/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Service Control Manager * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: base/system/services/services.c * PURPOSE: Main SCM controller * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2001-2005 Eric Kohl * Copyright 2007 Ged Murphy * */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "services.h" #include #define NDEBUG #include int WINAPI RegisterServicesProcess(DWORD ServicesProcessId); /* GLOBALS ******************************************************************/ /* Defined in include/reactos/services/services.h */ // #define SCM_START_EVENT L"SvcctrlStartEvent_A3752DX" #define SCM_AUTOSTARTCOMPLETE_EVENT L"SC_AutoStartComplete" BOOL ScmInitialize = FALSE; BOOL ScmShutdown = FALSE; BOOL ScmLiveSetup = FALSE; static HANDLE hScmShutdownEvent = NULL; static HANDLE hScmSecurityServicesEvent = NULL; /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID PrintString(LPCSTR fmt, ...) { #if DBG CHAR buffer[512]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buffer, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); OutputDebugStringA(buffer); #endif } DWORD CheckForLiveCD(VOID) { WCHAR CommandLine[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hSetupKey; DWORD dwSetupType; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwError; DPRINT1("CheckSetup()\n"); /* Open the Setup key */ dwError = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SYSTEM\\Setup", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hSetupKey); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) return dwError; /* Read the SetupType value */ dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); dwError = RegQueryValueExW(hSetupKey, L"SetupType", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwSetupType, &dwSize); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_DWORD || dwSize != sizeof(DWORD) || dwSetupType == 0) goto done; /* Read the CmdLine value */ dwSize = sizeof(CommandLine); dwError = RegQueryValueExW(hSetupKey, L"CmdLine", NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)CommandLine, &dwSize); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS || (dwType != REG_SZ && dwType != REG_EXPAND_SZ && dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ)) goto done; /* Check for the '-mini' option */ if (wcsstr(CommandLine, L" -mini") != NULL) { DPRINT1("Running on LiveCD\n"); ScmLiveSetup = TRUE; } done: RegCloseKey(hSetupKey); return dwError; } DWORD SetSecurityServicesEvent(VOID) { DWORD dwError; if (hScmSecurityServicesEvent != NULL) return ERROR_SUCCESS; /* Create or open the SECURITY_SERVICES_STARTED event */ hScmSecurityServicesEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, L"SECURITY_SERVICES_STARTED"); if (hScmSecurityServicesEvent == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) return dwError; hScmSecurityServicesEvent = OpenEventW(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, L"SECURITY_SERVICES_STARTED"); if (hScmSecurityServicesEvent == NULL) return GetLastError(); } SetEvent(hScmSecurityServicesEvent); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } VOID ScmLogEvent(DWORD dwEventId, WORD wType, WORD wStrings, LPCWSTR *lpStrings) { HANDLE hLog; hLog = RegisterEventSourceW(NULL, L"Service Control Manager"); if (hLog == NULL) { DPRINT1("ScmLogEvent: RegisterEventSourceW failed %lu\n", GetLastError()); return; } if (!ReportEventW(hLog, wType, 0, dwEventId, NULL, wStrings, 0, lpStrings, NULL)) { DPRINT1("ScmLogEvent: ReportEventW failed %lu\n", GetLastError()); } DeregisterEventSource(hLog); } VOID ScmWaitForLsa(VOID) { HANDLE hEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, L"LSA_RPC_SERVER_ACTIVE"); if (hEvent == NULL) { DPRINT1("Failed to create or open the notification event (Error %lu)\n", GetLastError()); } else { DPRINT("Wait for the LSA server\n"); WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); DPRINT("LSA server running\n"); CloseHandle(hEvent); } DPRINT("ScmWaitForLsa() done\n"); } BOOL WINAPI ShutdownHandlerRoutine(DWORD dwCtrlType) { DPRINT1("ShutdownHandlerRoutine() called\n"); if (dwCtrlType & (CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT | CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT)) { DPRINT1("Shutdown event received\n"); ScmShutdown = TRUE; ScmAutoShutdownServices(); ScmShutdownServiceDatabase(); /* Set the shutdown event */ SetEvent(hScmShutdownEvent); } return TRUE; } int WINAPI wWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPWSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd) { HANDLE hScmStartEvent = NULL; HANDLE hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent = NULL; SC_RPC_LOCK Lock = NULL; BOOL bCanDeleteNamedPipeCriticalSection = FALSE; DWORD dwError; DPRINT("SERVICES: Service Control Manager\n"); dwError = CheckForLiveCD(); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to check for LiveCD (Error %lu)\n", dwError); goto done; } /* Make us critical */ RtlSetProcessIsCritical(TRUE, NULL, TRUE); /* We are initializing ourselves */ ScmInitialize = TRUE; /* Create the start event */ hScmStartEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, SCM_START_EVENT); if (hScmStartEvent == NULL) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to create the start event\n"); goto done; } DPRINT("SERVICES: Created start event with handle %p\n", hScmStartEvent); /* Create the auto-start complete event */ hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, SCM_AUTOSTARTCOMPLETE_EVENT); if (hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent == NULL) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to create the auto-start complete event\n"); goto done; } DPRINT("SERVICES: created auto-start complete event with handle %p\n", hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent); /* Create the shutdown event */ hScmShutdownEvent = CreateEventW(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (hScmShutdownEvent == NULL) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to create the shutdown event\n"); goto done; } /* Initialize our communication named pipe's critical section */ ScmInitNamedPipeCriticalSection(); bCanDeleteNamedPipeCriticalSection = TRUE; // ScmInitThreadManager(); ScmInitializeSecurity(); /* FIXME: more initialization */ /* Create the 'Last Known Good' control set */ dwError = ScmCreateLastKnownGoodControlSet(); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to create the 'Last Known Good' control set (Error %lu)\n", dwError); goto done; } /* Create the services database */ dwError = ScmCreateServiceDatabase(); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to create SCM database (Error %lu)\n", dwError); goto done; } /* Update the services database */ ScmGetBootAndSystemDriverState(); /* Register the Service Control Manager process with the ReactOS Subsystem */ if (!RegisterServicesProcess(GetCurrentProcessId())) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Could not register SCM process\n"); goto done; } /* * Acquire the user service start lock until * auto-start services have been started. */ dwError = ScmAcquireServiceStartLock(TRUE, &Lock); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("SERVICES: Failed to acquire service start lock (Error %lu)\n", dwError); goto done; } /* Start the RPC server */ ScmStartRpcServer(); /* Signal start event */ SetEvent(hScmStartEvent); DPRINT("SERVICES: Initialized\n"); /* Register event handler (used for system shutdown) */ SetConsoleCtrlHandler(ShutdownHandlerRoutine, TRUE); /* * Set our shutdown parameters: we want to shutdown after the maintained * services (that inherit the default shutdown level of 640). */ SetProcessShutdownParameters(480, SHUTDOWN_NORETRY); /* Start auto-start services */ ScmAutoStartServices(); /* Signal auto-start complete event */ SetEvent(hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent); /* FIXME: more to do ? */ /* Release the service start lock */ ScmReleaseServiceStartLock(&Lock); /* Initialization finished */ ScmInitialize = FALSE; DPRINT("SERVICES: Running\n"); /* Wait until the shutdown event gets signaled */ WaitForSingleObject(hScmShutdownEvent, INFINITE); done: ScmShutdownSecurity(); /* Delete our communication named pipe's critical section */ if (bCanDeleteNamedPipeCriticalSection != FALSE) ScmDeleteNamedPipeCriticalSection(); if (hScmSecurityServicesEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(hScmSecurityServicesEvent); /* Close the shutdown event */ if (hScmShutdownEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(hScmShutdownEvent); /* Close the auto-start complete event */ if (hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(hScmAutoStartCompleteEvent); /* Close the start event */ if (hScmStartEvent != NULL) CloseHandle(hScmStartEvent); DPRINT("SERVICES: Finished\n"); ExitThread(0); return 0; } /* EOF */