/* * PROJECT: ReactOS PCI Bus Driver * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/bus/pci/pci/id.c * PURPOSE: PCI Device Identification * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #include "stdio.h" /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ PWCHAR NTAPI PciGetDescriptionMessage(IN ULONG Identifier, OUT PULONG Length) { PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY Entry; ULONG TextLength; PWCHAR Description, Buffer; ANSI_STRING MessageString; UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString; NTSTATUS Status; /* Find the message identifier in the message table */ MessageString.Buffer = NULL; Status = RtlFindMessage(PciDriverObject->DriverStart, 11, // RT_MESSAGETABLE LANG_NEUTRAL, Identifier, &Entry); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return NULL; /* Check if the resource data is Unicode or ANSI */ if (Entry->Flags & MESSAGE_RESOURCE_UNICODE) { /* Subtract one space for the end-of-message terminator */ TextLength = Entry->Length - FIELD_OFFSET(MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY, Text) - sizeof(WCHAR); /* Grab the text */ Description = (PWCHAR)Entry->Text; /* Validate valid message length, ending with a newline character */ ASSERT(TextLength > 1); ASSERT(Description[TextLength / sizeof(WCHAR) == L'\n']); /* Allocate the buffer to hold the message string */ Buffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, TextLength, 'BicP'); if (!Buffer) return NULL; /* Copy the message, minus the newline character, and terminate it */ RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, Entry->Text, TextLength - 1); Buffer[TextLength / sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; /* Return the length to the caller */ if (Length) *Length = UnicodeString.Length; } else { /* Initialize the entry as a string */ RtlInitAnsiString(&MessageString, (PCHAR)Entry->Text); /* Remove the newline character */ MessageString.Length -= sizeof(CHAR); /* Convert it to Unicode */ RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&UnicodeString, &MessageString, TRUE); Buffer = UnicodeString.Buffer; /* Return the length to the caller */ if (Length) *Length = UnicodeString.Length; } /* Return the message buffer to the caller */ return Buffer; } PWCHAR NTAPI PciGetDeviceDescriptionMessage(IN UCHAR BaseClass, IN UCHAR SubClass) { PWCHAR Message; ULONG Identifier; /* The message identifier in the table is encoded based on the PCI class */ Identifier = (BaseClass << 8) | SubClass; /* Go grab the description message for this device */ Message = PciGetDescriptionMessage(Identifier, NULL); if (!Message) { /* It wasn't found, allocate a buffer for a generic description */ Message = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, sizeof(L"PCI Device"), 'bicP'); if (Message) RtlCopyMemory(Message, L"PCI Device", sizeof(L"PCI Device")); } /* Return the description message */ return Message; } VOID NTAPI PciInitIdBuffer(IN PPCI_ID_BUFFER IdBuffer) { /* Initialize the sizes to zero and the pointer to the start of the buffer */ IdBuffer->TotalLength = 0; IdBuffer->Count = 0; IdBuffer->CharBuffer = IdBuffer->BufferData; } ULONG NTAPI PciIdPrintf(IN PPCI_ID_BUFFER IdBuffer, IN PCCH Format, ...) { ULONG Size, Length; PANSI_STRING AnsiString; va_list va; va_start(va, Format); ASSERT(IdBuffer->Count < MAX_ANSI_STRINGS); /* Do the actual string formatting into the character buffer */ vsprintf(IdBuffer->CharBuffer, Format, va); /* Initialize the ANSI_STRING that will hold this string buffer */ AnsiString = &IdBuffer->Strings[IdBuffer->Count]; RtlInitAnsiString(AnsiString, IdBuffer->CharBuffer); /* Calculate the final size of the string, in Unicode */ Size = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(AnsiString); /* Update hte buffer with the size,and update the character pointer */ IdBuffer->StringSize[IdBuffer->Count] = Size; IdBuffer->TotalLength += Size; Length = AnsiString->Length + sizeof(ANSI_NULL); IdBuffer->CharBuffer += Length; /* Move to the next string for next time */ IdBuffer->Count++; /* Return the length */ return Length; } ULONG NTAPI PciIdPrintfAppend(IN PPCI_ID_BUFFER IdBuffer, IN PCCH Format, ...) { ULONG NextId, Size, Length, MaxLength; PANSI_STRING AnsiString; va_list va; va_start(va, Format); ASSERT(IdBuffer->Count); /* Choose the next static ANSI_STRING to use */ NextId = IdBuffer->Count - 1; /* Max length is from the end of the buffer up until the current pointer */ MaxLength = (PCHAR)(IdBuffer + 1) - IdBuffer->CharBuffer; /* Do the actual append, and return the length this string took */ Length = vsprintf(IdBuffer->CharBuffer - 1, Format, va); ASSERT(Length < MaxLength); /* Select the static ANSI_STRING, and update its length information */ AnsiString = &IdBuffer->Strings[NextId]; AnsiString->Length += Length; AnsiString->MaximumLength += Length; /* Calculate the final size of the string, in Unicode */ Size = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(AnsiString); /* Update the buffer with the size, and update the character pointer */ IdBuffer->StringSize[NextId] = Size; IdBuffer->TotalLength += Size; IdBuffer->CharBuffer += Length; /* Return the size */ return Size; } NTSTATUS NTAPI PciQueryId(IN PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION DeviceExtension, IN BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE QueryType, OUT PWCHAR *Buffer) { ULONG SubsysId; CHAR VendorString[22]; PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension; PPCI_FDO_EXTENSION ParentExtension; PWCHAR StringBuffer; ULONG i, Size; NTSTATUS Status; PANSI_STRING NextString; UNICODE_STRING DestinationString; PCI_ID_BUFFER IdBuffer; PAGED_CODE(); /* Assume failure */ Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; *Buffer = NULL; /* Start with the genric vendor string, which is the vendor ID + device ID */ sprintf(VendorString, "PCI\\VEN_%04X&DEV_%04X", DeviceExtension->VendorId, DeviceExtension->DeviceId); /* Initialize the PCI ID Buffer */ PciInitIdBuffer(&IdBuffer); /* Build the subsystem ID as shown in PCI ID Strings */ SubsysId = DeviceExtension->SubsystemVendorId | (DeviceExtension->SubsystemId << 16); /* Check what the caller is requesting */ switch (QueryType) { case BusQueryDeviceID: /* A single ID, the vendor string + the revision ID */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s&SUBSYS_%08X&REV_%02X", VendorString, SubsysId, DeviceExtension->RevisionId); break; case BusQueryHardwareIDs: /* First the vendor string + the subsystem ID + the revision ID */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s&SUBSYS_%08X&REV_%02X", VendorString, SubsysId, DeviceExtension->RevisionId); /* Next, without the revision */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s&SUBSYS_%08X", VendorString, SubsysId); /* Next, the vendor string + the base class + sub class + progif */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s&CC_%02X%02X%02X", VendorString, DeviceExtension->BaseClass, DeviceExtension->SubClass, DeviceExtension->ProgIf); /* Next, without the progif */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s&CC_%02X%02X", VendorString, DeviceExtension->BaseClass, DeviceExtension->SubClass); /* And finally, a terminator */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "\0"); break; case BusQueryCompatibleIDs: /* First, the vendor + revision ID only */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s&REV_%02X", VendorString, DeviceExtension->RevisionId); /* Next, the vendor string alone */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "%s", VendorString); /* Next, the vendor ID + the base class + the sub class + progif */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "PCI\\VEN_%04X&CC_%02X%02X%02X", DeviceExtension->VendorId, DeviceExtension->BaseClass, DeviceExtension->SubClass, DeviceExtension->ProgIf); /* Now without the progif */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "PCI\\VEN_%04X&CC_%02X%02X", DeviceExtension->VendorId, DeviceExtension->BaseClass, DeviceExtension->SubClass); /* And then just the vendor ID itself */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "PCI\\VEN_%04X", DeviceExtension->VendorId); /* Then the base class + subclass + progif, without any vendor */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "PCI\\CC_%02X%02X%02X", DeviceExtension->BaseClass, DeviceExtension->SubClass, DeviceExtension->ProgIf); /* Next, without the progif */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "PCI\\CC_%02X%02X", DeviceExtension->BaseClass, DeviceExtension->SubClass); /* And finally, a terminator */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "\0"); break; case BusQueryInstanceID: /* Start with a terminator */ PciIdPrintf(&IdBuffer, "\0"); /* And then encode the device and function number */ PciIdPrintfAppend(&IdBuffer, "%02X", (DeviceExtension->Slot.u.bits.DeviceNumber << 3) | DeviceExtension->Slot.u.bits.FunctionNumber); /* Loop every parent until the root */ ParentExtension = DeviceExtension->ParentFdoExtension; while (!PCI_IS_ROOT_FDO(ParentExtension)) { /* And encode the parent's device and function number as well */ PdoExtension = ParentExtension->PhysicalDeviceObject->DeviceExtension; PciIdPrintfAppend(&IdBuffer, "%02X", (PdoExtension->Slot.u.bits.DeviceNumber << 3) | PdoExtension->Slot.u.bits.FunctionNumber); } break; default: /* Unknown query type */ DPRINT1("PciQueryId expected ID type = %d\n", QueryType); return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* Something should've been generated if this has been reached */ ASSERT(IdBuffer.Count > 0); /* Allocate the final string buffer to hold the ID */ StringBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, IdBuffer.TotalLength, 'BicP'); if (!StringBuffer) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; /* Build the UNICODE_STRING structure for it */ DPRINT1("PciQueryId(%d)\n", QueryType); DestinationString.Buffer = StringBuffer; DestinationString.MaximumLength = IdBuffer.TotalLength; /* Loop every ID in the buffer */ for (i = 0; i < IdBuffer.Count; i++) { /* Select the ANSI_STRING for the ID */ NextString = &IdBuffer.Strings[i]; DPRINT1(" <- \"%s\"\n", NextString->Buffer); /* Convert it to a UNICODE_STRING */ Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&DestinationString, NextString, FALSE); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); /* Add it into the final destination buffer */ Size = IdBuffer.StringSize[i]; DestinationString.MaximumLength -= Size; DestinationString.Buffer += (Size / sizeof(WCHAR)); } /* Return the buffer to the caller and return status (should be success) */ *Buffer = StringBuffer; return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI PciQueryDeviceText(IN PPCI_PDO_EXTENSION PdoExtension, IN DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE QueryType, IN ULONG Locale, OUT PWCHAR *Buffer) { PWCHAR MessageBuffer, LocationBuffer; ULONG Length; NTSTATUS Status; /* Check what the caller is requesting */ switch (QueryType) { case DeviceTextDescription: /* Get the message from the resource section */ MessageBuffer = PciGetDeviceDescriptionMessage(PdoExtension->BaseClass, PdoExtension->SubClass); /* Return it to the caller, and select proper status code */ *Buffer = MessageBuffer; Status = MessageBuffer ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case DeviceTextLocationInformation: /* Get the message from the resource section */ MessageBuffer = PciGetDescriptionMessage(0x10000, &Length); if (!MessageBuffer) { /* It should be there, but fail if it wasn't found for some reason */ Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } /* Add space for a null-terminator, and allocate the buffer */ Length += 2 * sizeof(UNICODE_NULL); LocationBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, Length * sizeof(WCHAR), 'BicP'); *Buffer = LocationBuffer; /* Check if the allocation succeeded */ if (LocationBuffer) { /* Build the location string based on bus, function, and device */ swprintf(LocationBuffer, MessageBuffer, PdoExtension->ParentFdoExtension->BaseBus, PdoExtension->Slot.u.bits.FunctionNumber, PdoExtension->Slot.u.bits.DeviceNumber); } /* Free the original string from the resource section */ ExFreePoolWithTag(MessageBuffer, 0); /* Select the correct status */ Status = LocationBuffer ? STATUS_SUCCESS : STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; default: /* Anything else is unsupported */ Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } /* Return whether or not a device text string was indeed found */ return Status; } /* EOF */