/* * PROJECT: ReactOS VGA display driver * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/video/displays/vga/objects/pointer.c * PURPOSE: Draws the mouse pointer * PROGRAMMERS: Copyright (C) 1998-2001 ReactOS Team */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ static VOID VGADDI_HideCursor(PPDEV ppdev); static VOID VGADDI_ShowCursor(PPDEV ppdev, PRECTL prcl); /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID VGADDI_BltPointerToVGA( IN LONG StartX, IN LONG StartY, IN ULONG SizeX, IN ULONG SizeY, IN PUCHAR MaskBits, IN ULONG MaskPitch, IN ULONG MaskOp) { ULONG DestX, EndX, DestY, EndY; UCHAR Mask; PUCHAR Video; PUCHAR Src; UCHAR SrcValue; ULONG i, j; ULONG Left; ULONG Length; LONG Bits; DestX = StartX < 0 ? 0 : StartX; DestY = StartY < 0 ? 0 : StartY; EndX = StartX + SizeX; EndY = StartY + SizeY; /* Set write mode zero. */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 5); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, 0); /* Select raster op. */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 3); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, MaskOp); if ((DestX % 8) != 0) { /* Disable writes to pixels outside of the destination rectangle. */ Mask = (1 << (8 - (DestX % 8))) - 1; if ((EndX - DestX) < (8 - (DestX % 8))) { Mask &= ~((1 << (8 - (EndX % 8))) - 1); } WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 0x8); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, Mask); /* Write the mask. */ Video = (PUCHAR)vidmem + DestY * 80 + (DestX >> 3); Src = MaskBits + (SizeY - (DestY - StartY)) * MaskPitch; for (i = DestY; i < EndY; i++, Video += 80) { Src -= MaskPitch; SrcValue = (*Src) >> (DestX % 8); (VOID)READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(Video); WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(Video, SrcValue); } } /* Enable writes to all pixels. */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 0x8); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, 0xFF); /* Have we finished. */ if ((EndX - DestX) < (8 - (DestX % 8))) return; /* Fill any whole rows of eight pixels. */ Left = (DestX + 7) & ~0x7; Length = (EndX >> 3) - (Left >> 3); Bits = StartX; while (Bits < 0) Bits += 8; Bits = Bits % 8; for (i = DestY; i < EndY; i++) { Video = (PUCHAR)vidmem + i * 80 + (Left >> 3); Src = MaskBits + (EndY - i - 1) * MaskPitch + ((DestX - StartX) >> 3); for (j = 0; j < Length; j++, Video++, Src++) { if (Bits != 0) { SrcValue = (Src[0] << (8 - Bits)); SrcValue |= (Src[1] >> Bits); } else { SrcValue = Src[0]; } (VOID)READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(Video); WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(Video, SrcValue); } } /* Fill any pixels on the right which don't fall into a complete row. */ if ((EndX % 8) != 0) { /* Disable writes to pixels outside the destination rectangle. */ Mask = ~((1 << (8 - (EndX % 8))) - 1); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 0x8); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, Mask); Video = (PUCHAR)vidmem + DestY * 80 + (EndX >> 3); Src = MaskBits + (SizeY - (DestY - StartY)) * MaskPitch + (SizeX >> 3) - 1; for (i = DestY; i < EndY; i++, Video += 80) { Src -= MaskPitch; SrcValue = (Src[0] << (8 - Bits)); (VOID)READ_REGISTER_UCHAR(Video); WRITE_REGISTER_UCHAR(Video, SrcValue); } /* Restore the default write masks. */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 0x8); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, 0xFF); } /* Set write mode two. */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 5); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, 2); /* Select raster op replace. */ WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_I, 3); WRITE_PORT_UCHAR((PUCHAR)GRA_D, 0); } BOOL InitPointer(PPDEV ppdev) { ULONG CursorWidth = 32, CursorHeight = 32; ULONG PointerAttributesSize; ULONG SavedMemSize; ppdev->xyHotSpot.x = 0; ppdev->xyHotSpot.y = 0; /* Determine the size of the pointer attributes */ PointerAttributesSize = sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES) + ((CursorWidth * CursorHeight * 2) >> 3); /* Allocate memory for pointer attributes */ ppdev->pPointerAttributes = EngAllocMem(0, PointerAttributesSize, ALLOC_TAG); ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Flags = 0; /* FIXME: Do this right */ ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Width = CursorWidth; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height = CursorHeight; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes = CursorWidth >> 3; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Enable = 0; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Column = 0; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Row = 0; /* Allocate memory for the pixels behind the cursor */ SavedMemSize = ((((CursorWidth + 7) & ~0x7) + 16) * CursorHeight) >> 3; ppdev->ImageBehindCursor = VGADDI_AllocSavedScreenBits(SavedMemSize); return TRUE; } VOID APIENTRY DrvMovePointer( IN SURFOBJ* pso, IN LONG x, IN LONG y, IN PRECTL prcl) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; VGADDI_HideCursor(ppdev); if(x != -1) { ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Column = x; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Row = y; VGADDI_ShowCursor(ppdev, prcl); } } ULONG APIENTRY DrvSetPointerShape( IN SURFOBJ* pso, IN SURFOBJ* psoMask, IN SURFOBJ* psoColor, IN XLATEOBJ* pxlo, IN LONG xHot, IN LONG yHot, IN LONG x, IN LONG y, IN PRECTL prcl, IN ULONG fl) { PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV)pso->dhpdev; ULONG NewWidth, NewHeight; PUCHAR Src, Dest; ULONG i; if (!psoMask) return SPS_DECLINE; /* Hide the cursor */ VGADDI_HideCursor(ppdev); NewWidth = abs(psoMask->lDelta) << 3; NewHeight = (psoMask->cjBits / abs(psoMask->lDelta)) / 2; /* Reallocate the space for the cursor if necessary. */ if (ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Width != NewWidth || ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height != NewHeight) { ULONG PointerAttributesSize; PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES NewPointerAttributes; ULONG SavedMemSize; /* Determine the size of the pointer attributes */ PointerAttributesSize = sizeof(VIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES) + ((NewWidth * NewHeight * 2) >> 3); /* Allocate memory for pointer attributes */ NewPointerAttributes = EngAllocMem(0, PointerAttributesSize, ALLOC_TAG); *NewPointerAttributes = *ppdev->pPointerAttributes; NewPointerAttributes->Width = NewWidth; NewPointerAttributes->Height = NewHeight; NewPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes = NewWidth >> 3; EngFreeMem(ppdev->pPointerAttributes); ppdev->pPointerAttributes = NewPointerAttributes; /* Reallocate the space for the saved bits. */ VGADDI_FreeSavedScreenBits(ppdev->ImageBehindCursor); SavedMemSize = ((((NewWidth + 7) & ~0x7) + 16) * NewHeight) >> 3; ppdev->ImageBehindCursor = VGADDI_AllocSavedScreenBits(SavedMemSize); } Src = (PUCHAR)psoMask->pvScan0; /* Copy the new cursor in. */ for (i = 0; i < (NewHeight * 2); i++) { Dest = (PUCHAR)ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Pixels; if (i >= NewHeight) Dest += (((NewHeight * 3) - i - 1) * (NewWidth >> 3)); else Dest += ((NewHeight - i - 1) * (NewWidth >> 3)); memcpy(Dest, Src, NewWidth >> 3); Src += psoMask->lDelta; } /* Set the new cursor position */ ppdev->xyHotSpot.x = xHot; ppdev->xyHotSpot.y = yHot; if(x != -1) { ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Column = x; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Row = y; /* show the cursor */ VGADDI_ShowCursor(ppdev, prcl); } return SPS_ACCEPT_NOEXCLUDE; } static VOID FASTCALL VGADDI_ComputePointerRect( IN PPDEV ppdev, IN LONG X, IN LONG Y, IN PRECTL Rect) { ULONG SizeX, SizeY; SizeX = min(((X + (LONG)ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Width) + 7) & ~0x7, ppdev->sizeSurf.cx); SizeX -= (X & ~0x7); SizeY = min((LONG)ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height, ppdev->sizeSurf.cy - Y); Rect->left = max(X, 0) & ~0x7; Rect->top = max(Y, 0); Rect->right = Rect->left + SizeX; Rect->bottom = Rect->top + SizeY; } static VOID VGADDI_HideCursor(PPDEV ppdev) { if(ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Enable) { LONG cx, cy; RECTL Rect; ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Enable = 0; cx = ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Column - ppdev->xyHotSpot.x; cy = ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Row - ppdev->xyHotSpot.y; VGADDI_ComputePointerRect(ppdev, cx, cy, &Rect); /* Display what was behind cursor */ VGADDI_BltFromSavedScreenBits(Rect.left, Rect.top, ppdev->ImageBehindCursor, Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top); } } static VOID VGADDI_ShowCursor(PPDEV ppdev, PRECTL prcl) { LONG cx, cy; PUCHAR AndMask, XorMask; ULONG SizeX, SizeY; RECTL Rect; if(ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Enable) return; /* Mark the cursor as currently displayed. */ ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Enable = 1; cx = ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Column - ppdev->xyHotSpot.x; cy = ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Row - ppdev->xyHotSpot.y; /* Capture pixels behind the cursor */ VGADDI_ComputePointerRect(ppdev, cx, cy, &Rect); VGADDI_BltToSavedScreenBits(ppdev->ImageBehindCursor, Rect.left, Rect.top, Rect.right - Rect.left, Rect.bottom - Rect.top); /* Display the cursor. */ SizeX = min((LONG)ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Width, ppdev->sizeSurf.cx - cx); SizeY = min((LONG)ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height, ppdev->sizeSurf.cy - cy); AndMask = ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Pixels + (ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height - SizeY) * ppdev->pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes; VGADDI_BltPointerToVGA(cx, cy, SizeX, SizeY, AndMask, ppdev->pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes, VGA_AND); XorMask = AndMask + ppdev->pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes * ppdev->pPointerAttributes->Height; VGADDI_BltPointerToVGA(cx, cy, SizeX, SizeY, XorMask, ppdev->pPointerAttributes->WidthInBytes, VGA_XOR); if (NULL != prcl) *prcl = Rect; }