/* * PROJECT: registry manipulation library * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2005 Filip Navara * Copyright 2001 - 2005 Eric Kohl */ #pragma once #define REG_INIT_BLOCK_LIST_SIZE 32 #define REG_INIT_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 3 #define REG_EXTEND_HASH_TABLE_SIZE 4 #define REG_VALUE_LIST_CELL_MULTIPLE 4 // // Key Types // #define CM_KEY_INDEX_ROOT 0x6972 #define CM_KEY_INDEX_LEAF 0x696c #define CM_KEY_FAST_LEAF 0x666c #define CM_KEY_HASH_LEAF 0x686c // // Key Signatures // #define CM_KEY_NODE_SIGNATURE 0x6B6E #define CM_LINK_NODE_SIGNATURE 0x6B6C #define CM_KEY_VALUE_SIGNATURE 0x6B76 // // CM_KEY_NODE Flags // #define KEY_IS_VOLATILE 0x01 #define KEY_HIVE_EXIT 0x02 #define KEY_HIVE_ENTRY 0x04 #define KEY_NO_DELETE 0x08 #define KEY_SYM_LINK 0x10 #define KEY_COMP_NAME 0x20 #define KEY_PREFEF_HANDLE 0x40 #define KEY_VIRT_MIRRORED 0x80 #define KEY_VIRT_TARGET 0x100 #define KEY_VIRTUAL_STORE 0x200 // // CM_KEY_VALUE Flags // #define VALUE_COMP_NAME 0x0001 #include // // For memory-mapped Hives // typedef struct _CM_VIEW_OF_FILE { LIST_ENTRY LRUViewList; LIST_ENTRY PinViewList; ULONG FileOffset; ULONG Size; PULONG ViewAddress; PVOID Bcb; ULONG UseCount; } CM_VIEW_OF_FILE, *PCM_VIEW_OF_FILE; // // Children of Key Notes // typedef struct _CHILD_LIST { ULONG Count; HCELL_INDEX List; } CHILD_LIST, *PCHILD_LIST; // // Node Key Reference to Parents // typedef struct _CM_KEY_REFERENCE { HCELL_INDEX KeyCell; PHHIVE KeyHive; } CM_KEY_REFERENCE, *PCM_KEY_REFERENCE; // // Node Key // typedef struct _CM_KEY_NODE { USHORT Signature; USHORT Flags; LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime; ULONG Spare; HCELL_INDEX Parent; ULONG SubKeyCounts[HTYPE_COUNT]; union { struct { HCELL_INDEX SubKeyLists[HTYPE_COUNT]; CHILD_LIST ValueList; }; CM_KEY_REFERENCE ChildHiveReference; }; HCELL_INDEX Security; HCELL_INDEX Class; ULONG MaxNameLen; ULONG MaxClassLen; ULONG MaxValueNameLen; ULONG MaxValueDataLen; ULONG WorkVar; USHORT NameLength; USHORT ClassLength; WCHAR Name[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } CM_KEY_NODE, *PCM_KEY_NODE; // // Value List // typedef struct _VALUE_LIST_CELL { HCELL_INDEX ValueOffset[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } VALUE_LIST_CELL, *PVALUE_LIST_CELL; // // Value Key // typedef struct _CM_KEY_VALUE { USHORT Signature; USHORT NameLength; ULONG DataLength; HCELL_INDEX Data; ULONG Type; USHORT Flags; USHORT Unused1; WCHAR Name[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } CM_KEY_VALUE, *PCM_KEY_VALUE; // // Security Key // typedef struct _CM_KEY_SECURITY { USHORT Signature; USHORT Reserved; HCELL_INDEX Flink; HCELL_INDEX Blink; ULONG ReferenceCount; ULONG DescriptorLength; //SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE Descriptor; UCHAR Data[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } CM_KEY_SECURITY, *PCM_KEY_SECURITY; #include // // Generic Index Entry // typedef struct _CM_INDEX { HCELL_INDEX Cell; union { UCHAR NameHint[4]; ULONG HashKey; }; } CM_INDEX, *PCM_INDEX; // // Key Index // typedef struct _CM_KEY_INDEX { USHORT Signature; USHORT Count; HCELL_INDEX List[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } CM_KEY_INDEX, *PCM_KEY_INDEX; // // Fast/Hash Key Index // typedef struct _CM_KEY_FAST_INDEX { USHORT Signature; USHORT Count; CM_INDEX List[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } CM_KEY_FAST_INDEX, *PCM_KEY_FAST_INDEX; // // Cell Data // typedef struct _CELL_DATA { union { CM_KEY_NODE KeyNode; CM_KEY_VALUE KeyValue; CM_KEY_SECURITY KeySecurity; CM_KEY_INDEX KeyIndex; HCELL_INDEX KeyList[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; WCHAR KeyString[ANYSIZE_ARRAY]; } u; } CELL_DATA, *PCELL_DATA;