# Time-stamp: <08/01/12 00:50:38 ptr> # # Copyright (c) 1997-1999, 2002, 2003, 2005-2008 # Petr Ovtchenkov # # Portion Copyright (c) 1999-2001 # Parallel Graphics Ltd. # # Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0 # INCLUDES := ifndef _FORCE_CXX CXX := CC else CXX := ${_FORCE_CXX} endif ifndef _FORCE_CC CC := cc else CC := ${_FORCE_CC} endif CXX_VERSION := $(shell ${CXX} -V 2>&1 | grep ${CXX} | awk '{ print $$4; }') CXX_VERSION_MAJOR := $(shell echo ${CXX_VERSION} | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "."; } { print $$1; }') CXX_VERSION_MINOR := $(shell echo ${CXX_VERSION} | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "."; } { print $$2; }') CXX_VERSION_PATCH := $(shell echo ${CXX_VERSION} | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "."; } { if (NF > 2) {print $$3;}else{print "0"} }') DEFS ?= OPT ?= OUTPUT_OPTION = -o $@ LINK_OUTPUT_OPTION = ${OUTPUT_OPTION} CPPFLAGS = $(DEFS) $(INCLUDES) OPT += -mt +w2 CCFLAGS = -erroff=doubunder -qoption ccfe -expand=1000 -library=no%Cstd,no%iostream,no%rwtools7-xildoff $(OPT) CFLAGS = $(OPT) CXXFLAGS = -erroff=doubunder -qoption ccfe -expand=1000 -library=no%Cstd,no%iostream,no%rwtools7 -xildoff $(OPT) CDEPFLAGS = -xM CCDEPFLAGS = -xM # STLport DEBUG mode specific defines stldbg-static : DEFS += -D_STLP_DEBUG stldbg-shared : DEFS += -D_STLP_DEBUG stldbg-static-dep : DEFS += -D_STLP_DEBUG stldbg-shared-dep : DEFS += -D_STLP_DEBUG # optimization and debug compiler flags release-static : OPT += -xO2 release-shared : OPT += -xO2 dbg-static : OPT += -g dbg-shared : OPT += -g #dbg-static-dep : OPT += -g #dbg-shared-dep : OPT += -g stldbg-static : OPT += -g stldbg-shared : OPT += -g #stldbg-static-dep : OPT += -g #stldbg-shared-dep : OPT += -g # dependency output parser (dependencies collector) DP_OUTPUT_DIR = | sed 's|\($*\)\.o[ :]*|$(OUTPUT_DIR)/\1.o $@ : |g' > $@; \ [ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@ DP_OUTPUT_DIR_DBG = | sed 's|\($*\)\.o[ :]*|$(OUTPUT_DIR_DBG)/\1.o $@ : |g' > $@; \ [ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@ DP_OUTPUT_DIR_STLDBG = | sed 's|\($*\)\.o[ :]*|$(OUTPUT_DIR_STLDBG)/\1.o $@ : |g' > $@; \ [ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@