/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Applications Manager * LICENSE: GPL-2.0-or-later (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0-or-later) * PURPOSE: Classes for working with available applications * COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2009 Dmitry Chapyshev (dmitry@reactos.org) * Copyright 2015 Ismael Ferreras Morezuelas (swyterzone+ros@gmail.com) * Copyright 2017 Alexander Shaposhnikov (sanchaez@reactos.org) * Copyright 2020 He Yang (1160386205@qq.com) */ #include "rapps.h" #include "available.h" #include "misc.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include #include #include // CAvailableApplicationInfo CAvailableApplicationInfo::CAvailableApplicationInfo(const ATL::CStringW& sFileNameParam, AvailableStrings& AvlbStrings) : m_LicenseType(LICENSE_NONE), m_SizeBytes(0), m_sFileName(sFileNameParam), m_IsInstalled(FALSE), m_HasLanguageInfo(FALSE), m_HasInstalledVersion(FALSE) { RetrieveGeneralInfo(AvlbStrings); } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RefreshAppInfo(AvailableStrings& AvlbStrings) { if (m_szUrlDownload.IsEmpty()) { RetrieveGeneralInfo(AvlbStrings); } } // Lazily load general info from the file VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveGeneralInfo(AvailableStrings& AvlbStrings) { m_Parser = new CConfigParser(m_sFileName); m_Parser->GetInt(L"Category", m_Category); if (!GetString(L"Name", m_szName) || !GetString(L"URLDownload", m_szUrlDownload)) { delete m_Parser; return; } GetString(L"RegName", m_szRegName); GetString(L"Version", m_szVersion); GetString(L"License", m_szLicense); GetString(L"Description", m_szDesc); GetString(L"URLSite", m_szUrlSite); GetString(L"SHA1", m_szSHA1); static_assert(MAX_SCRNSHOT_NUM < 10000, "MAX_SCRNSHOT_NUM is too big"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SCRNSHOT_NUM; i++) { CStringW ScrnshotField; ScrnshotField.Format(L"Screenshot%d", i + 1); CStringW ScrnshotLocation; if (!GetString(ScrnshotField, ScrnshotLocation)) { continue; } if (PathIsURLW(ScrnshotLocation.GetString())) { m_szScrnshotLocation.Add(ScrnshotLocation); } else { // TODO: Does the filename contain anything stuff like ":" "<" ">" ? // these stuff may lead to security issues ATL::CStringW ScrnshotName = AvlbStrings.szAppsPath; PathAppendW(ScrnshotName.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), L"screenshots"); BOOL bSuccess = PathAppendNoDirEscapeW(ScrnshotName.GetBuffer(), ScrnshotLocation.GetString()); ScrnshotName.ReleaseBuffer(); if (bSuccess) { m_szScrnshotLocation.Add(ScrnshotName); } } } // TODO: are we going to support specify an URL for an icon ? ATL::CStringW IconLocation; if (GetString(L"Icon", IconLocation)) { // TODO: Does the filename contain anything stuff like ":" "<" ">" ? // these stuff may lead to security issues ATL::CStringW IconPath = AvlbStrings.szAppsPath; PathAppendW(IconPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), L"icons"); BOOL bSuccess = PathAppendNoDirEscapeW(IconPath.GetBuffer(), IconLocation.GetString()); IconPath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (bSuccess) { m_szIconLocation = IconPath; } } RetrieveSize(); RetrieveLicenseType(); RetrieveLanguages(); RetrieveInstalledStatus(); if (m_IsInstalled) { RetrieveInstalledVersion(); } delete m_Parser; } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveInstalledStatus() { m_IsInstalled = ::GetInstalledVersion(NULL, m_szRegName) || ::GetInstalledVersion(NULL, m_szName); } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveInstalledVersion() { ATL::CStringW szNameVersion; szNameVersion = m_szName + L" " + m_szVersion; m_HasInstalledVersion = ::GetInstalledVersion(&m_szInstalledVersion, m_szRegName) || ::GetInstalledVersion(&m_szInstalledVersion, m_szName) || ::GetInstalledVersion(&m_szInstalledVersion, szNameVersion); } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveLanguages() { const WCHAR cDelimiter = L'|'; ATL::CStringW szBuffer; // TODO: Get multiline parameter if (!m_Parser->GetString(L"Languages", szBuffer)) { m_HasLanguageInfo = FALSE; return; } // Parse parameter string ATL::CStringW m_szLocale; INT iLCID; for (INT i = 0; szBuffer[i] != UNICODE_NULL; ++i) { if (szBuffer[i] != cDelimiter && szBuffer[i] != L'\n') { m_szLocale += szBuffer[i]; } else { if (StrToIntExW(m_szLocale.GetString(), STIF_DEFAULT, &iLCID)) { m_LanguageLCIDs.Add(static_cast(iLCID)); m_szLocale.Empty(); } } } // For the text after delimiter if (!m_szLocale.IsEmpty()) { if (StrToIntExW(m_szLocale.GetString(), STIF_DEFAULT, &iLCID)) { m_LanguageLCIDs.Add(static_cast(iLCID)); } } m_HasLanguageInfo = TRUE; } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveLicenseType() { INT IntBuffer; m_Parser->GetInt(L"LicenseType", IntBuffer); if (IsLicenseType(IntBuffer)) { m_LicenseType = static_cast(IntBuffer); } else { m_LicenseType = LICENSE_NONE; } } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveSize() { INT iSizeBytes; if (!m_Parser->GetInt(L"SizeBytes", iSizeBytes)) { // fall back to "Size" string GetString(L"Size", m_szSize); return; } m_SizeBytes = iSizeBytes; StrFormatByteSizeW(iSizeBytes, m_szSize.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), MAX_PATH); m_szSize.ReleaseBuffer(); } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::FindInLanguages(LCID what) const { if (!m_HasLanguageInfo) { return FALSE; } //Find locale code in the list const INT nLanguagesSize = m_LanguageLCIDs.GetSize(); for (INT i = 0; i < nLanguagesSize; ++i) { if (m_LanguageLCIDs[i] == what) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::HasLanguageInfo() const { return m_HasLanguageInfo; } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::HasNativeLanguage() const { return FindInLanguages(GetUserDefaultLCID()); } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::HasEnglishLanguage() const { return FindInLanguages(MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), SORT_DEFAULT)); } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::IsInstalled() const { return m_IsInstalled; } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::HasInstalledVersion() const { return m_HasInstalledVersion; } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::HasUpdate() const { return (m_szInstalledVersion.Compare(m_szVersion) < 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveScrnshot(UINT Index,ATL::CStringW& ScrnshotLocation) const { if (Index >= (UINT)m_szScrnshotLocation.GetSize()) { return FALSE; } ScrnshotLocation = m_szScrnshotLocation[Index]; return TRUE; } BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::RetrieveIcon(ATL::CStringW& IconLocation) const { if (m_szIconLocation.IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; } IconLocation = m_szIconLocation; return TRUE; } VOID CAvailableApplicationInfo::SetLastWriteTime(FILETIME* ftTime) { RtlCopyMemory(&m_ftCacheStamp, ftTime, sizeof(FILETIME)); } inline BOOL CAvailableApplicationInfo::GetString(LPCWSTR lpKeyName, ATL::CStringW& ReturnedString) { if (!m_Parser->GetString(lpKeyName, ReturnedString)) { ReturnedString.Empty(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // CAvailableApplicationInfo // AvailableStrings AvailableStrings::AvailableStrings() { //FIXME: maybe provide a fallback? if (GetStorageDirectory(szPath)) { szAppsPath = szPath; PathAppendW(szAppsPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), L"rapps"); szAppsPath.ReleaseBuffer(); szCabName = L"rappmgr.cab"; szCabDir = szPath; szCabPath = szCabDir; PathAppendW(szCabPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), szCabName); szCabPath.ReleaseBuffer(); szSearchPath = szAppsPath; PathAppendW(szSearchPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), L"*.txt"); szSearchPath.ReleaseBuffer(); } } // AvailableStrings // CAvailableApps AvailableStrings CAvailableApps::m_Strings; CAvailableApps::CAvailableApps() { } VOID CAvailableApps::FreeCachedEntries() { POSITION InfoListPosition = m_InfoList.GetHeadPosition(); /* loop and deallocate all the cached app infos in the list */ while (InfoListPosition) { CAvailableApplicationInfo* Info = m_InfoList.GetNext(InfoListPosition); delete Info; } m_InfoList.RemoveAll(); } VOID CAvailableApps::DeleteCurrentAppsDB() { HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData; hFind = FindFirstFileW(m_Strings.szSearchPath.GetString(), &FindFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ATL::CStringW szTmp; do { szTmp = m_Strings.szAppsPath; PathAppendW(szTmp.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH), FindFileData.cFileName); szTmp.ReleaseBuffer(); DeleteFileW(szTmp.GetString()); } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &FindFileData) != 0); FindClose(hFind); } RemoveDirectoryW(m_Strings.szAppsPath); RemoveDirectoryW(m_Strings.szPath); } BOOL CAvailableApps::UpdateAppsDB() { HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData; if (!CreateDirectoryW(m_Strings.szPath, NULL) && GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return FALSE; } //if there are some files in the db folder - we're good hFind = FindFirstFileW(m_Strings.szSearchPath, &FindFileData); if (hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FindClose(hFind); return TRUE; } DownloadApplicationsDB(SettingsInfo.bUseSource ? SettingsInfo.szSourceURL : APPLICATION_DATABASE_URL, !SettingsInfo.bUseSource); if (!ExtractFilesFromCab(m_Strings.szCabName, m_Strings.szCabDir, m_Strings.szAppsPath)) { return FALSE; } DeleteFileW(m_Strings.szCabPath); return TRUE; } BOOL CAvailableApps::ForceUpdateAppsDB() { DeleteCurrentAppsDB(); return UpdateAppsDB(); } BOOL CAvailableApps::Enum(INT EnumType, AVAILENUMPROC lpEnumProc, PVOID param) { if (EnumType == ENUM_CAT_SELECTED) { CAvailableApplicationInfo *EnumAvlbInfo = NULL; // enum all object in m_SelectedList and invoke callback for(POSITION CurrentPosition = m_SelectedList.GetHeadPosition(); CurrentPosition && (EnumAvlbInfo = m_SelectedList.GetAt(CurrentPosition)); m_SelectedList.GetNext(CurrentPosition)) { EnumAvlbInfo->RefreshAppInfo(m_Strings); if (lpEnumProc) lpEnumProc(EnumAvlbInfo, TRUE, param); } return TRUE; } else { HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindFileData; hFind = FindFirstFileW(m_Strings.szSearchPath.GetString(), &FindFileData); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //no db yet return FALSE; } do { // loop for all the cached entries POSITION CurrentListPosition = m_InfoList.GetHeadPosition(); CAvailableApplicationInfo *Info = NULL; while (CurrentListPosition != NULL) { POSITION LastListPosition = CurrentListPosition; Info = m_InfoList.GetNext(CurrentListPosition); // do we already have this entry in cache? if (Info->m_sFileName == FindFileData.cFileName) { // is it current enough, or the file has been modified since our last time here? if (CompareFileTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, &Info->m_ftCacheStamp) == 1) { // recreate our cache, this is the slow path m_InfoList.RemoveAt(LastListPosition); // also remove this in selected list (if exist) RemoveSelected(Info); delete Info; Info = NULL; break; } else { // speedy path, compare directly, we already have the data goto skip_if_cached; } } } // create a new entry Info = new CAvailableApplicationInfo(FindFileData.cFileName, m_Strings); // set a timestamp for the next time Info->SetLastWriteTime(&FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime); m_InfoList.AddTail(Info); skip_if_cached: if (EnumType == Info->m_Category || EnumType == ENUM_ALL_AVAILABLE) { Info->RefreshAppInfo(m_Strings); if (lpEnumProc) { if (m_SelectedList.Find(Info)) { lpEnumProc(Info, TRUE, param); } else { lpEnumProc(Info, FALSE, param); } } } } while (FindNextFileW(hFind, &FindFileData)); FindClose(hFind); return TRUE; } } BOOL CAvailableApps::AddSelected(CAvailableApplicationInfo *AvlbInfo) { return m_SelectedList.AddTail(AvlbInfo) != 0; } BOOL CAvailableApps::RemoveSelected(CAvailableApplicationInfo *AvlbInfo) { POSITION Position = m_SelectedList.Find(AvlbInfo); if (Position) { m_SelectedList.RemoveAt(Position); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } VOID CAvailableApps::RemoveAllSelected() { m_SelectedList.RemoveAll(); return; } int CAvailableApps::GetSelectedCount() { return m_SelectedList.GetCount(); } CAvailableApplicationInfo* CAvailableApps::FindInfo(const ATL::CStringW& szAppName) const { if (m_InfoList.IsEmpty()) { return NULL; } // linear search POSITION CurrentListPosition = m_InfoList.GetHeadPosition(); CAvailableApplicationInfo* info; while (CurrentListPosition != NULL) { info = m_InfoList.GetNext(CurrentListPosition); if (info->m_szName.CompareNoCase(szAppName) == 0) { return info; } } return NULL; } ATL::CSimpleArray CAvailableApps::FindInfoList(const ATL::CSimpleArray &arrAppsNames) const { ATL::CSimpleArray result; for (INT i = 0; i < arrAppsNames.GetSize(); ++i) { CAvailableApplicationInfo* Info = FindInfo(arrAppsNames[i]); if (Info) { result.Add(*Info); } } return result; } const ATL::CStringW& CAvailableApps::GetFolderPath() const { return m_Strings.szPath; } const ATL::CStringW& CAvailableApps::GetAppPath() const { return m_Strings.szAppsPath; } const ATL::CStringW& CAvailableApps::GetCabPath() const { return m_Strings.szCabPath; } // CAvailableApps