/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/mm/mmfault.c * PURPOSE: Kernel memory managment functions * PROGRAMMERS: David Welch (welch@cwcom.net) */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define MODULE_INVOLVED_IN_ARM3 #include "ARM3/miarm.h" /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ VOID FASTCALL MiSyncForProcessAttach(IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN PEPROCESS Process) { PETHREAD Ethread = CONTAINING_RECORD(Thread, ETHREAD, Tcb); /* Hack Sync because Mm is broken */ MmUpdatePageDir(Process, Ethread, sizeof(ETHREAD)); MmUpdatePageDir(Process, Ethread->ThreadsProcess, sizeof(EPROCESS)); MmUpdatePageDir(Process, (PVOID)Thread->StackLimit, Thread->LargeStack ? KERNEL_LARGE_STACK_SIZE : KERNEL_STACK_SIZE); } VOID FASTCALL MiSyncForContextSwitch(IN PKTHREAD Thread) { PVOID Process = PsGetCurrentProcess(); PETHREAD Ethread = CONTAINING_RECORD(Thread, ETHREAD, Tcb); /* Hack Sync because Mm is broken */ MmUpdatePageDir(Process, Ethread->ThreadsProcess, sizeof(EPROCESS)); MmUpdatePageDir(Process, (PVOID)Thread->StackLimit, Thread->LargeStack ? KERNEL_LARGE_STACK_SIZE : KERNEL_STACK_SIZE); } NTSTATUS NTAPI MmpAccessFault(KPROCESSOR_MODE Mode, ULONG_PTR Address, BOOLEAN FromMdl) { PMMSUPPORT AddressSpace; MEMORY_AREA* MemoryArea; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN Locked = FromMdl; DPRINT("MmAccessFault(Mode %d, Address %x)\n", Mode, Address); if (KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL) { DPRINT1("Page fault at high IRQL was %d\n", KeGetCurrentIrql()); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } /* * Find the memory area for the faulting address */ if (Address >= (ULONG_PTR)MmSystemRangeStart) { /* * Check permissions */ if (Mode != KernelMode) { DPRINT1("MmAccessFault(Mode %d, Address %x)\n", Mode, Address); return(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION); } AddressSpace = MmGetKernelAddressSpace(); } else { AddressSpace = &PsGetCurrentProcess()->Vm; } if (!FromMdl) { MmLockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); } do { MemoryArea = MmLocateMemoryAreaByAddress(AddressSpace, (PVOID)Address); if (MemoryArea == NULL || MemoryArea->DeleteInProgress) { if (!FromMdl) { MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); } return (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION); } switch (MemoryArea->Type) { case MEMORY_AREA_SYSTEM: Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; case MEMORY_AREA_PAGED_POOL: Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case MEMORY_AREA_SECTION_VIEW: Status = MmAccessFaultSectionView(AddressSpace, MemoryArea, (PVOID)Address, Locked); break; case MEMORY_AREA_VIRTUAL_MEMORY: Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; case MEMORY_AREA_SHARED_DATA: Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; default: Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; } } while (Status == STATUS_MM_RESTART_OPERATION); DPRINT("Completed page fault handling\n"); if (!FromMdl) { MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); } return(Status); } NTSTATUS NTAPI MmNotPresentFault(KPROCESSOR_MODE Mode, ULONG_PTR Address, BOOLEAN FromMdl) { PMMSUPPORT AddressSpace; MEMORY_AREA* MemoryArea; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN Locked = FromMdl; extern PMMPTE MmSharedUserDataPte; DPRINT("MmNotPresentFault(Mode %d, Address %x)\n", Mode, Address); if (KeGetCurrentIrql() >= DISPATCH_LEVEL) { DPRINT1("Page fault at high IRQL was %d, address %x\n", KeGetCurrentIrql(), Address); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } /* * Find the memory area for the faulting address */ if (Address >= (ULONG_PTR)MmSystemRangeStart) { /* * Check permissions */ if (Mode != KernelMode) { DPRINT1("Address: %x\n", Address); return(STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION); } AddressSpace = MmGetKernelAddressSpace(); } else { AddressSpace = &PsGetCurrentProcess()->Vm; } if (!FromMdl) { MmLockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); } /* * Call the memory area specific fault handler */ do { MemoryArea = MmLocateMemoryAreaByAddress(AddressSpace, (PVOID)Address); if (MemoryArea == NULL || MemoryArea->DeleteInProgress) { if (!FromMdl) { MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); } return (STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION); } switch (MemoryArea->Type) { case MEMORY_AREA_PAGED_POOL: { Status = MmCommitPagedPoolAddress((PVOID)Address, Locked); break; } case MEMORY_AREA_SYSTEM: Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; case MEMORY_AREA_SECTION_VIEW: Status = MmNotPresentFaultSectionView(AddressSpace, MemoryArea, (PVOID)Address, Locked); break; case MEMORY_AREA_VIRTUAL_MEMORY: case MEMORY_AREA_PEB_OR_TEB: Status = MmNotPresentFaultVirtualMemory(AddressSpace, MemoryArea, (PVOID)Address, Locked); break; case MEMORY_AREA_SHARED_DATA: *MiAddressToPte(USER_SHARED_DATA) = *MmSharedUserDataPte; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; default: Status = STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION; break; } } while (Status == STATUS_MM_RESTART_OPERATION); DPRINT("Completed page fault handling\n"); if (!FromMdl) { MmUnlockAddressSpace(AddressSpace); } return(Status); } extern BOOLEAN Mmi386MakeKernelPageTableGlobal(PVOID Address); NTSTATUS NTAPI MmAccessFault(IN BOOLEAN StoreInstruction, IN PVOID Address, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE Mode, IN PVOID TrapInformation) { PMEMORY_AREA MemoryArea; /* Cute little hack for ROS */ if ((ULONG_PTR)Address >= (ULONG_PTR)MmSystemRangeStart) { #ifdef _M_IX86 /* Check for an invalid page directory in kernel mode */ if (Mmi386MakeKernelPageTableGlobal(Address)) { /* All is well with the world */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif } /* * Check if this is an ARM3 memory area or if there's no memory area at all. * The latter can happen early in the boot cycle when ARM3 paged pool is in * use before having defined the memory areas proper. * A proper fix would be to define memory areas in the ARM3 code, but we want * to avoid adding this ReactOS-specific construct to ARM3 code. * Either way, in the future, as ReactOS-paged pool is eliminated, this hack * can go away. */ MemoryArea = MmLocateMemoryAreaByAddress(MmGetKernelAddressSpace(), Address); if ((!(MemoryArea) && ((ULONG_PTR)Address >= (ULONG_PTR)MmSystemRangeStart)) || ((MemoryArea) && (MemoryArea->Type == MEMORY_AREA_OWNED_BY_ARM3))) { // // Hand it off to more competent hands... // DPRINT1("ARM3 fault\n"); return MmArmAccessFault(StoreInstruction, Address, Mode, TrapInformation); } /* Keep same old ReactOS Behaviour */ if (StoreInstruction) { /* Call access fault */ return MmpAccessFault(Mode, (ULONG_PTR)Address, TrapInformation ? FALSE : TRUE); } else { /* Call not present */ return MmNotPresentFault(Mode, (ULONG_PTR)Address, TrapInformation ? FALSE : TRUE); } } NTSTATUS NTAPI MmCommitPagedPoolAddress(PVOID Address, BOOLEAN Locked) { NTSTATUS Status; PFN_TYPE AllocatedPage; Status = MmRequestPageMemoryConsumer(MC_PPOOL, FALSE, &AllocatedPage); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { MmUnlockAddressSpace(MmGetKernelAddressSpace()); Status = MmRequestPageMemoryConsumer(MC_PPOOL, TRUE, &AllocatedPage); MmLockAddressSpace(MmGetKernelAddressSpace()); } Status = MmCreateVirtualMapping(NULL, (PVOID)PAGE_ROUND_DOWN(Address), PAGE_READWRITE, &AllocatedPage, 1); return(Status); }