// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Windows 2000 Graphics API Black Book // Chapter 4 - Utility functions // // Created by Damon Chandler // Updates can be downloaded at: // // Please do not hesistate to e-mail me at dmc27@ee.cornell.edu // if you have any questions about this code. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ //>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> #include #include #include "mk_font.h" //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< namespace font { // creates a logical font HFONT MakeFont( IN HDC hDestDC, // handle to target DC IN LPCSTR typeface_name, // font's typeface name IN int point_size, // font's point size IN const BYTE charset, // font's character set IN const DWORD style // font's styles ) { // // NOTE: On Windows 9x/Me, GetWorldTransform is not // supported. For compatibility with these platforms you // should initialize the XFORM::eM22 data member to 1.0. // XFORM xf = {0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0}; GetWorldTransform(hDestDC, &xf); int pixels_per_inch = GetDeviceCaps(hDestDC, LOGPIXELSY); POINT PSize = { 0, -MulDiv(static_cast(xf.eM22 * point_size + 0.5), pixels_per_inch, 72) }; HFONT hResult = NULL; if (DPtoLP(hDestDC, &PSize, 1)) { LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); lf.lfHeight = PSize.y; lf.lfCharSet = charset; lstrcpyn(reinterpret_cast(&lf.lfFaceName), typeface_name, LF_FACESIZE); lf.lfWeight = (style & FS_BOLD) ? FW_BOLD : FW_DONTCARE; lf.lfItalic = (style & FS_ITALIC) ? true : false; lf.lfUnderline = (style & FS_UNDERLINE) ? true : false; lf.lfStrikeOut = (style & FS_STRIKEOUT) ? true : false; // create the logical font hResult = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } return hResult; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace font