/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Framebuffer Display Driver * LICENSE: Microsoft NT4 DDK Sample Code License * FILE: win32ss/drivers/displays/framebuf_new/driver.h * PURPOSE: Main Driver Header File * PROGRAMMERS: Copyright (c) 1992-1995 Microsoft Corporation * ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ #ifndef _FRAMEBUF_NEW_PCH_ #define _FRAMEBUF_NEW_PCH_ //#define DBG 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" typedef struct _PDEV { HANDLE hDriver; // Handle to \Device\Screen HDEV hdevEng; // Engine's handle to PDEV HSURF hsurfEng; // Engine's handle to surface HPALETTE hpalDefault; // Handle to the default palette for device. PBYTE pjScreen; // This is pointer to base screen address ULONG cxScreen; // Visible screen width ULONG cyScreen; // Visible screen height ULONG ulMode; // Mode the mini-port driver is in. LONG lDeltaScreen; // Distance from one scan to the next. ULONG cScreenSize; // size of video memory, including // offscreen memory. PVOID pOffscreenList; // linked list of DCI offscreen surfaces. FLONG flRed; // For bitfields device, Red Mask FLONG flGreen; // For bitfields device, Green Mask FLONG flBlue; // For bitfields device, Blue Mask ULONG cPaletteShift; // number of bits the 8-8-8 palette must // be shifted by to fit in the hardware // palette. ULONG ulBitCount; // # of bits per pel 8,16,24,32 are only supported. POINTL ptlHotSpot; // adjustment for pointer hot spot VIDEO_POINTER_CAPABILITIES PointerCapabilities; // HW pointer abilities PVIDEO_POINTER_ATTRIBUTES pPointerAttributes; // hardware pointer attributes DWORD cjPointerAttributes; // Size of buffer allocated BOOL fHwCursorActive; // Are we currently using the hw cursor PALETTEENTRY *pPal; // If this is pal managed, this is the pal BOOL bSupportDCI; // Does the miniport support DCI? // eVb: 3.1 [DDK Change] - Support new VGA Miniport behavior w.r.t updated framebuffer remapping LONG flHooks; // eVb: 3.1 [END] } PDEV, *PPDEV; DWORD NTAPI getAvailableModes(HANDLE, PVIDEO_MODE_INFORMATION *, DWORD *); BOOL NTAPI bInitPDEV(PPDEV, PDEVMODEW, GDIINFO *, DEVINFO *); BOOL NTAPI bInitSURF(PPDEV, BOOL); BOOL NTAPI bInitPaletteInfo(PPDEV, DEVINFO *); BOOL NTAPI bInitPointer(PPDEV, DEVINFO *); BOOL NTAPI bInit256ColorPalette(PPDEV); VOID NTAPI vDisablePalette(PPDEV); VOID NTAPI vDisableSURF(PPDEV); #define MAX_CLUT_SIZE (sizeof(VIDEO_CLUT) + (sizeof(ULONG) * 256)) // // Determines the size of the DriverExtra information in the DEVMODE // structure passed to and from the display driver. // #define DRIVER_EXTRA_SIZE 0 #define DLL_NAME L"framebuf" // Name of the DLL in UNICODE #define STANDARD_DEBUG_PREFIX "FRAMEBUF: " // All debug output is prefixed #define ALLOC_TAG 'bfDD' // Four byte tag (characters in // reverse order) used for memory // allocations #endif /* _FRAMEBUF_NEW_PCH_ */