/* * FOR.C - for internal batch command. * * * History: * * 16-Jul-1998 (Hans B Pufal) * Started. * * 16-Jul-1998 (John P Price) * Separated commands into individual files. * * 19-Jul-1998 (Hans B Pufal) * Implementation of FOR. * * 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price ) * Added config.h include. * * 20-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Unicode and redirection safe! * * 01-Sep-1999 (Eric Kohl) * Added help text. * * 23-Feb-2001 (Carl Nettelblad ) * Implemented preservation of echo flag. Some other for related * code in other files fixed, too. * * 28-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen ) * Remove all hardcoded strings in En.rc */ #include "precomp.h" /* FOR is a special command, so this function is only used for showing help now */ INT cmd_for (LPTSTR param) { TRACE ("cmd_for (\'%s\')\n", debugstr_aw(param)); if (!_tcsncmp (param, _T("/?"), 2)) { ConOutResPaging(TRUE,STRING_FOR_HELP1); return 0; } error_syntax(param); return 1; } /* The stack of current FOR contexts. * NULL when no FOR command is active */ LPFOR_CONTEXT fc = NULL; /* Get the next element of the FOR's list */ static BOOL GetNextElement(TCHAR **pStart, TCHAR **pEnd) { TCHAR *p = *pEnd; BOOL InQuotes = FALSE; while (_istspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) return FALSE; *pStart = p; while (*p && (InQuotes || !_istspace(*p))) InQuotes ^= (*p++ == _T('"')); *pEnd = p; return TRUE; } /* Execute a single instance of a FOR command */ /* Just run the command (variable expansion is done in DoDelayedExpansion) */ #define RunInstance(Cmd) \ ExecuteCommandWithEcho((Cmd)->Subcommands) /* Check if this FOR should be terminated early */ static BOOL Exiting(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { /* Someone might have removed our context */ return bCtrlBreak || fc != Cmd->For.Context; } /* Read the contents of a text file into memory, * dynamically allocating enough space to hold it all */ static LPTSTR ReadFileContents(FILE *InputFile, TCHAR *Buffer) { SIZE_T Len = 0; SIZE_T AllocLen = 1000; LPTSTR Contents = cmd_alloc(AllocLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!Contents) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for Contents!\n"); return NULL; } while (_fgetts(Buffer, CMDLINE_LENGTH, InputFile)) { ULONG_PTR CharsRead = _tcslen(Buffer); while (Len + CharsRead >= AllocLen) { LPTSTR OldContents = Contents; Contents = cmd_realloc(Contents, (AllocLen *= 2) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!Contents) { WARN("Cannot reallocate memory for Contents!\n"); cmd_free(OldContents); return NULL; } } _tcscpy(&Contents[Len], Buffer); Len += CharsRead; } Contents[Len] = _T('\0'); return Contents; } static INT ForF(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, LPTSTR List, TCHAR *Buffer) { LPTSTR Delims = _T(" \t"); TCHAR Eol = _T(';'); INT SkipLines = 0; DWORD Tokens = (1 << 1); BOOL RemainderVar = FALSE; TCHAR StringQuote = _T('"'); TCHAR CommandQuote = _T('\''); LPTSTR Variables[32]; TCHAR *Start, *End; INT i; INT Ret = 0; if (Cmd->For.Params) { TCHAR Quote = 0; TCHAR *Param = Cmd->For.Params; if (*Param == _T('"') || *Param == _T('\'')) Quote = *Param++; while (*Param && *Param != Quote) { if (*Param <= _T(' ')) { Param++; } else if (_tcsnicmp(Param, _T("delims="), 7) == 0) { Param += 7; /* delims=xxx: Specifies the list of characters that separate tokens */ Delims = Param; while (*Param && *Param != Quote) { if (*Param == _T(' ')) { TCHAR *FirstSpace = Param; Param += _tcsspn(Param, _T(" ")); /* Exclude trailing spaces if this is not the last parameter */ if (*Param && *Param != Quote) *FirstSpace = _T('\0'); break; } Param++; } if (*Param == Quote) *Param++ = _T('\0'); } else if (_tcsnicmp(Param, _T("eol="), 4) == 0) { Param += 4; /* eol=c: Lines starting with this character (may be * preceded by delimiters) are skipped. */ Eol = *Param; if (Eol != _T('\0')) Param++; } else if (_tcsnicmp(Param, _T("skip="), 5) == 0) { /* skip=n: Number of lines to skip at the beginning of each file */ SkipLines = _tcstol(Param + 5, &Param, 0); if (SkipLines <= 0) goto error; } else if (_tcsnicmp(Param, _T("tokens="), 7) == 0) { Param += 7; /* tokens=x,y,m-n: List of token numbers (must be between * 1 and 31) that will be assigned into variables. */ Tokens = 0; while (*Param && *Param != Quote && *Param != _T('*')) { INT First = _tcstol(Param, &Param, 0); INT Last = First; if (First < 1) goto error; if (*Param == _T('-')) { /* It's a range of tokens */ Last = _tcstol(Param + 1, &Param, 0); if (Last < First || Last > 31) goto error; } Tokens |= (2 << Last) - (1 << First); if (*Param != _T(',')) break; Param++; } /* With an asterisk at the end, an additional variable * will be created to hold the remainder of the line * (after the last token specified). */ if (*Param == _T('*')) { RemainderVar = TRUE; Param++; } } else if (_tcsnicmp(Param, _T("useback"), 7) == 0) { Param += 7; /* usebackq: Use alternate quote characters */ StringQuote = _T('\''); CommandQuote = _T('`'); /* Can be written as either "useback" or "usebackq" */ if (_totlower(*Param) == _T('q')) Param++; } else { error: error_syntax(Param); return 1; } } } /* Count how many variables will be set: one for each token, * plus maybe one for the remainder */ fc->varcount = RemainderVar; for (i = 1; i < 32; i++) fc->varcount += (Tokens >> i & 1); fc->values = Variables; if (*List == StringQuote || *List == CommandQuote) { /* Treat the entire "list" as one single element */ Start = List; End = &List[_tcslen(List)]; goto single_element; } End = List; while (GetNextElement(&Start, &End)) { FILE *InputFile; LPTSTR FullInput, In, NextLine; INT Skip; single_element: if (*Start == StringQuote && End[-1] == StringQuote) { /* Input given directly as a string */ End[-1] = _T('\0'); FullInput = cmd_dup(Start + 1); } else if (*Start == CommandQuote && End[-1] == CommandQuote) { /* Read input from a command */ End[-1] = _T('\0'); InputFile = _tpopen(Start + 1, _T("r")); if (!InputFile) { error_bad_command(Start + 1); return 1; } FullInput = ReadFileContents(InputFile, Buffer); _pclose(InputFile); } else { /* Read input from a file */ TCHAR Temp = *End; *End = _T('\0'); StripQuotes(Start); InputFile = _tfopen(Start, _T("r")); *End = Temp; if (!InputFile) { error_sfile_not_found(Start); return 1; } FullInput = ReadFileContents(InputFile, Buffer); fclose(InputFile); } if (!FullInput) { error_out_of_memory(); return 1; } /* Loop over the input line by line */ In = FullInput; Skip = SkipLines; do { DWORD RemainingTokens = Tokens; LPTSTR *CurVar = Variables; NextLine = _tcschr(In, _T('\n')); if (NextLine) *NextLine++ = _T('\0'); if (--Skip >= 0) continue; /* Ignore lines where the first token starts with the eol character */ In += _tcsspn(In, Delims); if (*In == Eol) continue; while ((RemainingTokens >>= 1) != 0) { /* Save pointer to this token in a variable if requested */ if (RemainingTokens & 1) *CurVar++ = In; /* Find end of token */ In += _tcscspn(In, Delims); /* Nul-terminate it and advance to next token */ if (*In) { *In++ = _T('\0'); In += _tcsspn(In, Delims); } } /* Save pointer to remainder of line */ *CurVar = In; /* Don't run unless the line had enough tokens to fill at least one variable */ if (*Variables[0]) Ret = RunInstance(Cmd); } while (!Exiting(Cmd) && (In = NextLine) != NULL); cmd_free(FullInput); } return Ret; } /* FOR /L: Do a numeric loop */ static INT ForLoop(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, LPTSTR List, TCHAR *Buffer) { enum { START, STEP, END }; INT params[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; INT i; INT Ret = 0; TCHAR *Start, *End = List; for (i = 0; i < 3 && GetNextElement(&Start, &End); i++) params[i] = _tcstol(Start, NULL, 0); i = params[START]; while (!Exiting(Cmd) && (params[STEP] >= 0 ? (i <= params[END]) : (i >= params[END]))) { _itot(i, Buffer, 10); Ret = RunInstance(Cmd); i += params[STEP]; } return Ret; } /* Process a FOR in one directory. Stored in Buffer (up to BufPos) is a * string which is prefixed to each element of the list. In a normal FOR * it will be empty, but in FOR /R it will be the directory name. */ static INT ForDir(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, LPTSTR List, TCHAR *Buffer, TCHAR *BufPos) { TCHAR *Start, *End = List; INT Ret = 0; while (!Exiting(Cmd) && GetNextElement(&Start, &End)) { if (BufPos + (End - Start) > &Buffer[CMDLINE_LENGTH]) continue; memcpy(BufPos, Start, (End - Start) * sizeof(TCHAR)); BufPos[End - Start] = _T('\0'); if (_tcschr(BufPos, _T('?')) || _tcschr(BufPos, _T('*'))) { WIN32_FIND_DATA w32fd; HANDLE hFind; TCHAR *FilePart; StripQuotes(BufPos); hFind = FindFirstFile(Buffer, &w32fd); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) continue; FilePart = _tcsrchr(BufPos, _T('\\')); FilePart = FilePart ? FilePart + 1 : BufPos; do { if (w32fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) continue; if (!(w32fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != !(Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_DIRS)) continue; if (_tcscmp(w32fd.cFileName, _T(".")) == 0 || _tcscmp(w32fd.cFileName, _T("..")) == 0) continue; _tcscpy(FilePart, w32fd.cFileName); Ret = RunInstance(Cmd); } while (!Exiting(Cmd) && FindNextFile(hFind, &w32fd)); FindClose(hFind); } else { Ret = RunInstance(Cmd); } } return Ret; } /* FOR /R: Process a FOR in each directory of a tree, recursively. */ static INT ForRecursive(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd, LPTSTR List, TCHAR *Buffer, TCHAR *BufPos) { HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA w32fd; INT Ret = 0; if (BufPos[-1] != _T('\\')) { *BufPos++ = _T('\\'); *BufPos = _T('\0'); } Ret = ForDir(Cmd, List, Buffer, BufPos); _tcscpy(BufPos, _T("*")); hFind = FindFirstFile(Buffer, &w32fd); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return Ret; do { if (!(w32fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) continue; if (_tcscmp(w32fd.cFileName, _T(".")) == 0 || _tcscmp(w32fd.cFileName, _T("..")) == 0) continue; Ret = ForRecursive(Cmd, List, Buffer, _stpcpy(BufPos, w32fd.cFileName)); } while (!Exiting(Cmd) && FindNextFile(hFind, &w32fd)); FindClose(hFind); return Ret; } INT ExecuteFor(PARSED_COMMAND *Cmd) { TCHAR Buffer[CMDLINE_LENGTH]; /* Buffer to hold the variable value */ LPTSTR BufferPtr = Buffer; LPFOR_CONTEXT lpNew; INT Ret; LPTSTR List = DoDelayedExpansion(Cmd->For.List); if (!List) return 1; /* Create our FOR context */ lpNew = cmd_alloc(sizeof(FOR_CONTEXT)); if (!lpNew) { WARN("Cannot allocate memory for lpNew!\n"); cmd_free(List); return 1; } lpNew->prev = fc; lpNew->firstvar = Cmd->For.Variable; lpNew->varcount = 1; lpNew->values = &BufferPtr; Cmd->For.Context = lpNew; fc = lpNew; if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_F) { Ret = ForF(Cmd, List, Buffer); } else if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_LOOP) { Ret = ForLoop(Cmd, List, Buffer); } else if (Cmd->For.Switches & FOR_RECURSIVE) { DWORD Len = GetFullPathName(Cmd->For.Params ? Cmd->For.Params : _T("."), MAX_PATH, Buffer, NULL); Ret = ForRecursive(Cmd, List, Buffer, &Buffer[Len]); } else { Ret = ForDir(Cmd, List, Buffer, Buffer); } /* Remove our context, unless someone already did that */ if (fc == lpNew) fc = lpNew->prev; cmd_free(lpNew); cmd_free(List); return Ret; } /* EOF */