/* * PE file resources * * Copyright 1995 Thomas Sandford * Copyright 1996 Martin von Loewis * Copyright 2003 Alexandre Julliard * Copyright 1993 Robert J. Amstadt * Copyright 1997 Marcus Meissner * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include NTSTATUS find_entry( PVOID BaseAddress, LDR_RESOURCE_INFO *info, ULONG level, void **ret, int want_dir ); /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ _SEH_FILTER(page_fault) { if (_SEH_GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION || _SEH_GetExceptionCode() == EXCEPTION_PRIV_INSTRUCTION) return EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER; return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } /********************************************************************** * is_data_file_module * * Check if a module handle is for a LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE module. */ static int is_data_file_module( PVOID BaseAddress ) { return (ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress & 1; } /********************************************************************** * push_language * * push a language in the list of languages to try */ int push_language( USHORT *list, ULONG pos, WORD lang ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) if (list[i] == lang) return pos; list[pos++] = lang; return pos; } /********************************************************************** * find_first_entry * * Find the first suitable entry in a resource directory */ IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *find_first_entry( IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *dir, void *root, int want_dir ) { const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *entry = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *)(dir + 1); int pos; for (pos = 0; pos < dir->NumberOfNamedEntries + dir->NumberOfIdEntries; pos++) { if (!entry[pos].DataIsDirectory == !want_dir) return (IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *)((char *)root + entry[pos].OffsetToDirectory); } return NULL; } /********************************************************************** * find_entry_by_id * * Find an entry by id in a resource directory */ IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *find_entry_by_id( IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *dir, WORD id, void *root, int want_dir ) { const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *entry; int min, max, pos; entry = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *)(dir + 1); min = dir->NumberOfNamedEntries; max = min + dir->NumberOfIdEntries - 1; while (min <= max) { pos = (min + max) / 2; if (entry[pos].Id == id) { if (!entry[pos].DataIsDirectory == !want_dir) { DPRINT("root %p dir %p id %04x ret %p\n", root, dir, id, (const char*)root + entry[pos].OffsetToDirectory); return (IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *)((char *)root + entry[pos].OffsetToDirectory); } break; } if (entry[pos].Id > id) max = pos - 1; else min = pos + 1; } DPRINT("root %p dir %p id %04x not found\n", root, dir, id ); return NULL; } /********************************************************************** * find_entry_by_name * * Find an entry by name in a resource directory */ IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *find_entry_by_name( IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *dir, LPCWSTR name, void *root, int want_dir ) { const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *entry; const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U *str; int min, max, res, pos, namelen; if (!((ULONG_PTR)name & 0xFFFF0000)) return find_entry_by_id( dir, (ULONG_PTR)name & 0xFFFF, root, want_dir ); entry = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY *)(dir + 1); namelen = wcslen(name); min = 0; max = dir->NumberOfNamedEntries - 1; while (min <= max) { pos = (min + max) / 2; str = (const IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U *)((const char *)root + entry[pos].NameOffset); res = _wcsnicmp( name, str->NameString, str->Length ); if (!res && namelen == str->Length) { if (!entry[pos].DataIsDirectory == !want_dir) { DPRINT("root %p dir %p name %ws ret %p\n", root, dir, name, (const char*)root + entry[pos].OffsetToDirectory); return (IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY *)((char *)root + entry[pos].OffsetToDirectory); } break; } if (res < 0) max = pos - 1; else min = pos + 1; } DPRINT("root %p dir %p name %ws not found\n", root, dir, name); return NULL; } #ifdef __i386__ NTSTATUS NTAPI LdrpAccessResource( PVOID BaseAddress, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *entry, void **ptr, ULONG *size ) #else static NTSTATUS LdrpAccessResource( PVOID BaseAddress, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY *entry, void **ptr, ULONG *size ) #endif { NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; _SEH_TRY { ULONG dirsize; if (!RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData( BaseAddress, TRUE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE, &dirsize )) status = STATUS_RESOURCE_DATA_NOT_FOUND; else { if (ptr) { if (is_data_file_module(BaseAddress)) { PVOID mod = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress & ~1); *ptr = RtlImageRvaToVa( RtlImageNtHeader(mod), mod, entry->OffsetToData, NULL ); } else *ptr = (char *)BaseAddress + entry->OffsetToData; } if (size) *size = entry->Size; } } _SEH_EXCEPT(page_fault) { status = _SEH_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH_END; return status; } /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI LdrFindResource_U(PVOID BaseAddress, PLDR_RESOURCE_INFO ResourceInfo, ULONG Level, PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY* ResourceDataEntry) { void *res; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; _SEH_TRY { if (ResourceInfo) { DPRINT( "module %p type %ws name %ws lang %04lx level %ld\n", BaseAddress, (LPCWSTR)ResourceInfo->Type, Level > 1 ? (LPCWSTR)ResourceInfo->Name : L"", Level > 2 ? ResourceInfo->Language : 0, Level ); } status = find_entry( BaseAddress, ResourceInfo, Level, &res, FALSE ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) *ResourceDataEntry = res; } _SEH_EXCEPT(page_fault) { status = _SEH_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH_END; return status; } #ifndef __i386__ /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI LdrAccessResource(IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY ResourceDataEntry, OUT PVOID* Resource OPTIONAL, OUT PULONG Size OPTIONAL) { return LdrpAccessResource( BaseAddress, ResourceDataEntry, Resource, Size ); } #endif /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI LdrFindResourceDirectory_U(IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN PLDR_RESOURCE_INFO info, IN ULONG level, OUT PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY* addr) { void *res; NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; _SEH_TRY { if (info) { DPRINT( "module %p type %ws name %ws lang %04lx level %ld\n", BaseAddress, (LPCWSTR)info->Type, level > 1 ? (LPCWSTR)info->Name : L"", level > 2 ? info->Language : 0, level ); } status = find_entry( BaseAddress, info, level, &res, TRUE ); if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) *addr = res; } _SEH_EXCEPT(page_fault) { status = _SEH_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH_END; return status; } /* * @unimplemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI LdrEnumResources(IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN PLDR_RESOURCE_INFO ResourceInfo, IN ULONG Level, IN OUT PULONG ResourceCount, OUT PVOID Resources OPTIONAL) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }