/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: drivers/filesystems/fastfat/close.c * PURPOSE: VFAT Filesystem * PROGRAMMER: Jason Filby (jasonfilby@yahoo.com) */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include "vfat.h" #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ /* * FUNCTION: Closes a file */ NTSTATUS VfatCloseFile( PDEVICE_EXTENSION DeviceExt, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject) { PVFATFCB pFcb; PVFATCCB pCcb; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DPRINT("VfatCloseFile(DeviceExt %p, FileObject %p)\n", DeviceExt, FileObject); /* FIXME : update entry in directory? */ pCcb = (PVFATCCB) (FileObject->FsContext2); pFcb = (PVFATFCB) (FileObject->FsContext); if (pFcb == NULL) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (pFcb->Flags & FCB_IS_VOLUME) { DPRINT("Volume\n"); FileObject->FsContext2 = NULL; } else { vfatReleaseFCB(DeviceExt, pFcb); } FileObject->FsContext2 = NULL; FileObject->FsContext = NULL; FileObject->SectionObjectPointer = NULL; DeviceExt->OpenHandleCount--; if (pCcb) { vfatDestroyCCB(pCcb); } #ifdef ENABLE_SWAPOUT if (DeviceExt->OpenHandleCount == 0) { VfatCheckForDismount(DeviceExt, FALSE); } #endif return Status; } /* * FUNCTION: Closes a file */ NTSTATUS VfatClose( PVFAT_IRP_CONTEXT IrpContext) { NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("VfatClose(DeviceObject %p, Irp %p)\n", IrpContext->DeviceObject, IrpContext->Irp); if (IrpContext->DeviceObject == VfatGlobalData->DeviceObject) { DPRINT("Closing file system\n"); IrpContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #if 0 /* There occurs a dead look at the call to CcRosDeleteFileCache/ObDereferenceObject/VfatClose in CmLazyCloseThreadMain if VfatClose is execute asynchronous in a worker thread. */ if (!ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&IrpContext->DeviceExt->DirResource, BooleanFlagOn(IrpContext->Flags, IRPCONTEXT_CANWAIT))) #else if (!ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&IrpContext->DeviceExt->DirResource, TRUE)) #endif { return VfatMarkIrpContextForQueue(IrpContext); } Status = VfatCloseFile(IrpContext->DeviceExt, IrpContext->FileObject); ExReleaseResourceLite(&IrpContext->DeviceExt->DirResource); IrpContext->Irp->IoStatus.Information = 0; return Status; } /* EOF */