# Time-stamp: <03/10/26 16:04:25 ptr> # $Id$ .SUFFIXES: .o .cc !ifndef RULESBASE RULESBASE = $(SRCROOT)/Makefiles !endif !ifndef ALL_TAGS ALL_TAGS = all-shared all-static !endif #!if [echo $(ALL_TAGS)] #!endif #!if [echo $(RULESBASE)] #!endif all: dirs $(ALL_TAGS) all-dynamic: all-shared all-shared: release-shared dbg-shared stldbg-shared all-static: release-static dbg-static stldbg-static install-shared: install-release-shared install-dbg-shared install-stldbg-shared install-static: install-release-static install-dbg-static install-stldbg-static # define what make clone we use USE_MAKE = nmake # include file, generated by configure, if available !if EXIST( $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/config.mak ) !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/config.mak !endif # identify OS and build date !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/sysid.mak # OS-specific definitions, like ar, ln, install, etc. !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/sys.mak # rules to make dirs for targets !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/targetdirs.mak # extern libraries !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/extern.mak # derive common targets (*.o, *.d), # build rules (including output catalogs) !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/targets.mak # dependency #include ${RULESBASE}/depend-$(COMPILER_NAME).mak # general clean !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/clean.mak # if target is library, rules for library !ifdef LIBNAME !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/lib/top.mak !endif # if target is program, rules for executable !ifdef PRGNAME !include $(RULESBASE)/$(USE_MAKE)/app/top.mak !endif