/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Drivers * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/sac/driver/vtutf8chan.c * PURPOSE: Driver for the Server Administration Console (SAC) for EMS * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "sacdrv.h" /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ CHAR IncomingUtf8ConversionBuffer[4]; WCHAR IncomingUnicodeValue; SAC_STATIC_ESCAPE_STRING SacStaticEscapeStrings [] = { { VT_ANSI_CURSOR_UP, 2, SacCursorUp }, { VT_ANSI_CURSOR_DOWN, 2, SacCursorDown }, { VT_ANSI_CURSOR_RIGHT, 2, SacCursorRight }, { VT_ANSI_CURSOR_LEFT, 2, SacCursorLeft }, { VT_220_BACKTAB, 3, SacBackTab }, { VT_ANSI_ERASE_END_LINE, 2, SacEraseEndOfLine }, { VT_ANSI_ERASE_START_LINE, 3, SacEraseStartOfLine }, { VT_ANSI_ERASE_ENTIRE_LINE, 3, SacEraseLine }, { VT_ANSI_ERASE_DOWN_SCREEN, 2, SacEraseEndOfScreen }, { VT_ANSI_ERASE_UP_SCREEN, 3, SacEraseStartOfScreen }, { VT_ANSI_ERASE_ENTIRE_SCREEN, 3, SacEraseScreen }, }; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ FORCEINLINE VOID VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { ASSERT(Channel->CursorRow < SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT); ASSERT(Channel->CursorCol < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH); } BOOLEAN NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelScanForNumber(IN PWCHAR String, OUT PULONG Number) { /* If the first character is invalid, fail early */ if ((*String < L'0') || (*String > L'9')) return FALSE; /* Otherwise, initialize the output and loop the string */ *Number = 0; while ((*String >= L'0') && (*String <= L'9')) { /* Save the first decimal */ *Number = 10 * *Number; /* Compute and add the second one */ *Number += *++String - L'0'; } /* All done */ return TRUE; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN SAC_ANSI_DISPATCH AnsiCode, IN INT* Data, IN ULONG Length) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PCHAR LocalBuffer = NULL, Tmp; INT l; CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); /* Check which ANSI sequence we should output */ switch (AnsiCode) { /* Send the [2J (Clear Screen and Reset Cursor) */ case SacAnsiClearScreen: Tmp = "\x1B[2J"; break; /* Send the [0J (Clear From Position Till End Of Screen) */ case SacAnsiClearEndOfScreen: Tmp = "\x1B[0J"; break; /* Send the [0K (Clear from Position Till End Of Line) */ case SacAnsiClearEndOfLine: Tmp = "\x1B[0K"; break; /* Send a combination of two [#m attribute changes */ case SacAnsiSetColors: /* Allocate a small local buffer for it */ LocalBuffer = SacAllocatePool(SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH, GLOBAL_BLOCK_TAG); CHECK_ALLOCATION(LocalBuffer); /* Caller should have sent two colors as two integers */ if (!(Data) || (Length != 8)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } /* Create the escape sequence string */ l = sprintf(LocalBuffer, "\x1B[%dm\x1B[%dm", Data[1], Data[0]); ASSERT((l + 1)*sizeof(UCHAR) < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH); ASSERT(LocalBuffer); Tmp = LocalBuffer; break; /* Send the [#;#H (Cursor Position) sequence */ case SacAnsiSetPosition: /* Allocate a small local buffer for it */ LocalBuffer = SacAllocatePool(SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH, GLOBAL_BLOCK_TAG); CHECK_ALLOCATION(LocalBuffer); /* Caller should have sent the position as two integers */ if (!(Data) || (Length != 8)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } /* Create the escape sequence string */ l = sprintf(LocalBuffer, "\x1B[%d;%dH", Data[1] + 1, Data[0] + 1); ASSERT((l + 1)*sizeof(UCHAR) < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH); ASSERT(LocalBuffer); Tmp = LocalBuffer; break; /* Send the [0m sequence (Set Attribute 0) */ case SacAnsiClearAttributes: Tmp = "\x1B[0m"; break; /* Send the [7m sequence (Set Attribute 7) */ case SacAnsiSetInverseAttribute: Tmp = "\x1B[7m"; break; /* Send the [27m sequence (Set Attribute 27) */ case SacAnsiClearInverseAttribute: Tmp = "\x1B[27m"; break; /* Send the [5m sequence (Set Attribute 5) */ case SacAnsiSetBlinkAttribute: Tmp = "\x1B[5m"; break; /* Send the [25m sequence (Set Attribute 25) */ case SacAnsiClearBlinkAttribute: Tmp = "\x1B[25m"; break; /* Send the [1m sequence (Set Attribute 1) */ case SacAnsiSetBoldAttribute: Tmp = "\x1B[1m"; break; /* Send the [22m sequence (Set Attribute 22) */ case SacAnsiClearBoldAttribute: Tmp = "\x1B[22m"; break; /* We don't recognize it */ default: Status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } /* Did everything work above? */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Go write out the sequence */ Status = ConMgrWriteData(Channel, Tmp, strlen(Tmp)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Now flush it */ Status = ConMgrFlushData(Channel); } } /* Free the temporary buffer, if any, and return the status */ if (LocalBuffer) SacFreePool(LocalBuffer); return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelProcessAttributes(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN UCHAR Attribute) { NTSTATUS Status; CHECK_PARAMETER(Channel); /* Set bold if needed */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, Attribute & SAC_CELL_FLAG_BOLD ? SacAnsiSetBoldAttribute : SacAnsiClearBoldAttribute, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Set blink if needed */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, Attribute & SAC_CELL_FLAG_BLINK ? SacAnsiSetBlinkAttribute : SacAnsiClearBlinkAttribute, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Set inverse if needed */ return VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, Attribute & SAC_CELL_FLAG_INVERTED ? SacAnsiSetInverseAttribute : SacAnsiClearInverseAttribute, NULL, 0); } // // This function is the guts of the sequences that SAC supports. // // It is written to conform to the way that Microsoft's SAC driver interprets // the ANSI standard. If you want to extend and/or "fix" it, please use a flag // that can be set in the Registry to enable "extended" ANSI support or etc... // // Hermes, I'm looking at you, buddy. // ULONG NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelConsumeEscapeSequence(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PWCHAR String) { ULONG Number, Number2, Number3, i, Action, Result; PWCHAR Sequence; PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN Screen; ASSERT(String[0] == VT_ANSI_ESCAPE); /* Microsoft's driver does this after the O(n) check below. Be smarter. */ if (String[1] != VT_ANSI_COMMAND) return 0; /* Now that we know it's a valid command, look through the common cases */ for (i = 0; i < RTL_NUMBER_OF(SacStaticEscapeStrings); i++) { /* Check if an optimized sequence was detected */ if (!wcsncmp(String + 1, SacStaticEscapeStrings[i].Sequence, SacStaticEscapeStrings[i].Size)) { /* Yep, return the right action, length, and set optionals to 1 */ Action = SacStaticEscapeStrings[i].Action; Result = SacStaticEscapeStrings[i].Size + 1; Number = Number2 = Number3 = 1; goto ProcessString; } } /* It's a more complex sequence, start parsing it */ Result = 0; Sequence = String + 2; /* First, check for the cursor sequences. This is useless due to above. */ switch (*Sequence) { case VT_ANSI_CURSOR_UP_CHAR: Action = SacCursorUp; goto ProcessString; case VT_ANSI_CURSOR_DOWN_CHAR: Action = SacCursorDown; goto ProcessString; case VT_ANSI_CURSOR_RIGHT_CHAR: Action = SacCursorLeft; //bug goto ProcessString; case VT_ANSI_CURSOR_LEFT_CHAR: Action = SacCursorRight; //bug goto ProcessString; case VT_ANSI_ERASE_LINE_CHAR: Action = SacEraseEndOfLine; goto ProcessString; default: break; } /* This must be a sequence starting with ESC[# */ if (!VTUTF8ChannelScanForNumber(Sequence, &Number)) return 0; while ((*Sequence >= L'0') && (*Sequence <= L'9')) Sequence++; /* Check if this is ESC[#m */ if (*Sequence == VT_ANSI_SET_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR) { /* Some attribute is being set, go over the ones we support */ switch (Number) { /* Make the font standard */ case Normal: Action = SacFontNormal; break; /* Make the font bold */ case Bold: Action = SacFontBold; break; /* Make the font blink */ case SlowBlink: Action = SacFontBlink; break; /* Make the font colors inverted */ case Inverse: Action = SacFontInverse; break; /* Make the font standard intensity */ case BoldOff: Action = SacFontBoldOff; break; /* Turn off blinking */ case BlinkOff: Action = SacFontBlinkOff; break; /* Turn off inverted colors */ case InverseOff: Action = SacFontInverseOff; break; /* Something else... */ default: /* Is a background color being set? */ if ((Number < SetBackColorStart) || (Number > SetBackColorMax)) { /* Nope... is it the foreground color? */ if ((Number < SetColorStart) || (Number > SetColorMax)) { /* Nope. SAC expects no other attributes so bail out */ ASSERT(FALSE); return 0; } /* Yep -- the number will tell us which */ Action = SacSetFontColor; } else { /* Yep -- the number will tell us which */ Action = SacSetBackgroundColor; } break; } /* In all cases, we're done here */ goto ProcessString; } /* The only allowed possibility now is ESC[#;# */ if (*Sequence != VT_ANSI_SEPARATOR_CHAR) return 0; Sequence++; if (!VTUTF8ChannelScanForNumber(Sequence, &Number2)) return 0; while ((*Sequence >= L'0') && (*Sequence <= L'9')) Sequence++; /* There's two valid forms accepted at this point: ESC[#;#m and ESC[#;#H */ switch (*Sequence) { /* This is ESC[#;#m -- used to set both colors at once */ case VT_ANSI_SET_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR: Action = SacSetColors; goto ProcessString; /* This is ESC[#;#H -- used to set the cursor position */ case VT_ANSI_CUP_CURSOR_CHAR: Action = SacSetCursorPosition; goto ProcessString; /* Finally, this *could* be ESC[#;#; -- we'll keep parsing */ case VT_ANSI_SEPARATOR_CHAR: Sequence++; break; /* Abandon anything else */ default: return 0; } /* The SAC seems to accept a few more possibilities if a ';' follows... */ switch (*Sequence) { /* Both ESC[#;#;H and ESC[#;#;f are really the same command */ case VT_ANSI_CUP_CURSOR_CHAR: case VT_ANSI_HVP_CURSOR_CHAR: /* It's unclear why MS doesn't allow the HVP sequence on its own */ Action = SacSetCursorPosition; goto ProcessString; /* And this is the ESC[#;#;r command to set the scroll region... */ case VT_ANSI_SCROLL_CHAR: /* Again, not clear why ESC[#;#r isn't supported */ Action = SacSetScrollRegion; goto ProcessString; /* Anything else must be ESC[#;#;# */ default: break; } /* Get the last "#" */ if (!VTUTF8ChannelScanForNumber(Sequence, &Number3)) return 0; while ((*Sequence >= L'0') && (*Sequence <= L'9')) Sequence++; /* And now the only remaining possibility is ESC[#;#;#;m */ if (*Sequence == VT_ANSI_SET_ATTRIBUTE_CHAR) { /* Which sets both color and attributes in one command */ Action = SacSetColorsAndAttributes; goto ProcessString; } /* No other sequences supported */ return 0; ProcessString: /* Unless we got here from the optimized path, calculate the length */ if (!Result) Result = Sequence - String + 1; /* Get the current cell buffer */ Screen = (PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN)Channel->OBuffer; VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); /* Handle all the supported SAC ANSI commands */ switch (Action) { case SacCursorUp: /* Check if we are scrolling too high */ if (Channel->CursorRow < Number) { /* Reset the row to the top */ Channel->CursorRow = 0; } else { /* We're fine -- scroll up by that much */ Channel->CursorRow -= Number; } /* All done */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; case SacCursorDown: /* Check if we are scrolling too low */ if (Channel->CursorRow >= SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT) { /* Reset the row to the bottom */ Channel->CursorRow = SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT; } else { /* We're fine -- scroll down by that much */ Channel->CursorRow += Number; } /* All done */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; case SacCursorLeft: /* Check if we're scrolling too much to the left */ if (Channel->CursorCol < Number) { /* Reset the column to the left-most margin */ Channel->CursorCol = 0; } else { /* We're fine -- scroll left by that much */ Channel->CursorCol -= Number; } /* All done */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; case SacCursorRight: /* Check if we're scrolling too much to the right */ if (Channel->CursorCol >= SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH) { /* Reset the column to the right-most margin */ Channel->CursorCol = SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH; } else { /* We're fine -- scroll right by that much */ Channel->CursorCol += Number; } /* All done */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; case SacFontNormal: /* Reset the cell attributes */ Channel->CellFlags = 0; Channel->CellBackColor = SetBackColorBlack; Channel->CellForeColor = SetColorWhite; break; case SacFontBlink: /* Set the appropriate flag */ Channel->CellFlags |= SAC_CELL_FLAG_BLINK; break; case SacFontBlinkOff: /* Clear the appropriate flag */ Channel->CellFlags &= ~SAC_CELL_FLAG_BLINK; break; case SacFontBold: /* Set the appropriate flag */ Channel->CellFlags |= SAC_CELL_FLAG_BOLD; break; case SacFontBoldOff: /* Clear the appropriate flag */ Channel->CellFlags &= ~SAC_CELL_FLAG_BOLD; break; case SacFontInverse: /* Set the appropriate flag */ Channel->CellFlags |= SAC_CELL_FLAG_INVERTED; break; case SacFontInverseOff: /* Clear the appropriate flag */ Channel->CellFlags &= ~SAC_CELL_FLAG_INVERTED; break; case SacEraseEndOfLine: /* Loop all columns in this line past the current position */ for (i = Channel->CursorCol; i < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH; i++) { /* Replace everything after the current position with blanks */ Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellFlags = Channel->CellFlags; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellBackColor = Channel->CellForeColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellForeColor = Channel->CellBackColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].Char = L' '; } break; case SacEraseStartOfLine: /* Loop all columns in this line, before the current position */ for (i = 0; i < (Channel->CursorCol + 1); i++) { /* Replace everything after the current position with blanks */ Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellFlags = Channel->CellFlags; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellBackColor = Channel->CellForeColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellForeColor = Channel->CellBackColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].Char = L' '; } break; case SacEraseLine: /* Loop all the columns in this line */ for (i = 0; i < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH; i++) { /* Replace them all with blanks */ Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellFlags = Channel->CellFlags; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellBackColor = Channel->CellForeColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].CellForeColor = Channel->CellBackColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][i].Char = L' '; } break; case SacEraseEndOfScreen: ASSERT(FALSE); // todo break; case SacEraseStartOfScreen: ASSERT(FALSE); // todo break; case SacEraseScreen: ASSERT(FALSE); // todo break; case SacSetCursorPosition: ASSERT(FALSE); // todo break; case SacSetScrollRegion: ASSERT(FALSE); // todo break; case SacSetColors: /* Set the cell colors */ Channel->CellForeColor = Number; Channel->CellBackColor = Number2; break; case SacSetBackgroundColor: /* Set the cell back color */ Channel->CellBackColor = Number; break; case SacSetFontColor: /* Set the cell text color */ Channel->CellForeColor = Number; break; case SacSetColorsAndAttributes: /* Set the cell flag and colors */ Channel->CellFlags = Number; Channel->CellForeColor = Number2; Channel->CellBackColor = Number3; break; default: /* Unknown, do nothing */ break; } /* Return the length of the sequence */ return Result; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelOInit(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN Screen; ULONG R, C; CHECK_PARAMETER(Channel); /* Set the current channel cell parameters */ Channel->CellFlags = 0; Channel->CellBackColor = SetBackColorBlack; Channel->CellForeColor = SetColorWhite; /* Set the cell buffer position */ Screen = (PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN)Channel->OBuffer; /* Loop the output buffer height by width */ for (R = 0; R < SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT; R++) { for (C = 0; C < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH; C++) { /* For every character, set the defaults */ Screen->Cell[R][C].Char = L' '; Screen->Cell[R][C].CellBackColor = SetBackColorBlack; Screen->Cell[R][C].CellForeColor = SetColorWhite; } } /* All done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelCreate(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { NTSTATUS Status; CHECK_PARAMETER(Channel); /* Allocate the output buffer */ Channel->OBuffer = SacAllocatePool(SAC_VTUTF8_OBUFFER_SIZE, GLOBAL_BLOCK_TAG); CHECK_ALLOCATION(Channel->OBuffer); /* Allocate the input buffer */ Channel->IBuffer = SacAllocatePool(SAC_VTUTF8_IBUFFER_SIZE, GLOBAL_BLOCK_TAG); CHECK_ALLOCATION(Channel->IBuffer); /* Initialize the output stream */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelOInit(Channel); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Reset all flags and return success */ _InterlockedExchange(&Channel->ChannelHasNewOBufferData, 0); _InterlockedExchange(&Channel->ChannelHasNewIBufferData, 0); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelDestroy(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { CHECK_PARAMETER(Channel); /* Free the buffer and then destroy the channel */ if (Channel->OBuffer) SacFreePool(Channel->OBuffer); if (Channel->IBuffer) SacFreePool(Channel->IBuffer); return ChannelDestroy(Channel); } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelORead(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, OUT PULONG ByteCount) { ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelOFlush(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { NTSTATUS Status; PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN Screen; INT Color[2], Position[2]; ULONG Utf8ProcessedCount, Utf8Count, R, C, ForeColor, BackColor, Attribute; PWCHAR TmpBuffer; BOOLEAN Overflow = FALSE; CHECK_PARAMETER(Channel); /* Set the cell buffer position */ Screen = (PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN)Channel->OBuffer; /* Allocate a temporary buffer */ TmpBuffer = SacAllocatePool(40, GLOBAL_BLOCK_TAG); if (!TmpBuffer) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto Quickie; } /* First, clear the screen */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiClearScreen, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Next, reset the cursor position */ Position[1] = 0; Position[0] = 0; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetPosition, Position, sizeof(Position)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Finally, reset the attributes */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiClearAttributes, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Now set the current cell attributes */ Attribute = Channel->CellFlags; Status = VTUTF8ChannelProcessAttributes(Channel, Attribute); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* And set the current cell colors */ ForeColor = Channel->CellForeColor; BackColor = Channel->CellBackColor; Color[1] = BackColor; Color[0] = ForeColor; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetColors, Color, sizeof(Color)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Now loop all the characters in the cell buffer */ for (R = 0; R < SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT; R++) { /* Across every row */ for (C = 0; C < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH; C++) { /* Check if there's been a change in colors */ if ((Screen->Cell[R][C].CellBackColor != BackColor) || (Screen->Cell[R][C].CellForeColor != ForeColor)) { /* New colors are being drawn -- are we also on a new row now? */ if (Overflow) { /* Reposition the cursor correctly */ Position[1] = R; Position[0] = C; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetPosition, Position, sizeof(Position)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; Overflow = FALSE; } /* Cache the new colors */ ForeColor = Screen->Cell[R][C].CellForeColor; BackColor = Screen->Cell[R][C].CellBackColor; /* Set them on the screen */ Color[1] = BackColor; Color[0] = ForeColor; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetColors, Color, sizeof(Color)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; } /* Check if there's been a change in attributes */ if (Screen->Cell[R][C].CellFlags != Attribute) { /* Yep! Are we also on a new row now? */ if (Overflow) { /* Reposition the cursor correctly */ Position[1] = R; Position[0] = C; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetPosition, Position, sizeof(Position)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; Overflow = FALSE; } /* Set the new attributes on screen */ Attribute = Screen->Cell[R][C].CellFlags; Status = VTUTF8ChannelProcessAttributes(Channel, Attribute); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; } /* Time to write the character -- are we on a new row now? */ if (Overflow) { /* Reposition the cursor correctly */ Position[1] = R; Position[0] = C; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetPosition, Position, sizeof(Position)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; Overflow = FALSE; } /* Write the character into our temporary buffer */ *TmpBuffer = Screen->Cell[R][C].Char; TmpBuffer[1] = UNICODE_NULL; /* Convert it to UTF-8 */ if (!SacTranslateUnicodeToUtf8(TmpBuffer, 1, Utf8ConversionBuffer, Utf8ConversionBufferSize, &Utf8Count, &Utf8ProcessedCount)) { /* Bail out if this failed */ Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto Quickie; } /* Make sure we have a remaining valid character */ if (Utf8Count) { /* Write it out on the wire */ Status = ConMgrWriteData(Channel, Utf8ConversionBuffer, Utf8Count); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; } } /* All the characters on the row are done, indicate we need a reset */ Overflow = TRUE; } /* Everything is done, set the positition one last time */ Position[1] = Channel->CursorRow; Position[0] = Channel->CursorCol; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetPosition, Position, sizeof(Position)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Set the current attribute one last time */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelProcessAttributes(Channel, Channel->CellFlags); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Set the current colors one last time */ Color[1] = Channel->CellBackColor; Color[0] = Channel->CellForeColor; Status = VTUTF8ChannelAnsiDispatch(Channel, SacAnsiSetColors, Color, sizeof(Color)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Quickie; /* Flush all the data out on the wire */ Status = ConMgrFlushData(Channel); Quickie: /* We're done, free the temporary buffer */ if (TmpBuffer) SacFreePool(TmpBuffer); /* Indicate that all new data has been flushed now */ if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { _InterlockedExchange(&Channel->ChannelHasNewOBufferData, 0); } /* Return the result */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelOWrite2(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PWCHAR String, IN ULONG Size) { PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN Screen; ULONG i, EscapeSize, R, C; PWSTR pwch; CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); CHECK_PARAMETER2(String); VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); /* Loop every character */ Screen = (PSAC_VTUTF8_SCREEN)Channel->OBuffer; for (i = 0; i < Size; i++) { /* Check what the character is */ pwch = &String[i]; switch (*pwch) { /* It's an escape sequence... */ case L'\x1B': /* Send it to the parser, see how long the sequence was */ EscapeSize = VTUTF8ChannelConsumeEscapeSequence(Channel, pwch); if (EscapeSize) { /* Consume that many characters for next time*/ i += EscapeSize - 1; } else { /* Invalid escape sequence, skip just the ESC character */ i++; } /* Keep going*/ break; /* It's a line feed */ case L'\n': /* Simply reset the column to zero on the current line */ Channel->CursorCol = 0; break; /* It's a carriage feed */ case L'\r': /* Move to the next row */ Channel->CursorRow++; /* Check if we hit the last row on the screen */ if (Channel->CursorRow >= SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT) { /* Go over every row before the last one */ for (R = 0; R < (SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT - 1); R++) { /* Sanity check, since we always copy one row below */ ASSERT((R + 1) < SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT); /* Loop every character on the row */ for (C = 0; C < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH; C++) { /* And replace it with one from the row below */ Screen->Cell[R][C] = Screen->Cell[R + 1][C]; } } /* Now we're left with the before-last row, zero it out */ ASSERT(R == (SAC_VTUTF8_ROW_HEIGHT - 1)); RtlZeroMemory(&Screen->Cell[R], sizeof(Screen->Cell[R])); /* Reset the row back by one */ Channel->CursorRow--; VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); } break; /* It's a TAB character */ case L'\t': /* Loop the remaining characters until a multiple of 4 */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); for (C = (4 - Channel->CursorCol % 4); C; C--) { /* Fill each remaining character with a space */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].CellFlags = Channel->CellFlags; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].CellBackColor = Channel->CellBackColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].CellForeColor = Channel->CellForeColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].Char = L' '; /* Move to the next character position, but don't overflow */ Channel->CursorCol++; if (Channel->CursorCol >= SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH) { Channel->CursorCol = SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH - 1; } } /* All done, move to the next one */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; /* It's a backspace or delete character */ case L'\b': case L'\x7F': /* Move back one character, unless we had nothing typed */ if (Channel->CursorCol) Channel->CursorCol--; VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; /* It's some other character */ default: /* Is it non-printable? Ignore it and keep parsing */ if (*pwch < L' ') continue; /* Otherwise, print it out with the current attributes */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].CellFlags = Channel->CellFlags; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].CellBackColor = Channel->CellBackColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].CellForeColor = Channel->CellForeColor; Screen->Cell[Channel->CursorRow][Channel->CursorCol].Char = *pwch; /* Move forward one character, but make sure not to overflow */ Channel->CursorCol++; if (Channel->CursorCol == SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH) { Channel->CursorCol = SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH - 1; } /* All done, move to the next one */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); break; } } /* Parsing of the input string completed -- string was written */ VTUTF8ChannelAssertCursor(Channel); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelOEcho(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PCHAR String, IN ULONG Size) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; PWSTR pwch; ULONG i, k, TranslatedCount, UTF8TranslationSize; BOOLEAN Result; CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); CHECK_PARAMETER2(String); /* Return success if there's nothing to echo */ if (!(Size / sizeof(WCHAR))) return Status; /* Start with the input string */ pwch = (PWCHAR)String; /* First, figure out how much is outside of the block length alignment */ k = (Size / sizeof(WCHAR)) % MAX_UTF8_ENCODE_BLOCK_LENGTH; if (k) { /* Translate the misaligned portion */ Result = SacTranslateUnicodeToUtf8(pwch, k, Utf8ConversionBuffer, Utf8ConversionBufferSize, &UTF8TranslationSize, &TranslatedCount); ASSERT(k == TranslatedCount); if (!Result) { /* If we couldn't translate, write failure to break out below */ Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { /* Write the misaligned portion into the buffer */ Status = ConMgrWriteData(Channel, Utf8ConversionBuffer, UTF8TranslationSize); } /* If translation or write failed, bail out */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) goto Return; } /* Push the string to its new location (this could be a noop if aligned) */ pwch += k; /* Now figure out how many aligned blocks we have, and loop each one */ k = (Size / sizeof(WCHAR)) / MAX_UTF8_ENCODE_BLOCK_LENGTH; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { /* Translate the aligned block */ Result = SacTranslateUnicodeToUtf8(pwch, MAX_UTF8_ENCODE_BLOCK_LENGTH, Utf8ConversionBuffer, Utf8ConversionBufferSize, &UTF8TranslationSize, &TranslatedCount); ASSERT(MAX_UTF8_ENCODE_BLOCK_LENGTH == TranslatedCount); ASSERT(UTF8TranslationSize > 0); if (!Result) { /* Set failure here, we'll break out below */ Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { /* Move the string location to the next aligned block */ pwch += MAX_UTF8_ENCODE_BLOCK_LENGTH; /* Write the aligned block into the buffer */ Status = ConMgrWriteData(Channel, Utf8ConversionBuffer, UTF8TranslationSize); } /* If translation or write failed, bail out */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } Return: ASSERT(pwch == (PWSTR)(String + Size)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) Status = ConMgrFlushData(Channel); return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelOWrite(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PCHAR String, IN ULONG Length) { NTSTATUS Status; CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); CHECK_PARAMETER2(String); /* Call the lower level function */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelOWrite2(Channel, (PWCHAR)String, Length / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Is the channel enabled for output? */ if ((ConMgrIsWriteEnabled(Channel)) && (Channel->WriteEnabled)) { /* Go ahead and output it */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelOEcho(Channel, String, Length); } else { /* Otherwise, just remember that we have new data */ _InterlockedExchange(&Channel->ChannelHasNewOBufferData, 1); } } /* We're done */ return Status; } ULONG NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { ASSERT(Channel); ASSERT((Channel->IBufferIndex % sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0); ASSERT(Channel->IBufferIndex < SAC_VTUTF8_IBUFFER_SIZE); /* Return the current buffer index */ return Channel->IBufferIndex; } VOID NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelSetIBufferIndex(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN ULONG BufferIndex) { NTSTATUS Status; ASSERT(Channel); ASSERT((Channel->IBufferIndex % sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0); ASSERT(Channel->IBufferIndex < SAC_VTUTF8_IBUFFER_SIZE); /* Set the new index, and if it's not zero, it means we have data */ Channel->IBufferIndex = BufferIndex; _InterlockedExchange(&Channel->ChannelHasNewIBufferData, BufferIndex != 0); /* If we have new data, and an event has been registered... */ if (!(Channel->IBufferIndex) && (Channel->Flags & SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_HAS_NEW_DATA_EVENT)) { /* Go ahead and signal it */ ChannelClearEvent(Channel, HasNewDataEvent); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(Status); } } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelIRead(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize, IN PULONG ReturnBufferSize) { ULONG CopyChars, ReadLength; CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); CHECK_PARAMETER2(Buffer); CHECK_PARAMETER_WITH_STATUS(BufferSize > 0, STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE); /* Assume failure */ *ReturnBufferSize = 0; /* Check how many bytes are in the buffer */ if (Channel->ChannelInputBufferLength(Channel) == 0) { /* Apparently nothing. Make sure the flag indicates so too */ ASSERT(ChannelHasNewIBufferData(Channel) == FALSE); } else { /* Use the smallest number of bytes either in the buffer or requested */ ReadLength = min(Channel->ChannelInputBufferLength(Channel) * sizeof(WCHAR), BufferSize); /* Do some cheezy buffer alignment */ CopyChars = ReadLength / sizeof(WCHAR); ReadLength = CopyChars * sizeof(WCHAR); ASSERT(CopyChars <= Channel->ChannelInputBufferLength(Channel)); /* Copy them into the caller's buffer */ RtlCopyMemory(Buffer, Channel->IBuffer, ReadLength); /* Update the channel's index past the copied (read) bytes */ VTUTF8ChannelSetIBufferIndex(Channel, VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel) - ReadLength); /* Are there still bytes that haven't been read yet? */ if (Channel->ChannelInputBufferLength(Channel)) { /* Shift them up in the buffer */ RtlMoveMemory(Channel->IBuffer, &Channel->IBuffer[ReadLength], Channel->ChannelInputBufferLength(Channel) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } /* Return the number of bytes we actually copied */ *ReturnBufferSize = ReadLength; } /* Return success */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelIBufferIsFull(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, OUT PBOOLEAN BufferStatus) { CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); /* If the index is beyond the length, the buffer must be full */ *BufferStatus = VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel) > SAC_VTUTF8_IBUFFER_SIZE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } ULONG NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelIBufferLength(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { ASSERT(Channel); /* The index is the length, so divide by two to get character count */ return VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel) / sizeof(WCHAR); } WCHAR NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelIReadLast(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { PWCHAR LastCharLocation; WCHAR LastChar = 0; ASSERT(Channel); /* Check if there's anything to read in the buffer */ if (Channel->ChannelInputBufferLength(Channel)) { /* Go back one character */ VTUTF8ChannelSetIBufferIndex(Channel, VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel) - sizeof(WCHAR)); /* Read it, and clear its current value */ LastCharLocation = (PWCHAR)&Channel->IBuffer[VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel)]; LastChar = *LastCharLocation; *LastCharLocation = UNICODE_NULL; } /* Return the last character */ return LastChar; } NTSTATUS NTAPI VTUTF8ChannelIWrite(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN ULONG BufferSize) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN IsFull; ULONG Index, i; CHECK_PARAMETER1(Channel); CHECK_PARAMETER2(Buffer); CHECK_PARAMETER_WITH_STATUS(BufferSize > 0, STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE); /* First, check if the input buffer still has space */ Status = VTUTF8ChannelIBufferIsFull(Channel, &IsFull); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; if (IsFull) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; /* Get the current buffer index */ Index = VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel); if ((SAC_VTUTF8_IBUFFER_SIZE - Index) < BufferSize) { return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } /* Copy the new data */ for (i = 0; i < BufferSize; i++) { /* Convert the character */ if (SacTranslateUtf8ToUnicode(Buffer[i], IncomingUtf8ConversionBuffer, &IncomingUnicodeValue)) { /* Write it into the buffer */ *(PWCHAR)&Channel->IBuffer[VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel)] = IncomingUnicodeValue; /* Update the index */ Index = VTUTF8ChannelGetIBufferIndex(Channel); VTUTF8ChannelSetIBufferIndex(Channel, Index + sizeof(WCHAR)); } } /* Signal the event, if one was set */ if (Channel->Flags & SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_HAS_NEW_DATA_EVENT) { ChannelSetEvent(Channel, HasNewDataEvent); } /* All done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; }