/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Security access token implementation base support routines * COPYRIGHT: Copyright David Welch * Copyright 2021-2022 George Bișoc */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ POBJECT_TYPE SeTokenObjectType = NULL; TOKEN_SOURCE SeSystemTokenSource = {"*SYSTEM*", {0}}; LUID SeSystemAuthenticationId = SYSTEM_LUID; LUID SeAnonymousAuthenticationId = ANONYMOUS_LOGON_LUID; static GENERIC_MAPPING SepTokenMapping = { TOKEN_READ, TOKEN_WRITE, TOKEN_EXECUTE, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS }; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ /** * @brief * Creates a lock for the token. * * @param[in,out] Token * A token which lock has to be created. * * @return * STATUS_SUCCESS if the pool allocation and resource initialisation have * completed successfully, otherwise STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES on a * pool allocation failure. */ NTSTATUS SepCreateTokenLock( _Inout_ PTOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); Token->TokenLock = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(ERESOURCE), TAG_SE_TOKEN_LOCK); if (Token->TokenLock == NULL) { DPRINT1("SepCreateTokenLock(): Failed to allocate memory!\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } ExInitializeResourceLite(Token->TokenLock); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Deletes a lock of a token. * * @param[in,out] Token * A token which contains the lock. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID SepDeleteTokenLock( _Inout_ PTOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); ExDeleteResourceLite(Token->TokenLock); ExFreePoolWithTag(Token->TokenLock, TAG_SE_TOKEN_LOCK); } /** * @brief * Compares the elements of SID arrays provided by tokens. * The elements that are being compared for equality are * the SIDs and their attributes. * * @param[in] SidArrayToken1 * SID array from the first token. * * @param[in] CountSidArray1 * SID count array from the first token. * * @param[in] SidArrayToken2 * SID array from the second token. * * @param[in] CountSidArray2 * SID count array from the second token. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the elements match from either arrays, * FALSE otherwise. */ static BOOLEAN SepCompareSidAndAttributesFromTokens( _In_ PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES SidArrayToken1, _In_ ULONG CountSidArray1, _In_ PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES SidArrayToken2, _In_ ULONG CountSidArray2) { ULONG FirstCount, SecondCount; PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES FirstSidArray, SecondSidArray; PAGED_CODE(); /* Bail out if index counters provided are not equal */ if (CountSidArray1 != CountSidArray2) { DPRINT("SepCompareSidAndAttributesFromTokens(): Index counters are not the same!\n"); return FALSE; } /* Loop over the SID arrays and compare them */ for (FirstCount = 0; FirstCount < CountSidArray1; FirstCount++) { for (SecondCount = 0; SecondCount < CountSidArray2; SecondCount++) { FirstSidArray = &SidArrayToken1[FirstCount]; SecondSidArray = &SidArrayToken2[SecondCount]; if (RtlEqualSid(FirstSidArray->Sid, SecondSidArray->Sid) && FirstSidArray->Attributes == SecondSidArray->Attributes) { break; } } /* We've exhausted the array of the second token without finding this one */ if (SecondCount == CountSidArray2) { DPRINT("SepCompareSidAndAttributesFromTokens(): No matching elements could be found in either token!\n"); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * @brief * Compares the elements of privilege arrays provided by tokens. * The elements that are being compared for equality are * the privileges and their attributes. * * @param[in] PrivArrayToken1 * Privilege array from the first token. * * @param[in] CountPrivArray1 * Privilege count array from the first token. * * @param[in] PrivArrayToken2 * Privilege array from the second token. * * @param[in] CountPrivArray2 * Privilege count array from the second token. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the elements match from either arrays, * FALSE otherwise. */ static BOOLEAN SepComparePrivilegeAndAttributesFromTokens( _In_ PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES PrivArrayToken1, _In_ ULONG CountPrivArray1, _In_ PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES PrivArrayToken2, _In_ ULONG CountPrivArray2) { ULONG FirstCount, SecondCount; PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES FirstPrivArray, SecondPrivArray; PAGED_CODE(); /* Bail out if index counters provided are not equal */ if (CountPrivArray1 != CountPrivArray2) { DPRINT("SepComparePrivilegeAndAttributesFromTokens(): Index counters are not the same!\n"); return FALSE; } /* Loop over the privilege arrays and compare them */ for (FirstCount = 0; FirstCount < CountPrivArray1; FirstCount++) { for (SecondCount = 0; SecondCount < CountPrivArray2; SecondCount++) { FirstPrivArray = &PrivArrayToken1[FirstCount]; SecondPrivArray = &PrivArrayToken2[SecondCount]; if (RtlEqualLuid(&FirstPrivArray->Luid, &SecondPrivArray->Luid) && FirstPrivArray->Attributes == SecondPrivArray->Attributes) { break; } } /* We've exhausted the array of the second token without finding this one */ if (SecondCount == CountPrivArray2) { DPRINT("SepComparePrivilegeAndAttributesFromTokens(): No matching elements could be found in either token!\n"); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * @brief * Compares tokens if they're equal based on all the following properties. If all * of the said conditions are met then the tokens are deemed as equal. * * - Every SID that is present in either token is also present in the other one. * - Both or none of the tokens are restricted. * - If both tokens are restricted, every SID that is restricted in either token is * also restricted in the other one. * - Every privilege present in either token is also present in the other one. * * @param[in] FirstToken * The first token. * * @param[in] SecondToken * The second token. * * @param[out] Equal * The retrieved value which determines if the tokens are * equal or not. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS. */ static NTSTATUS SepCompareTokens( _In_ PTOKEN FirstToken, _In_ PTOKEN SecondToken, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Equal) { BOOLEAN Restricted, IsEqual = FALSE; PAGED_CODE(); ASSERT(FirstToken != SecondToken); /* Lock the tokens */ SepAcquireTokenLockShared(FirstToken); SepAcquireTokenLockShared(SecondToken); /* Check if every SID that is present in either token is also present in the other one */ if (!SepCompareSidAndAttributesFromTokens(FirstToken->UserAndGroups, FirstToken->UserAndGroupCount, SecondToken->UserAndGroups, SecondToken->UserAndGroupCount)) { goto Quit; } /* Is one token restricted but the other isn't? */ Restricted = SeTokenIsRestricted(FirstToken); if (Restricted != SeTokenIsRestricted(SecondToken)) { /* If that's the case then bail out */ goto Quit; } /* * If both tokens are restricted check if every SID * that is restricted in either token is also restricted * in the other one. */ if (Restricted) { if (!SepCompareSidAndAttributesFromTokens(FirstToken->RestrictedSids, FirstToken->RestrictedSidCount, SecondToken->RestrictedSids, SecondToken->RestrictedSidCount)) { goto Quit; } } /* Check if every privilege present in either token is also present in the other one */ if (!SepComparePrivilegeAndAttributesFromTokens(FirstToken->Privileges, FirstToken->PrivilegeCount, SecondToken->Privileges, SecondToken->PrivilegeCount)) { goto Quit; } /* If we're here then the tokens are equal */ IsEqual = TRUE; DPRINT("SepCompareTokens(): Tokens are equal!\n"); Quit: /* Unlock the tokens */ SepReleaseTokenLock(SecondToken); SepReleaseTokenLock(FirstToken); *Equal = IsEqual; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Private function that impersonates the system's anonymous logon token. * The major bulk of the impersonation procedure is done here. * * @param[in] Thread * The executive thread object that is to impersonate the client. * * @param[in] PreviousMode * The access processor mode, indicating if the call is executed * in kernel or user mode. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the impersonation has succeeded. * STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL is returned if the primary token couldn't be * obtained from the current process to perform additional tasks. * STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED is returned if the process' primary token is * restricted, which for this matter we cannot impersonate onto a * restricted process. Otherwise a failure NTSTATUS code is returned. */ static NTSTATUS SepImpersonateAnonymousToken( _In_ PETHREAD Thread, _In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode) { NTSTATUS Status; PTOKEN TokenToImpersonate, ProcessToken; ULONG IncludeEveryoneValueData; PAGED_CODE(); /* * We must check first which kind of token * shall we assign for the thread to impersonate, * the one with Everyone Group SID or the other * without. Invoke the registry helper to * return the data value for us. */ Status = SepRegQueryHelper(L"\\Registry\\Machine\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa", L"EveryoneIncludesAnonymous", REG_DWORD, sizeof(IncludeEveryoneValueData), &IncludeEveryoneValueData); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("SepRegQueryHelper(): Failed to query the registry value (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); return Status; } if (IncludeEveryoneValueData == 0) { DPRINT("SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Assigning the token not including the Everyone Group SID...\n"); TokenToImpersonate = SeAnonymousLogonTokenNoEveryone; } else { DPRINT("SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Assigning the token including the Everyone Group SID...\n"); TokenToImpersonate = SeAnonymousLogonToken; } /* * Tell the object manager that we're going to use this token * object now by incrementing the reference count. */ Status = ObReferenceObjectByPointer(TokenToImpersonate, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, SeTokenObjectType, PreviousMode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Couldn't be able to use the token, bail out...\n"); return Status; } /* * Reference the primary token of the current process that the anonymous * logon token impersonation procedure is being performed. We'll be going * to use the process' token to figure out if the process is actually * restricted or not. */ ProcessToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(PsGetCurrentProcess()); if (!ProcessToken) { DPRINT1("SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Couldn't be able to get the process' primary token, bail out...\n"); ObDereferenceObject(TokenToImpersonate); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* Now, is the token from the current process restricted? */ if (SeTokenIsRestricted(ProcessToken)) { DPRINT1("SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(): The process is restricted, can't do anything. Bail out...\n"); PsDereferencePrimaryToken(ProcessToken); ObDereferenceObject(TokenToImpersonate); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } /* * Finally it's time to impersonate! But first, fast dereference the * process' primary token as we no longer need it. */ ObFastDereferenceObject(&PsGetCurrentProcess()->Token, ProcessToken); Status = PsImpersonateClient(Thread, TokenToImpersonate, TRUE, FALSE, SecurityImpersonation); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Failed to impersonate, bail out...\n"); ObDereferenceObject(TokenToImpersonate); return Status; } return Status; } /** * @brief * Updates the token's flags based upon the privilege that the token * has been granted. The flag can either be taken out or given to the token * if the attributes of the specified privilege is enabled or not. * * @param[in,out] Token * The token where the flags are to be changed. * * @param[in] Index * The index count which represents the total sum of privileges. The count in question * MUST NOT exceed the expected privileges count of the token. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID SepUpdateSinglePrivilegeFlagToken( _Inout_ PTOKEN Token, _In_ ULONG Index) { ULONG TokenFlag; ASSERT(Index < Token->PrivilegeCount); /* The high part of all values we are interested in is 0 */ if (Token->Privileges[Index].Luid.HighPart != 0) { return; } /* Check for certain privileges to update flags */ if (Token->Privileges[Index].Luid.LowPart == SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_PRIVILEGE) { TokenFlag = TOKEN_HAS_TRAVERSE_PRIVILEGE; } else if (Token->Privileges[Index].Luid.LowPart == SE_BACKUP_PRIVILEGE) { TokenFlag = TOKEN_HAS_BACKUP_PRIVILEGE; } else if (Token->Privileges[Index].Luid.LowPart == SE_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE) { TokenFlag = TOKEN_HAS_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE; } else if (Token->Privileges[Index].Luid.LowPart == SE_IMPERSONATE_PRIVILEGE) { TokenFlag = TOKEN_HAS_IMPERSONATE_PRIVILEGE; } else { /* Nothing to do */ return; } /* Check if the specified privilege is enabled */ if (Token->Privileges[Index].Attributes & SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED) { /* It is enabled, so set the flag */ Token->TokenFlags |= TokenFlag; } else { /* Is is disabled, so remove the flag */ Token->TokenFlags &= ~TokenFlag; } } /** * @brief * Checks if a token belongs to the main user, being the owner. * * @param[in] _Token * A valid token object. * * @param[in] SecurityDescriptor * A security descriptor where the owner is to be found. * * @param[in] TokenLocked * If set to TRUE, the token has been already locked and there's * no need to lock it again. Otherwise the function will acquire * the lock. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the token belongs to a owner, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SepTokenIsOwner( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN _Token, _In_ PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, _In_ BOOLEAN TokenLocked) { PSID Sid; BOOLEAN Result; PTOKEN Token = _Token; /* Get the owner SID */ Sid = SepGetOwnerFromDescriptor(SecurityDescriptor); ASSERT(Sid != NULL); /* Lock the token if needed */ if (!TokenLocked) SepAcquireTokenLockShared(Token); /* Check if the owner SID is found, handling restricted case as well */ Result = SepSidInToken(Token, Sid); if ((Result) && (Token->TokenFlags & TOKEN_IS_RESTRICTED)) { Result = SepSidInTokenEx(Token, NULL, Sid, FALSE, TRUE); } /* Release the lock if we had acquired it */ if (!TokenLocked) SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); /* Return the result */ return Result; } /** * @brief * Updates the token's flags based upon the privilege that the token * has been granted. The function uses the private helper, SepUpdateSinglePrivilegeFlagToken, * in order to update the flags of a token. * * @param[in,out] Token * The token where the flags are to be changed. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID SepUpdatePrivilegeFlagsToken( _Inout_ PTOKEN Token) { ULONG i; /* Loop all privileges */ for (i = 0; i < Token->PrivilegeCount; i++) { /* Updates the flags for this privilege */ SepUpdateSinglePrivilegeFlagToken(Token, i); } } /** * @brief * Removes a privilege from the token. * * @param[in,out] Token * The token where the privilege is to be removed. * * @param[in] Index * The index count which represents the number position of the privilege * we want to remove. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID SepRemovePrivilegeToken( _Inout_ PTOKEN Token, _In_ ULONG Index) { ULONG MoveCount; ASSERT(Index < Token->PrivilegeCount); /* Calculate the number of trailing privileges */ MoveCount = Token->PrivilegeCount - Index - 1; if (MoveCount != 0) { /* Move them one location ahead */ RtlMoveMemory(&Token->Privileges[Index], &Token->Privileges[Index + 1], MoveCount * sizeof(LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); } /* Update privilege count */ Token->PrivilegeCount--; } /** * @brief * Removes a group from the token. * * @param[in,out] Token * The token where the group is to be removed. * * @param[in] Index * The index count which represents the number position of the group * we want to remove. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID SepRemoveUserGroupToken( _Inout_ PTOKEN Token, _In_ ULONG Index) { ULONG MoveCount; ASSERT(Index < Token->UserAndGroupCount); /* Calculate the number of trailing groups */ MoveCount = Token->UserAndGroupCount - Index - 1; if (MoveCount != 0) { /* Time to remove the group by moving one location ahead */ RtlMoveMemory(&Token->UserAndGroups[Index], &Token->UserAndGroups[Index + 1], MoveCount * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); } /* Remove one group count */ Token->UserAndGroupCount--; } /** * @brief * Computes the exact available dynamic area of an access * token whilst querying token statistics. * * @param[in] DynamicCharged * The current charged dynamic area of an access token. * This must not be 0! * * @param[in] PrimaryGroup * A pointer to a primary group SID. * * @param[in] DefaultDacl * If provided, this pointer points to a default DACL of an * access token. * * @return * Returns the calculated available dynamic area. */ ULONG SepComputeAvailableDynamicSpace( _In_ ULONG DynamicCharged, _In_ PSID PrimaryGroup, _In_opt_ PACL DefaultDacl) { ULONG DynamicAvailable; PAGED_CODE(); /* A token's dynamic area is always charged */ ASSERT(DynamicCharged != 0); /* * Take into account the default DACL if * the token has one. Otherwise the occupied * space is just the present primary group. */ DynamicAvailable = DynamicCharged - RtlLengthSid(PrimaryGroup); if (DefaultDacl) { DynamicAvailable -= DefaultDacl->AclSize; } return DynamicAvailable; } /** * @brief * Re-builds the dynamic part area of an access token * during an a default DACL or primary group replacement * within the said token if the said dynamic area can't * hold the new security content. * * @param[in] AccessToken * A pointer to an access token where its dynamic part * is to be re-built and expanded based upon the new * dynamic part size provided by the caller. Dynamic * part expansion is not always guaranteed. See Remarks * for further information. * * @param[in] NewDynamicPartSize * The new dynamic part size. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function has completed its * operations successfully. STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES * is returned if the new dynamic part could not be allocated. * * @remarks * STATUS_SUCCESS does not indicate if the function has re-built * the dynamic part of a token. If the current dynamic area size * suffices the new dynamic area length provided by the caller * then the dynamic area can hold the new security content buffer * so dynamic part expansion is not necessary. */ NTSTATUS SepRebuildDynamicPartOfToken( _Inout_ PTOKEN AccessToken, _In_ ULONG NewDynamicPartSize) { PVOID NewDynamicPart; PVOID PreviousDynamicPart; ULONG CurrentDynamicLength; PAGED_CODE(); /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(AccessToken); ASSERT(NewDynamicPartSize != 0); /* * Compute the exact length of the available * dynamic part of the access token. */ CurrentDynamicLength = AccessToken->DynamicAvailable + RtlLengthSid(AccessToken->PrimaryGroup); if (AccessToken->DefaultDacl) { CurrentDynamicLength += AccessToken->DefaultDacl->AclSize; } /* * Figure out if the current dynamic part is too small * to fit new contents inside the said dynamic part. * Rebuild the dynamic area and expand it if necessary. */ if (CurrentDynamicLength < NewDynamicPartSize) { NewDynamicPart = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, NewDynamicPartSize, TAG_TOKEN_DYNAMIC); if (NewDynamicPart == NULL) { DPRINT1("SepRebuildDynamicPartOfToken(): Insufficient resources to allocate new dynamic part!\n"); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Copy the existing dynamic part */ PreviousDynamicPart = AccessToken->DynamicPart; RtlCopyMemory(NewDynamicPart, PreviousDynamicPart, CurrentDynamicLength); /* Update the available dynamic area and assign new dynamic */ AccessToken->DynamicAvailable += NewDynamicPartSize - CurrentDynamicLength; AccessToken->DynamicPart = NewDynamicPart; /* Move the contents (primary group and default DACL) addresses as well */ AccessToken->PrimaryGroup = (PSID)((ULONG_PTR)AccessToken->DynamicPart + ((ULONG_PTR)AccessToken->PrimaryGroup - (ULONG_PTR)PreviousDynamicPart)); if (AccessToken->DefaultDacl != NULL) { AccessToken->DefaultDacl = (PACL)((ULONG_PTR)AccessToken->DynamicPart + ((ULONG_PTR)AccessToken->DefaultDacl - (ULONG_PTR)PreviousDynamicPart)); } /* And discard the previous dynamic part */ DPRINT("SepRebuildDynamicPartOfToken(): The dynamic part has been re-built with success!\n"); ExFreePoolWithTag(PreviousDynamicPart, TAG_TOKEN_DYNAMIC); } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @unimplemented * @brief * Frees (de-allocates) the proxy data memory block of a token. * * @param[in,out] ProxyData * The proxy data to be freed. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID NTAPI SepFreeProxyData( _Inout_ PVOID ProxyData) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /** * @unimplemented * @brief * Copies the proxy data from the source into the destination of a token. * * @param[out] Dest * The destination path where the proxy data is to be copied to. * * @param[in] Src * The source path where the proxy data is be copied from. * * @return * To be added... */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SepCopyProxyData( _Out_ PVOID* Dest, _In_ PVOID Src) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } /** * @brief * Replaces the old access token of a process (pointed by the EPROCESS kernel structure) with a * new access token. The new access token must be a primary token for use. * * @param[in] Process * The process instance where its access token is about to be replaced. * * @param[in] NewAccessToken * The new token that it's going to replace the old one. * * @param[out] OldAccessToken * The returned old token that's been replaced, which the caller can do anything. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the exchange operation between tokens has completed successfully. * STATUS_BAD_TOKEN_TYPE is returned if the new token is not a primary one so that we cannot * exchange it with the old one from the process. STATUS_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE is returned if * both tokens aren't equal which means one of them has different properties (groups, privileges, etc.) * and as such one of them is currently in use. A failure NTSTATUS code is returned otherwise. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeExchangePrimaryToken( _In_ PEPROCESS Process, _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN NewAccessToken, _Out_ PACCESS_TOKEN* OldAccessToken) { PTOKEN OldToken; PTOKEN NewToken = (PTOKEN)NewAccessToken; PAGED_CODE(); if (NewToken->TokenType != TokenPrimary) return STATUS_BAD_TOKEN_TYPE; if (NewToken->TokenInUse) { BOOLEAN IsEqual; NTSTATUS Status; /* Maybe we're trying to set the same token */ OldToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(Process); if (OldToken == NewToken) { /* So it's a nop. */ *OldAccessToken = OldToken; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } Status = SepCompareTokens(OldToken, NewToken, &IsEqual); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { PsDereferencePrimaryToken(OldToken); *OldAccessToken = NULL; return Status; } if (!IsEqual) { PsDereferencePrimaryToken(OldToken); *OldAccessToken = NULL; return STATUS_TOKEN_ALREADY_IN_USE; } /* Silently return STATUS_SUCCESS but do not set the new token, * as it's already in use elsewhere. */ *OldAccessToken = OldToken; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /* Lock the new token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(NewToken); /* Mark new token in use */ NewToken->TokenInUse = TRUE; /* Set the session ID for the new token */ NewToken->SessionId = MmGetSessionId(Process); /* Unlock the new token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(NewToken); /* Reference the new token */ ObReferenceObject(NewToken); /* Replace the old with the new */ OldToken = ObFastReplaceObject(&Process->Token, NewToken); /* Lock the old token */ SepAcquireTokenLockExclusive(OldToken); /* Mark the old token as free */ OldToken->TokenInUse = FALSE; /* Unlock the old token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(OldToken); *OldAccessToken = (PACCESS_TOKEN)OldToken; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Removes the primary token of a process. * * @param[in,out] Process * The process instance with the access token to be removed. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID NTAPI SeDeassignPrimaryToken( _Inout_ PEPROCESS Process) { PTOKEN OldToken; /* Remove the Token */ OldToken = ObFastReplaceObject(&Process->Token, NULL); /* Mark the Old Token as free */ OldToken->TokenInUse = FALSE; /* Dereference the Token */ ObDereferenceObject(OldToken); } /** * @brief * Computes the length size of a SID. * * @param[in] Count * Total count of entries that have SIDs in them (that being PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES in this context). * * @param[in] Src * Source that points to the attributes and SID entry structure. * * @return * Returns the total length of a SID size. */ ULONG RtlLengthSidAndAttributes( _In_ ULONG Count, _In_ PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Src) { ULONG i; ULONG uLength; PAGED_CODE(); uLength = Count * sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES); for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) uLength += RtlLengthSid(Src[i].Sid); return uLength; } /** * @brief * Finds the primary group and default owner entity based on the submitted primary group instance * and an access token. * * @param[in] Token * Access token to begin the search query of primary group and default owner. * * @param[in] PrimaryGroup * A primary group SID to be used for search query, determining if user & groups of a token * and the submitted primary group do match. * * @param[in] DefaultOwner * The default owner. If specified, it's used to determine if the token belongs to the actual user, * that is, being the owner himself. * * @param[out] PrimaryGroupIndex * Returns the primary group index. * * @param[out] DefaultOwnerIndex * Returns the default owner index. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the find query operation has completed successfully and that at least one * search result is requested by the caller. STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned if the caller hasn't requested * any search result. STATUS_INVALID_OWNER is returned if the specified default user owner does not match with the other * user from the token. STATUS_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUP is returned if the specified default primary group does not match with the * other group from the token. */ NTSTATUS SepFindPrimaryGroupAndDefaultOwner( _In_ PTOKEN Token, _In_ PSID PrimaryGroup, _In_opt_ PSID DefaultOwner, _Out_opt_ PULONG PrimaryGroupIndex, _Out_opt_ PULONG DefaultOwnerIndex) { ULONG i; /* We should return at least a search result */ if (!PrimaryGroupIndex && !DefaultOwnerIndex) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (PrimaryGroupIndex) { /* Initialize with an invalid index */ // Token->PrimaryGroup = NULL; *PrimaryGroupIndex = Token->UserAndGroupCount; } if (DefaultOwnerIndex) { if (DefaultOwner) { /* An owner is specified: check whether this is actually the user */ if (RtlEqualSid(Token->UserAndGroups[0].Sid, DefaultOwner)) { /* * It's the user (first element in array): set it * as the owner and stop the search for it. */ *DefaultOwnerIndex = 0; DefaultOwnerIndex = NULL; } else { /* An owner is specified: initialize with an invalid index */ *DefaultOwnerIndex = Token->UserAndGroupCount; } } else { /* * No owner specified: set the user (first element in array) * as the owner and stop the search for it. */ *DefaultOwnerIndex = 0; DefaultOwnerIndex = NULL; } } /* Validate and set the primary group and default owner indices */ for (i = 0; i < Token->UserAndGroupCount; i++) { /* Stop the search if we have found what we searched for */ if (!PrimaryGroupIndex && !DefaultOwnerIndex) break; if (DefaultOwnerIndex && DefaultOwner && RtlEqualSid(Token->UserAndGroups[i].Sid, DefaultOwner) && (Token->UserAndGroups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_OWNER)) { /* Owner is found, stop the search for it */ *DefaultOwnerIndex = i; DefaultOwnerIndex = NULL; } if (PrimaryGroupIndex && RtlEqualSid(Token->UserAndGroups[i].Sid, PrimaryGroup)) { /* Primary group is found, stop the search for it */ // Token->PrimaryGroup = Token->UserAndGroups[i].Sid; *PrimaryGroupIndex = i; PrimaryGroupIndex = NULL; } } if (DefaultOwnerIndex) { if (*DefaultOwnerIndex == Token->UserAndGroupCount) return STATUS_INVALID_OWNER; } if (PrimaryGroupIndex) { if (*PrimaryGroupIndex == Token->UserAndGroupCount) // if (Token->PrimaryGroup == NULL) return STATUS_INVALID_PRIMARY_GROUP; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Subtracts a token in exchange of duplicating a new one. * * @param[in] ParentToken * The parent access token for duplication. * * @param[out] Token * The new duplicated token. * * @param[in] InUse * Set this to TRUE if the token is about to be used immediately after the call execution * of this function, FALSE otherwise. * * @param[in] SessionId * Session ID for the token to be assigned. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if token subtracting and duplication have completed successfully. * A failure NTSTATUS code is returned otherwise. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeSubProcessToken( _In_ PTOKEN ParentToken, _Out_ PTOKEN *Token, _In_ BOOLEAN InUse, _In_ ULONG SessionId) { PTOKEN NewToken; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; NTSTATUS Status; /* Initialize the attributes and duplicate it */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = SepDuplicateToken(ParentToken, &ObjectAttributes, FALSE, TokenPrimary, ParentToken->ImpersonationLevel, KernelMode, &NewToken); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Insert it */ Status = ObInsertObject(NewToken, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Set the session ID */ NewToken->SessionId = SessionId; NewToken->TokenInUse = InUse; /* Return the token */ *Token = NewToken; } } /* Return status */ return Status; } /** * @brief * Checks if the token is a child of the other token * of the current process that the calling thread is invoking this function. * * @param[in] Token * An access token to determine if it's a child or not. * * @param[out] IsChild * The returned boolean result. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS when the function finishes its operation. STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL is * returned if primary token of the current calling process couldn't be referenced otherwise. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeIsTokenChild( _In_ PTOKEN Token, _Out_ PBOOLEAN IsChild) { PTOKEN ProcessToken; LUID ProcessTokenId, CallerParentId; /* Assume failure */ *IsChild = FALSE; /* Reference the process token */ ProcessToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(PsGetCurrentProcess()); if (!ProcessToken) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* Get its token ID */ ProcessTokenId = ProcessToken->TokenId; /* Dereference the token */ ObFastDereferenceObject(&PsGetCurrentProcess()->Token, ProcessToken); /* Get our parent token ID */ CallerParentId = Token->ParentTokenId; /* Compare the token IDs */ if (RtlEqualLuid(&CallerParentId, &ProcessTokenId)) *IsChild = TRUE; /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Checks if the token is a sibling of the other token of * the current process that the calling thread is invoking this function. * * @param[in] Token * An access token to determine if it's a sibling or not. * * @param[out] IsSibling * The returned boolean result. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS when the function finishes its operation. STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL is * returned if primary token of the current calling process couldn't be referenced otherwise. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeIsTokenSibling( _In_ PTOKEN Token, _Out_ PBOOLEAN IsSibling) { PTOKEN ProcessToken; LUID ProcessParentId, ProcessAuthId; LUID CallerParentId, CallerAuthId; /* Assume failure */ *IsSibling = FALSE; /* Reference the process token */ ProcessToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(PsGetCurrentProcess()); if (!ProcessToken) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* Get its parent and authentication IDs */ ProcessParentId = ProcessToken->ParentTokenId; ProcessAuthId = ProcessToken->AuthenticationId; /* Dereference the token */ ObFastDereferenceObject(&PsGetCurrentProcess()->Token, ProcessToken); /* Get our parent and authentication IDs */ CallerParentId = Token->ParentTokenId; CallerAuthId = Token->AuthenticationId; /* Compare the token IDs */ if (RtlEqualLuid(&CallerParentId, &ProcessParentId) && RtlEqualLuid(&CallerAuthId, &ProcessAuthId)) { *IsSibling = TRUE; } /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Copies an existing access token (technically duplicating a new one). * * @param[in] Token * Token to copy. * * @param[in] Level * Impersonation security level to assign to the newly copied token. * * @param[in] PreviousMode * Processor request level mode. * * @param[out] NewToken * The newly copied token. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS when token copying has finished successfully. A failure * NTSTATUS code is returned otherwise. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeCopyClientToken( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token, _In_ SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL Level, _In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, _Out_ PACCESS_TOKEN* NewToken) { NTSTATUS Status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; PAGED_CODE(); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); Status = SepDuplicateToken(Token, &ObjectAttributes, FALSE, TokenImpersonation, Level, PreviousMode, (PTOKEN*)NewToken); return Status; } /** * @brief * Determines if a token is a sandbox inert token or not, * based upon the token flags. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token to determine if such token is inert. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the token is inert, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SeTokenIsInert( _In_ PTOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); return (((PTOKEN)Token)->TokenFlags & TOKEN_SANDBOX_INERT) != 0; } /** * @brief * Internal function that deals with access token object destruction and deletion. * The function is used solely by the object manager mechanism that handles the life * management of a token object. * * @param[in] ObjectBody * The object body that represents an access token object. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID NTAPI SepDeleteToken( _In_ PVOID ObjectBody) { NTSTATUS Status; PTOKEN AccessToken = (PTOKEN)ObjectBody; DPRINT("SepDeleteToken()\n"); /* Remove the referenced logon session from token */ if (AccessToken->LogonSession) { Status = SepRmRemoveLogonSessionFromToken(AccessToken); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Something seriously went wrong */ DPRINT1("SepDeleteToken(): Failed to remove the logon session from token (Status: 0x%lx)\n", Status); return; } } /* Dereference the logon session */ if ((AccessToken->TokenFlags & TOKEN_SESSION_NOT_REFERENCED) == 0) SepRmDereferenceLogonSession(&AccessToken->AuthenticationId); /* Delete the token lock */ if (AccessToken->TokenLock) SepDeleteTokenLock(AccessToken); /* Delete the dynamic information area */ if (AccessToken->DynamicPart) ExFreePoolWithTag(AccessToken->DynamicPart, TAG_TOKEN_DYNAMIC); } /** * @brief * Internal function that initializes critical kernel data for access * token implementation in SRM. * * @return * Nothing. */ CODE_SEG("INIT") VOID NTAPI SepInitializeTokenImplementation(VOID) { UNICODE_STRING Name; OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZER ObjectTypeInitializer; DPRINT("Creating Token Object Type\n"); /* Initialize the Token type */ RtlZeroMemory(&ObjectTypeInitializer, sizeof(ObjectTypeInitializer)); RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, L"Token"); ObjectTypeInitializer.Length = sizeof(ObjectTypeInitializer); ObjectTypeInitializer.InvalidAttributes = OBJ_OPENLINK; ObjectTypeInitializer.SecurityRequired = TRUE; ObjectTypeInitializer.DefaultPagedPoolCharge = sizeof(TOKEN); ObjectTypeInitializer.GenericMapping = SepTokenMapping; ObjectTypeInitializer.PoolType = PagedPool; ObjectTypeInitializer.ValidAccessMask = TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS; ObjectTypeInitializer.UseDefaultObject = TRUE; ObjectTypeInitializer.DeleteProcedure = SepDeleteToken; ObCreateObjectType(&Name, &ObjectTypeInitializer, NULL, &SeTokenObjectType); } /** * @brief * Assigns a primary access token to a given process. * * @param[in] Process * Process where the token is about to be assigned. * * @param[in] Token * The token to be assigned. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID NTAPI SeAssignPrimaryToken( _In_ PEPROCESS Process, _In_ PTOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Sanity checks */ ASSERT(Token->TokenType == TokenPrimary); ASSERT(!Token->TokenInUse); /* Clean any previous token */ if (Process->Token.Object) SeDeassignPrimaryToken(Process); /* Set the new token */ ObReferenceObject(Token); Token->TokenInUse = TRUE; ObInitializeFastReference(&Process->Token, Token); } /** * @brief * Retrieves token control information. * * @param[in] _Token * A valid token object. * * @param[out] SecurityDescriptor * The returned token control information. * * @return * Nothing. */ VOID NTAPI SeGetTokenControlInformation( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN _Token, _Out_ PTOKEN_CONTROL TokenControl) { PTOKEN Token = _Token; PAGED_CODE(); /* Capture the main fields */ TokenControl->AuthenticationId = Token->AuthenticationId; TokenControl->TokenId = Token->TokenId; TokenControl->TokenSource = Token->TokenSource; /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockShared(Token); /* Capture the modified ID */ TokenControl->ModifiedId = Token->ModifiedId; /* Unlock it */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); } /** * @brief * Creates the system process token. * * @return * Returns the system process token if the operations have * completed successfully. */ CODE_SEG("INIT") PTOKEN NTAPI SepCreateSystemProcessToken(VOID) { LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privileges[25]; ULONG GroupAttributes, OwnerAttributes; SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Groups[32]; LARGE_INTEGER Expiration; SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES UserSid; ULONG GroupsLength; PSID PrimaryGroup; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; PSID Owner; ULONG i; PTOKEN Token; NTSTATUS Status; /* Don't ever expire */ Expiration.QuadPart = -1; /* All groups mandatory and enabled */ GroupAttributes = SE_GROUP_ENABLED | SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT; OwnerAttributes = SE_GROUP_ENABLED | SE_GROUP_OWNER | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT; /* User is Local System */ UserSid.Sid = SeLocalSystemSid; UserSid.Attributes = 0; /* Primary group is Local System */ PrimaryGroup = SeLocalSystemSid; /* Owner is Administrators */ Owner = SeAliasAdminsSid; /* Groups are Administrators, World, and Authenticated Users */ Groups[0].Sid = SeAliasAdminsSid; Groups[0].Attributes = OwnerAttributes; Groups[1].Sid = SeWorldSid; Groups[1].Attributes = GroupAttributes; Groups[2].Sid = SeAuthenticatedUsersSid; Groups[2].Attributes = GroupAttributes; GroupsLength = sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) + SeLengthSid(Groups[0].Sid) + SeLengthSid(Groups[1].Sid) + SeLengthSid(Groups[2].Sid); ASSERT(GroupsLength <= sizeof(Groups)); /* Setup the privileges */ i = 0; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeTcbPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeCreateTokenPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeCreatePagefilePrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeLockMemoryPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeCreatePermanentPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeDebugPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeAuditPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeSecurityPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeChangeNotifyPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeBackupPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeRestorePrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeShutdownPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeLoadDriverPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT | SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege; Privileges[i].Attributes = 0; Privileges[i++].Luid = SeSystemtimePrivilege; ASSERT(i == 20); /* Setup the object attributes */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(SeSystemDefaultDacl != NULL); /* Create the token */ Status = SepCreateToken((PHANDLE)&Token, KernelMode, 0, &ObjectAttributes, TokenPrimary, SecurityAnonymous, &SeSystemAuthenticationId, &Expiration, &UserSid, 3, Groups, GroupsLength, 20, Privileges, Owner, PrimaryGroup, SeSystemDefaultDacl, &SeSystemTokenSource, TRUE); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Return the token */ return Token; } /** * @brief * Creates the anonymous logon token for the system. The difference between this * token and the other one is the inclusion of everyone SID group (being SeWorldSid). * The other token lacks such group. * * @return * Returns the system's anonymous logon token if the operations have * completed successfully. */ CODE_SEG("INIT") PTOKEN SepCreateSystemAnonymousLogonToken(VOID) { SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Groups[32], UserSid; PSID PrimaryGroup; PTOKEN Token; ULONG GroupsLength; LARGE_INTEGER Expiration; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; NTSTATUS Status; /* The token never expires */ Expiration.QuadPart = -1; /* The user is the anonymous logon */ UserSid.Sid = SeAnonymousLogonSid; UserSid.Attributes = 0; /* The primary group is also the anonymous logon */ PrimaryGroup = SeAnonymousLogonSid; /* The only group for the token is the World */ Groups[0].Sid = SeWorldSid; Groups[0].Attributes = SE_GROUP_ENABLED | SE_GROUP_MANDATORY | SE_GROUP_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT; GroupsLength = sizeof(SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) + SeLengthSid(Groups[0].Sid); ASSERT(GroupsLength <= sizeof(Groups)); /* Initialise the object attributes for the token */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(SeSystemAnonymousLogonDacl != NULL); /* Create token */ Status = SepCreateToken((PHANDLE)&Token, KernelMode, 0, &ObjectAttributes, TokenPrimary, SecurityAnonymous, &SeAnonymousAuthenticationId, &Expiration, &UserSid, 1, Groups, GroupsLength, 0, NULL, NULL, PrimaryGroup, SeSystemAnonymousLogonDacl, &SeSystemTokenSource, TRUE); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Return the anonymous logon token */ return Token; } /** * @brief * Creates the anonymous logon token for the system. This kind of token * doesn't include the everyone SID group (being SeWorldSid). * * @return * Returns the system's anonymous logon token if the operations have * completed successfully. */ CODE_SEG("INIT") PTOKEN SepCreateSystemAnonymousLogonTokenNoEveryone(VOID) { SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES UserSid; PSID PrimaryGroup; PTOKEN Token; LARGE_INTEGER Expiration; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; NTSTATUS Status; /* The token never expires */ Expiration.QuadPart = -1; /* The user is the anonymous logon */ UserSid.Sid = SeAnonymousLogonSid; UserSid.Attributes = 0; /* The primary group is also the anonymous logon */ PrimaryGroup = SeAnonymousLogonSid; /* Initialise the object attributes for the token */ InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); ASSERT(SeSystemAnonymousLogonDacl != NULL); /* Create token */ Status = SepCreateToken((PHANDLE)&Token, KernelMode, 0, &ObjectAttributes, TokenPrimary, SecurityAnonymous, &SeAnonymousAuthenticationId, &Expiration, &UserSid, 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, PrimaryGroup, SeSystemAnonymousLogonDacl, &SeSystemTokenSource, TRUE); ASSERT(Status == STATUS_SUCCESS); /* Return the anonymous (not including everyone) logon token */ return Token; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************************************************/ /** * @brief * Queries the session ID of an access token. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token where the session ID has to be gathered. * * @param[out] pSessionId * The returned pointer to a session ID to the caller. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeQuerySessionIdToken( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token, _Out_ PULONG pSessionId) { PAGED_CODE(); /* Lock the token */ SepAcquireTokenLockShared(Token); *pSessionId = ((PTOKEN)Token)->SessionId; /* Unlock the token */ SepReleaseTokenLock(Token); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Queries the authentication ID of an access token. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token where the authentication ID has to be gathered. * * @param[out] pSessionId * The returned pointer to an authentication ID to the caller. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token, _Out_ PLUID LogonId) { PAGED_CODE(); *LogonId = ((PTOKEN)Token)->AuthenticationId; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /** * @brief * Gathers the security impersonation level of an access token. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token where the impersonation level has to be gathered. * * @return * Returns the security impersonation level from a valid token. */ SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL NTAPI SeTokenImpersonationLevel( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); return ((PTOKEN)Token)->ImpersonationLevel; } /** * @brief * Gathers the token type of an access token. A token ca be either * a primary token or impersonation token. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token where the token type has to be gathered. * * @return * Returns the token type from a valid token. */ TOKEN_TYPE NTAPI SeTokenType( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); return ((PTOKEN)Token)->TokenType; } /** * @brief * Determines if a token is either an admin token or not. Such * condition is checked based upon TOKEN_HAS_ADMIN_GROUP flag, * which means if the respective access token belongs to an * administrator group or not. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token to determine if such token is admin or not. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the token is an admin one, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SeTokenIsAdmin( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); // NOTE: Win7+ instead really checks the list of groups in the token // (since TOKEN_HAS_ADMIN_GROUP == TOKEN_WRITE_RESTRICTED ...) return (((PTOKEN)Token)->TokenFlags & TOKEN_HAS_ADMIN_GROUP) != 0; } /** * @brief * Determines if a token is restricted or not, based upon the token * flags. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token to determine if such token is restricted. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the token is restricted, FALSE otherwise. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SeTokenIsRestricted( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); return (((PTOKEN)Token)->TokenFlags & TOKEN_IS_RESTRICTED) != 0; } /** * @brief * Determines if a token is write restricted, that is, nobody can write anything * to it. * * @param[in] Token * A valid access token to determine if such token is write restricted. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the token is write restricted, FALSE otherwise. * * @remarks * First introduced in NT 5.1 SP2 x86 (5.1.2600.2622), absent in NT 5.2, * then finally re-introduced in Vista+. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SeTokenIsWriteRestricted( _In_ PACCESS_TOKEN Token) { PAGED_CODE(); // NOTE: NT 5.1 SP2 x86 checks the SE_BACKUP_PRIVILEGES_CHECKED flag // while Vista+ checks the TOKEN_WRITE_RESTRICTED flag as one expects. return (((PTOKEN)Token)->TokenFlags & SE_BACKUP_PRIVILEGES_CHECKED) != 0; } /** * @brief * Ensures that client impersonation can occur by checking if the token * we're going to assign as the impersonation token can be actually impersonated * in the first place. The routine is used primarily by PsImpersonateClient. * * @param[in] ProcessToken * Token from a process. * * @param[in] TokenToImpersonate * Token that we are going to impersonate. * * @param[in] ImpersonationLevel * Security impersonation level grade. * * @return * Returns TRUE if the conditions checked are met for token impersonation, * FALSE otherwise. */ BOOLEAN NTAPI SeTokenCanImpersonate( _In_ PTOKEN ProcessToken, _In_ PTOKEN TokenToImpersonate, _In_ SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel) { BOOLEAN CanImpersonate; PAGED_CODE(); /* * SecurityAnonymous and SecurityIdentification levels do not * allow impersonation. */ if (ImpersonationLevel == SecurityAnonymous || ImpersonationLevel == SecurityIdentification) { return FALSE; } /* Time to lock our tokens */ SepAcquireTokenLockShared(ProcessToken); SepAcquireTokenLockShared(TokenToImpersonate); /* What kind of authentication ID does the token have? */ if (RtlEqualLuid(&TokenToImpersonate->AuthenticationId, &SeAnonymousAuthenticationId)) { /* * OK, it looks like the token has an anonymous * authentication. Is that token created by the system? */ if (TokenToImpersonate->TokenSource.SourceName != SeSystemTokenSource.SourceName && !RtlEqualLuid(&TokenToImpersonate->TokenSource.SourceIdentifier, &SeSystemTokenSource.SourceIdentifier)) { /* It isn't, we can't impersonate regular tokens */ DPRINT("SeTokenCanImpersonate(): Token has an anonymous authentication ID, can't impersonate!\n"); CanImpersonate = FALSE; goto Quit; } } /* Are the SID values from both tokens equal? */ if (!RtlEqualSid(ProcessToken->UserAndGroups->Sid, TokenToImpersonate->UserAndGroups->Sid)) { /* They aren't, bail out */ DPRINT("SeTokenCanImpersonate(): Tokens SIDs are not equal!\n"); CanImpersonate = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* * Make sure the tokens aren't diverged in terms of * restrictions, that is, one token is restricted * but the other one isn't. */ if (SeTokenIsRestricted(ProcessToken) != SeTokenIsRestricted(TokenToImpersonate)) { /* * One token is restricted so we cannot * continue further at this point, bail out. */ DPRINT("SeTokenCanImpersonate(): One token is restricted, can't continue!\n"); CanImpersonate = FALSE; goto Quit; } /* If we've reached that far then we can impersonate! */ DPRINT("SeTokenCanImpersonate(): We can impersonate.\n"); CanImpersonate = TRUE; Quit: /* We're done, unlock the tokens now */ SepReleaseTokenLock(ProcessToken); SepReleaseTokenLock(TokenToImpersonate); return CanImpersonate; } /* SYSTEM CALLS ***************************************************************/ /** * @brief * Opens a token that is tied to a thread handle. * * @param[out] ThreadHandle * Thread handle where the token is about to be opened. * * @param[in] DesiredAccess * The request access right for the token. * * @param[in] OpenAsSelf * If set to TRUE, the access check will be made with the security context * of the process of the calling thread (opening as self). Otherwise the access * check will be made with the security context of the calling thread instead. * * @param[in] HandleAttributes * Handle attributes for the opened thread token handle. * * @param[out] TokenHandle * The opened token handle returned to the caller for use. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the function has successfully opened the thread * token. STATUS_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS is returned if a token has SecurityAnonymous * as impersonation level and we cannot open it. A failure NTSTATUS code is returned * otherwise. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenThreadTokenEx( _In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_ BOOLEAN OpenAsSelf, _In_ ULONG HandleAttributes, _Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle) { PETHREAD Thread; HANDLE hToken; PTOKEN Token, NewToken = NULL, PrimaryToken; BOOLEAN CopyOnOpen, EffectiveOnly; SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel; SE_IMPERSONATION_STATE ImpersonationState; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; PACL Dacl = NULL; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN RestoreImpersonation = FALSE; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = ExGetPreviousMode(); if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWriteHandle(TokenHandle); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Return the exception code */ _SEH2_YIELD(return _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; } /* Validate object attributes */ HandleAttributes = ObpValidateAttributes(HandleAttributes, PreviousMode); /* * At first open the thread token for information access and verify * that the token associated with thread is valid. */ Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ThreadHandle, THREAD_QUERY_INFORMATION, PsThreadType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&Thread, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } Token = PsReferenceImpersonationToken(Thread, &CopyOnOpen, &EffectiveOnly, &ImpersonationLevel); if (Token == NULL) { ObDereferenceObject(Thread); return STATUS_NO_TOKEN; } if (ImpersonationLevel == SecurityAnonymous) { PsDereferenceImpersonationToken(Token); ObDereferenceObject(Thread); return STATUS_CANT_OPEN_ANONYMOUS; } /* * Revert to self if OpenAsSelf is specified. */ if (OpenAsSelf) { RestoreImpersonation = PsDisableImpersonation(PsGetCurrentThread(), &ImpersonationState); } if (CopyOnOpen) { PrimaryToken = PsReferencePrimaryToken(Thread->ThreadsProcess); Status = SepCreateImpersonationTokenDacl(Token, PrimaryToken, &Dacl); ObFastDereferenceObject(&Thread->ThreadsProcess->Token, PrimaryToken); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Dacl) { Status = RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(&SecurityDescriptor, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to create a security descriptor (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } Status = RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor(&SecurityDescriptor, TRUE, Dacl, FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to set a DACL to the security descriptor (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } } InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, NULL, HandleAttributes, NULL, Dacl ? &SecurityDescriptor : NULL); Status = SepDuplicateToken(Token, &ObjectAttributes, EffectiveOnly, TokenImpersonation, ImpersonationLevel, KernelMode, &NewToken); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to duplicate the token (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } ObReferenceObject(NewToken); Status = ObInsertObject(NewToken, NULL, DesiredAccess, 0, NULL, &hToken); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to insert the token object (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } } else { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to impersonate token from DACL (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } } else { Status = ObOpenObjectByPointer(Token, HandleAttributes, NULL, DesiredAccess, SeTokenObjectType, PreviousMode, &hToken); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to open the object (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } } if (Dacl) ExFreePoolWithTag(Dacl, TAG_ACL); if (RestoreImpersonation) { PsRestoreImpersonation(PsGetCurrentThread(), &ImpersonationState); } ObDereferenceObject(Token); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && CopyOnOpen) { Status = PsImpersonateClient(Thread, NewToken, FALSE, EffectiveOnly, ImpersonationLevel); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtOpenThreadTokenEx(): Failed to impersonate the client (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } } if (NewToken) ObDereferenceObject(NewToken); ObDereferenceObject(Thread); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _SEH2_TRY { *TokenHandle = hToken; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; } return Status; } /** * @brief * Opens a token that is tied to a thread handle. * * @param[out] ThreadHandle * Thread handle where the token is about to be opened. * * @param[in] DesiredAccess * The request access right for the token. * * @param[in] OpenAsSelf * If set to TRUE, the access check will be made with the security context * of the process of the calling thread (opening as self). Otherwise the access * check will be made with the security context of the calling thread instead. * * @param[out] TokenHandle * The opened token handle returned to the caller for use. * * @return * See NtOpenThreadTokenEx. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI NtOpenThreadToken( _In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle, _In_ ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, _In_ BOOLEAN OpenAsSelf, _Out_ PHANDLE TokenHandle) { return NtOpenThreadTokenEx(ThreadHandle, DesiredAccess, OpenAsSelf, 0, TokenHandle); } /** * @brief * Compares tokens if they're equal or not. * * @param[in] FirstToken * The first token. * * @param[in] SecondToken * The second token. * * @param[out] Equal * The retrieved value which determines if the tokens are * equal or not. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS, otherwise it returns a failure NTSTATUS code. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI NtCompareTokens( _In_ HANDLE FirstTokenHandle, _In_ HANDLE SecondTokenHandle, _Out_ PBOOLEAN Equal) { KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; PTOKEN FirstToken, SecondToken; BOOLEAN IsEqual; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = ExGetPreviousMode(); if (PreviousMode != KernelMode) { _SEH2_TRY { ProbeForWriteBoolean(Equal); } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Return the exception code */ _SEH2_YIELD(return _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; } Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(FirstTokenHandle, TOKEN_QUERY, SeTokenObjectType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&FirstToken, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ObReferenceObjectByHandle() failed (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); return Status; } Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(SecondTokenHandle, TOKEN_QUERY, SeTokenObjectType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&SecondToken, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ObReferenceObjectByHandle() failed (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); ObDereferenceObject(FirstToken); return Status; } if (FirstToken != SecondToken) { Status = SepCompareTokens(FirstToken, SecondToken, &IsEqual); } else { IsEqual = TRUE; } ObDereferenceObject(SecondToken); ObDereferenceObject(FirstToken); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _SEH2_TRY { *Equal = IsEqual; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(ExSystemExceptionFilter()) { Status = _SEH2_GetExceptionCode(); } _SEH2_END; } return Status; } /** * @brief * Allows the calling thread to impersonate the system's anonymous * logon token. * * @param[in] ThreadHandle * A handle to the thread to start the procedure of logon token * impersonation. The thread must have the THREAD_IMPERSONATE * access right. * * @return * Returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the thread has successfully impersonated the * anonymous logon token, otherwise a failure NTSTATUS code is returned. * * @remarks * By default the system gives the opportunity to the caller to impersonate * the anonymous logon token without including the Everyone Group SID. * In cases where the caller wants to impersonate the token including such * group, the EveryoneIncludesAnonymous registry value setting has to be set * to 1, from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa registry * path. The calling thread must invoke PsRevertToSelf when impersonation * is no longer needed or RevertToSelf if the calling execution is done * in user mode. */ NTSTATUS NTAPI NtImpersonateAnonymousToken( _In_ HANDLE ThreadHandle) { PETHREAD Thread; KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode; NTSTATUS Status; PAGED_CODE(); PreviousMode = ExGetPreviousMode(); /* Obtain the thread object from the handle */ Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(ThreadHandle, THREAD_IMPERSONATE, PsThreadType, PreviousMode, (PVOID*)&Thread, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Failed to reference the object (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); return Status; } /* Call the private routine to impersonate the token */ Status = SepImpersonateAnonymousToken(Thread, PreviousMode); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("NtImpersonateAnonymousToken(): Failed to impersonate the token (Status 0x%lx)\n", Status); } ObDereferenceObject(Thread); return Status; } /* EOF */