoot, FALSE, TRUE); } } _SEH2_FINALLY { /* Release what was acquired */ if (FcbTableLocked) { RxReleaseFcbTableLock(&NetRoot->FcbTable); } /* If close is forced, only fix status if there are open files */ if (ForceClose) { if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS && UncleanAny != 0) { Status = STATUS_FILES_OPEN; } } /* Else, fix status and fail closing if there are open files */ else { if ((Status != STATUS_SUCCESS && UncleanAny != 0) || FilesOpen > 0) { Status = STATUS_FILES_OPEN; } } DPRINT("UncleanAny: %ld, UncleanDir: %ld, FilesOpen: %ld\n", UncleanAny, UncleanDir, FilesOpen); /* If we're are asked to remove the extra ref, or if closing was a success, do it; * only if it was still referenced! */ if ((ForceFilesClosed == 0xFF || Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) && AdditionalRef != 0) { VNetRoot->AdditionalReferenceForDeleteFsctlTaken = 0; RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); } if (PrefixLocked) { RxDereferenceNetRoot(NetRoot, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); } } _SEH2_END; return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxFinalizeFcbTable( IN OUT PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable) { USHORT Bucket; PAGED_CODE(); /* Just delete the lock */ ExDeleteResourceLite(&FcbTable->TableLock); /* And make sure (checked) that the table is really empty... */ for (Bucket = 0; Bucket < FcbTable->NumberOfBuckets; ++Bucket) { ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&FcbTable->HashBuckets[Bucket])); } } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxFinalizeNetFcb( OUT PFCB ThisFcb, IN BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, IN BOOLEAN ForceFinalize, IN LONG ReferenceCount) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxFinalizeNetFcb(%p, %d, %d, %d)\n", ThisFcb, RecursiveFinalize, ForceFinalize, ReferenceCount); DPRINT("Finalize: %wZ\n", &ThisFcb->FcbTableEntry.Path); /* Make sure we have an exclusively acquired FCB */ ASSERT_CORRECT_FCB_STRUCTURE(ThisFcb); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(ThisFcb)); /* We shouldn't force finalization... */ ASSERT(!ForceFinalize); /* If recurisve, finalize all the associated SRV_OPEN */ if (RecursiveFinalize) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; for (ListEntry = ThisFcb->SrvOpenList.Flink; ListEntry != &ThisFcb->SrvOpenList; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink) { PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; SrvOpen = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, SRV_OPEN, SrvOpenQLinks); RxFinalizeSrvOpen(SrvOpen, TRUE, ForceFinalize); } } /* If FCB is still in use, that's over */ else { if (ThisFcb->OpenCount != 0 || ThisFcb->UncleanCount != 0) { ASSERT(ReferenceCount > 0); return FALSE; } } ASSERT(ReferenceCount >= 1); /* If FCB is still referenced, that's over - unless you force it and want to BSOD somewhere */ if (ReferenceCount != 1 && !ForceFinalize) { return FALSE; } ASSERT(ForceFinalize || ((ThisFcb->OpenCount == 0) && (ThisFcb->UncleanCount == 0))); DPRINT("Finalizing FCB open: %d (%d)\n", ThisFcb->OpenCount, ForceFinalize); /* If finalization was not already initiated, go ahead */ if (!ThisFcb->UpperFinalizationDone) { /* Free any FCB_LOCK */ if (NodeType(ThisFcb) == RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE) { FsRtlUninitializeFileLock(&ThisFcb->Specific.Fcb.FileLock); while (ThisFcb->BufferedLocks.List != NULL) { PFCB_LOCK Entry; Entry = ThisFcb->BufferedLocks.List; ThisFcb->BufferedLocks.List = Entry->Next; RxFreePool(Entry); } } /* If not orphaned, it still has a NET_ROOT and potentially is still in a table */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_ORPHANED)) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)ThisFcb->pNetRoot; ASSERT(RxIsFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable)); /* So, remove it */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED)) { RxFcbTableRemoveFcb(&NetRoot->FcbTable, ThisFcb); } } ThisFcb->UpperFinalizationDone = TRUE; } ASSERT(ReferenceCount >= 1); /* Even if forced, don't allow broken free */ if (ReferenceCount != 1) { return FALSE; } /* Now, release everything */ if (ThisFcb->pBufferingStateChangeCompletedEvent != NULL) { RxFreePool(ThisFcb->pBufferingStateChangeCompletedEvent); } if (ThisFcb->MRxDispatch != NULL) { ThisFcb->MRxDispatch->MRxDeallocateForFcb(RX_GET_MRX_FCB(ThisFcb)); } ExDeleteResourceLite(ThisFcb->BufferedLocks.Resource); ExDeleteResourceLite(ThisFcb->Header.Resource); ExDeleteResourceLite(ThisFcb->Header.PagingIoResource); InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&ThisFcb->pNetRoot->NumberOfFcbs); RxDereferenceVNetRoot(ThisFcb->VNetRoot, LHS_LockNotHeld); ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&ThisFcb->FcbTableEntry.HashLinks)); ASSERT(!ThisFcb->fMiniInited); /* And free the object */ RxFreeFcbObject(ThisFcb); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxFinalizeNetFobx( _Out_ PFOBX ThisFobx, _In_ BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, _In_ BOOLEAN ForceFinalize) { PFCB Fcb; PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeType(ThisFobx) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX); /* Only finalize if forced or if there's no ref left */ if (ThisFobx->NodeReferenceCount != 0 && !ForceFinalize) { return FALSE; } DPRINT("Finalize Fobx: %p (with %d ref), forced: %d\n", ThisFobx, ThisFobx->NodeReferenceCount, ForceFinalize); SrvOpen = ThisFobx->SrvOpen; Fcb = SrvOpen->Fcb; /* If it wasn't finalized yet, do it */ if (!ThisFobx->UpperFinalizationDone) { ASSERT(NodeType(SrvOpen->Fcb) != RDBSS_NTC_OPENTARGETDIR_FCB); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(SrvOpen->Fcb)); /* Remove it from the SRV_OPEN */ RemoveEntryList(&ThisFobx->FobxQLinks); /* If we were used to browse a directory, free the query buffer */ if (BooleanFlagOn(ThisFobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_FREE_UNICODE)) { RxFreePoolWithTag(ThisFobx->UnicodeQueryTemplate.Buffer, RX_DIRCTL_POOLTAG); } /* Notify the mini-rdr */ if (Fcb->MRxDispatch != NULL && Fcb->MRxDispatch->MRxDeallocateForFobx != NULL) { Fcb->MRxDispatch->MRxDeallocateForFobx((PMRX_FOBX)ThisFobx); } /* If the SRV_OPEN wasn't closed yet, do it */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisFobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_SRVOPEN_CLOSED)) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = RxCloseAssociatedSrvOpen(ThisFobx, FALSE); DPRINT("Closing SRV_OPEN %p for %p: %x\n", SrvOpen, ThisFobx, Status); } /* Finalization done */ ThisFobx->UpperFinalizationDone = TRUE; } /* If we're still referenced, don't go any further! */ if (ThisFobx->NodeReferenceCount != 0) { return FALSE; } /* At that point, everything should be closed */ ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&ThisFobx->ClosePendingList)); /* Was the FOBX allocated with another object? * If so, mark the buffer free in said object */ if (ThisFobx == Fcb->InternalFobx) { ClearFlag(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_FOBX_USED); } else if (ThisFobx == SrvOpen->InternalFobx) { ClearFlag(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_FOBX_USED); } ThisFobx->pSrvOpen = NULL; /* A FOBX less */ InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&SrvOpen->pVNetRoot->NumberOfFobxs); RxDereferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* If it wasn't allocated with another object, free the FOBX */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisFobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_ENCLOSED_ALLOCATED)) { RxFreeFcbObject(ThisFobx); } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxFinalizeNetRoot( OUT PNET_ROOT ThisNetRoot, IN BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, IN BOOLEAN ForceFinalize) { PSRV_CALL SrvCall; PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeType(ThisNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT); PrefixTable = ThisNetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(PrefixTable)); /* If sme finalization is already ongoing, leave */ if (BooleanFlagOn(ThisNetRoot->Flags, NETROOT_FLAG_FINALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS)) { return FALSE; } /* Mark we're finalizing */ SetFlag(ThisNetRoot->Flags, NETROOT_FLAG_FINALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS); FcbTable = &ThisNetRoot->FcbTable; /* Did caller asked us to finalize any associated FCB? */ if (RecursiveFinalize) { USHORT Bucket; /* Browse all the FCBs in our FCB table */ RxAcquireFcbTableLockExclusive(FcbTable, TRUE); for (Bucket = 0; Bucket < FcbTable->NumberOfBuckets; ++Bucket) { PLIST_ENTRY HashBucket, ListEntry; HashBucket = &FcbTable->HashBuckets[Bucket]; ListEntry = HashBucket->Flink; while (ListEntry != HashBucket) { PFCB Fcb; Fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, FCB, FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; /* If the FCB isn't orphaned, then, it's time to purge it */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_ORPHANED)) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, Fcb); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); RxPurgeFcb(Fcb); } } } RxReleaseFcbTableLock(FcbTable); } /* Only finalize if forced or if there's a single ref left */ if (ThisNetRoot->NodeReferenceCount != 1 && !ForceFinalize) { return FALSE; } DPRINT("Finalizing NetRoot %p for %wZ\n", ThisNetRoot, &ThisNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix); /* If we're still referenced, don't go any further! */ if (ThisNetRoot->NodeReferenceCount != 1) { return FALSE; } /* Finalize the FCB table (and make sure it's empty!) */ RxFinalizeFcbTable(FcbTable); /* If name wasn't remove already, do it now */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisNetRoot->Flags, NETROOT_FLAG_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED)) { RxRemovePrefixTableEntry(PrefixTable, &ThisNetRoot->PrefixEntry); } /* Delete the object */ SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)ThisNetRoot->pSrvCall; RxFreeObject(ThisNetRoot); /* And dereference the associated SRV_CALL */ if (SrvCall != NULL) { RxDereferenceSrvCall(SrvCall, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); } return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxFinalizeSrvCall( OUT PSRV_CALL ThisSrvCall, IN BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, IN BOOLEAN ForceFinalize) { PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeType(ThisSrvCall) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL); PrefixTable = ThisSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(PrefixTable)); /* Only finalize if forced or if there's a single ref left */ if (ThisSrvCall->NodeReferenceCount != 1 && !ForceFinalize) { return FALSE; } DPRINT("Finalizing SrvCall %p for %wZ\n", ThisSrvCall, &ThisSrvCall->PrefixEntry.Prefix); /* If it wasn't finalized yet, do it */ if (!ThisSrvCall->UpperFinalizationDone) { BOOLEAN WillFree; /* Remove ourselves from prefix table */ RxRemovePrefixTableEntry(PrefixTable, &ThisSrvCall->PrefixEntry); /* Remember our third arg, in case we get queued for later execution */ if (ForceFinalize) { SetFlag(ThisSrvCall->Flags, SRVCALL_FLAG_FORCE_FINALIZED); } /* And done */ ThisSrvCall->UpperFinalizationDone = TRUE; /* Would defered execution free the object? */ WillFree = (ThisSrvCall->NodeReferenceCount == 1); /* If we have a device object */ if (ThisSrvCall->RxDeviceObject != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status; /* If we're not executing in the RDBSS thread, queue for execution within the thread */ if (RxGetRDBSSProcess() != IoGetCurrentProcess()) { /* Extra ref, as usual */ InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&ThisSrvCall->NodeReferenceCount); /* And dispatch */ RxDispatchToWorkerThread(ThisSrvCall->RxDeviceObject, DelayedWorkQueue, RxpDestroySrvCall, ThisSrvCall); /* Return to the caller, in advance, whether we're freeing the object or not */ return WillFree; } /* If in the right thread already, call the mini-rdr */ MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, ThisSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxFinalizeSrvCall, ((PMRX_SRV_CALL)ThisSrvCall, ForceFinalize)); (void)Status; } } /* If we're still referenced, don't go any further! */ if (ThisSrvCall->NodeReferenceCount != 1) { return FALSE; } /* Don't leak */ if (ThisSrvCall->pDomainName != NULL) { RxFreePool(ThisSrvCall->pDomainName); } /* And free! */ RxTearDownBufferingManager(ThisSrvCall); RxFreeObject(ThisSrvCall); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxFinalizeSrvOpen( OUT PSRV_OPEN ThisSrvOpen, IN BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, IN BOOLEAN ForceFinalize) { PFCB Fcb; PAGED_CODE(); /* We have to have a SRV_OPEN */ ASSERT(NodeType(ThisSrvOpen) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN); /* If that's a recursive finalization, finalize any related FOBX */ if (RecursiveFinalize) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; ListEntry = ThisSrvOpen->FobxList.Flink; while (ListEntry != &ThisSrvOpen->FobxList) { PFOBX Fobx; Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, FOBX, FobxQLinks); ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; RxFinalizeNetFobx(Fobx, TRUE, ForceFinalize); } } /* If we have still references, don't finalize unless forced */ if (ThisSrvOpen->NodeReferenceCount != 0 && !ForceFinalize) { return FALSE; } DPRINT("Finalize SRV_OPEN: %p (with %d ref), forced: %d\n", ThisSrvOpen, ThisSrvOpen->NodeReferenceCount, ForceFinalize); /* Only finalize if closed, or if it wasn't already done and SRV_OPEN is in a bad shape */ Fcb = (PFCB)ThisSrvOpen->pFcb; if ((!ThisSrvOpen->UpperFinalizationDone && ThisSrvOpen->Condition != Condition_Good) || BooleanFlagOn(ThisSrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_CLOSED)) { PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; /* Associated FCB can't be fake one */ ASSERT(NodeType(Fcb) != RDBSS_NTC_OPENTARGETDIR_FCB); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive (Fcb)); /* Purge any pending operation */ RxPurgeChangeBufferingStateRequestsForSrvOpen(ThisSrvOpen); /* If the FCB wasn't orphaned, inform the mini-rdr about close */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_ORPHANED)) { NTSTATUS Status; MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, Fcb->MRxDispatch, MRxForceClosed, ((PMRX_SRV_OPEN)ThisSrvOpen)); (void)Status; } /* Remove ourselves from the FCB */ RemoveEntryList(&ThisSrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks); InitializeListHead(&ThisSrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks); ++Fcb->SrvOpenListVersion; /* If we have a V_NET_ROOT, dereference it */ VNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT)ThisSrvOpen->pVNetRoot; if (VNetRoot != NULL) { InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&VNetRoot->pNetRoot->NumberOfSrvOpens); RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, LHS_LockNotHeld); ThisSrvOpen->pVNetRoot = NULL; } /* Finalization done */ ThisSrvOpen->UpperFinalizationDone = TRUE; } /* Don't free memory if still referenced */ if (ThisSrvOpen->NodeReferenceCount != 0) { return FALSE; } /* No key association left */ ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&ThisSrvOpen->SrvOpenKeyList)); /* If we're still in some FCB, remove us */ if (!IsListEmpty(&ThisSrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks)) { RemoveEntryList(&ThisSrvOpen->SrvOpenQLinks); } /* If enclosed allocation, mark the memory zone free */ if (BooleanFlagOn(ThisSrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_ENCLOSED_ALLOCATED)) { ClearFlag(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_SRVOPEN_USED); } /* Otherwise, free the memory */ else { RxFreeFcbObject(ThisSrvOpen); } RxDereferenceNetFcb(Fcb); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxFinalizeVNetRoot( OUT PV_NET_ROOT ThisVNetRoot, IN BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, IN BOOLEAN ForceFinalize) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeType(ThisVNetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT); PrefixTable = ThisVNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(PrefixTable)); /* Only finalize if forced or if there's a single ref left */ if (ThisVNetRoot->NodeReferenceCount != 1 && !ForceFinalize) { return FALSE; } DPRINT("Finalizing VNetRoot %p for %wZ\n", ThisVNetRoot, &ThisVNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix); NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)ThisVNetRoot->pNetRoot; /* If it wasn't finalized yet, do it */ if (!ThisVNetRoot->UpperFinalizationDone) { ASSERT(NodeType(NetRoot) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT); /* Reference the NetRoot so that it doesn't disappear */ RxReferenceNetRoot(NetRoot); RxOrphanSrvOpens(ThisVNetRoot); /* Remove us from the available VNetRoot for NetRoot */ RxRemoveVirtualNetRootFromNetRoot(NetRoot, ThisVNetRoot); /* Remove extra ref */ RxDereferenceNetRoot(NetRoot, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* Remove ourselves from prefix table */ RxRemovePrefixTableEntry(PrefixTable, &ThisVNetRoot->PrefixEntry); /* Finalization done */ ThisVNetRoot->UpperFinalizationDone = TRUE; } /* If we're still referenced, don't go any further! */ if (ThisVNetRoot->NodeReferenceCount != 1) { return FALSE; } /* If there's an associated device, notify mini-rdr */ if (NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status; MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxFinalizeVNetRoot, ((PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)ThisVNetRoot, FALSE)); (void)Status; } /* Free parameters */ RxUninitializeVNetRootParameters(ThisVNetRoot->pUserName, ThisVNetRoot->pUserDomainName, ThisVNetRoot->pPassword, &ThisVNetRoot->Flags); /* Dereference our NetRoot, we won't reference it anymore */ RxDereferenceNetRoot(NetRoot, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* And free the object! */ RxFreePoolWithTag(ThisVNetRoot, RX_V_NETROOT_POOLTAG); return TRUE; } NTSTATUS RxFindOrConstructVirtualNetRoot( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PUNICODE_STRING CanonicalName, IN NET_ROOT_TYPE NetRootType, IN PUNICODE_STRING RemainingName) { ULONG Flags; NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Container; BOOLEAN Construct; PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; RX_CONNECTION_ID ConnectionID; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; LOCK_HOLDING_STATE LockHoldingState; PAGED_CODE(); RxDeviceObject = RxContext->RxDeviceObject; ASSERT(RxDeviceObject->Dispatch != NULL); ASSERT(NodeType(RxDeviceObject->Dispatch) == RDBSS_NTC_MINIRDR_DISPATCH); /* Ask the mini-rdr for connection ID */ ConnectionID.SessionID = 0; if (RxDeviceObject->Dispatch->MRxGetConnectionId != NULL) { Status = RxDeviceObject->Dispatch->MRxGetConnectionId(RxContext, &ConnectionID); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && Status != STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) { /* mini-rdr is expected not to fail - unless it's not implemented */ DPRINT1("Failed to initialize connection ID\n"); ASSERT(FALSE); } } RxContext->Create.NetNamePrefixEntry = NULL; Status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; RxAcquirePrefixTableLockShared(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable, TRUE); LockHoldingState = LHS_SharedLockHeld; Construct = TRUE; Flags = 0; /* We will try twice to find a matching VNetRoot: shared locked and then exlusively locked */ while (TRUE) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; PV_NET_ROOT SavedVNetRoot; /* Look in prefix table */ Container = RxPrefixTableLookupName(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable, CanonicalName, RemainingName, &ConnectionID); if (Container != NULL) { /* If that's not a VNetRoot, that's a SrvCall, not interesting, loop again */ if (NodeType(Container) != RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) { ASSERT(NodeType(Container) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL); RxDereferenceSrvCall(Container, LockHoldingState); } else { VNetRoot = Container; NetRoot = VNetRoot->NetRoot; /* If the matching VNetRoot isn't in a good shape, there's something wrong - fail */ if ((NetRoot->Condition != Condition_InTransition && NetRoot->Condition != Condition_Good) || NetRoot->SrvCall->RxDeviceObject != RxContext->RxDeviceObject) { Status = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; SavedVNetRoot = NULL; } else { LUID LogonId; ULONG SessionId; PUNICODE_STRING UserName, UserDomain, Password; /* We can reuse if we use same credentials */ Status = RxInitializeVNetRootParameters(RxContext, &LogonId, &SessionId, &UserName, &UserDomain, &Password, &Flags); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SavedVNetRoot = VNetRoot; Status = RxCheckVNetRootCredentials(RxContext, VNetRoot, &LogonId, UserName, UserDomain, Password, Flags); if (Status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; for (ListEntry = NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots.Flink; ListEntry != &NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink) { SavedVNetRoot = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, V_NET_ROOT, NetRootListEntry); Status = RxCheckVNetRootCredentials(RxContext, SavedVNetRoot, &LogonId, UserName, UserDomain, Password, Flags); if (Status != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { break; } } if (ListEntry == &NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots) { SavedVNetRoot = NULL; } } if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SavedVNetRoot = NULL; } RxUninitializeVNetRootParameters(UserName, UserDomain, Password, &Flags); } } /* We'll fail, if we had referenced a VNetRoot, dereference it */ if (Status != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED && !NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (SavedVNetRoot == NULL) { RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, LockHoldingState); } } /* Reference VNetRoot we'll keep, and dereference current */ else if (SavedVNetRoot != VNetRoot) { RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, LockHoldingState); if (SavedVNetRoot != NULL) { RxReferenceVNetRoot(SavedVNetRoot); } } } /* We may have found something, or we fail hard, so don't attempt to create a VNetRoot */ if (Status != STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { Construct = FALSE; break; } } /* If we're locked exclusive, we won't loop again, it was the second pass */ if (LockHoldingState != LHS_SharedLockHeld) { break; } /* Otherwise, prepare for second pass, exclusive, making sure we can acquire without delay */ if (RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable, FALSE)) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable); LockHoldingState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; break; } RxReleasePrefixTableLock(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable); RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable, TRUE); LockHoldingState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; } /* We didn't fail, and didn't find any VNetRoot, construct one */ if (Construct) { ASSERT(LockHoldingState == LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); Status = RxConstructVirtualNetRoot(RxContext, CanonicalName, NetRootType, &VNetRoot, &LockHoldingState, &ConnectionID); ASSERT(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS || LockHoldingState != LHS_LockNotHeld); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINT("CanonicalName: %wZ (%d)\n", CanonicalName, CanonicalName->Length); DPRINT("VNetRoot: %wZ (%d)\n", &VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix, VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length); ASSERT(CanonicalName->Length >= VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length); RemainingName->Buffer = Add2Ptr(CanonicalName->Buffer, VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length); RemainingName->Length = CanonicalName->Length - VNetRoot->PrefixEntry.Prefix.Length; RemainingName->MaximumLength = RemainingName->Length; if (BooleanFlagOn(Flags, VNETROOT_FLAG_CSCAGENT_INSTANCE)) { DPRINT("CSC instance, VNetRoot: %p\n", VNetRoot); } VNetRoot->Flags |= Flags; } } /* Release the prefix table - caller expects it to be released */ if (LockHoldingState != LHS_LockNotHeld) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable); } /* If we failed creating, quit */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("RxFindOrConstructVirtualNetRoot() = Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* Otherwise, wait until the VNetRoot is stable */ DPRINT("Waiting for stable condition for: %p\n", VNetRoot); RxWaitForStableVNetRoot(VNetRoot, RxContext); /* It's all good, update the RX_CONTEXT with all our structs */ if (VNetRoot->Condition == Condition_Good) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; NetRoot = VNetRoot->NetRoot; RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = (PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)VNetRoot; RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = (PMRX_NET_ROOT)NetRoot; RxContext->Create.pSrvCall = (PMRX_SRV_CALL)NetRoot->SrvCall; } else { RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, LHS_LockNotHeld); RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = NULL; Status = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH; } return Status; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxFindOrCreateConnections( _In_ PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING CanonicalName, _In_ NET_ROOT_TYPE NetRootType, _Out_ PUNICODE_STRING LocalNetRootName, _Out_ PUNICODE_STRING FilePathName, _Inout_ PLOCK_HOLDING_STATE LockState, _In_ PRX_CONNECTION_ID RxConnectionId) { PVOID Container; PSRV_CALL SrvCall; PNET_ROOT NetRoot; PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; UNICODE_STRING RemainingName, NetRootName; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxFindOrCreateConnections(%p, %wZ, %x, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", RxContext, CanonicalName, NetRootType, LocalNetRootName, FilePathName, LockState, RxConnectionId); *FilePathName = *CanonicalName; LocalNetRootName->Length = 0; LocalNetRootName->MaximumLength = 0; LocalNetRootName->Buffer = CanonicalName->Buffer; /* UNC path, split it */ if (FilePathName->Buffer[1] == ';') { BOOLEAN Slash; USHORT i, Length; Slash = FALSE; for (i = 2; i < FilePathName->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); ++i) { if (FilePathName->Buffer[i] == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR) { Slash = TRUE; break; } } if (!Slash) { return STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; } FilePathName->Buffer = &FilePathName->Buffer[i]; Length = (USHORT)((ULONG_PTR)FilePathName->Buffer - (ULONG_PTR)LocalNetRootName->Buffer); LocalNetRootName->Length = Length; LocalNetRootName->MaximumLength = Length; FilePathName->Length -= Length; DPRINT("CanonicalName: %wZ\n", CanonicalName); DPRINT(" -> FilePathName: %wZ\n", FilePathName); DPRINT(" -> LocalNetRootName: %wZ\n", LocalNetRootName); } Container = NULL; PrefixTable = RxContext->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; _SEH2_TRY { RetryLookup: ASSERT(*LockState != LHS_LockNotHeld); /* If previous lookup left something, dereference it */ if (Container != NULL) { switch (NodeType(Container)) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: RxDereferenceSrvCall(Container, *LockState); break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: RxDereferenceNetRoot(Container, *LockState); break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: RxDereferenceVNetRoot(Container, *LockState); break; default: /* Should never happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } /* Look for our NetRoot in prefix table */ Container = RxPrefixTableLookupName(PrefixTable, FilePathName, &RemainingName, RxConnectionId); DPRINT("Container %p for path %wZ\n", Container, FilePathName); while (TRUE) { UNICODE_STRING SrvCallName; SrvCall = NULL; NetRoot = NULL; VNetRoot = NULL; /* Assume we didn't succeed */ RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = NULL; RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = NULL; RxContext->Create.pSrvCall = NULL; RxContext->Create.Type = NetRootType; /* If we found something */ if (Container != NULL) { /* A VNetRoot */ if (NodeType(Container) == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) { VNetRoot = Container; /* Use its NetRoot */ NetRoot = VNetRoot->NetRoot; /* If it's not stable, wait for it to be stable */ if (NetRoot->Condition == Condition_InTransition) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); DPRINT("Waiting for stable condition for: %p\n", NetRoot); RxWaitForStableNetRoot(NetRoot, RxContext); RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); *LockState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; /* Now that's it's ok, retry lookup to find what we want */ if (NetRoot->Condition == Condition_Good) { goto RetryLookup; } } /* Is the associated netroot good? */ if (NetRoot->Condition == Condition_Good) { SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)NetRoot->pSrvCall; /* If it is, and SrvCall as well, then, we have our active connection */ if (SrvCall->Condition == Condition_Good && SrvCall->RxDeviceObject == RxContext->RxDeviceObject) { RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = (PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)VNetRoot; RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = (PMRX_NET_ROOT)NetRoot; RxContext->Create.pSrvCall = (PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall; Status = STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE; _SEH2_LEAVE; } } /* If VNetRoot was well constructed, it means the connection is active */ if (VNetRoot->ConstructionStatus == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE; } else { Status = VNetRoot->ConstructionStatus; } RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, *LockState); _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* Can only be a SrvCall */ else { ASSERT(NodeType(Container) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL); SrvCall = Container; /* Wait for the SRV_CALL to be stable */ if (SrvCall->Condition == Condition_InTransition) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); DPRINT("Waiting for stable condition for: %p\n", SrvCall); RxWaitForStableSrvCall(SrvCall, RxContext); RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); *LockState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; /* It went good, loop again to find what we look for */ if (SrvCall->Condition == Condition_Good) { goto RetryLookup; } } /* If it's not good... */ if (SrvCall->Condition != Condition_Good) { /* But SRV_CALL was well constructed, assume a connection was active */ if (SrvCall->Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE; } else { Status = SrvCall->Status; } RxDereferenceSrvCall(SrvCall, *LockState); _SEH2_LEAVE; } } } /* If we found a SRV_CALL not matching our DO, quit */ if (SrvCall != NULL && SrvCall->Condition == Condition_Good && SrvCall->RxDeviceObject != RxContext->RxDeviceObject) { RxDereferenceSrvCall(SrvCall, *LockState); Status = STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME; _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* Now, we want exclusive lock */ if (*LockState == LHS_SharedLockHeld) { if (!RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, FALSE)) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); *LockState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; goto RetryLookup; } RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); *LockState = LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld; } ASSERT(*LockState == LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* If we reach that point, we found something, no need to create something */ if (Container != NULL) { break; } /* Get the name for the SRV_CALL */ RxExtractServerName(FilePathName, &SrvCallName, NULL); DPRINT(" -> SrvCallName: %wZ\n", &SrvCallName); /* And create the SRV_CALL */ SrvCall = RxCreateSrvCall(RxContext, &SrvCallName, NULL, RxConnectionId); if (SrvCall == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* Reset RX_CONTEXT, so far, connection creation isn't a success */ RxReferenceSrvCall(SrvCall); RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = NULL; RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = NULL; RxContext->Create.pSrvCall = NULL; RxContext->Create.Type = NetRootType; Container = SrvCall; /* Construct SRV_CALL, ie, use mini-rdr */ Status = RxConstructSrvCall(RxContext, SrvCall, LockState); ASSERT(Status != STATUS_SUCCESS || RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(PrefixTable)); if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("RxConstructSrvCall() = Status: %x\n", Status); RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); RxDereferenceSrvCall(SrvCall, *LockState); RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); _SEH2_LEAVE; } /* Loop again to make use of SRV_CALL stable condition wait */ } /* At that point, we have a stable SRV_CALL (either found or constructed) */ ASSERT((NodeType(SrvCall) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL) && (SrvCall->Condition == Condition_Good)); ASSERT(NetRoot == NULL && VNetRoot == NULL); ASSERT(SrvCall->RxDeviceObject == RxContext->RxDeviceObject); /* Call mini-rdr to get NetRoot name */ SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch->MRxExtractNetRootName(FilePathName, (PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall, &NetRootName, NULL); /* And create the NetRoot with that name */ NetRoot = RxCreateNetRoot(SrvCall, &NetRootName, 0, RxConnectionId); if (NetRoot == NULL) { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; _SEH2_LEAVE; } NetRoot->Type = NetRootType; RxDereferenceSrvCall(SrvCall, *LockState); /* Finally, create the associated VNetRoot */ VNetRoot = RxCreateVNetRoot(RxContext, NetRoot, CanonicalName, LocalNetRootName, FilePathName, RxConnectionId); if (VNetRoot == NULL) { RxFinalizeNetRoot(NetRoot, TRUE, TRUE); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; _SEH2_LEAVE; } RxReferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot); /* We're get closer! */ NetRoot->Condition = Condition_InTransition; RxContext->Create.pSrvCall = (PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall; RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = (PMRX_NET_ROOT)NetRoot; RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = (PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)VNetRoot; /* Construct the NetRoot, involving the mini-rdr now that we have our three control structs */ Status = RxConstructNetRoot(RxContext, SrvCall, NetRoot, VNetRoot, LockState); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RxTransitionVNetRoot(VNetRoot, Condition_Bad); DPRINT1("RxConstructNetRoot failed Ctxt: %p, VNet: %p, Status: %lx, Condition: %d\n", RxContext, VNetRoot, Status, VNetRoot->Condition); RxDereferenceVNetRoot(VNetRoot, *LockState); RxContext->Create.pNetRoot = NULL; RxContext->Create.pVNetRoot = NULL; } else { PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; ASSERT(*LockState == LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); Stack = RxContext->CurrentIrpSp; if (BooleanFlagOn(Stack->Parameters.Create.Options, FILE_CREATE_TREE_CONNECTION)) { RxExclusivePrefixTableLockToShared(PrefixTable); *LockState = LHS_SharedLockHeld; } } } _SEH2_FINALLY { if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS && Status != STATUS_CONNECTION_ACTIVE) { if (*LockState != LHS_LockNotHeld) { RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); *LockState = LHS_LockNotHeld; } } } _SEH2_END; DPRINT("RxFindOrCreateConnections() = Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxFinishFcbInitialization( IN OUT PMRX_FCB Fcb, IN RX_FILE_TYPE FileType, IN PFCB_INIT_PACKET InitPacket OPTIONAL) { RX_FILE_TYPE OldType; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxFinishFcbInitialization(%p, %x, %p)\n", Fcb, FileType, InitPacket); OldType = NodeType(Fcb); NodeType(Fcb) = FileType; /* If mini-rdr already did the job for mailslot attributes, 0 the rest */ if (BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_TIME_AND_SIZE_ALREADY_SET) && FileType == RDBSS_NTC_MAILSLOT) { FILL_IN_FCB((PFCB)Fcb, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } /* Otherwise, if mini-rdr provided us with an init packet, copy its data */ else if (InitPacket != NULL) { FILL_IN_FCB((PFCB)Fcb, *InitPacket->pAttributes, *InitPacket->pNumLinks, InitPacket->pCreationTime->QuadPart, InitPacket->pLastAccessTime->QuadPart, InitPacket->pLastWriteTime->QuadPart, InitPacket->pLastChangeTime->QuadPart, InitPacket->pAllocationSize->QuadPart, InitPacket->pFileSize->QuadPart, InitPacket->pValidDataLength->QuadPart); } if (FileType != RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN && FileType != RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { /* If our FCB newly points to a file, initiliaze everything related */ if (FileType == RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE) { if (OldType != RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE) { RxInitializeLowIoPerFcbInfo(&((PFCB)Fcb)->Specific.Fcb.LowIoPerFcbInfo); FsRtlInitializeFileLock(&((PFCB)Fcb)->Specific.Fcb.FileLock, RxLockOperationCompletion, RxUnlockOperation); ((PFCB)Fcb)->BufferedLocks.List = NULL; ((PFCB)Fcb)->BufferedLocks.PendingLockOps = 0; Fcb->Header.IsFastIoPossible = FastIoIsQuestionable; } } /* If not a file, validate type */ else { ASSERT(FileType >= RDBSS_NTC_SPOOLFILE && FileType <= RDBSS_NTC_MAILSLOT); } } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxFinishSrvCallConstruction( PMRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE Calldown) { NTSTATUS Status; PSRV_CALL SrvCall; PRX_CONTEXT Context; RX_BLOCK_CONDITION Condition; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; DPRINT("RxFinishSrvCallConstruction(%p)\n", Calldown); SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)Calldown->SrvCall; Context = Calldown->RxContext; PrefixTable = Context->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; /* We have a winner, notify him */ if (Calldown->BestFinisher != NULL) { DPRINT("Notify the winner: %p (%wZ)\n", Calldown->BestFinisher, &Calldown->BestFinisher->DeviceName); ASSERT(SrvCall->RxDeviceObject == Calldown->BestFinisher); MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, Calldown->BestFinisher->Dispatch, MRxSrvCallWinnerNotify, ((PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall, TRUE, Calldown->CallbackContexts[Calldown->BestFinisherOrdinal].RecommunicateContext)); if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { Condition = Condition_Bad; } else { Condition = Condition_Good; } } /* Otherwise, just fail our SRV_CALL */ else { Status = Calldown->CallbackContexts[0].Status; Condition = Condition_Bad; } RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); RxTransitionSrvCall(SrvCall, Condition); RxFreePoolWithTag(Calldown, RX_SRVCALL_POOLTAG); /* If async, finish it here, otherwise, caller has already finished the stuff */ if (BooleanFlagOn(Context->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION)) { DPRINT("Finishing async call\n"); RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); /* Make sure we weren't cancelled in-between */ if (BooleanFlagOn(Context->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_CANCELLED)) { Status = STATUS_CANCELLED; } /* In case that was a create, context can be reused */ if (Context->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CREATE) { RxpPrepareCreateContextForReuse(Context); } /* If that's a failure, reset everything and return failure */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { Context->MajorFunction = Context->CurrentIrpSp->MajorFunction; if (Context->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { if (Context->Info.Buffer != NULL) { RxFreePool(Context->Info.Buffer); Context->Info.Buffer = NULL; } } Context->CurrentIrp->IoStatus.Information = 0; Context->CurrentIrp->IoStatus.Status = Status; RxCompleteRequest(Context, Status); } /* Otherwise, call resume routine and done! */ else { Status = Context->ResumeRoutine(Context); if (Status != STATUS_PENDING) { RxCompleteRequest(Context, Status); } DPRINT("Not completing, pending\n"); } } RxDereferenceSrvCall(SrvCall, LHS_LockNotHeld); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxFinishSrvCallConstructionDispatcher( IN PVOID Context) { KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN Direct, KeepLoop; DPRINT("RxFinishSrvCallConstructionDispatcher(%p)\n", Context); /* In case of failure of starting dispatcher, context is not set * We keep track of it to fail associated SRV_CALL */ Direct = (Context == NULL); /* Separated thread, loop forever */ while (TRUE) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PMRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE Calldown; /* If there are no SRV_CALL to finalize left, just finish thread */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, &OldIrql); if (IsListEmpty(&RxSrvCalldownList)) { KeepLoop = FALSE; RxSrvCallConstructionDispatcherActive = FALSE; } /* Otherwise, get the SRV_CALL to finish construction */ else { ListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&RxSrvCalldownList); KeepLoop = TRUE; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxStrucSupSpinLock, OldIrql); /* Nothing to do */ if (!KeepLoop) { break; } /* If direct is set, reset the finisher to avoid electing a winner * and fail SRV_CALL (see upper comment) */ Calldown = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, MRX_SRVCALLDOWN_STRUCTURE, SrvCalldownList); if (Direct) { Calldown->BestFinisher = NULL; } /* Finish SRV_CALL construction */ RxFinishSrvCallConstruction(Calldown); } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxFlushFcbInSystemCache( IN PFCB Fcb, IN BOOLEAN SynchronizeWithLazyWriter) { IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus; PAGED_CODE(); /* Deal with Cc */ CcFlushCache(&Fcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, NULL, 0, &IoStatus); /* If we're asked to sync with LW, do it in case of success */ if (SynchronizeWithLazyWriter && NT_SUCCESS(IoStatus.Status)) { RxAcquirePagingIoResource((PRX_CONTEXT)NULL, Fcb); RxReleasePagingIoResource((PRX_CONTEXT)NULL, Fcb); } DPRINT("Flushing for FCB %p returns %lx\n", Fcb, IoStatus.Status); return IoStatus.Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxFreeFcbObject( PVOID Object) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("Freeing %p\n", Object); /* If that's a FOBX/SRV_OPEN, nothing to do, just free it */ if (NodeType(Object) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX || NodeType(Object) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN) { RxFreePoolWithTag(Object, RX_FCB_POOLTAG); } /* If that's a FCB... */ else if (NodeTypeIsFcb(Object)) { PFCB Fcb; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; Fcb = (PFCB)Object; DeviceObject = Fcb->RxDeviceObject; /* Delete per stream contexts */ FsRtlTeardownPerStreamContexts(&Fcb->Header); SetFlag(Fcb->Header.Flags, FSRTL_FLAG_ACQUIRE_MAIN_RSRC_SH); /* If there was a non-paged FCB allocated, free it */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_PAGING_FILE)) { RxFreePoolWithTag(Fcb->NonPaged, RX_NONPAGEDFCB_POOLTAG); } /* Free the FCB */ RxFreePool(Fcb); /* Update statistics */ InterlockedDecrement(&RxNumberOfActiveFcbs); InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&DeviceObject->NumberOfActiveFcbs); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxFreeObject( PVOID pObject) { PAGED_CODE(); /* First, perform a few sanity checks if we're dealing with a SRV_CALL or a NET_ROOT */ if (NodeType(pObject) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL) { PSRV_CALL SrvCall; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)pObject; DeviceObject = SrvCall->RxDeviceObject; if (DeviceObject != NULL) { if (!BooleanFlagOn(DeviceObject->Dispatch->MRxFlags, RDBSS_MANAGE_SRV_CALL_EXTENSION)) { ASSERT(SrvCall->Context == NULL); } ASSERT(SrvCall->Context2 == NULL); SrvCall->RxDeviceObject = NULL; } } else if (NodeType(pObject) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)pObject; NetRoot->pSrvCall = NULL; NetRoot->NodeTypeCode = NodeType(pObject) | 0xF000; } /* And just free the object */ RxFreePool(pObject); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxGatherRequestsForSrvOpen( IN OUT PSRV_CALL SrvCall, IN PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen, IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY RequestsListHead) { KIRQL OldIrql; LIST_ENTRY Discarded, *Entry; PCHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST Request; /* Dispatch any pending operation first */ RxpDispatchChangeBufferingStateRequests(SrvCall, SrvOpen, &Discarded); /* Then, get any entry related to our key and SRV_OPEN */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SpinLock, &OldIrql); Entry = SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerList.Flink; while (Entry != &SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerList) { Request = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (Request->SrvOpenKey == SrvOpen->Key && Request->SrvOpen == SrvOpen) { RemoveEntryList(&Request->ListEntry); InsertTailList(RequestsListHead, &Request->ListEntry); } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SpinLock, OldIrql); /* Perform the same search in the last change list */ Entry = SrvCall->BufferingManager.LastChanceHandlerList.Flink; while (Entry != &SrvCall->BufferingManager.LastChanceHandlerList) { Request = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (Request->SrvOpenKey == SrvOpen->Key && Request->SrvOpen == SrvOpen) { RemoveEntryList(&Request->ListEntry); InsertTailList(RequestsListHead, &Request->ListEntry); } } /* Discard the discarded requests */ RxpDiscardChangeBufferingStateRequests(&Discarded); } /* * @implemented */ PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance( PVOID Instance) { NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; PAGED_CODE(); /* We only handle a few object types */ NodeType = NodeType(Instance); ASSERT((NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX)); /* Get the device object depending on the object */ switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: { PFOBX Fobx; Fobx = (PFOBX)Instance; DeviceObject = Fobx->RxDeviceObject; break; } case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: { PSRV_CALL SrvCall; SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)Instance; DeviceObject = SrvCall->RxDeviceObject; break; } case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)Instance; DeviceObject = NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject; break; } case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: { PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot; VNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT)Instance; DeviceObject = VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject; break; } case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: { PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; SrvOpen = (PSRV_OPEN)Instance; DeviceObject = ((PFCB)SrvOpen->pFcb)->RxDeviceObject; break; } default: DeviceObject = NULL; break; } /* Job done */ return DeviceObject; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxGetFileSizeWithLock( IN PFCB Fcb, OUT PLONGLONG FileSize) { PAGED_CODE(); *FileSize = Fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart; } /* * @implemented */ PEPROCESS NTAPI RxGetRDBSSProcess( VOID) { return RxData.OurProcess; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxInitializeBufferingManager( PSRV_CALL SrvCall) { KeInitializeSpinLock(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SpinLock); InitializeListHead(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.DispatcherList); InitializeListHead(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerList); InitializeListHead(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.LastChanceHandlerList); SrvCall->BufferingManager.DispatcherActive = FALSE; SrvCall->BufferingManager.HandlerInactive = FALSE; SrvCall->BufferingManager.LastChanceHandlerActive = FALSE; SrvCall->BufferingManager.NumberOfOutstandingOpens = 0; InitializeListHead(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.SrvOpenLists[0]); ExInitializeFastMutex(&SrvCall->BufferingManager.Mutex); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxInitializeContext( IN PIRP Irp, IN PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject, IN ULONG InitialContextFlags, IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; /* Initialize our various fields */ RxContext->NodeTypeCode = RDBSS_NTC_RX_CONTEXT; RxContext->NodeByteSize = sizeof(RX_CONTEXT); RxContext->ReferenceCount = 1; RxContext->SerialNumber = InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile LONG *)&RxContextSerialNumberCounter, 1); RxContext->RxDeviceObject = RxDeviceObject; KeInitializeEvent(&RxContext->SyncEvent, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); RxInitializeScavengerEntry(&RxContext->ScavengerEntry); InitializeListHead(&RxContext->BlockedOperations); RxContext->MRxCancelRoutine = NULL; RxContext->ResumeRoutine = NULL; RxContext->Flags |= InitialContextFlags; RxContext->CurrentIrp = Irp; RxContext->LastExecutionThread = PsGetCurrentThread(); RxContext->OriginalThread = RxContext->LastExecutionThread; /* If've got no IRP, mark RX_CONTEXT */ if (Irp == NULL) { RxContext->CurrentIrpSp = NULL; RxContext->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION + 1; RxContext->MinorFunction = 0; } else { /* Otherwise, first determine whether we are performing async operation */ Stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); if (Stack->FileObject != NULL) { PFCB Fcb; Fcb = Stack->FileObject->FsContext; if (!IoIsOperationSynchronous(Irp) || ((Fcb != NULL && NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)) && (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ || Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_WRITE || Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL) && (Fcb->pNetRoot != NULL && (Fcb->pNetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_PIPE)))) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION; } } if (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL && Stack->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION; } if (Stack->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION; } /* Set proper flags if TopLevl IRP/Device */ if (!RxIsThisTheTopLevelIrp(Irp)) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_RECURSIVE_CALL; } if (RxGetTopDeviceObjectIfRdbssIrp() == RxDeviceObject) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_THIS_DEVICE_TOP_LEVEL; } /* Copy stack information */ RxContext->MajorFunction = Stack->MajorFunction; RxContext->MinorFunction = Stack->MinorFunction; ASSERT(RxContext->MajorFunction <= IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION); RxContext->CurrentIrpSp = Stack; /* If we have a FO associated, learn for more */ if (Stack->FileObject != NULL) { PFCB Fcb; PFOBX Fobx; /* Get the FCB and CCB (FOBX) */ Fcb = Stack->FileObject->FsContext; Fobx = Stack->FileObject->FsContext2; RxContext->pFcb = (PMRX_FCB)Fcb; if (Fcb != NULL && NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)) { RxContext->NonPagedFcb = Fcb->NonPaged; } /* We have a FOBX, this not a DFS opening, keep track of it */ if (Fobx != NULL && Fobx != UIntToPtr(DFS_OPEN_CONTEXT) && Fobx != UIntToPtr(DFS_DOWNLEVEL_OPEN_CONTEXT)) { RxContext->pFobx = (PMRX_FOBX)Fobx; RxContext->pRelevantSrvOpen = Fobx->pSrvOpen; if (Fobx->NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX) { RxContext->FobxSerialNumber = InterlockedIncrement((volatile LONG *)&Fobx->FobxSerialNumber); } } else { RxContext->pFobx = NULL; } /* In case of directory change notification, Fobx may be a VNetRoot, take note of that */ if (RxContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL && RxContext->MinorFunction == IRP_MN_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY && Fobx != NULL) { PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot = NULL; if (Fobx->NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX) { VNetRoot = Fcb->VNetRoot; } else if (Fobx->NodeTypeCode == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) { VNetRoot = (PV_NET_ROOT)Fobx; } if (VNetRoot != NULL) { RxContext->NotifyChangeDirectory.pVNetRoot = (PMRX_V_NET_ROOT)VNetRoot; } } /* Remember if that's a write through file */ RxContext->RealDevice = Stack->FileObject->DeviceObject; if (BooleanFlagOn(Stack->FileObject->Flags, FO_WRITE_THROUGH)) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH; } } } if (RxContext->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL) { DPRINT("New Ctxt: %p for MN: %d, IRP: %p, THRD: %p, FCB: %p, FOBX:%p #%lx\n", RxContext, RxContext->MinorFunction, Irp, PsGetCurrentThread(), RxContext->pFcb, RxContext->pFobx, RxContext->SerialNumber); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxInitializeDebugSupport( VOID) { /* Nothing to do */ } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxInitializeDispatcher( VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE ThreadHandle; PAGED_CODE(); RxFileSystemDeviceObject->DispatcherContext.NumberOfWorkerThreads = 0; RxFileSystemDeviceObject->DispatcherContext.pTearDownEvent = NULL; /* Set appropriate timeouts: 10s & 60s */ RxWorkQueueWaitInterval[CriticalWorkQueue].QuadPart = -10 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; RxWorkQueueWaitInterval[DelayedWorkQueue].QuadPart = -10 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; RxWorkQueueWaitInterval[HyperCriticalWorkQueue].QuadPart = -10 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; RxSpinUpDispatcherWaitInterval.QuadPart = -60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10; RxDispatcher.NumberOfProcessors = 1; RxDispatcher.OwnerProcess = IoGetCurrentProcess(); RxDispatcher.pWorkQueueDispatcher = &RxDispatcherWorkQueues; /* Initialize our dispatchers */ Status = RxInitializeWorkQueueDispatcher(RxDispatcher.pWorkQueueDispatcher); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } Status = RxInitializeMRxDispatcher(RxFileSystemDeviceObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* And start them */ RxDispatcher.State = RxDispatcherActive; InitializeListHead(&RxDispatcher.SpinUpRequests); KeInitializeSpinLock(&RxDispatcher.SpinUpRequestsLock); KeInitializeEvent(&RxDispatcher.SpinUpRequestsEvent, 0, 0); KeInitializeEvent(&RxDispatcher.SpinUpRequestsTearDownEvent, 0, 0); Status = PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, RxSpinUpRequestsDispatcher, &RxDispatcher); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ZwClose(ThreadHandle); } return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxInitializeFcbTable( IN OUT PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable, IN BOOLEAN CaseInsensitiveMatch) { USHORT i; PAGED_CODE(); FcbTable->NodeTypeCode = RDBSS_NTC_FCB_TABLE; FcbTable->NodeByteSize = sizeof(RX_FCB_TABLE); ExInitializeResourceLite(&FcbTable->TableLock); FcbTable->CaseInsensitiveMatch = CaseInsensitiveMatch; FcbTable->Version = 0; FcbTable->TableEntryForNull = NULL; FcbTable->NumberOfBuckets = RX_FCB_TABLE_NUMBER_OF_HASH_BUCKETS; for (i = 0; i < FcbTable->NumberOfBuckets; ++i) { InitializeListHead(&FcbTable->HashBuckets[i]); } FcbTable->Lookups = 0; FcbTable->FailedLookups = 0; FcbTable->Compares = 0; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxInitializeLowIoContext( OUT PLOWIO_CONTEXT LowIoContext, IN ULONG Operation) { PRX_CONTEXT RxContext; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; PAGED_CODE(); RxContext = CONTAINING_RECORD(LowIoContext, RX_CONTEXT, LowIoContext); ASSERT(LowIoContext == &RxContext->LowIoContext); Stack = RxContext->CurrentIrpSp; KeInitializeEvent(&RxContext->SyncEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); RxContext->LowIoContext.ResourceThreadId = (ERESOURCE_THREAD)PsGetCurrentThread(); RxContext->LowIoContext.Operation = Operation; switch (Operation) { case LOWIO_OP_READ: case LOWIO_OP_WRITE: /* In case of RW, set a canary, to make sure these fields are properly set * they will be asserted when lowio request will be submit to mini-rdr * See LowIoSubmit() */ RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteOffset = 0xFFFFFFEE; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount = 0xEEEEEEEE; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Key = Stack->Parameters.Read.Key; /* Keep track of paging IOs */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->CurrentIrp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO)) { RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Flags = LOWIO_READWRITEFLAG_PAGING_IO; } else { RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Flags = 0; } break; case LOWIO_OP_FSCTL: case LOWIO_OP_IOCTL: /* This will be initialized later on with a call to RxLowIoPopulateFsctlInfo() */ RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.Flags = 0; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.InputBufferLength = 0; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pInputBuffer = NULL; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.OutputBufferLength = 0; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer = NULL; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.MinorFunction = 0; break; /* Nothing to do for these */ case LOWIO_OP_SHAREDLOCK: case LOWIO_OP_EXCLUSIVELOCK: case LOWIO_OP_UNLOCK: case LOWIO_OP_UNLOCK_MULTIPLE: case LOWIO_OP_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY: case LOWIO_OP_CLEAROUT: break; default: /* Should never happen */ ASSERT(FALSE); break; } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxInitializeLowIoPerFcbInfo( PLOWIO_PER_FCB_INFO LowIoPerFcbInfo) { PAGED_CODE(); InitializeListHead(&LowIoPerFcbInfo->PagingIoReadsOutstanding); InitializeListHead(&LowIoPerFcbInfo->PagingIoWritesOutstanding); } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxInitializeMRxDispatcher( IN OUT PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT pMRxDeviceObject) { PAGED_CODE(); pMRxDeviceObject->DispatcherContext.NumberOfWorkerThreads = 0; pMRxDeviceObject->DispatcherContext.pTearDownEvent = NULL; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxInitializePrefixTable( IN OUT PRX_PREFIX_TABLE ThisTable, IN ULONG TableSize OPTIONAL, IN BOOLEAN CaseInsensitiveMatch) { PAGED_CODE(); if (TableSize == 0) { TableSize = RX_PREFIX_TABLE_DEFAULT_LENGTH; } ThisTable->NodeTypeCode = RDBSS_NTC_PREFIX_TABLE; ThisTable->NodeByteSize = sizeof(RX_PREFIX_TABLE); InitializeListHead(&ThisTable->MemberQueue); ThisTable->Version = 0; ThisTable->TableEntryForNull = NULL; ThisTable->IsNetNameTable = FALSE; ThisTable->CaseInsensitiveMatch = CaseInsensitiveMatch; ThisTable->TableSize = TableSize; if (TableSize > 0) { USHORT i; for (i = 0; i < RX_PREFIX_TABLE_DEFAULT_LENGTH; ++i) { InitializeListHead(&ThisTable->HashBuckets[i]); } } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxInitializePurgeSyncronizationContext( PPURGE_SYNCHRONIZATION_CONTEXT PurgeSyncronizationContext) { PAGED_CODE(); InitializeListHead(&PurgeSyncronizationContext->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion); PurgeSyncronizationContext->PurgeInProgress = FALSE; } NTSTATUS RxInitializeSrvCallParameters( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN OUT PSRV_CALL SrvCall) { PAGED_CODE(); SrvCall->pPrincipalName = NULL; /* We only have stuff to initialize for file opening from DFS */ if (RxContext->MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CREATE || RxContext->Create.EaLength == 0) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ASSERT(RxContext->Create.EaBuffer != NULL); UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxInitializeRxTimer( VOID) { PAGED_CODE(); RxTimerInterval.QuadPart = -550000; KeInitializeSpinLock(&RxTimerLock); InitializeListHead(&RxTimerQueueHead); InitializeListHead(&RxRecurrentWorkItemsList); KeInitializeDpc(&RxTimerDpc, RxTimerDispatch, NULL); KeInitializeTimer(&RxTimer); RxTimerTickCount = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS RxInitializeVNetRootParameters( PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, OUT LUID *LogonId, OUT PULONG SessionId, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *UserNamePtr, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *UserDomainNamePtr, OUT PUNICODE_STRING *PasswordPtr, OUT PULONG Flags) { NTSTATUS Status; PACCESS_TOKEN Token; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxInitializeVNetRootParameters(%p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p, %p)\n", RxContext, LogonId, SessionId, UserNamePtr, UserDomainNamePtr, PasswordPtr, Flags); *UserNamePtr = NULL; *UserDomainNamePtr = NULL; *PasswordPtr = NULL; /* By default, that's not CSC instance */ *Flags &= ~VNETROOT_FLAG_CSCAGENT_INSTANCE; Token = SeQuerySubjectContextToken(&RxContext->Create.NtCreateParameters.SecurityContext->AccessState->SubjectSecurityContext); if (SeTokenIsRestricted(Token)) { return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } /* Get LogonId */ Status = SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken(Token, LogonId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* And SessionId */ Status = SeQuerySessionIdToken(Token, SessionId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } if (RxContext->Create.UserName.Buffer != NULL) { UNIMPLEMENTED; Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; goto Leave; } /* Deal with connection credentials */ if (RxContext->Create.UserDomainName.Buffer != NULL) { UNIMPLEMENTED; Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; goto Leave; } if (RxContext->Create.Password.Buffer != NULL) { UNIMPLEMENTED; Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; goto Leave; } Leave: if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* If that's a CSC instance, mark it as such */ if (RxIsThisACscAgentOpen(RxContext)) { *Flags |= VNETROOT_FLAG_CSCAGENT_INSTANCE; } return Status; } return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxInitializeWorkQueue( PRX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue, WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType, ULONG MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads, ULONG MinimumNumberOfWorkerThreads) { PAGED_CODE(); WorkQueue->Type = WorkQueueType; WorkQueue->MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads = MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads; WorkQueue->MinimumNumberOfWorkerThreads = MinimumNumberOfWorkerThreads; WorkQueue->State = RxWorkQueueActive; WorkQueue->SpinUpRequestPending = FALSE; WorkQueue->pRundownContext = NULL; WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsDispatched = 0; WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsToBeDispatched = 0; WorkQueue->CumulativeQueueLength = 0; WorkQueue->NumberOfSpinUpRequests = 0; WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads = 0; WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads = 0; WorkQueue->NumberOfFailedSpinUpRequests = 0; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinUpWorkerThreadInUse = 0; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForTearDownWorkQueue.List.Flink = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForTearDownWorkQueue.WorkerRoutine = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForTearDownWorkQueue.Parameter = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForTearDownWorkQueue.pDeviceObject = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinUpWorkerThread.List.Flink = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinUpWorkerThread.WorkerRoutine = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinUpWorkerThread.Parameter = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinUpWorkerThread.pDeviceObject = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinDownWorkerThread.List.Flink = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinDownWorkerThread.WorkerRoutine = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinDownWorkerThread.Parameter = NULL; WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinDownWorkerThread.pDeviceObject = NULL; KeInitializeQueue(&WorkQueue->Queue, MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads); KeInitializeSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock); } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxInitializeWorkQueueDispatcher( PRX_WORK_QUEUE_DISPATCHER Dispatcher) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads; PAGED_CODE(); /* Number of threads will depend on system capacity */ if (MmQuerySystemSize() != MmLargeSystem) { MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads = 5; } else { MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads = 10; } /* Initialize the work queues */ RxInitializeWorkQueue(&Dispatcher->WorkQueue[CriticalWorkQueue], CriticalWorkQueue, MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads, 1); RxInitializeWorkQueue(&Dispatcher->WorkQueue[DelayedWorkQueue], DelayedWorkQueue, 2, 1); RxInitializeWorkQueue(&Dispatcher->WorkQueue[HyperCriticalWorkQueue], HyperCriticalWorkQueue, 5, 1); /* And start the worker threads */ Status = RxSpinUpWorkerThread(&Dispatcher->WorkQueue[HyperCriticalWorkQueue], RxBootstrapWorkerThreadDispatcher, &Dispatcher->WorkQueue[HyperCriticalWorkQueue]); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } Status = RxSpinUpWorkerThread(&Dispatcher->WorkQueue[CriticalWorkQueue], RxBootstrapWorkerThreadDispatcher, &Dispatcher->WorkQueue[CriticalWorkQueue]); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } Status = RxSpinUpWorkerThread(&Dispatcher->WorkQueue[DelayedWorkQueue], RxBootstrapWorkerThreadDispatcher, &Dispatcher->WorkQueue[DelayedWorkQueue]); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxInitiateSrvOpenKeyAssociation( IN OUT PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen) { PRX_BUFFERING_MANAGER BufferingManager; PAGED_CODE(); SrvOpen->Key = NULL; /* Just keep track of the opening request */ BufferingManager = &((PSRV_CALL)((PFCB)SrvOpen->pFcb)->VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall)->BufferingManager; InterlockedIncrement(&BufferingManager->NumberOfOutstandingOpens); InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->SrvOpenKeyList); } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxInsertWorkQueueItem( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT pMRxDeviceObject, WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType, PRX_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkQueueItem) { KIRQL OldIrql; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN SpinUpThreads; PRX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue; /* No dispatcher, nothing to insert */ if (RxDispatcher.State != RxDispatcherActive) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Get the work queue */ WorkQueue = &RxDispatcher.pWorkQueueDispatcher->WorkQueue[WorkQueueType]; KeAcquireSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, &OldIrql); /* Only insert if the work queue is in decent state */ if (WorkQueue->State != RxWorkQueueActive || pMRxDeviceObject->DispatcherContext.pTearDownEvent != NULL) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { SpinUpThreads = FALSE; WorkQueueItem->pDeviceObject = pMRxDeviceObject; InterlockedIncrement(&pMRxDeviceObject->DispatcherContext.NumberOfWorkerThreads); WorkQueue->CumulativeQueueLength += WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsToBeDispatched; InterlockedIncrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsToBeDispatched); /* If required (and possible!), spin up a new worker thread */ if (WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads < WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsToBeDispatched && WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads < WorkQueue->MaximumNumberOfWorkerThreads && !WorkQueue->SpinUpRequestPending) { WorkQueue->SpinUpRequestPending = TRUE; SpinUpThreads = TRUE; } Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, OldIrql); /* If we failed, return and still not insert item */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* All fine, insert the item */ KeInsertQueue(&WorkQueue->Queue, &WorkQueueItem->List); /* And start a new worker thread if needed */ if (SpinUpThreads) { RxSpinUpWorkerThreads(WorkQueue); } return Status; } BOOLEAN RxIsThisACscAgentOpen( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { BOOLEAN CscAgent; CscAgent = FALSE; /* Client Side Caching is DFS stuff - we don't support it */ if (RxContext->Create.EaLength != 0) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } if (RxContext->Create.NtCreateParameters.DfsNameContext != NULL && ((PDFS_NAME_CONTEXT)RxContext->Create.NtCreateParameters.DfsNameContext)->NameContextType == 0xAAAAAAAA) { CscAgent = TRUE; } return CscAgent; } VOID RxLockUserBuffer( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN LOCK_OPERATION Operation, IN ULONG BufferLength) { PIRP Irp; PMDL Mdl = NULL; PAGED_CODE(); _SEH2_TRY { Irp = RxContext->CurrentIrp; /* If we already have a MDL, make sure it's locked */ if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL) { ASSERT(RxLowIoIsMdlLocked(Irp->MdlAddress)); } else { /* That likely means the driver asks for buffered IOs - we don't support it! */ ASSERT(!BooleanFlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_INPUT_OPERATION)); /* If we have a real length */ if (BufferLength > 0) { /* Allocate a MDL and lock it */ Mdl = IoAllocateMdl(Irp->UserBuffer, BufferLength, FALSE, FALSE, Irp); if (Mdl == NULL) { RxContext->StoredStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); } MmProbeAndLockPages(Mdl, Irp->RequestorMode, Operation); } } } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { NTSTATUS Status; Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); /* Free the possible MDL we have allocated */ IoFreeMdl(Mdl); Irp->MdlAddress = NULL; RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT; /* Fix status */ if (!FsRtlIsNtstatusExpected(Status)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_USER_BUFFER; } RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = Status; ExRaiseStatus(Status); } _SEH2_END; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxLowIoCompletionTail( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { NTSTATUS Status; USHORT Operation; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxLowIoCompletionTail(%p)\n", RxContext); /* Only continue if we're at APC_LEVEL or lower */ if (RxShouldPostCompletion() && !BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->LowIoContext.Flags, LOWIO_CONTEXT_FLAG_CAN_COMPLETE_AT_DPC_LEVEL)) { return STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; } /* Call the completion routine */ DPRINT("Calling completion routine: %p\n", RxContext->LowIoContext.CompletionRoutine); Status = RxContext->LowIoContext.CompletionRoutine(RxContext); if (Status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED || Status == STATUS_RETRY) { return Status; } /* If it was a RW operation, for a paging file ... */ Operation = RxContext->LowIoContext.Operation; if (Operation == LOWIO_OP_READ || Operation == LOWIO_OP_WRITE) { /* Remove ourselves from the list and resume operations */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Flags, LOWIO_READWRITEFLAG_PAGING_IO)) { ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe(&RxLowIoPagingIoSyncMutex); RemoveEntryList(&RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks); RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Flink = NULL; RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Blink = NULL; ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe(&RxLowIoPagingIoSyncMutex); RxResumeBlockedOperations_ALL(RxContext); } } else { /* Sanity check: we had known operation */ ASSERT(Operation < LOWIO_OP_MAXIMUM); } /* If not sync operation, complete now. Otherwise, caller has already completed */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->LowIoContext.Flags, LOWIO_CONTEXT_FLAG_SYNCCALL)) { RxCompleteRequest(RxContext, Status); } DPRINT("Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxLowIoPopulateFsctlInfo( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PMDL Mdl; PIRP Irp; UCHAR Method; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxLowIoPopulateFsctlInfo(%p)\n", RxContext); Irp = RxContext->CurrentIrp; Stack = RxContext->CurrentIrpSp; /* Copy stack parameters */ RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.FsControlCode = Stack->Parameters.FileSystemControl.FsControlCode; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.InputBufferLength = Stack->Parameters.FileSystemControl.InputBufferLength; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.OutputBufferLength = Stack->Parameters.FileSystemControl.OutputBufferLength; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.MinorFunction = Stack->MinorFunction; Method = METHOD_FROM_CTL_CODE(RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.FsControlCode); /* Same buffer in case of buffered */ if (Method == METHOD_BUFFERED) { RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pInputBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Two buffers for neither */ if (Method == METHOD_NEITHER) { RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pInputBuffer = Stack->Parameters.FileSystemControl.Type3InputBuffer; RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer = Irp->UserBuffer; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Only IN/OUT remain */ ASSERT(Method == METHOD_IN_DIRECT || Method == METHOD_OUT_DIRECT); /* Use system buffer for input */ RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pInputBuffer = Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; /* And MDL for output */ Mdl = Irp->MdlAddress; if (Mdl != NULL) { RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer = MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Mdl, NormalPagePriority); if (RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } else { RxContext->LowIoContext.ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer = NULL; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI RxLowIoSubmit( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN PLOWIO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE CompletionRoutine) { NTSTATUS Status; USHORT Operation; BOOLEAN Synchronous; PLOWIO_CONTEXT LowIoContext; DPRINT("RxLowIoSubmit(%p, %p)\n", RxContext, CompletionRoutine); PAGED_CODE(); LowIoContext = &RxContext->LowIoContext; Synchronous = !BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_ASYNC_OPERATION); LowIoContext->CompletionRoutine = CompletionRoutine; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; Operation = LowIoContext->Operation; switch (Operation) { case LOWIO_OP_READ: case LOWIO_OP_WRITE: /* Check that the parameters were properly set by caller * See comment in RxInitializeLowIoContext() */ ASSERT(LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteOffset != 0xFFFFFFEE); ASSERT(LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount != 0xEEEEEEEE); /* Lock the buffer */ RxLockUserBuffer(RxContext, (Operation == LOWIO_OP_READ ? IoWriteAccess : IoReadAccess), LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.ByteCount); if (RxNewMapUserBuffer(RxContext) == NULL) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Buffer = RxContext->CurrentIrp->MdlAddress; /* If that's a paging IO, initialize serial operation */ if (BooleanFlagOn(LowIoContext->ParamsFor.ReadWrite.Flags, LOWIO_READWRITEFLAG_PAGING_IO)) { PFCB Fcb; Fcb = (PFCB)RxContext->pFcb; ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe(&RxLowIoPagingIoSyncMutex); RxContext->BlockedOpsMutex = &RxLowIoPagingIoSyncMutex; if (Operation == LOWIO_OP_READ) { InsertTailList(&Fcb->Specific.Fcb.PagingIoReadsOutstanding, &RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks); } else { InsertTailList(&Fcb->Specific.Fcb.PagingIoWritesOutstanding, &RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks); } ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe(&RxLowIoPagingIoSyncMutex); } break; case LOWIO_OP_FSCTL: case LOWIO_OP_IOCTL: /* Set FSCTL/IOCTL parameters */ Status = RxLowIoPopulateFsctlInfo(RxContext); /* Check whether we're consistent: a length means a buffer */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if ((LowIoContext->ParamsFor.FsCtl.InputBufferLength > 0 && LowIoContext->ParamsFor.FsCtl.pInputBuffer == NULL) || (LowIoContext->ParamsFor.FsCtl.OutputBufferLength > 0 && LowIoContext->ParamsFor.FsCtl.pOutputBuffer == NULL)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } break; /* Nothing to do */ case LOWIO_OP_SHAREDLOCK: case LOWIO_OP_EXCLUSIVELOCK: case LOWIO_OP_UNLOCK: case LOWIO_OP_UNLOCK_MULTIPLE: case LOWIO_OP_NOTIFY_CHANGE_DIRECTORY: case LOWIO_OP_CLEAROUT: break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } /* No need to perform extra init in case of posting */ RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_PREPOSTING_NEEDED; /* Preflight checks were OK, time to submit */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PMINIRDR_DISPATCH Dispatch; if (!Synchronous) { InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&RxContext->ReferenceCount); /* If not synchronous, we're likely to return before the operation is finished */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_IN_FSP)) { IoMarkIrpPending(RxContext->CurrentIrp); } } Dispatch = RxContext->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch; if (Dispatch != NULL) { /* We'll try to execute until the mini-rdr doesn't return pending */ do { RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Information = 0; MINIRDR_CALL(Status, RxContext, Dispatch, MRxLowIOSubmit[Operation], (RxContext)); if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { /* Unless it's not synchronous, caller will be happy with pending op */ if (!Synchronous) { return Status; } RxWaitSync(RxContext); Status = RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status; } else { if (!Synchronous) { /* We had marked the IRP pending, whereas the operation finished, drop that */ if (Status != STATUS_RETRY) { if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_IN_FSP)) { RxContext->CurrentIrpSp->Flags &= ~SL_PENDING_RETURNED; } InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&RxContext->ReferenceCount); } } } } while (Status == STATUS_PENDING); } else { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } /* Call completion and return */ RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = Status; LowIoContext->Flags |= LOWIO_CONTEXT_FLAG_SYNCCALL; return RxLowIoCompletionTail(RxContext); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID RxMapSystemBuffer( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PIRP Irp; PAGED_CODE(); Irp = RxContext->CurrentIrp; /* We should have a MDL (buffered IOs are not supported!) */ if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); } /* Just return system buffer */ return Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxMarkFobxOnCleanup( PFOBX pFobx, PBOOLEAN NeedPurge) { PFCB Fcb; PFOBX ScavengerFobx; LARGE_INTEGER TickCount; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PAGED_CODE(); /* No FOBX, nothing to mark */ if (pFobx == NULL) { return; } /* Query time for close */ KeQueryTickCount(&TickCount); Fcb = (PFCB)pFobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb; ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); Scavenger = Fcb->RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); ScavengerFobx = NULL; /* If that's not a file, or even not a disk resource, just mark as dormant */ if (NodeType(Fcb) != RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_FILE || Fcb->VNetRoot->pNetRoot->DeviceType != FILE_DEVICE_DISK) { SetFlag(pFobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT); InitializeListHead(&pFobx->ClosePendingList); ++Scavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles; } else { ASSERT(Scavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles >= 0); /* If we're about to reach the maximum dormant of FOBX */ if (Scavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles >= Scavenger->MaximumNumberOfDormantFiles) { /* This should never be wrong... */ if (!IsListEmpty(&Scavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList)) { /* Then, take the first from the list (oldest) and save it for later purge */ ScavengerFobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(Scavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList.Flink, FOBX, ClosePendingList); if (ScavengerFobx->pSrvOpen != NULL && ScavengerFobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb == RX_GET_MRX_FCB(Fcb)) { *NeedPurge = TRUE; ScavengerFobx = NULL; } else { RxReferenceNetFobx(ScavengerFobx); } } } /* Mark ourselves as dormant */ SetFlag(pFobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT); pFobx->CloseTime.QuadPart = TickCount.QuadPart; /* And insert us in the list of dormant files */ InsertTailList(&Scavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList, &pFobx->ClosePendingList); /* If scavenger was inactive, start it */ if (Scavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles++ == 0 && Scavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_INACTIVE) { Scavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT; RxPostOneShotTimerRequest(RxFileSystemDeviceObject, &Scavenger->WorkItem, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, Fcb->RxDeviceObject, Scavenger->TimeLimit); } } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); /* If we had reached max */ if (ScavengerFobx != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Purge the oldest FOBX */ Status = RxPurgeFobxFromCache(ScavengerFobx); if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { *NeedPurge = TRUE; } } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxMarkFobxOnClose( PFOBX Fobx) { PFCB Fcb; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PAGED_CODE(); /* No FOBX, nothing to mark */ if (Fobx == NULL) { return; } Fcb = (PFCB)Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb; ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); Scavenger = Fcb->RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* Only mark it if it was already marked as dormant */ if (BooleanFlagOn(Fobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT)) { /* If FCB wasn't already decrement, do it now */ if (!Fobx->fOpenCountDecremented) { Fcb = (PFCB)Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb; ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&Fcb->OpenCount); Fobx->fOpenCountDecremented = TRUE; } /* We're no longer dormant */ InterlockedDecrement(&Scavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles); ClearFlag(Fobx->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_MARKED_AS_DORMANT); } /* If we were inserted in the scavenger, drop ourselves out */ if (!IsListEmpty(&Fobx->ClosePendingList)) { RemoveEntryList(&Fobx->ClosePendingList); InitializeListHead(&Fobx->ClosePendingList); } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID RxNewMapUserBuffer( PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PIRP Irp; PAGED_CODE(); Irp = RxContext->CurrentIrp; if (Irp->MdlAddress != NULL) { return MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority); } return Irp->UserBuffer; } BOOLEAN NTAPI RxNoOpAcquire( IN PVOID Fcb, IN BOOLEAN Wait) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } VOID NTAPI RxNoOpRelease( IN PVOID Fcb) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } VOID RxOrphanThisFcb( PFCB Fcb) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } VOID RxOrphanSrvOpens( IN PV_NET_ROOT ThisVNetRoot) { PFCB Fcb; USHORT Bucket; PNET_ROOT NetRoot; PRX_FCB_TABLE FcbTable; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PAGED_CODE(); /* Mailslot won't have any SRV_OPEN (to orphan) */ NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)ThisVNetRoot->pNetRoot; if (NetRoot->Type == NET_ROOT_MAILSLOT) { return; } PrefixTable = NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable)); FcbTable = &NetRoot->FcbTable; RxAcquireFcbTableLockExclusive(FcbTable, TRUE); _SEH2_TRY { /* Now, we'll browse all the FCBs attached, and orphan related SRV_OPENs */ for (Bucket = 0; Bucket < FcbTable->NumberOfBuckets; ++Bucket) { PLIST_ENTRY BucketList, Entry; BucketList = &FcbTable->HashBuckets[Bucket]; Entry = BucketList->Flink; while (Entry != BucketList) { Fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, FCB, FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); Entry = Entry->Flink; ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); RxOrphanSrvOpensForThisFcb(Fcb, ThisVNetRoot, FALSE); } } /* Of course, don't forget about NULL-entry */ if (FcbTable->TableEntryForNull != NULL) { Fcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(FcbTable->TableEntryForNull, FCB, FcbTableEntry.HashLinks); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); RxOrphanSrvOpensForThisFcb(Fcb, ThisVNetRoot, FALSE); } } _SEH2_FINALLY { RxReleaseFcbTableLock(FcbTable); } _SEH2_END; } VOID RxOrphanSrvOpensForThisFcb( IN PFCB Fcb, IN PV_NET_ROOT ThisVNetRoot, IN BOOLEAN OrphanAll) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxpAcquirePrefixTableLockShared( PRX_PREFIX_TABLE pTable, BOOLEAN Wait, BOOLEAN ProcessBufferingStateChangeRequests) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxpAcquirePrefixTableLockShared(%p, %d, %d) -> %d\n", pTable, Wait, ProcessBufferingStateChangeRequests, pTable->TableLock.ActiveEntries); return ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&pTable->TableLock, Wait); } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxpAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive( PRX_PREFIX_TABLE pTable, BOOLEAN Wait, BOOLEAN ProcessBufferingStateChangeRequests) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxpAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(%p, %d, %d) -> %d\n", pTable, Wait, ProcessBufferingStateChangeRequests, pTable->TableLock.ActiveEntries); return ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&pTable->TableLock, Wait); } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxpDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb( OUT PFCB ThisFcb, IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN BOOLEAN RecursiveFinalize, IN BOOLEAN ForceFinalize) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG References; PNET_ROOT NetRoot; BOOLEAN ResourceAcquired, NetRootReferenced, Freed; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(!ForceFinalize); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(ThisFcb)); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(ThisFcb)); /* Unless we're recursively finalizing, or forcing, if FCB is still in use, quit */ References = InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&ThisFcb->NodeReferenceCount); if (!ForceFinalize && !RecursiveFinalize && (ThisFcb->OpenCount != 0 || ThisFcb->UncleanCount != 0 || References > 1)) { return FALSE; } Freed = FALSE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)ThisFcb->VNetRoot->pNetRoot; ResourceAcquired = FALSE; NetRootReferenced = FALSE; /* If FCB isn't orphaned, it still have context attached */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_ORPHANED)) { /* Don't let NetRoot go away before we're done */ RxReferenceNetRoot(NetRoot); NetRootReferenced = TRUE; /* Try to acquire the table lock exclusively */ if (!RxIsFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable)) { RxReferenceNetFcb(ThisFcb); if (!RxAcquireFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable, FALSE)) { if (RxContext != NULL && RxContext != CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_CONTEXT && RxContext != CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_CONTEXT_WAIT) { RxContext->Flags |= RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_BYPASS_VALIDOP_CHECK; } RxReleaseFcb(RxContext, ThisFcb); RxAcquireFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable, TRUE); Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(RxContext, ThisFcb); } References = RxDereferenceNetFcb(ThisFcb); ResourceAcquired = TRUE; } } /* If locking was OK (or not needed!), attempt finalization */ if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Freed = RxFinalizeNetFcb(ThisFcb, RecursiveFinalize, ForceFinalize, References); } /* Release table lock if acquired */ if (ResourceAcquired) { RxReleaseFcbTableLock(&NetRoot->FcbTable); } /* We don't need the NetRoot anylonger */ if (NetRootReferenced) { RxDereferenceNetRoot(NetRoot, LHS_LockNotHeld); } return Freed; } /* * @implemented */ LONG RxpDereferenceNetFcb( PFCB Fcb) { LONG NewCount; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); NewCount = InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&Fcb->NodeReferenceCount); ASSERT(NewCount >= 0); PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETFCB, NewCount); return NewCount; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxpDestroySrvCall( IN PVOID Context) { NTSTATUS Status; PSRV_CALL SrvCall; BOOLEAN ForceFinalize; PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)Context; /* At this step, RxFinalizeSrvCall already cleaned some fields */ ASSERT(SrvCall->UpperFinalizationDone); PrefixTable = SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; /* Were we called with ForceFinalize? */ ForceFinalize = BooleanFlagOn(SrvCall->Flags, SRVCALL_FLAG_FORCE_FINALIZED); /* Notify mini-rdr */ MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, SrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxFinalizeSrvCall, ((PMRX_SRV_CALL)SrvCall, ForceFinalize)); (void)Status; /* Dereference our extra reference (set before queueing) */ RxAcquirePrefixTableLockExclusive(PrefixTable, TRUE); InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&SrvCall->NodeReferenceCount); /* And finalize for real, with the right context */ RxFinalizeSrvCall(SrvCall, FALSE, ForceFinalize); RxReleasePrefixTableLock(PrefixTable); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpDiscardChangeBufferingStateRequests( _Inout_ PLIST_ENTRY DiscardedRequests) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PAGED_CODE(); /* No requests to discard */ if (IsListEmpty(DiscardedRequests)) { return; } /* Free all the discarded requests */ Entry = DiscardedRequests->Flink; while (Entry != DiscardedRequests) { PCHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST Request; Request = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; DPRINT("Req %p for %p (%p) discarded\n", Request, Request->SrvOpenKey, Request->SrvOpen); RxPrepareRequestForReuse(Request); RxFreePool(Request); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpDispatchChangeBufferingStateRequests( PSRV_CALL SrvCall, PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen, PLIST_ENTRY DiscardedRequests) { KIRQL OldIrql; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN StartDispatcher; LIST_ENTRY AcceptedReqs; LIST_ENTRY DispatcherList; PRX_BUFFERING_MANAGER BufferingManager; /* Initialize our lists */ InitializeListHead(&AcceptedReqs); InitializeListHead(DiscardedRequests); /* Transfer the requests to dispatch locally */ BufferingManager = &SrvCall->BufferingManager; KeAcquireSpinLock(&BufferingManager->SpinLock, &OldIrql); RxTransferList(&DispatcherList, &BufferingManager->DispatcherList); KeReleaseSpinLock(&BufferingManager->SpinLock, OldIrql); /* If there were requests */ if (!IsListEmpty(&DispatcherList)) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; /* For each of the entries... */ Entry = DispatcherList.Flink; while (Entry != &DispatcherList) { PCHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST Request; Request = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST, ListEntry); Entry = Entry->Flink; /* If we have been provided a SRV_OPEN, see whether it matches */ if (SrvOpen != NULL) { /* Match, the request is accepted */ if (Request->SrvOpenKey == SrvOpen->Key) { Request->SrvOpen = SrvOpen; RxReferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen); RemoveEntryList(&Request->ListEntry); InsertTailList(&AcceptedReqs, &Request->ListEntry); /* Move to the next entry */ continue; } else { Status = STATUS_PENDING; } } else { /* No SRV_OPEN provided, try to find one */ Status = RxpLookupSrvOpenForRequestLite(SrvCall, Request); } /* We found a matching SRV_OPEN, accept the request */ if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { RemoveEntryList(&Request->ListEntry); InsertTailList(&AcceptedReqs, &Request->ListEntry); } /* Another run might help handling it, don't discard it */ else if (Status == STATUS_PENDING) { continue; } /* Otherwise, discard the request */ else { ASSERT(Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND); RemoveEntryList(&Request->ListEntry); InsertTailList(DiscardedRequests, &Request->ListEntry); } } } KeAcquireSpinLock(&BufferingManager->SpinLock, &OldIrql); /* Nothing to dispatch, no need to start dispatcher */ if (IsListEmpty(&DispatcherList)) { StartDispatcher = FALSE; } else { /* Transfer back the list of the not treated entries to the buffering manager */ RxTransferList(&BufferingManager->DispatcherList, &DispatcherList); StartDispatcher = (BufferingManager->DispatcherActive == FALSE); /* If the dispatcher isn't active, start it */ if (StartDispatcher) { BufferingManager->DispatcherActive = TRUE; } } /* If there were accepted requests, move them to the buffering manager */ if (!IsListEmpty(&AcceptedReqs)) { RxTransferList(&BufferingManager->HandlerList, &AcceptedReqs); } KeReleaseSpinLock(&BufferingManager->SpinLock, OldIrql); /* If we're to start the dispatcher, do it */ if (StartDispatcher) { RxReferenceSrvCall(SrvCall); DPRINT("Starting dispatcher\n"); RxPostToWorkerThread(RxFileSystemDeviceObject, HyperCriticalWorkQueue, &BufferingManager->DispatcherWorkItem, RxDispatchChangeBufferingStateRequests, SrvCall); } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxpLookupSrvOpenForRequestLite( IN PSRV_CALL SrvCall, IN OUT PCHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST Request) { NTSTATUS Status; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; PAGED_CODE(); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Browse all our associated SRV_OPENs to find the one! */ for (Entry = SrvCall->BufferingManager.SrvOpenLists[0].Flink; Entry != &SrvCall->BufferingManager.SrvOpenLists[0]; Entry = Entry->Flink) { /* Same key, not orphaned, this is ours */ SrvOpen = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, SRV_OPEN, SrvOpenKeyList); if (SrvOpen->Key == Request->SrvOpenKey) { if (!BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->pFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_ORPHANED)) { RxReferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen); break; } } } /* We didn't manage to find a SRV_OPEN */ if (Entry == &SrvCall->BufferingManager.SrvOpenLists[0]) { SrvOpen = NULL; /* The coming open might help, mark as pending for later retry */ if (SrvCall->BufferingManager.NumberOfOutstandingOpens != 0) { Status = STATUS_PENDING; } /* Else, it's a complete failure */ else { Status = STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } } /* Return the (not) found SRV_OPEN */ Request->SrvOpen = SrvOpen; return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpMarkInstanceForScavengedFinalization( PVOID Instance) { NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType; PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE Node; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; PLIST_ENTRY ScavengerHead, InstEntry; PAGED_CODE(); /* If still referenced, don't mark it (broken caller) */ Node = (PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE)Instance; if (Node->NodeReferenceCount > 1) { return; } DeviceObject = RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance(Instance); Scavenger = DeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; /* Mark the node */ NodeType = NodeType(Instance); SetFlag(NodeType(Node), RX_SCAVENGER_MASK); DPRINT("Node %p has now the scavenger mark!\n", Instance); /* Increase the count in the scavenger, and queue it */ ScavengerHead = NULL; switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: ++Scavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized; ScavengerHead = &Scavenger->FobxFinalizationList; InstEntry = &((PFOBX)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: ++Scavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized; ScavengerHead = &Scavenger->SrvCallFinalizationList; InstEntry = &((PSRV_CALL)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: ++Scavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized; ScavengerHead = &Scavenger->NetRootFinalizationList; InstEntry = &((PNET_ROOT)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: ++Scavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized; ScavengerHead = &Scavenger->VNetRootFinalizationList; InstEntry = &((PV_NET_ROOT)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: ++Scavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized; ScavengerHead = &Scavenger->SrvOpenFinalizationList; InstEntry = &((PSRV_OPEN)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; } /* Extra ref for scavenger */ InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&Node->NodeReferenceCount); /* If matching type */ if (ScavengerHead != NULL) { /* Insert in the scavenger list */ InsertTailList(ScavengerHead, InstEntry); /* And if it wasn't started, start it */ if (Scavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_INACTIVE) { Scavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT; RxPostOneShotTimerRequest(RxFileSystemDeviceObject, &Scavenger->WorkItem, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, DeviceObject, Scavenger->TimeLimit); } } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxPostOneShotTimerRequest( IN PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PRX_WORK_ITEM pWorkItem, IN PRX_WORKERTHREAD_ROUTINE Routine, IN PVOID pContext, IN LARGE_INTEGER TimeInterval) { KIRQL OldIrql; ASSERT(pWorkItem != NULL); /* Prepare the work item */ ExInitializeWorkItem(&pWorkItem->WorkQueueItem, Routine, pContext); pWorkItem->WorkQueueItem.pDeviceObject = pDeviceObject; /* Last tick can be computed with the number of times it was caller (timertickcount) * and the interval between calls */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxTimerLock, &OldIrql); pWorkItem->LastTick = (TimeInterval.QuadPart / 550000) + RxTimerTickCount + 1; /* Insert in work queue */ InsertTailList(&RxTimerQueueHead, &pWorkItem->WorkQueueItem.List); KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxTimerLock, OldIrql); /* If there are queued events, queue an execution */ if (IsListEmpty(&RxTimerQueueHead)) { KeSetTimer(&RxTimer, RxTimerInterval, &RxTimerDpc); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI RxPostToWorkerThread( _In_ PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT pMRxDeviceObject, _In_ WORK_QUEUE_TYPE WorkQueueType, _In_ PRX_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM pWorkQueueItem, _In_ PRX_WORKERTHREAD_ROUTINE Routine, _In_ PVOID pContext) { /* Initialize work queue item */ pWorkQueueItem->List.Flink = NULL; pWorkQueueItem->WorkerRoutine = Routine; pWorkQueueItem->Parameter = pContext; /* And insert it in the work queue */ return RxInsertWorkQueueItem(pMRxDeviceObject, WorkQueueType, pWorkQueueItem); } VOID RxpProcessChangeBufferingStateRequests( PSRV_CALL SrvCall, BOOLEAN UpdateHandlerState) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY RxPrefixTableInsertName( IN OUT PRX_PREFIX_TABLE ThisTable, IN OUT PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY ThisEntry, IN PVOID Container, IN PULONG ContainerRefCount, IN USHORT CaseInsensitiveLength, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID ConnectionId ) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("Insert: %wZ\n", &ThisEntry->Prefix); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(ThisTable)); ASSERT(CaseInsensitiveLength <= ThisEntry->Prefix.Length); /* Copy parameters and compute hash */ ThisEntry->CaseInsensitiveLength = CaseInsensitiveLength; ThisEntry->ContainingRecord = Container; ThisEntry->ContainerRefCount = ContainerRefCount; InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)ContainerRefCount); ThisEntry->SavedHashValue = RxTableComputeHashValue(&ThisEntry->Prefix); DPRINT("Associated hash: %x\n", ThisEntry->SavedHashValue); /* If no path length: this is entry for null path */ if (ThisEntry->Prefix.Length == 0) { ThisTable->TableEntryForNull = ThisEntry; } /* Otherwise, insert in the appropriate bucket */ else { InsertTailList(HASH_BUCKET(ThisTable, ThisEntry->SavedHashValue), &ThisEntry->HashLinks); } /* If we had a connection ID, keep track of it */ if (ConnectionId != NULL) { ThisEntry->ConnectionId.Luid = ConnectionId->Luid; } else { ThisEntry->ConnectionId.Luid.LowPart = 0; ThisEntry->ConnectionId.Luid.HighPart = 0; } InsertTailList(&ThisTable->MemberQueue, &ThisEntry->MemberQLinks); /* Reflect the changes */ ++ThisTable->Version; DPRINT("Inserted in bucket: %p\n", HASH_BUCKET(ThisTable, ThisEntry->SavedHashValue)); return ThisEntry; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID RxPrefixTableLookupName( IN PRX_PREFIX_TABLE ThisTable, IN PUNICODE_STRING CanonicalName, OUT PUNICODE_STRING RemainingName, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID ConnectionId) { PVOID Container; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(ThisTable)); ASSERT(CanonicalName->Length > 0); /* Call the internal helper */ Container = RxTableLookupName(ThisTable, CanonicalName, RemainingName, ConnectionId); if (Container == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Reference our container before returning it */ if (RdbssReferenceTracingValue != 0) { NODE_TYPE_CODE Type; Type = (NodeType(Container) & ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK); switch (Type) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: RxReferenceSrvCall(Container); break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: RxReferenceNetRoot(Container); break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: RxReferenceVNetRoot(Container); break; default: DPRINT1("Invalid node type: %x\n", Type); ASSERT(FALSE); RxReference(Container); break; } } else { RxReference(Container); } return Container; } /* * @implemented */ LONG RxpReferenceNetFcb( PFCB Fcb) { LONG NewCount; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); NewCount = InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&Fcb->NodeReferenceCount); PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETFCB, Fcb->NodeReferenceCount); return NewCount; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpReleasePrefixTableLock( PRX_PREFIX_TABLE pTable, BOOLEAN ProcessBufferingStateChangeRequests) { PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxpReleasePrefixTableLock(%p, %d) -> %d\n", pTable, ProcessBufferingStateChangeRequests, pTable->TableLock.ActiveEntries); ExReleaseResourceLite(&pTable->TableLock); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxPrepareContextForReuse( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PAGED_CODE(); /* When we reach that point, make sure mandatory parts are null-ed */ if (RxContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CREATE) { ASSERT(RxContext->Create.CanonicalNameBuffer == NULL); RxContext->Create.RdrFlags = 0; } else if (RxContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_READ || RxContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_WRITE) { ASSERT(RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Flink == NULL); ASSERT(RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Blink == NULL); } RxContext->ReferenceCount = 0; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxPrepareRequestForReuse( PCHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_REQUEST Request) { PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen; PAGED_CODE(); SrvOpen = Request->SrvOpen; /* If the request was already prepared for service */ if (BooleanFlagOn(Request->Flags, RX_REQUEST_PREPARED_FOR_HANDLING)) { /* We have to dereference the associated SRV_OPEN depending on the lock */ if (RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(SrvOpen->pFcb)) { RxDereferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); } else { RxDereferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen, LHS_LockNotHeld); } } /* Otherwise, just dereference */ else if (SrvOpen != NULL) { RxDereferenceSrvOpen(SrvOpen, LHS_LockNotHeld); } Request->SrvOpen = NULL; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxProcessChangeBufferingStateRequests( _In_ PVOID SrvCall) { /* Call internal routine */ RxUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(SrvCall); RxpProcessChangeBufferingStateRequests(SrvCall, TRUE); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxProcessChangeBufferingStateRequestsForSrvOpen( PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen) { LONG NumberOfBufferingChangeRequests, LockedOldBufferingToken, OldBufferingToken; /* Get the current number of change requests */ NumberOfBufferingChangeRequests = ((PSRV_CALL)SrvOpen->pVNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall)->BufferingManager.CumulativeNumberOfBufferingChangeRequests; /* Get our old token */ OldBufferingToken = SrvOpen->BufferingToken; LockedOldBufferingToken = InterlockedCompareExchange(&SrvOpen->BufferingToken, NumberOfBufferingChangeRequests, NumberOfBufferingChangeRequests); /* If buffering state changed in between, process changes */ if (OldBufferingToken != LockedOldBufferingToken) { PFCB Fcb; NTSTATUS Status; /* Acquire the FCB and start processing */ Fcb = (PFCB)SrvOpen->pFcb; Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, Fcb); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxProcessFcbChangeBufferingStateRequest(Fcb); RxReleaseFcb(NULL, Fcb); } } } VOID RxProcessFcbChangeBufferingStateRequest( PFCB Fcb) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpScavengeFobxs( PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger, PLIST_ENTRY FobxToScavenge) { /* Explore the whole list of FOBX to scavenge */ while (!IsListEmpty(FobxToScavenge)) { PFCB Fcb; PFOBX Fobx; PLIST_ENTRY Entry; Entry = RemoveHeadList(FobxToScavenge); Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList); Fcb = (PFCB)Fobx->SrvOpen->pFcb; /* Try to acquire the lock exclusively to perform finalization */ if (RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, Fcb) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxDereferenceNetRoot(Fobx, LHS_LockNotHeld); } else { RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); RxDereferenceNetRoot(Fobx, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); if (!RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(Fcb, NULL, FALSE, FALSE)) { RxReleaseFcb(NULL, Fcb); } } } } BOOLEAN RxpTrackDereference( _In_ ULONG TraceType, _In_ PCSTR FileName, _In_ ULONG Line, _In_ PVOID Instance) { PCSTR InstanceType; ULONG ReferenceCount; PAGED_CODE(); if (!BooleanFlagOn(RdbssReferenceTracingValue, TraceType)) { return TRUE; } switch (TraceType) { case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_SRVCALL: InstanceType = "SrvCall"; ReferenceCount = ((PSRV_CALL)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETROOT: InstanceType = "NetRoot"; ReferenceCount = ((PNET_ROOT)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_VNETROOT: InstanceType = "VNetRoot"; ReferenceCount = ((PV_NET_ROOT)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETFOBX: InstanceType = "NetFobx"; ReferenceCount = ((PFOBX)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETFCB: InstanceType = "NetFcb"; ReferenceCount = ((PFCB)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_SRVOPEN: InstanceType = "SrvOpen"; ReferenceCount = ((PSRV_OPEN)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; default: DPRINT1("Invalid node type!\n"); return TRUE; } if (BooleanFlagOn(RdbssReferenceTracingValue, RX_LOG_REF_TRACKING)) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } if (BooleanFlagOn(RdbssReferenceTracingValue, RX_PRINT_REF_TRACKING)) { DbgPrint("(%s:%d) %p (%s) dereferenced from %d\n", FileName, Line, Instance, InstanceType, ReferenceCount); } return TRUE; } VOID RxpTrackReference( _In_ ULONG TraceType, _In_ PCSTR FileName, _In_ ULONG Line, _In_ PVOID Instance) { PCSTR InstanceType; ULONG ReferenceCount; if (!BooleanFlagOn(RdbssReferenceTracingValue, TraceType)) { return; } switch (TraceType) { case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_SRVCALL: InstanceType = "SrvCall"; ReferenceCount = ((PSRV_CALL)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETROOT: InstanceType = "NetRoot"; ReferenceCount = ((PNET_ROOT)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_VNETROOT: InstanceType = "VNetRoot"; ReferenceCount = ((PV_NET_ROOT)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETFOBX: InstanceType = "NetFobx"; ReferenceCount = ((PFOBX)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_NETFCB: InstanceType = "NetFcb"; ReferenceCount = ((PFCB)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; case RDBSS_REF_TRACK_SRVOPEN: InstanceType = "SrvOpen"; ReferenceCount = ((PSRV_OPEN)Instance)->NodeReferenceCount; break; default: DPRINT1("Invalid node type!\n"); return; } if (BooleanFlagOn(RdbssReferenceTracingValue, RX_LOG_REF_TRACKING)) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } if (BooleanFlagOn(RdbssReferenceTracingValue, RX_PRINT_REF_TRACKING)) { DbgPrint("(%s:%d) %p (%s) referenced from %d\n", FileName, Line, Instance, InstanceType, ReferenceCount); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking( PVOID Instance) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE Node; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PAGED_CODE(); Node = (PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE)Instance; /* There's no marking - nothing to do */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(NodeType(Node), RX_SCAVENGER_MASK)) { return; } /* First of all, remove the mark */ ClearFlag(NodeType(Node), RX_SCAVENGER_MASK); DPRINT("Node %p no longer has the scavenger mark\n"); /* And now, remove from the scavenger */ Scavenger = RxGetDeviceObjectOfInstance(Instance)->pRdbssScavenger; switch (NodeType(Node)) { case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: --Scavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized; ListEntry = &((PFOBX)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: --Scavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized; ListEntry = &((PSRV_CALL)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: --Scavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized; ListEntry = &((PNET_ROOT)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: --Scavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized; ListEntry = &((PV_NET_ROOT)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: --Scavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized; ListEntry = &((PSRV_OPEN)Instance)->ScavengerFinalizationList; break; default: return; } /* Also, remove the extra ref from the scavenger */ RemoveEntryList(ListEntry); InterlockedDecrement((volatile long *)&Node->NodeReferenceCount); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxPurgeChangeBufferingStateRequestsForSrvOpen( PSRV_OPEN SrvOpen) { PSRV_CALL SrvCall; LIST_ENTRY Discarded; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(SrvOpen->Fcb)); /* Initialize our discarded list */ InitializeListHead(&Discarded); SrvCall = (PSRV_CALL)SrvOpen->Fcb->VNetRoot->pNetRoot->pSrvCall; RxAcquireBufferingManagerMutex(&SrvCall->BufferingManager); /* Set the flag, and get the requests */ InitializeListHead(&SrvOpen->SrvOpenKeyList); SetFlag(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_REQUESTS_PURGED); RxGatherRequestsForSrvOpen(SrvCall, SrvOpen, &Discarded); RxReleaseBufferingManagerMutex(&SrvCall->BufferingManager); /* If there were discarded requests */ if (!IsListEmpty(&Discarded)) { /* And a pending buffering state change */ if (BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_PENDING)) { /* Clear the flag, and set the associated event - job done */ RxAcquireSerializationMutex(); ClearFlag(SrvOpen->Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_PENDING); if (SrvOpen->Fcb->pBufferingStateChangeCompletedEvent != NULL) { KeSetEvent(SrvOpen->Fcb->pBufferingStateChangeCompletedEvent, IO_NETWORK_INCREMENT, FALSE); } RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); } /* Drop the discarded requests */ RxpDiscardChangeBufferingStateRequests(&Discarded); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxPurgeFcb( IN PFCB Fcb) { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(Fcb)); /* Reference our FCB so that it doesn't disappear */ RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); /* Purge Cc if required */ if (Fcb->OpenCount != 0) { RxPurgeFcbInSystemCache(Fcb, NULL, 0, TRUE, TRUE); } /* If it wasn't freed, release the lock */ if (!RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(Fcb, NULL, FALSE, FALSE)) { RxReleaseFcb(NULL, Fcb); } } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxPurgeFcbInSystemCache( IN PFCB Fcb, IN PLARGE_INTEGER FileOffset OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN UninitializeCacheMaps, IN BOOLEAN FlushFile) { BOOLEAN Purged; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(Fcb)); /* Try to flush first, if asked */ if (FlushFile) { /* If flushing failed, just make some noise */ Status = RxFlushFcbInSystemCache(Fcb, TRUE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PVOID CallersAddress, CallersCaller; RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallersAddress, &CallersCaller); DPRINT1("Flush failed with status %lx for FCB %p\n", Status, Fcb); DPRINT1("Caller was %p %p\n", CallersAddress, CallersCaller); } } /* Deal with Cc for purge */ Purged = CcPurgeCacheSection(&Fcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, FileOffset, Length, UninitializeCacheMaps); /* If purge failed, force section closing */ if (!Purged) { MmFlushImageSection(&Fcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, MmFlushForWrite); RxReleaseFcb(NULL, Fcb); Purged = MmForceSectionClosed(&Fcb->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, TRUE); RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, Fcb); } /* Return appropriate status */ Status = (Purged ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); DPRINT("Purge for FCB %p returns %lx\n", Fcb, Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxPurgeFobx( PFOBX pFobx) { NTSTATUS Status; PFCB FcbToBePurged; PAGED_CODE(); /* Get the associated FCB */ FcbToBePurged = (PFCB)pFobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb; Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, FcbToBePurged); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Purge it */ Status = RxPurgeFcbInSystemCache(FcbToBePurged, NULL, 0, FALSE, TRUE); if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("Purge failed for %p (%p)\n", FcbToBePurged, pFobx); return FALSE; } /* And flush */ if (!MmFlushImageSection(&FcbToBePurged->NonPaged->SectionObjectPointers, MmFlushForWrite)) { DPRINT1("Image section flush failed for %p (%p)\n", FcbToBePurged, pFobx); return FALSE; } DPRINT("Purge OK for %p (%p)\n", FcbToBePurged, pFobx); return TRUE; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxPurgeFobxFromCache( PFOBX FobxToBePurged) { NTSTATUS Status; PFCB FcbToBePurged; PAGED_CODE(); FcbToBePurged = (PFCB)FobxToBePurged->pSrvOpen->pFcb; ASSERT(FcbToBePurged != NULL); /* If we cannot have our FCB exclusively, give up */ Status = RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, FcbToBePurged); if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxDereferenceNetFobx(FobxToBePurged, LHS_LockNotHeld); return Status; } /* Don't let the FCB disappear */ RxReferenceNetFcb(FcbToBePurged); /* If the SRV_OPEN was already closed, or if there are unclean FOBX, give up */ if (BooleanFlagOn(FobxToBePurged->Flags, FOBX_FLAG_SRVOPEN_CLOSED) || FobxToBePurged->pSrvOpen->UncleanFobxCount != 0) { DPRINT("FCB purge skipped\n"); } else { Status = RxPurgeFcbInSystemCache(FcbToBePurged, NULL, 0, FALSE, TRUE); } RxDereferenceNetFobx(FobxToBePurged, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); /* Drop our extra reference */ if (!RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(FcbToBePurged, NULL, FALSE, FALSE)) { RxReleaseFcb(NULL, FcbToBePurged); } return Status; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxPurgeRelatedFobxs( PNET_ROOT NetRoot, PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, BOOLEAN AttemptFinalization, PFCB PurgingFcb) { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; ULONG SuccessfullPurge; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; PPURGE_SYNCHRONIZATION_CONTEXT PurgeSyncCtx; PAGED_CODE(); RxDeviceObject = RxContext->RxDeviceObject; Scavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; PurgeSyncCtx = &NetRoot->PurgeSyncronizationContext; RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* If there's already a purge in progress */ if (PurgeSyncCtx->PurgeInProgress) { /* Add our RX_CONTEXT to the current run */ InsertTailList(&PurgeSyncCtx->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion, &RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks); /* And wait until it's done */ RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); RxWaitSync(RxContext); RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); } /* Start the purge */ PurgeSyncCtx->PurgeInProgress = TRUE; /* While the purge is still handling our NET_ROOT, do nothing but wait */ while (Scavenger->CurrentNetRootForClosePendingProcessing == NetRoot) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); KeWaitForSingleObject(&Scavenger->ClosePendingProcessingSyncEvent, Executive, KernelMode, TRUE, NULL); RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); } /* Now, for all the entries */ SuccessfullPurge = 0; Entry = Scavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList.Flink; while (Entry != &Scavenger->ClosePendingFobxsList) { PFCB Fcb; PFOBX Fobx; BOOLEAN Success; Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, FOBX, ClosePendingList); DPRINT("Dealing with FOBX: %p\n", Fobx); Entry = Entry->Flink; /* If it's not matching our NET_ROOT, ignore */ if (Fobx->pSrvOpen == NULL || Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb == NULL || ((PFCB)Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb)->VNetRoot == NULL || (PNET_ROOT)((PFCB)Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb)->VNetRoot->pNetRoot != NetRoot) { continue; } /* Determine if it matches our FCB */ Fcb = (PFCB)Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb; if (PurgingFcb != NULL && NodeType(PurgingFcb) != RDBSS_NTC_STORAGE_TYPE_DIRECTORY && PurgingFcb != Fcb) { NTSTATUS Status; MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxAreFilesAliased, (Fcb, PurgingFcb)); if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { continue; } } /* Matching, we'll purge it */ RemoveEntryList(&Fobx->ClosePendingList); /* Reference it so that it doesn't disappear */ RxReferenceNetFobx(Fobx); RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); /* And purge */ Success = RxPurgeFobx(Fobx); if (Success) { ++SuccessfullPurge; } /* If we don't have to finalize it (or if we cannot acquire lock exclusively * Just normally dereference */ if ((AttemptFinalization == DONT_ATTEMPT_FINALIZE_ON_PURGE) || RxAcquireExclusiveFcb(NULL, Fcb) != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxDereferenceNetFobx(Fobx, LHS_LockNotHeld); } /* Otherwise, finalize */ else { RxReferenceNetFcb(Fcb); RxDereferenceNetFobx(Fobx, LHS_ExclusiveLockHeld); if (!RxDereferenceAndFinalizeNetFcb(Fcb, NULL, FALSE, FALSE)) { RxReleaseFcb(NULL, Fcb); } } if (!Success) { DPRINT1("Failed purging %p (%p)\n", Fcb, Fobx); } RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); } /* If no contexts left, purge is not running */ if (IsListEmpty(&PurgeSyncCtx->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion)) { PurgeSyncCtx->PurgeInProgress = FALSE; } /* Otherwise, notify a waiter it can start */ else { PRX_CONTEXT Context; Entry = RemoveHeadList(&PurgeSyncCtx->ContextsAwaitingPurgeCompletion); Context = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, RX_CONTEXT, RxContextSerializationQLinks); RxSignalSynchronousWaiter(Context); } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); return (SuccessfullPurge > 0 ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxpWorkerThreadDispatcher( IN PRX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue, IN PLARGE_INTEGER WaitInterval) { NTSTATUS Status; PVOID Parameter; PETHREAD CurrentThread; BOOLEAN KillThread, Dereference; PRX_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkQueueItem; PWORKER_THREAD_ROUTINE WorkerRoutine; InterlockedIncrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads); /* Reference ourselves */ CurrentThread = PsGetCurrentThread(); Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(CurrentThread, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, *PsThreadType, KernelMode); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); /* Infinite loop for worker */ KillThread = FALSE; Dereference = FALSE; do { KIRQL OldIrql; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; /* Remove an entry from the work queue */ ListEntry = KeRemoveQueue(&WorkQueue->Queue, KernelMode, WaitInterval); if ((ULONG_PTR)ListEntry != STATUS_TIMEOUT) { PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; WorkQueueItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, RX_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM, List); InterlockedIncrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsDispatched); InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsToBeDispatched); InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads); /* Get the parameters, and null-them in the struct */ WorkerRoutine = WorkQueueItem->WorkerRoutine; Parameter = WorkQueueItem->Parameter; DeviceObject = WorkQueueItem->pDeviceObject; WorkQueueItem->List.Flink = NULL; WorkQueueItem->WorkerRoutine = NULL; WorkQueueItem->Parameter = NULL; WorkQueueItem->pDeviceObject = NULL; /* Call the routine */ DPRINT("Calling: %p(%p)\n", WorkerRoutine, Parameter); WorkerRoutine(Parameter); /* Are we going down now? */ if (InterlockedDecrement(&DeviceObject->DispatcherContext.NumberOfWorkerThreads) == 0) { PKEVENT TearDownEvent; TearDownEvent = InterlockedExchangePointer((void * volatile*)&DeviceObject->DispatcherContext.pTearDownEvent, NULL); if (TearDownEvent != NULL) { KeSetEvent(TearDownEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } } InterlockedIncrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads); } /* Shall we shutdown... */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, &OldIrql); switch (WorkQueue->State) { /* Our queue is active, kill it if we have no more items to dispatch * and more threads than the required minimum */ case RxWorkQueueActive: if (WorkQueue->NumberOfWorkItemsToBeDispatched <= 0) { ASSERT(WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads > 0); if (WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads > WorkQueue->MinimumNumberOfWorkerThreads) { KillThread = TRUE; Dereference = TRUE; InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads); } if (KillThread) { InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads); } } break; /* The queue is inactive: kill it we have more threads than the required minimum */ case RxWorkQueueInactive: ASSERT(WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads > 0); if (WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads > WorkQueue->MinimumNumberOfWorkerThreads) { KillThread = TRUE; Dereference = TRUE; InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads); } if (KillThread) { InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads); } break; /* Rundown in progress..., kill it for sure! */ case RxWorkQueueRundownInProgress: { PRX_WORK_QUEUE_RUNDOWN_CONTEXT RundownContext; ASSERT(WorkQueue->pRundownContext != NULL); RundownContext = WorkQueue->pRundownContext; RundownContext->ThreadPointers[RundownContext->NumberOfThreadsSpunDown++] = CurrentThread; InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads); KillThread = TRUE; Dereference = FALSE; if (WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads == 0) { KeSetEvent(&RundownContext->RundownCompletionEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->NumberOfIdleWorkerThreads); } break; default: break; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, OldIrql); } while (!KillThread); DPRINT("Killed worker thread\n"); /* Do we have to dereference ourselves? */ if (Dereference) { ObDereferenceObject(CurrentThread); } /* Dump last executed routine */ if (DumpDispatchRoutine) { DPRINT("Dispatch routine %p(%p) taken from %p\n", WorkerRoutine, Parameter, WorkQueueItem); } PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); } VOID RxReference( IN OUT PVOID Instance) { NODE_TYPE_CODE NodeType; PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE Node; PAGED_CODE(); RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* We can only reference a few structs */ NodeType = NodeType(Instance) & ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK; ASSERT((NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN) || (NodeType == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX)); Node = (PNODE_TYPE_AND_SIZE)Instance; InterlockedIncrement((volatile long *)&Node->NodeReferenceCount); /* Trace refcount if asked */ switch (NodeType) { case RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL: PRINT_REF_COUNT(SRVCALL, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT: PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETROOT, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT: PRINT_REF_COUNT(VNETROOT, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_SRVOPEN: PRINT_REF_COUNT(SRVOPEN, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; case RDBSS_NTC_FOBX: PRINT_REF_COUNT(NETFOBX, Node->NodeReferenceCount); break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(Instance); RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxReinitializeContext( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PIRP Irp; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; ULONG InitialContextFlags, SavedFlags; PAGED_CODE(); /* Backup a few flags */ Irp = RxContext->CurrentIrp; RxDeviceObject = RxContext->RxDeviceObject; SavedFlags = RxContext->Flags & RX_CONTEXT_PRESERVED_FLAGS; InitialContextFlags = RxContext->Flags & RX_CONTEXT_INITIALIZATION_FLAGS; /* Reset our context */ RxPrepareContextForReuse(RxContext); /* Zero everything */ RtlZeroMemory(&RxContext->MajorFunction, sizeof(RX_CONTEXT) - FIELD_OFFSET(RX_CONTEXT, MajorFunction)); /* Restore saved flags */ RxContext->Flags = SavedFlags; /* And reinit the context */ RxInitializeContext(Irp, RxDeviceObject, InitialContextFlags, RxContext); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxReleaseFcbFromLazyWrite( PVOID Context) { PFCB Fcb; PAGED_CODE(); Fcb = Context; /* The received context is a FCB */ ASSERT(NodeType(Fcb) == RDBSS_NTC_FCB); ASSERT_CORRECT_FCB_STRUCTURE(Fcb); /* Lazy writer is releasing lock, so forget about it */ Fcb->Specific.Fcb.LazyWriteThread = NULL; /* If we were top level IRP, unwind */ if (RxGetTopIrpIfRdbssIrp() == (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP) { RxUnwindTopLevelIrp(NULL); } /* And finally, release the lock */ Fcb->PagingIoResourceFile = NULL; Fcb->PagingIoResourceLine = 0; ExReleaseResourceLite(Fcb->Header.PagingIoResource); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxReleaseFcbFromReadAhead( PVOID Context) { PFCB Fcb; PAGED_CODE(); Fcb = Context; /* The received context is a FCB */ ASSERT(NodeType(Fcb) == RDBSS_NTC_FCB); ASSERT_CORRECT_FCB_STRUCTURE(Fcb); /* Top Level IRP is CC */ ASSERT(RxGetTopIrpIfRdbssIrp() == (PIRP)FSRTL_CACHE_TOP_LEVEL_IRP); RxUnwindTopLevelIrp(NULL); ExReleaseResourceLite(Fcb->Header.Resource); } VOID NTAPI RxReleaseFileForNtCreateSection( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI RxReleaseForCcFlush( PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxRemoveNameNetFcb( OUT PFCB ThisFcb) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(ThisFcb)); /* Just remove the entry from the FCB_TABLE */ NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)ThisFcb->VNetRoot->pNetRoot; ASSERT(RxIsFcbTableLockExclusive(&NetRoot->FcbTable)); ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(ThisFcb)); #ifdef __REACTOS__ if (!BooleanFlagOn(ThisFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED)) { #endif RxFcbTableRemoveFcb(&NetRoot->FcbTable, ThisFcb); DPRINT("FCB (%p) %wZ removed\n", ThisFcb, &ThisFcb->FcbTableEntry.Path); /* Mark, so that we don't try to do it twice */ SetFlag(ThisFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED); #ifdef __REACTOS__ } #endif } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxRemoveOperationFromBlockingQueue( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { /* Acquire the pipe mutex */ ExAcquireFastMutex(&RxContextPerFileSerializationMutex); /* Is that a blocking serial operation? */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->FlagsForLowIo, RXCONTEXT_FLAG4LOWIO_PIPE_SYNC_OPERATION)) { /* Clear it! */ ClearFlag(RxContext->FlagsForLowIo, RXCONTEXT_FLAG4LOWIO_PIPE_SYNC_OPERATION); /* Drop it off the list */ RemoveEntryList(&RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks); RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Flink = NULL; RxContext->RxContextSerializationQLinks.Blink = NULL; } /* Done */ ExReleaseFastMutex(&RxContextPerFileSerializationMutex); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxRemovePrefixTableEntry( IN OUT PRX_PREFIX_TABLE ThisTable, IN OUT PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY Entry) { PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(NodeType(Entry) == RDBSS_NTC_PREFIX_ENTRY); ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockExclusive(ThisTable)); /* Check whether we're asked to remove null entry */ if (Entry->Prefix.Length == 0) { ThisTable->TableEntryForNull = NULL; } else { RemoveEntryList(&Entry->HashLinks); } Entry->ContainingRecord = NULL; /* Also remove it from global list */ RemoveEntryList(&Entry->MemberQLinks); ++ThisTable->Version; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxRemoveVirtualNetRootFromNetRoot( PNET_ROOT NetRoot, PV_NET_ROOT VNetRoot) { PRX_PREFIX_TABLE PrefixTable; PAGED_CODE(); PrefixTable = NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->pRxNetNameTable; ASSERT(RxIsPrefixTableLockAcquired(PrefixTable)); /* Remove the VNetRoot from the list in the NetRoot */ --NetRoot->NumberOfVirtualNetRoots; RemoveEntryList(&VNetRoot->NetRootListEntry); /* Fix the NetRoot if we were the default VNetRoot */ if (NetRoot->DefaultVNetRoot == VNetRoot) { /* Put the first one available */ if (!IsListEmpty(&NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots)) { NetRoot->DefaultVNetRoot = CONTAINING_RECORD(NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots.Flink, V_NET_ROOT, NetRootListEntry); } /* Otherwise, none */ else { NetRoot->DefaultVNetRoot = NULL; } } /* If there are still other VNetRoot available, we're done */ if (!IsListEmpty(&NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots)) { return; } /* Otherwise, initiate NetRoot finalization */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(NetRoot->Flags, NETROOT_FLAG_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED)) { RxRemovePrefixTableEntry(PrefixTable, &NetRoot->PrefixEntry); SetFlag(NetRoot->Flags, NETROOT_FLAG_NAME_ALREADY_REMOVED); } /* Notify mini-rdr */ if (NetRoot->pSrvCall != NULL && NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject != NULL) { NTSTATUS Status; MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxFinalizeNetRoot, ((PMRX_NET_ROOT)NetRoot, FALSE)); (void)Status; } } VOID RxResumeBlockedOperations_ALL( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { LIST_ENTRY BlockedOps; PAGED_CODE(); /* Get the blocked operations */ RxTransferListWithMutex(&BlockedOps, &RxContext->BlockedOperations, RxContext->BlockedOpsMutex); if (!IsListEmpty(&BlockedOps)) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } } VOID NTAPI RxResumeBlockedOperations_Serially( IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY BlockingIoQ) { PAGED_CODE(); RxAcquireSerializationMutex(); /* This can only happen on pipes */ if (!BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->FlagsForLowIo, RXCONTEXT_FLAG4LOWIO_PIPE_SYNC_OPERATION)) { RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); return; } UNIMPLEMENTED; RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxSetFileSizeWithLock( IN OUT PFCB Fcb, IN PLONGLONG FileSize) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Set attribute and increase version */ Fcb->Header.FileSize.QuadPart = *FileSize; ++Fcb->ulFileSizeVersion; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxScavengeFobxsForNetRoot( PNET_ROOT NetRoot, PFCB PurgingFcb, BOOLEAN SynchronizeWithScavenger) { PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject; PAGED_CODE(); RxDeviceObject = NetRoot->pSrvCall->RxDeviceObject; Scavenger = RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; /* Wait for the scavenger, if asked to */ if (SynchronizeWithScavenger) { KeWaitForSingleObject(&Scavenger->ScavengeEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); } RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* If there's nothing left to do... */ if (Scavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized <= 0) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); } else { PLIST_ENTRY Entry; LIST_ENTRY FobxToScavenge; InitializeListHead(&FobxToScavenge); /* Browse all the FOBXs to finalize */ Entry = Scavenger->FobxFinalizationList.Flink; while (Entry != &Scavenger->FobxFinalizationList) { PFOBX Fobx; Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList); Entry = Entry->Flink; if (Fobx->SrvOpen != NULL) { PFCB Fcb; Fcb = (PFCB)Fobx->SrvOpen->pFcb; /* If it matches our NET_ROOT */ if ((PNET_ROOT)Fcb->pNetRoot == NetRoot) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Check whether it matches our FCB */ Status = STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED; if (PurgingFcb != NULL && PurgingFcb != Fcb) { MINIRDR_CALL_THROUGH(Status, RxDeviceObject->Dispatch, MRxAreFilesAliased, (Fcb, PurgingFcb)); } /* If so, add it to the list of the FOBXs to scavenge */ if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { RxReferenceNetFobx(Fobx); ASSERT(NodeType(Fobx) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX); RemoveEntryList(&Fobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); InsertTailList(&FobxToScavenge, &Fobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); } } } } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); /* Now, scavenge all the extracted FOBX */ RxpScavengeFobxs(Scavenger, &FobxToScavenge); } if (SynchronizeWithScavenger) { KeSetEvent(&Scavenger->ScavengeEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } } /* * @implemented */ BOOLEAN RxScavengeRelatedFobxs( PFCB Fcb) { PFOBX Fobx; LIST_ENTRY LocalList; PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PAGED_CODE(); /* First of all, check whether there are FOBX to scavenge */ Scavenger = Fcb->RxDeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); if (Scavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized <= 0) { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); return FALSE; } /* Initialize our local list which will hold all the FOBX to scavenge so * that we don't acquire the scavenger mutex too long */ InitializeListHead(&LocalList); /* Technically, that condition should all be true... */ if (!IsListEmpty(&Scavenger->FobxFinalizationList)) { PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry, LastEntry; /* Browse all the FCBs to find the matching ones */ NextEntry = Scavenger->FobxFinalizationList.Flink; LastEntry = &Scavenger->FobxFinalizationList; while (NextEntry != LastEntry) { Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList); NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; /* Matching our FCB? Let's finalize it */ if (Fobx->pSrvOpen != NULL && Fobx->pSrvOpen->pFcb == RX_GET_MRX_FCB(Fcb)) { RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(Fobx); ASSERT(NodeType(Fobx) == RDBSS_NTC_FOBX); InsertTailList(&LocalList, &Fobx->ScavengerFinalizationList); } } } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); /* Nothing to scavenge? Quit */ if (IsListEmpty(&LocalList)) { return FALSE; } /* Now, finalize all the extracted FOBX */ while (!IsListEmpty(&LocalList)) { NextEntry = RemoveHeadList(&LocalList); Fobx = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, FOBX, ScavengerFinalizationList); RxFinalizeNetFobx(Fobx, TRUE, TRUE); } return TRUE; } VOID RxScavengerFinalizeEntries( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxScavengerTimerRoutine( PVOID Context) { BOOLEAN Requeue; PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject; PRDBSS_SCAVENGER Scavenger; PAGED_CODE(); DeviceObject = Context; Scavenger = DeviceObject->pRdbssScavenger; Requeue = FALSE; RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* If the scavenger was dormant, wake it up! */ if (Scavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT) { /* Done */ Scavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_ACTIVE; KeClearEvent(&Scavenger->ScavengeEvent); /* Scavenger the entries */ RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); RxScavengerFinalizeEntries(DeviceObject); RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); /* If we're still active (race) */ if (Scavenger->State == RDBSS_SCAVENGER_ACTIVE) { /* If there are new entries to scavenge, stay dormant and requeue a run */ if (Scavenger->NumberOfDormantFiles + Scavenger->SrvCallsToBeFinalized + Scavenger->NetRootsToBeFinalized + Scavenger->VNetRootsToBeFinalized + Scavenger->FcbsToBeFinalized + Scavenger->SrvOpensToBeFinalized + Scavenger->FobxsToBeFinalized != 0) { Requeue = TRUE; Scavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_DORMANT; } /* Otherwise, we're inactive again */ else { Scavenger->State = RDBSS_SCAVENGER_INACTIVE; } } RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); /* Requeue an execution */ if (Requeue) { RxPostOneShotTimerRequest(RxFileSystemDeviceObject, &Scavenger->WorkItem, RxScavengerTimerRoutine, DeviceObject, Scavenger->TimeLimit); } } else { RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); } KeSetEvent(&Scavenger->ScavengeEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } BOOLEAN RxScavengeVNetRoots( PRDBSS_DEVICE_OBJECT RxDeviceObject) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return FALSE; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxSpinUpRequestsDispatcher( PVOID Dispatcher) { NTSTATUS Status; PRX_DISPATCHER RxDispatcher; Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(PsGetCurrentThread(), THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, *PsThreadType, KernelMode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); } RxDispatcher = Dispatcher; do { KIRQL OldIrql; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; Status = KeWaitForSingleObject(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequestsEvent, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, &RxSpinUpDispatcherWaitInterval); ASSERT((Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) || (Status == STATUS_TIMEOUT)); KeAcquireSpinLock(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequestsLock, &OldIrql); if (!IsListEmpty(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequests)) { ListEntry = RemoveHeadList(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequests); } else { ListEntry = &RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequests; } KeClearEvent(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequestsEvent); KeReleaseSpinLock(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequestsLock, OldIrql); while (ListEntry != &RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequests) { PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem; PRX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue; WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, WORK_QUEUE_ITEM, List); WorkQueue = WorkItem->Parameter; InterlockedDecrement(&WorkQueue->WorkQueueItemForSpinUpWorkerThreadInUse); DPRINT("Workqueue: calling %p(%p)\n", WorkItem->WorkerRoutine, WorkItem->Parameter); WorkItem->WorkerRoutine(WorkItem->Parameter); } } while (RxDispatcher->State == RxDispatcherActive); KeSetEvent(&RxDispatcher->SpinUpRequestsTearDownEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); PsTerminateSystemThread(STATUS_SUCCESS); } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxSpinUpWorkerThread( PRX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue, PRX_WORKERTHREAD_ROUTINE Routine, PVOID Parameter) { KIRQL OldIrql; NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE ThreadHandle; PAGED_CODE(); /* If work queue is inactive, that cannot work */ KeAcquireSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, &OldIrql); if (WorkQueue->State != RxWorkQueueActive) { Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; DPRINT("Workqueue not active! WorkQ: %p, State: %d, Active: %d\n", WorkQueue, WorkQueue->State, WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads); } else { ++WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } KeReleaseSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, OldIrql); /* Quit on failure */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Spin up the worker thread */ Status = PsCreateSystemThread(&ThreadHandle, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, Routine, Parameter); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ZwClose(ThreadHandle); return Status; } /* Read well: we reached that point because it failed! */ DPRINT("WorkQ: %p, Status: %lx\n", WorkQueue, Status); KeAcquireSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, &OldIrql); --WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads; ++WorkQueue->NumberOfFailedSpinUpRequests; /* Rundown, no more active threads, set the event! */ if (WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads == 0 && WorkQueue->State == RxWorkQueueRundownInProgress) { KeSetEvent(&WorkQueue->pRundownContext->RundownCompletionEvent, IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE); } DPRINT("Workqueue not active! WorkQ: %p, State: %d, Active: %d\n", WorkQueue, WorkQueue->State, WorkQueue->NumberOfActiveWorkerThreads); KeReleaseSpinLock(&WorkQueue->SpinLock, OldIrql); return Status; } VOID RxSpinUpWorkerThreads( PRX_WORK_QUEUE WorkQueue) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } VOID RxSynchronizeWithScavenger( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ ULONG RxTableComputeHashValue( IN PUNICODE_STRING Name) { ULONG Hash; SHORT Loops[8]; USHORT MaxChar, i; PAGED_CODE(); MaxChar = Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); Loops[0] = 1; Loops[1] = MaxChar - 1; Loops[2] = MaxChar - 2; Loops[3] = MaxChar - 3; Loops[4] = MaxChar - 4; Loops[5] = MaxChar / 4; Loops[6] = 2 * MaxChar / 4; Loops[7] = 3 * MaxChar / 4; Hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { SHORT Idx; Idx = Loops[i]; if (Idx >= 0 && Idx < MaxChar) { Hash = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(Name->Buffer[Idx]) + 8 * Hash; } } return Hash; } /* * @implemented */ ULONG RxTableComputePathHashValue( IN PUNICODE_STRING Name) { ULONG Hash; SHORT Loops[8]; USHORT MaxChar, i; PAGED_CODE(); MaxChar = Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); Loops[0] = 1; Loops[1] = MaxChar - 1; Loops[2] = MaxChar - 2; Loops[3] = MaxChar - 3; Loops[4] = MaxChar - 4; Loops[5] = MaxChar / 4; Loops[6] = 2 * MaxChar / 4; Loops[7] = 3 * MaxChar / 4; Hash = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { SHORT Idx; Idx = Loops[i]; if (Idx >= 0 && Idx < MaxChar) { Hash = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(Name->Buffer[Idx]) + 8 * Hash; } } return Hash; } /* * @implemented */ PVOID RxTableLookupName( IN PRX_PREFIX_TABLE ThisTable, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, OUT PUNICODE_STRING RemainingName, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID OPTIONAL RxConnectionId) { PVOID Container; USHORT i, MaxChar; PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY Entry; RX_CONNECTION_ID NullId; UNICODE_STRING LookupString; PAGED_CODE(); /* If caller didn't provide a connection ID, setup one */ if (ThisTable->IsNetNameTable && RxConnectionId == NULL) { NullId.Luid.LowPart = 0; NullId.Luid.HighPart = 0; RxConnectionId = &NullId; } /* Validate name */ ASSERT(Name->Buffer[0] == OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR); Entry = NULL; Container = NULL; LookupString.Buffer = Name->Buffer; MaxChar = Name->Length / sizeof(WCHAR); /* We'll perform the lookup, path component after another */ for (i = 1; i < MaxChar; ++i) { ULONG Hash; PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY CurEntry; /* Don't cut in the middle of a path element */ if (Name->Buffer[i] != OBJ_NAME_PATH_SEPARATOR && Name->Buffer[i] != ':') { continue; } /* Perform lookup in the table */ LookupString.Length = i * sizeof(WCHAR); Hash = RxTableComputeHashValue(&LookupString); CurEntry = RxTableLookupName_ExactLengthMatch(ThisTable, &LookupString, Hash, RxConnectionId); #if DBG ++ThisTable->Lookups; #endif /* Entry not found, move to the next component */ if (CurEntry == NULL) { #if DBG ++ThisTable->FailedLookups; #endif continue; } Entry = CurEntry; ASSERT(Entry->ContainingRecord != NULL); Container = Entry->ContainingRecord; /* If we have a NET_ROOT, let's return a V_NET_ROOT */ if ((NodeType(Entry->ContainingRecord) & ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK) == RDBSS_NTC_NETROOT) { PNET_ROOT NetRoot; NetRoot = (PNET_ROOT)Entry->ContainingRecord; /* If there's a default one, perfect, that's a match */ if (NetRoot->DefaultVNetRoot != NULL) { Container = NetRoot->DefaultVNetRoot; } /* If none (that shouldn't happen!), try to find one */ else { /* Use the first one in the list */ if (!IsListEmpty(&NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots)) { Container = CONTAINING_RECORD(NetRoot->VirtualNetRoots.Flink, V_NET_ROOT, NetRootListEntry); } /* Really, really, shouldn't happen */ else { ASSERT(FALSE); Entry = NULL; Container = NULL; } } break; } else if ((NodeType(Entry->ContainingRecord) & ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK) == RDBSS_NTC_V_NETROOT) { break; } else { ASSERT((NodeType(Entry->ContainingRecord) & ~RX_SCAVENGER_MASK) == RDBSS_NTC_SRVCALL); } } /* Entry was found */ if (Entry != NULL) { DPRINT("Found\n"); ASSERT(Name->Length >= Entry->Prefix.Length); /* Setup remaining name */ RemainingName->Buffer = Add2Ptr(Name->Buffer, Entry->Prefix.Length); RemainingName->Length = Name->Length - Entry->Prefix.Length; RemainingName->MaximumLength = Name->Length - Entry->Prefix.Length; } else { /* Otherwise, that's the whole name */ RemainingName = Name; } return Container; } /* * @implemented */ PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY RxTableLookupName_ExactLengthMatch( IN PRX_PREFIX_TABLE ThisTable, IN PUNICODE_STRING Name, IN ULONG HashValue, IN PRX_CONNECTION_ID OPTIONAL RxConnectionId) { PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry, HashBucket; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(RxConnectionId != NULL); /* Select the right bucket */ HashBucket = HASH_BUCKET(ThisTable, HashValue); DPRINT("Looking in bucket: %p for %x\n", HashBucket, HashValue); /* If bucket is empty, no match */ if (IsListEmpty(HashBucket)) { return NULL; } /* Browse all the entries in the bucket */ for (ListEntry = HashBucket->Flink; ListEntry != HashBucket; ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink) { PVOID Container; PRX_PREFIX_ENTRY Entry; BOOLEAN CaseInsensitive; PUNICODE_STRING CmpName, CmpPrefix; UNICODE_STRING InsensitiveName, InsensitivePrefix; Entry = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, RX_PREFIX_ENTRY, HashLinks); #if DBG ++ThisTable->Considers; #endif ASSERT(HashBucket == HASH_BUCKET(ThisTable, Entry->SavedHashValue)); Container = Entry->ContainingRecord; ASSERT(Container != NULL); /* Not the same hash, not the same length, move on */ if (Entry->SavedHashValue != HashValue || Entry->Prefix.Length != Name->Length) { continue; } #if DBG ++ThisTable->Compares; #endif /* If we have to perform a case insensitive compare on a portion... */ if (Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength != 0) { ASSERT(Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength <= Name->Length); /* Perform the case insensitive check on the asked length */ InsensitiveName.Buffer = Name->Buffer; InsensitivePrefix.Buffer = Entry->Prefix.Buffer; InsensitiveName.Length = Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength; InsensitivePrefix.Length = Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength; /* No match, move to the next entry */ if (!RtlEqualUnicodeString(&InsensitiveName, &InsensitivePrefix, TRUE)) { continue; } /* Was the case insensitive covering the whole name? */ if (Name->Length == Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength) { /* If connection ID also matches, that a complete match! */ if (!ThisTable->IsNetNameTable || RxEqualConnectionId(RxConnectionId, &Entry->ConnectionId)) { return Entry; } } /* Otherwise, we have to continue with the sensitive match.... */ InsensitiveName.Buffer = Add2Ptr(InsensitiveName.Buffer, Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength); InsensitivePrefix.Buffer = Add2Ptr(InsensitivePrefix.Buffer, Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength); InsensitiveName.Length = Name->Length - Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength; InsensitivePrefix.Length = Entry->Prefix.Length - Entry->CaseInsensitiveLength; CmpName = &InsensitiveName; CmpPrefix = &InsensitivePrefix; CaseInsensitive = FALSE; } else { CmpName = Name; CmpPrefix = &Entry->Prefix; CaseInsensitive = ThisTable->CaseInsensitiveMatch; } /* Perform the compare, if there's a match, also check for connection ID */ if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(CmpName, CmpPrefix, CaseInsensitive)) { if (!ThisTable->IsNetNameTable || RxEqualConnectionId(RxConnectionId, &Entry->ConnectionId)) { return Entry; } } } return NULL; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS RxTearDownBufferingManager( PSRV_CALL SrvCall) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Nothing to do */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxTimerDispatch( _In_ struct _KDPC *Dpc, _In_opt_ PVOID DeferredContext, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument1, _In_opt_ PVOID SystemArgument2) { BOOLEAN Set; LIST_ENTRY LocalList; PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; PRX_WORK_ITEM WorkItem; InitializeListHead(&LocalList); KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel(&RxTimerLock); ++RxTimerTickCount; /* Find any entry matching */ if (!IsListEmpty(&RxTimerQueueHead)) { ListEntry = RxTimerQueueHead.Flink; do { WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, RX_WORK_ITEM, WorkQueueItem.List); if (WorkItem->LastTick == RxTimerTickCount) { ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; RemoveEntryList(&WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.List); InsertTailList(&LocalList, &WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.List); } else { ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; } } while (ListEntry != &RxTimerQueueHead); } /* Do we have to requeue a later execution? */ Set = !IsListEmpty(&RxTimerQueueHead); KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel(&RxTimerLock); /* Requeue if list wasn't empty */ if (Set) { KeSetTimer(&RxTimer, RxTimerInterval, &RxTimerDpc); } /* If we had matching entries */ if (!IsListEmpty(&LocalList)) { /* Post them, one after another */ ListEntry = LocalList.Flink; do { WorkItem = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, RX_WORK_ITEM, WorkQueueItem.List); ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.List.Flink = NULL; WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.List.Blink = NULL; RxPostToWorkerThread(WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.pDeviceObject, CriticalWorkQueue, &WorkItem->WorkQueueItem, WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.WorkerRoutine, WorkItem->WorkQueueItem.Parameter); } while (ListEntry != &LocalList); } } #ifdef RDBSS_TRACKER /* * @implemented */ VOID RxTrackerUpdateHistory( _Inout_opt_ PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, _Inout_ PMRX_FCB MrxFcb, _In_ ULONG Operation, _In_ ULONG LineNumber, _In_ PCSTR FileName, _In_ ULONG SerialNumber) { PFCB Fcb; RX_FCBTRACKER_CASES Case; /* Check for null or special context */ if (RxContext == NULL) { Case = RX_FCBTRACKER_CASE_NULLCONTEXT; } else if (RxContext == CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_CONTEXT) { Case = RX_FCBTRACKER_CASE_CBS_CONTEXT; } else if (RxContext == CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_CONTEXT_WAIT) { Case = RX_FCBTRACKER_CASE_CBS_WAIT_CONTEXT; } else { ASSERT(NodeType(RxContext) == RDBSS_NTC_RX_CONTEXT); Case = RX_FCBTRACKER_CASE_NORMAL; } /* If caller provided a FCB, update its history */ if (MrxFcb != NULL) { Fcb = (PFCB)MrxFcb; ASSERT(NodeTypeIsFcb(Fcb)); /* Only one acquire operation, so many release operations... */ if (Operation == TRACKER_ACQUIRE_FCB) { ++Fcb->FcbAcquires[Case]; } else { ++Fcb->FcbReleases[Case]; } } /* If we have a normal context, update its history about this function calls */ if (Case == RX_FCBTRACKER_CASE_NORMAL) { ULONG TrackerHistoryPointer; /* Only one acquire operation, so many release operations... */ if (Operation == TRACKER_ACQUIRE_FCB) { InterlockedIncrement(&RxContext->AcquireReleaseFcbTrackerX); } else { InterlockedDecrement(&RxContext->AcquireReleaseFcbTrackerX); } /* We only keep track of the 32 first calls */ TrackerHistoryPointer = InterlockedExchangeAdd((volatile long *)&RxContext->TrackerHistoryPointer, 1); if (TrackerHistoryPointer < RDBSS_TRACKER_HISTORY_SIZE) { RxContext->TrackerHistory[TrackerHistoryPointer].AcquireRelease = Operation; RxContext->TrackerHistory[TrackerHistoryPointer].LineNumber = LineNumber; RxContext->TrackerHistory[TrackerHistoryPointer].FileName = (PSZ)FileName; RxContext->TrackerHistory[TrackerHistoryPointer].SavedTrackerValue = RxContext->AcquireReleaseFcbTrackerX; RxContext->TrackerHistory[TrackerHistoryPointer].Flags = RxContext->Flags; } /* If it's negative, then we released once more than we acquired it?! */ ASSERT(RxContext->AcquireReleaseFcbTrackerX >= 0); } } #endif VOID RxTrackPagingIoResource( _Inout_ PVOID Instance, _In_ ULONG Type, _In_ ULONG Line, _In_ PCSTR File) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking( PVOID Instance) { /* Just call internal routine with mutex held */ RxAcquireScavengerMutex(); RxpUndoScavengerFinalizationMarking(Instance); RxReleaseScavengerMutex(); } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxUninitializeVNetRootParameters( IN PUNICODE_STRING UserName, IN PUNICODE_STRING UserDomainName, IN PUNICODE_STRING Password, OUT PULONG Flags) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Only free what could have been allocated */ if (UserName != NULL) { RxFreePool(UserName); } if (UserDomainName != NULL) { RxFreePool(UserDomainName); } if (Password != NULL) { RxFreePool(Password); } /* And remove the possibly set CSC agent flag */ if (Flags != NULL) { (*Flags) &= ~VNETROOT_FLAG_CSCAGENT_INSTANCE; } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxUpdateCondition( IN RX_BLOCK_CONDITION NewConditionValue, OUT PRX_BLOCK_CONDITION Condition, IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY TransitionWaitList) { PRX_CONTEXT Context; LIST_ENTRY SerializationQueue; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("RxUpdateCondition(%d, %p, %p)\n", NewConditionValue, Condition, TransitionWaitList); /* Set the new condition */ RxAcquireSerializationMutex(); ASSERT(NewConditionValue != Condition_InTransition); *Condition = NewConditionValue; /* And get the serialization queue for treatment */ RxTransferList(&SerializationQueue, TransitionWaitList); RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); /* Handle the serialization queue */ Context = RxRemoveFirstContextFromSerializationQueue(&SerializationQueue); while (Context != NULL) { /* If the caller asked for post, post the request */ if (BooleanFlagOn(Context->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_POST_ON_STABLE_CONDITION)) { Context->Flags &= ~RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_POST_ON_STABLE_CONDITION; RxFsdPostRequest(Context); } /* Otherwise, wake up sleeping waiters */ else { RxSignalSynchronousWaiter(Context); } Context = RxRemoveFirstContextFromSerializationQueue(&SerializationQueue); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxVerifyOperationIsLegal( IN PRX_CONTEXT RxContext) { PIRP Irp; PMRX_FOBX Fobx; BOOLEAN FlagSet; PFILE_OBJECT FileObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack; PAGED_CODE(); Irp = RxContext->CurrentIrp; Stack = RxContext->CurrentIrpSp; FileObject = Stack->FileObject; /* We'll only check stuff on opened files, this requires an IRP and a FO */ if (Irp == NULL || FileObject == NULL) { return; } /* Set no exception for breakpoint - remember whether is was already set */ FlagSet = BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT); SetFlag(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT); /* If we have a CCB, perform a few checks on opened file */ Fobx = RxContext->pFobx; if (Fobx != NULL) { PMRX_SRV_OPEN SrvOpen; SrvOpen = Fobx->pSrvOpen; if (SrvOpen != NULL) { UCHAR MajorFunction; MajorFunction = RxContext->MajorFunction; /* Only allow closing/cleanup operations on renamed files */ if (MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CLEANUP && MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CLOSE && BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_FILE_RENAMED)) { RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = STATUS_FILE_RENAMED; ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_FILE_RENAMED); } /* Only allow closing/cleanup operations on deleted files */ if (MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CLEANUP && MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CLOSE && BooleanFlagOn(SrvOpen->Flags, SRVOPEN_FLAG_FILE_DELETED)) { RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = STATUS_FILE_DELETED; ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_FILE_DELETED); } } } /* If that's an open operation */ if (RxContext->MajorFunction == IRP_MJ_CREATE) { PFILE_OBJECT RelatedFileObject; /* We won't allow an open operation relative to a file to be deleted */ RelatedFileObject = FileObject->RelatedFileObject; if (RelatedFileObject != NULL) { PMRX_FCB Fcb; Fcb = RelatedFileObject->FsContext; if (BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE)) { RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = STATUS_DELETE_PENDING; ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_DELETE_PENDING); } } } /* If cleanup was completed */ if (BooleanFlagOn(FileObject->Flags, FO_CLEANUP_COMPLETE)) { if (!BooleanFlagOn(Irp->Flags, IRP_PAGING_IO)) { UCHAR MajorFunction; /* We only allow a subset of operations (see FatVerifyOperationIsLegal for instance) */ MajorFunction = Stack->MajorFunction; if (MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_CLOSE && MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION && MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION) { if ((MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_READ && MajorFunction != IRP_MJ_WRITE) || !BooleanFlagOn(Stack->MinorFunction, IRP_MN_COMPLETE)) { RxContext->IoStatusBlock.Status = STATUS_FILE_CLOSED; ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_FILE_CLOSED); } } } } /* If flag was already set, don't clear it */ if (!FlagSet) { ClearFlag(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_NO_EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT); } } /* * @implemented */ VOID RxWaitForStableCondition( IN PRX_BLOCK_CONDITION Condition, IN OUT PLIST_ENTRY TransitionWaitList, IN OUT PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, OUT NTSTATUS *AsyncStatus OPTIONAL) { BOOLEAN Wait; NTSTATUS LocalStatus; PAGED_CODE(); /* Make sure to always get status */ if (AsyncStatus == NULL) { AsyncStatus = &LocalStatus; } /* By default, it's a success */ *AsyncStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; Wait = FALSE; /* If it's not stable, we've to wait */ if (!StableCondition(*Condition)) { /* Lock the mutex */ RxAcquireSerializationMutex(); /* Still not stable? */ if (!StableCondition(*Condition)) { /* Insert us in the wait list for processing on stable condition */ RxInsertContextInSerializationQueue(TransitionWaitList, RxContext); /* If we're asked to post on stable, don't wait, and just return pending */ if (BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_POST_ON_STABLE_CONDITION)) { *AsyncStatus = STATUS_PENDING; } else { Wait = TRUE; } } RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); /* We don't post on stable, so, just wait... */ if (Wait) { RxWaitSync(RxContext); } } } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI RxWorkItemDispatcher( PVOID Context) { PRX_WORK_DISPATCH_ITEM DispatchItem = Context; DPRINT("Calling: %p, %p\n", DispatchItem->DispatchRoutine, DispatchItem->DispatchRoutineParameter); DispatchItem->DispatchRoutine(DispatchItem->DispatchRoutineParameter); RxFreePoolWithTag(DispatchItem, RX_WORKQ_POOLTAG); } /* * @implemented */ PVOID NTAPI _RxAllocatePoolWithTag( _In_ POOL_TYPE PoolType, _In_ SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, _In_ ULONG Tag) { return ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(PoolType, NumberOfBytes, Tag, LowPoolPriority); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI _RxFreePool( _In_ PVOID Buffer) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Buffer, 0); } /* * @implemented */ VOID NTAPI _RxFreePoolWithTag( _In_ PVOID Buffer, _In_ ULONG Tag) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Buffer, Tag); } NTSTATUS __RxAcquireFcb( _Inout_ PFCB Fcb, _Inout_opt_ PRX_CONTEXT RxContext OPTIONAL, _In_ ULONG Mode #ifdef RDBSS_TRACKER , _In_ ULONG LineNumber, _In_ PCSTR FileName, _In_ ULONG SerialNumber #endif ) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN SpecialContext, CanWait, Acquired, ContextIsPresent; PAGED_CODE(); DPRINT("__RxAcquireFcb(%p, %p, %d, %d, %s, %d)\n", Fcb, RxContext, Mode, LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); SpecialContext = FALSE; ContextIsPresent = FALSE; /* Check for special context */ if (RxContext == CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_CONTEXT || RxContext == CHANGE_BUFFERING_STATE_CONTEXT_WAIT) { SpecialContext = TRUE; } /* We don't handle buffering state change yet... */ if (!RxIsFcbAcquired(Fcb) && !SpecialContext && BooleanFlagOn(Fcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_PENDING)) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* Nor special contexts */ if (SpecialContext) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* If we don't have a context, assume we can wait! */ if (RxContext == NULL) { CanWait = TRUE; } else { /* That said: we have a real context! */ ContextIsPresent = TRUE; /* If we've been cancelled in between, give up */ Status = BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_CANCELLED) ? STATUS_CANCELLED : STATUS_SUCCESS; if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } /* Can we wait? */ CanWait = BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_WAIT); } while (TRUE) { /* Assume we cannot lock */ Status = STATUS_LOCK_NOT_GRANTED; /* Lock according to what the caller asked */ switch (Mode) { case FCB_MODE_EXCLUSIVE: Acquired = ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(Fcb->Header.Resource, CanWait); break; case FCB_MODE_SHARED: Acquired = ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(Fcb->Header.Resource, CanWait); break; case FCB_MODE_SHARED_WAIT_FOR_EXCLUSIVE: Acquired = ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive(Fcb->Header.Resource, CanWait); break; default: ASSERT(Mode == FCB_MODE_SHARED_STARVE_EXCLUSIVE); Acquired = ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive(Fcb->Header.Resource, CanWait); break; } /* Lock granted! */ if (Acquired) { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; ASSERT_CORRECT_FCB_STRUCTURE(Fcb); /* Handle paging write - not implemented */ if (Fcb->NonPaged->OutstandingAsyncWrites != 0) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } } /* And break, that cool! */ if (Acquired) { break; } /* If it failed, return immediately */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } } /* If we don't have to check for valid operation, job done, nothing more to do */ if (!ContextIsPresent || BooleanFlagOn(RxContext->Flags, RX_CONTEXT_FLAG_BYPASS_VALIDOP_CHECK)) { if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RxTrackerUpdateHistory(RxContext, RX_GET_MRX_FCB(Fcb), TRACKER_ACQUIRE_FCB, LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); } return Status; } /* Verify operation */ _SEH2_TRY { RxVerifyOperationIsLegal(RxContext); } _SEH2_FINALLY { /* If it failed, release lock and fail */ if (_SEH2_AbnormalTermination()) { ExReleaseResourceLite(Fcb->Header.Resource); Status = STATUS_LOCK_NOT_GRANTED; } } _SEH2_END; if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RxTrackerUpdateHistory(RxContext, RX_GET_MRX_FCB(Fcb), TRACKER_ACQUIRE_FCB, LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); } DPRINT("Status: %x\n", Status); return Status; } /* * @implemented */ VOID __RxItsTheSameContext( _In_ PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, _In_ ULONG CapturedRxContextSerialNumber, _In_ ULONG Line, _In_ PCSTR File) { /* Check we have a context with the same serial number */ if (NodeType(RxContext) != RDBSS_NTC_RX_CONTEXT || RxContext->SerialNumber != CapturedRxContextSerialNumber) { /* Just be noisy */ DPRINT1("Context %p has changed at line %d in file %s\n", RxContext, Line, File); } } VOID __RxReleaseFcb( _Inout_opt_ PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, _Inout_ PMRX_FCB MrxFcb #ifdef RDBSS_TRACKER , _In_ ULONG LineNumber, _In_ PCSTR FileName, _In_ ULONG SerialNumber #endif ) { BOOLEAN IsExclusive, BufferingPending; RxAcquireSerializationMutex(); BufferingPending = BooleanFlagOn(MrxFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_PENDING); IsExclusive = !!RxIsResourceOwnershipStateExclusive(MrxFcb->Header.Resource); /* If no buffering pending, or no exclusive lock (we can only handle with an exclusive lock), * then just release the FCB */ if (!BufferingPending || !IsExclusive) { RxTrackerUpdateHistory(RxContext, MrxFcb, (!BufferingPending ? TRACKER_RELEASE_FCB_NO_BUFF_PENDING : TRACKER_RELEASE_NON_EXCL_FCB_BUFF_PENDING), LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); ExReleaseResourceLite(MrxFcb->Header.Resource); } RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); /* And finally leave */ if (!BufferingPending || !IsExclusive) { return; } ASSERT(RxIsFcbAcquiredExclusive(MrxFcb)); /* Otherwise, handle buffering state and release */ RxProcessFcbChangeBufferingStateRequest((PFCB)MrxFcb); RxTrackerUpdateHistory(RxContext, MrxFcb, TRACKER_RELEASE_EXCL_FCB_BUFF_PENDING, LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); ExReleaseResourceLite(MrxFcb->Header.Resource); } VOID __RxReleaseFcbForThread( _Inout_opt_ PRX_CONTEXT RxContext, _Inout_ PMRX_FCB MrxFcb, _In_ ERESOURCE_THREAD ResourceThreadId #ifdef RDBSS_TRACKER , _In_ ULONG LineNumber, _In_ PCSTR FileName, _In_ ULONG SerialNumber #endif ) { BOOLEAN IsExclusive, BufferingPending; RxAcquireSerializationMutex(); BufferingPending = BooleanFlagOn(MrxFcb->FcbState, FCB_STATE_BUFFERING_STATE_CHANGE_PENDING); IsExclusive = !!RxIsResourceOwnershipStateExclusive(MrxFcb->Header.Resource); /* If no buffering pending, or no exclusive lock (we can only handle with an exclusive lock), * then just release the FCB */ if (!BufferingPending || !IsExclusive) { RxTrackerUpdateHistory(RxContext, MrxFcb, (!BufferingPending ? TRACKER_RELEASE_FCB_FOR_THRD_NO_BUFF_PENDING : TRACKER_RELEASE_NON_EXCL_FCB_FOR_THRD_BUFF_PENDING), LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite(MrxFcb->Header.Resource, ResourceThreadId); } RxReleaseSerializationMutex(); /* And finally leave */ if (!BufferingPending || !IsExclusive) { return; } /* Otherwise, handle buffering state and release */ RxTrackerUpdateHistory(RxContext, MrxFcb, TRACKER_RELEASE_EXCL_FCB_FOR_THRD_BUFF_PENDING, LineNumber, FileName, SerialNumber); RxProcessFcbChangeBufferingStateRequest((PFCB)MrxFcb); ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite(MrxFcb->Header.Resource, ResourceThreadId); }