/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Drivers * LICENSE: BSD - See COPYING.ARM in the top level directory * FILE: drivers/sac/driver/conmgr.c * PURPOSE: Driver for the Server Administration Console (SAC) for EMS * PROGRAMMERS: ReactOS Portable Systems Group */ /* INCLUDES *******************************************************************/ #include "sacdrv.h" #include /* GLOBALS ********************************************************************/ DEFINE_GUID(PRIMARY_SAC_CHANNEL_APPLICATION_GUID, 0x63D02270, 0x8AA4, 0x11D5, 0xBC, 0xCF, 0x80, 0x6D, 0x61, 0x72, 0x69, 0x6F); LONG CurrentChannelRefCount; KMUTEX CurrentChannelLock; PSAC_CHANNEL CurrentChannel; PSAC_CHANNEL SacChannel; ULONG ExecutePostConsumerCommand; PSAC_CHANNEL ExecutePostConsumerCommandData; BOOLEAN InputInEscape, InputInEscTab, ConMgrLastCharWasCR; CHAR InputBuffer[80]; BOOLEAN GlobalPagingNeeded, GlobalDoThreads; /* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************/ VOID NTAPI SacPutString(IN PWCHAR String) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Write the string on the main SAC channel */ Status = ChannelOWrite(SacChannel, (PCHAR)String, wcslen(String) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_INIT, "SAC XmlMgrSacPutString: OWrite failed\n"); } } BOOLEAN NTAPI SacPutSimpleMessage(IN ULONG MessageIndex) { PWCHAR MessageBuffer; BOOLEAN Result; /* Get the message */ MessageBuffer = GetMessage(MessageIndex); if (MessageBuffer) { /* Output it */ SacPutString(MessageBuffer); Result = TRUE; } else { Result = FALSE; } /* All done */ return Result; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrDisplayCurrentChannel(VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN HasRedraw; /* Make sure the lock is held */ SacAssertMutexLockHeld(); /* Check if we can redraw */ Status = ChannelHasRedrawEvent(CurrentChannel, &HasRedraw); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Enable writes */ _InterlockedExchange(&CurrentChannel->WriteEnabled, 1); if (HasRedraw) { /* If we can redraw, set the event */ ChannelSetRedrawEvent(CurrentChannel); } /* Flush the output */ Status = ChannelOFlush(CurrentChannel); } /* All done, return the status */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrWriteData(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG BufferLength) { ULONG i; NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER Interval; /* Loop up to 32 times */ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { /* Attempt sending the data */ Status = HeadlessDispatch(HeadlessCmdPutData, Buffer, BufferLength, NULL, NULL); if (Status != STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL) break; /* Sending the data on the port failed, wait a second... */ Interval.HighPart = -1; Interval.LowPart = -100000; KeDelayExecutionThread(KernelMode, FALSE, &Interval); } /* After 32 attempts it should really have worked... */ ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrFlushData(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { /* Nothing to do */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN NTAPI ConMgrIsSacChannel(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { /* Check which channel is active */ return Channel == SacChannel; } BOOLEAN NTAPI ConMgrIsWriteEnabled(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { /* If the current channel is active, allow writes */ return ChannelIsEqual(Channel, &CurrentChannel->ChannelId); } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrInitialize(VOID) { PWCHAR pcwch; PSAC_CHANNEL FoundChannel; SAC_CHANNEL_ATTRIBUTES SacChannelAttributes; NTSTATUS Status; /* Initialize the connection manager lock */ SacInitializeMutexLock(); SacAcquireMutexLock(); /* Setup the attributes for the raw SAC channel */ RtlZeroMemory(&SacChannelAttributes, sizeof(SacChannelAttributes)); SacChannelAttributes.ChannelType = VtUtf8; /* Get the right name for it */ pcwch = GetMessage(SAC_CHANNEL_NAME); ASSERT(pcwch); wcsncpy(SacChannelAttributes.NameBuffer, pcwch, SAC_CHANNEL_NAME_SIZE); SacChannelAttributes.NameBuffer[SAC_CHANNEL_NAME_SIZE] = ANSI_NULL; /* Get the right description for it */ pcwch = GetMessage(SAC_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION); ASSERT(pcwch); wcsncpy(SacChannelAttributes.DescriptionBuffer, pcwch, SAC_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_SIZE); SacChannelAttributes.DescriptionBuffer[SAC_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION_SIZE] = ANSI_NULL; /* Set all the right flags */ SacChannelAttributes.Flag = SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_APPLICATION | SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_INTERNAL; SacChannelAttributes.CloseEvent = NULL; SacChannelAttributes.HasNewDataEvent = NULL; SacChannelAttributes.LockEvent = NULL; SacChannelAttributes.RedrawEvent = NULL; SacChannelAttributes.ChannelId = PRIMARY_SAC_CHANNEL_APPLICATION_GUID; /* Now create it */ Status = ChanMgrCreateChannel(&SacChannel, &SacChannelAttributes); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Try to get it back */ Status = ChanMgrGetByHandle(SacChannel->ChannelId, &FoundChannel); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Set it as the current and SAC channel */ SacChannel = CurrentChannel = FoundChannel; /* Diasable writes for now and clear the display */ _InterlockedExchange(&FoundChannel->WriteEnabled, FALSE); Status = HeadlessDispatch(HeadlessCmdClearDisplay, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_INIT, "SAC ConMgrInitialize: Failed dispatch\n"); } /* Display the initial prompt */ SacPutSimpleMessage(SAC_NEWLINE); SacPutSimpleMessage(SAC_INIT_STATUS); SacPutSimpleMessage(SAC_NEWLINE); SacPutSimpleMessage(SAC_PROMPT); /* Display the current channel */ ConMgrDisplayCurrentChannel(); } } /* Release the channel lock */ SacReleaseMutexLock(); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID NTAPI ConMgrEventMessage(IN PWCHAR EventMessage, IN BOOLEAN LockHeld) { /* Acquire the current channel lock if needed */ if (!LockHeld) SacAcquireMutexLock(); /* Send out the event message */ SacPutSimpleMessage(2); SacPutString(EventMessage); SacPutSimpleMessage(3); /* Release the current channel lock if needed */ if (!LockHeld) SacReleaseMutexLock(); } BOOLEAN NTAPI ConMgrSimpleEventMessage(IN ULONG MessageIndex, IN BOOLEAN LockHeld) { PWCHAR MessageBuffer; BOOLEAN Result; /* Get the message to send out */ MessageBuffer = GetMessage(MessageIndex); if (MessageBuffer) { /* Send it */ ConMgrEventMessage(MessageBuffer, LockHeld); Result = TRUE; } else { /* It doesn't exist, fail */ Result = FALSE; } /* Return if the message was sent or not */ return Result; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrDisplayFastChannelSwitchingInterface(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { /* FIXME: TODO */ ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrSetCurrentChannel(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN HasRedrawEvent; /* Make sure the lock is held */ SacAssertMutexLockHeld(); /* Check if we have a redraw event */ Status = ChannelHasRedrawEvent(CurrentChannel, &HasRedrawEvent); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Clear it */ if (HasRedrawEvent) ChannelClearRedrawEvent(CurrentChannel); /* Disable writes on the current channel */ _InterlockedExchange(&CurrentChannel->WriteEnabled, 0); /* Release the current channel */ Status = ChanMgrReleaseChannel(CurrentChannel); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) return Status; /* Set the new channel and also disable writes on it */ CurrentChannel = Channel; _InterlockedExchange(&Channel->WriteEnabled, 0); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrResetCurrentChannel(IN BOOLEAN KeepChannel) { NTSTATUS Status; PSAC_CHANNEL Channel; /* Make sure the lock is held */ SacAssertMutexLockHeld(); /* Get the current SAC channel */ Status = ChanMgrGetByHandle(SacChannel->ChannelId, &Channel); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Set this as the current SAC channel*/ SacChannel = Channel; Status = ConMgrSetCurrentChannel(Channel); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Check if the caller wants to switch or not */ if (KeepChannel) { /* Nope, keep the same channel */ Status = ConMgrDisplayCurrentChannel(); } else { /* Yep, show the switching interface */ Status = ConMgrDisplayFastChannelSwitchingInterface(CurrentChannel); } } } /* All done */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrChannelClose(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel) { NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; /* Check if we're in the right channel */ if (ConMgrIsWriteEnabled(Channel)) { /* Yep, reset it */ Status = ConMgrResetCurrentChannel(FALSE); ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status)); } /* All done */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrShutdown(VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Check if we have a SAC channel */ if (SacChannel) { /* Close it */ Status = ChannelClose(SacChannel); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_INIT, "SAC ConMgrShutdown: failed closing SAC channel.\n"); } /* No longer have one */ SacChannel = NULL; } /* Check if we have a current channel */ if (CurrentChannel) { /* Release it */ Status = ChanMgrReleaseChannel(CurrentChannel); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_INIT, "SAC ConMgrShutdown: failed releasing current channel\n"); } /* No longer have one */ CurrentChannel = NULL; } /* All done */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrAdvanceCurrentChannel(VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Index; PSAC_CHANNEL Channel; /* Should always be called with the lock held */ SacAssertMutexLockHeld(); /* Get the next active channel */ Status = ChanMgrGetNextActiveChannel(CurrentChannel, &Index, &Channel); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Set it as the new channel */ Status = ConMgrSetCurrentChannel(Channel); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { /* Let the user switch to it */ Status = ConMgrDisplayFastChannelSwitchingInterface(Channel); } } /* All done */ return Status; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrChannelOWrite(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN PVOID WriteBuffer) { NTSTATUS Status; /* Do the write with the lock held */ SacAcquireMutexLock(); ASSERT(FALSE); Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;// ChannelOWrite(Channel, WriteBuffer + 24, *(WriteBuffer + 20)); SacReleaseMutexLock(); /* Return back to the caller */ ASSERT(NT_SUCCESS(Status) || Status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND); return Status; } VOID NTAPI ConMgrProcessInputLine(VOID) { BOOLEAN EnablePaging; NTSTATUS Status; SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_INIT, "SAC Input Test: %s\n", InputBuffer); if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "t", 1)) { DoTlistCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "?", 1)) { DoHelpCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "help", 4)) { DoHelpCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "f", 1)) { DoFullInfoCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "p", 1)) { DoPagingCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "id", 2)) { DoMachineInformationCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "crashdump", 9)) { DoCrashCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "lock", 4)) { DoLockCommand(); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "shutdown", 8)) { ExecutePostConsumerCommand = Shutdown; } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "restart", 7)) { ExecutePostConsumerCommand = Restart; } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "d", 1)) { EnablePaging = GlobalPagingNeeded; Status = HeadlessDispatch(HeadlessCmdDisplayLog, &EnablePaging, sizeof(EnablePaging), NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_INIT, "SAC Display Log failed.\n"); } else if (!strncmp(InputBuffer, "cmd", 3)) { if (CommandConsoleLaunchingEnabled) { DoCmdCommand(InputBuffer); } else { SacPutSimpleMessage(148); } } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "ch", 2)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[2] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 2))) { DoChannelCommand(InputBuffer); } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "k", 1)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[1] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 1))) { DoKillCommand(InputBuffer); } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "l", 1)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[1] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 1))) { DoLowerPriorityCommand(InputBuffer); } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "r", 1)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[1] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 1))) { DoRaisePriorityCommand(InputBuffer); } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "m", 1)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[1] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 1))) { DoLimitMemoryCommand(InputBuffer); } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "s", 1)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[1] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 1))) { DoSetTimeCommand(InputBuffer); } else if (!(strncmp(InputBuffer, "i", 1)) && (((strlen(InputBuffer) > 1) && (InputBuffer[1] == ' ')) || (strlen(InputBuffer) == 1))) { DoSetIpAddressCommand(InputBuffer); } else if ((InputBuffer[0] != '\n') && (InputBuffer[0] != ANSI_NULL)) { SacPutSimpleMessage(SAC_UNKNOWN_COMMAND); } } VOID NTAPI ConMgrSerialPortConsumer(VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; CHAR Char; WCHAR LastChar; CHAR ReadBuffer[2]; ULONG ReadBufferSize, i; WCHAR StringBuffer[2]; SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_MACHINE, "SAC TimerDpcRoutine: Entering.\n"); //bug /* Acquire the manager lock and make sure a channel is selected */ SacAcquireMutexLock(); ASSERT(CurrentChannel); /* Read whatever came off the serial port */ for (Status = SerialBufferGetChar(&Char); NT_SUCCESS(Status); Status = SerialBufferGetChar(&Char)) { /* If nothing came through, bail out */ if (Status == STATUS_NO_DATA_DETECTED) break; /* Check if ESC was pressed */ if (Char == '\x1B') { /* Was it already pressed? */ if (!InputInEscape) { /* First time ESC is pressed! Remember and reset TAB state */ InputInEscTab = FALSE; InputInEscape = TRUE; continue; } } else if (Char == '\t') { /* TAB was pressed, is it following ESC (VT-100 sequence)? */ if (InputInEscape) { /* Yes! This must be the only ESC-TAB we see in once moment */ ASSERT(InputInEscTab == FALSE); /* No longer treat us as being in ESC */ InputInEscape = FALSE; /* ESC-TAB is the sequence for changing channels */ Status = ConMgrAdvanceCurrentChannel(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; /* Remember ESC-TAB was pressed */ InputInEscTab = TRUE; continue; } } else if ((Char == '0') && (InputInEscTab)) { /* It this ESC-TAB-0? */ ASSERT(InputInEscape == FALSE); InputInEscTab = FALSE; /* If writes are already enabled, don't do this */ if (!CurrentChannel->WriteEnabled) { /* Reset the channel, this is our special sequence */ Status = ConMgrResetCurrentChannel(FALSE); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; } continue; } else { /* This is ESC-TAB-something else */ InputInEscTab = FALSE; /* If writes are already enabled, don't do this */ if (!CurrentChannel->WriteEnabled) { /* Display the current channel */ InputInEscape = FALSE; Status = ConMgrDisplayCurrentChannel(); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) break; continue; } } /* Check if an ESC-sequence was being typed into a command channel */ if ((InputInEscape) && (CurrentChannel != SacChannel)) { /* Store the ESC in the current channel buffer */ ReadBuffer[0] = '\x1B'; ChannelIWrite(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(CHAR)); } /* Check if we are no longer pressing ESC and exit the mode if so */ if (Char != '\x1B') InputInEscape = FALSE; /* Whatever was typed in, save it int eh current channel */ ChannelIWrite(CurrentChannel, &Char, sizeof(Char)); /* If this is a command channel, we're done, nothing to process */ if (CurrentChannel != SacChannel) continue; /* Check for line feed right after a carriage return */ if ((ConMgrLastCharWasCR) && (Char == '\n')) { /* Ignore the line feed, but clear the carriage return */ ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); ConMgrLastCharWasCR = 0; continue; } /* Check if the user did a carriage return */ ConMgrLastCharWasCR = (Char == '\n'); /* If the user did an "ENTER", we need to run the command */ if ((Char == '\n') || (Char == '\r')) { /* Echo back to the terminal */ SacPutString(L"\r\n"); DoLineParsing: /* Inhibit the character (either CR or LF) */ ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); /* NULL-terminate the channel's input buffer */ ReadBuffer[0] = ANSI_NULL; ChannelIWrite(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(CHAR)); /* Loop over every last character */ do { /* Read every character in the channel, and strip whitespace */ LastChar = ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); ReadBuffer[0] = (CHAR) LastChar; } while ((!(LastChar) || (LastChar == L' ') || (LastChar == L'\t')) && (ChannelIBufferLength(CurrentChannel))); /* Write back into the channel the last character */ ChannelIWrite(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(CHAR)); /* NULL-terminate the input buffer */ ReadBuffer[0] = ANSI_NULL; ChannelIWrite(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(CHAR)); /* Now loop over every first character */ do { /* Read every character in the channel, and strip whitespace */ ChannelIRead(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), &ReadBufferSize); } while ((ReadBufferSize) && ((ReadBuffer[0] == ' ') || (ReadBuffer[0] == '\t'))); /* We read one more than we should, so treat that as our first one */ InputBuffer[0] = ReadBuffer[0]; i = 1; /* And now loop reading all the others */ do { /* Read each character -- there should be max 80 */ ChannelIRead(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), &ReadBufferSize); ASSERT(i < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH); InputBuffer[i++] = ReadBuffer[0]; } while (ReadBufferSize); /* Now go over the entire input stream */ for (i = 0; InputBuffer[i]; i++) { /* Again it should be less than 80 characters */ ASSERT(i < SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH); /* And downbase each character */ Char = InputBuffer[i]; if ((Char >= 'A') && (Char <= 'Z')) InputBuffer[i] = Char + ' '; } /* Ok, at this point, no pending command should exist */ ASSERT(ExecutePostConsumerCommand == Nothing); /* Go and process the input, then show the prompt again */ ConMgrProcessInputLine(); SacPutSimpleMessage(SAC_PROMPT); /* If the user typed a valid command, get out of here */ if (ExecutePostConsumerCommand != Nothing) break; /* Keep going */ continue; } /* Check if the user typed backspace or delete */ if ((Char == '\b') || (Char == '\x7F')) { /* Omit the last character, which should be the DEL/BS itself */ if (ChannelIBufferLength(CurrentChannel)) { ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); } /* Omit the before-last character, which is the one to delete */ if (ChannelIBufferLength(CurrentChannel)) { /* Also send two backspaces back to the console */ SacPutString(L"\b \b"); ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); } /* Keep going */ continue; } /* If the user pressed CTRL-C at this point, treat it like ENTER */ if (Char == '\x03') goto DoLineParsing; /* Check if the user pressed TAB */ if (Char == '\t') { /* Omit it, send a BELL, and keep going. We ignore TABs */ ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); SacPutString(L"\a"); continue; } /* Check if the user is getting close to the end of the screen */ if (ChannelIBufferLength(CurrentChannel) == (SAC_VTUTF8_COL_WIDTH - 2)) { /* Delete the last character, replacing it with this one instead */ swprintf(StringBuffer, L"\b%c", Char); SacPutString(StringBuffer); /* Omit the last two characters from the buffer */ ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); ChannelIReadLast(CurrentChannel); /* Write the last character that was just typed in */ ReadBuffer[0] = Char; ChannelIWrite(CurrentChannel, ReadBuffer, sizeof(CHAR)); continue; } /* Nothing of interest happened, just write the character back */ swprintf(StringBuffer, L"%c", Char); SacPutString(StringBuffer); } /* We're done, release the lock */ SacReleaseMutexLock(); SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_MACHINE, "SAC TimerDpcRoutine: Exiting.\n"); //bug } VOID NTAPI ConMgrWorkerProcessEvents(IN PSAC_DEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExtension) { SAC_DBG(SAC_DBG_ENTRY_EXIT, "SAC WorkerProcessEvents: Entering.\n"); /* Enter the main loop */ while (TRUE) { /* Wait for something to do */ KeWaitForSingleObject(&DeviceExtension->Event, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); /* Consume data off the serial port */ ConMgrSerialPortConsumer(); switch (ExecutePostConsumerCommand) { case Restart: /* A reboot was sent, do it */ DoRebootCommand(FALSE); break; case Close: /* A close was sent, do it */ ChanMgrCloseChannel(ExecutePostConsumerCommandData); ChanMgrReleaseChannel(ExecutePostConsumerCommandData); break; case Shutdown: /* A shutdown was sent, do it */ DoRebootCommand(TRUE); break; } /* Clear the serial port consumer state */ ExecutePostConsumerCommand = Nothing; ExecutePostConsumerCommandData = NULL; } } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrGetChannelCloseMessage(IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, IN NTSTATUS CloseStatus, OUT PWCHAR OutputBuffer) { ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NTSTATUS NTAPI ConMgrHandleEvent(IN ULONG EventCode, IN PSAC_CHANNEL Channel, OUT PVOID Data) { ASSERT(FALSE); return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }