/* * PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: ntoskrnl/ke/i386/usercall.c * PURPOSE: User-mode Callout Mechanisms (APC and Win32K Callbacks) * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) * Timo Kreuzer (timo.kreuzer@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include extern PGDI_BATCHFLUSH_ROUTINE KeGdiFlushUserBatch; /* PRIVATE FUNCTIONS *********************************************************/ /*++ * @name KiInitializeUserApc * * Prepares the Context for a User-Mode APC called through NTDLL.DLL * * @param Reserved * Pointer to the Exception Frame on non-i386 builds. * * @param TrapFrame * Pointer to the Trap Frame. * * @param NormalRoutine * Pointer to the NormalRoutine to call. * * @param NormalContext * Pointer to the context to send to the Normal Routine. * * @param SystemArgument[1-2] * Pointer to a set of two parameters that contain untyped data. * * @return None. * * @remarks None. * *--*/ VOID NTAPI KiInitializeUserApc(IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKNORMAL_ROUTINE NormalRoutine, IN PVOID NormalContext, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2) { CONTEXT Context; ULONG_PTR Stack, AlignedEsp; ULONG ContextLength; EXCEPTION_RECORD SehExceptRecord; /* Don't deliver APCs in V86 mode */ if (TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK) return; /* Save the full context */ Context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL | CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS; KeTrapFrameToContext(TrapFrame, ExceptionFrame, &Context); /* Protect with SEH */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Sanity check */ ASSERT(KiUserTrap(TrapFrame)); /* Get the aligned size */ AlignedEsp = Context.Esp & ~3; ContextLength = CONTEXT_ALIGNED_SIZE + (4 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)); Stack = ((AlignedEsp - 8) & ~3) - ContextLength; /* Probe the stack */ ProbeForWrite((PVOID)Stack, AlignedEsp - Stack, 1); ASSERT(!(Stack & 3)); /* Copy data into it */ RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)(Stack + (4 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR))), &Context, sizeof(CONTEXT)); /* Run at APC dispatcher */ TrapFrame->Eip = (ULONG)KeUserApcDispatcher; TrapFrame->HardwareEsp = Stack; /* Setup Ring 3 state */ TrapFrame->SegCs = Ke386SanitizeSeg(KGDT_R3_CODE, UserMode); TrapFrame->HardwareSegSs = Ke386SanitizeSeg(KGDT_R3_DATA, UserMode); TrapFrame->SegDs = Ke386SanitizeSeg(KGDT_R3_DATA, UserMode); TrapFrame->SegEs = Ke386SanitizeSeg(KGDT_R3_DATA, UserMode); TrapFrame->SegFs = Ke386SanitizeSeg(KGDT_R3_TEB, UserMode); TrapFrame->SegGs = 0; TrapFrame->ErrCode = 0; /* Sanitize EFLAGS */ TrapFrame->EFlags = Ke386SanitizeFlags(Context.EFlags, UserMode); /* Check if thread has IOPL and force it enabled if so */ if (KeGetCurrentThread()->Iopl) TrapFrame->EFlags |= EFLAGS_IOPL; /* Setup the stack */ *(PULONG_PTR)(Stack + 0 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) = (ULONG_PTR)NormalRoutine; *(PULONG_PTR)(Stack + 1 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) = (ULONG_PTR)NormalContext; *(PULONG_PTR)(Stack + 2 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) = (ULONG_PTR)SystemArgument1; *(PULONG_PTR)(Stack + 3 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) = (ULONG_PTR)SystemArgument2; } _SEH2_EXCEPT((RtlCopyMemory(&SehExceptRecord, _SEH2_GetExceptionInformation()->ExceptionRecord, sizeof(EXCEPTION_RECORD)), EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER)) { /* Dispatch the exception */ SehExceptRecord.ExceptionAddress = (PVOID)TrapFrame->Eip; KiDispatchException(&SehExceptRecord, ExceptionFrame, TrapFrame, UserMode, TRUE); } _SEH2_END; } /* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/ /* * @implemented */ NTSTATUS NTAPI KeUserModeCallback(IN ULONG RoutineIndex, IN PVOID Argument, IN ULONG ArgumentLength, OUT PVOID *Result, OUT PULONG ResultLength) { ULONG_PTR NewStack, OldStack; PULONG UserEsp; NTSTATUS CallbackStatus; PEXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD ExceptionList; PTEB Teb; ULONG GdiBatchCount = 0; ASSERT(KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress == FALSE); ASSERT(KeGetPreviousMode() == UserMode); /* Get the current user-mode stack */ UserEsp = KiGetUserModeStackAddress(); OldStack = *UserEsp; /* Enter a SEH Block */ _SEH2_TRY { /* Calculate and align the stack size */ NewStack = (OldStack - ArgumentLength) & ~3; /* Make sure it's writable */ ProbeForWrite((PVOID)(NewStack - 6 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR)), ArgumentLength + 6 * sizeof(ULONG_PTR), sizeof(CHAR)); /* Copy the buffer into the stack */ RtlCopyMemory((PVOID)NewStack, Argument, ArgumentLength); /* Write the arguments */ NewStack -= 24; *(PULONG)NewStack = 0; *(PULONG)(NewStack + 4) = RoutineIndex; *(PULONG)(NewStack + 8) = (NewStack + 24); *(PULONG)(NewStack + 12) = ArgumentLength; /* Save the exception list */ Teb = KeGetCurrentThread()->Teb; ExceptionList = Teb->NtTib.ExceptionList; /* Jump to user mode */ *UserEsp = NewStack; CallbackStatus = KiCallUserMode(Result, ResultLength); if (CallbackStatus != STATUS_CALLBACK_POP_STACK) { /* Only restore the exception list if we didn't crash in ring 3 */ Teb->NtTib.ExceptionList = ExceptionList; } else { /* Otherwise, pop the stack */ OldStack = *UserEsp; } /* Read the GDI Batch count */ GdiBatchCount = Teb->GdiBatchCount; } _SEH2_EXCEPT(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { /* Get the SEH exception */ _SEH2_YIELD(return _SEH2_GetExceptionCode()); } _SEH2_END; /* Check if we have GDI Batch operations */ if (GdiBatchCount) { *UserEsp -= 256; KeGdiFlushUserBatch(); } /* Restore stack and return */ *UserEsp = OldStack; return CallbackStatus; } /* * Stack layout for KiUserModeCallout: * ---------------------------------- * KCALLOUT_FRAME.ResultLength <= 2nd Parameter to KiCallUserMode * KCALLOUT_FRAME.Result <= 1st Parameter to KiCallUserMode * KCALLOUT_FRAME.ReturnAddress <= Return address of KiCallUserMode * KCALLOUT_FRAME.Ebp \ * KCALLOUT_FRAME.Ebx | = non-volatile registers, pushed * KCALLOUT_FRAME.Esi | by KiCallUserMode * KCALLOUT_FRAME.Edi / * KCALLOUT_FRAME.CallbackStack * KCALLOUT_FRAME.TrapFrame * KCALLOUT_FRAME.InitialStack <= CalloutFrame points here * ---------------------------------- * ~~ optional alignment ~~ * ---------------------------------- * FX_SAVE_AREA * ---------------------------------- * KTRAP_FRAME * ---------------------------------- * ~~ begin of stack frame for KiUserModeCallout ~~ * */ NTSTATUS FASTCALL KiUserModeCallout(PKCALLOUT_FRAME CalloutFrame) { PKTHREAD CurrentThread; PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, CallbackTrapFrame; PFX_SAVE_AREA FxSaveArea, OldFxSaveArea; PKPCR Pcr; PKTSS Tss; ULONG_PTR InitialStack; NTSTATUS Status; /* Get the current thread */ CurrentThread = KeGetCurrentThread(); #if DBG /* Check if we are at pasive level */ if (KeGetCurrentIrql() != PASSIVE_LEVEL) { /* We're not, bugcheck */ KeBugCheckEx(IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE, 0, KeGetCurrentIrql(), 0, 0); } /* Check if we are attached or APCs are disabled */ if ((CurrentThread->ApcStateIndex != OriginalApcEnvironment) || (CurrentThread->CombinedApcDisable > 0)) { KeBugCheckEx(APC_INDEX_MISMATCH, 0, CurrentThread->ApcStateIndex, CurrentThread->CombinedApcDisable, 0); } #endif /* Align stack on a 16-byte boundary */ InitialStack = ALIGN_DOWN_BY(CalloutFrame, 16); /* Check if we have enough space on the stack */ if ((InitialStack - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE) < CurrentThread->StackLimit) { /* We don't, we'll have to grow our stack */ Status = MmGrowKernelStack((PVOID)InitialStack); /* Quit if we failed */ if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW) { DPRINT1("Thread wants too much stack\n"); } return Status; } } /* Save the current callback stack and initial stack */ CalloutFrame->CallbackStack = (ULONG_PTR)CurrentThread->CallbackStack; CalloutFrame->InitialStack = (ULONG_PTR)CurrentThread->InitialStack; /* Get and save the trap frame */ TrapFrame = CurrentThread->TrapFrame; CalloutFrame->TrapFrame = (ULONG_PTR)TrapFrame; /* Set the new callback stack */ CurrentThread->CallbackStack = CalloutFrame; /* Set destination and origin NPX Areas */ OldFxSaveArea = (PVOID)(CalloutFrame->InitialStack - sizeof(FX_SAVE_AREA)); FxSaveArea = (PVOID)(InitialStack - sizeof(FX_SAVE_AREA)); /* Disable interrupts so we can fill the NPX State */ _disable(); /* Now copy the NPX State */ FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.ControlWord = OldFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.ControlWord; FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.StatusWord = OldFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.StatusWord; FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.TagWord = OldFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.TagWord; FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.DataSelector = OldFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.DataSelector; FxSaveArea->Cr0NpxState = OldFxSaveArea->Cr0NpxState; /* Set the stack address */ CurrentThread->InitialStack = (PVOID)InitialStack; /* Locate the trap frame on the callback stack */ CallbackTrapFrame = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)FxSaveArea - sizeof(KTRAP_FRAME)); /* Copy the trap frame to the new location */ *CallbackTrapFrame = *TrapFrame; /* Get PCR */ Pcr = KeGetPcr(); /* Update the exception list */ CallbackTrapFrame->ExceptionList = Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList; /* Get TSS */ Tss = Pcr->TSS; /* Check for V86 mode */ if (CallbackTrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK) { /* Set new stack address in TSS (full trap frame) */ Tss->Esp0 = (ULONG_PTR)(CallbackTrapFrame + 1); } else { /* Set new stack address in TSS (non-V86 trap frame) */ Tss->Esp0 = (ULONG_PTR)&CallbackTrapFrame->V86Es; } /* Set user-mode dispatcher address as EIP */ CallbackTrapFrame->Eip = (ULONG_PTR)KeUserCallbackDispatcher; /* Bring interrupts back */ _enable(); /* Exit to user-mode */ KiServiceExit(CallbackTrapFrame, 0); } /*++ * @name NtCallbackReturn * * The NtCallbackReturn routine returns to kernel mode after a user-mode * callback was done through KeUserModeCallback. It uses the callback frame * which was setup in order to return the information, restores the stack, * and resumes execution where it was left off. * * @param Result * Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer where the return data * from the user-mode function is located. * * @param ResultLength * Size of the Output Buffer described above. * * @param CallbackStatus * Status code of the callback operation. * * @return Status code of the callback operation. * * @remark This call MUST be paired with KeUserModeCallback. * *--*/ NTSTATUS NTAPI NtCallbackReturn( _In_ PVOID Result, _In_ ULONG ResultLength, _In_ NTSTATUS CallbackStatus) { PKTHREAD CurrentThread; PKCALLOUT_FRAME CalloutFrame; PKTRAP_FRAME CallbackTrapFrame, TrapFrame; PFX_SAVE_AREA FxSaveArea, CbFxSaveArea; ULONG Size; PKPCR Pcr; PKTSS Tss; /* Get the current thread and make sure we have a callback stack */ CurrentThread = KeGetCurrentThread(); CalloutFrame = CurrentThread->CallbackStack; if (CalloutFrame == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_CALLBACK_ACTIVE; } /* Get the trap frame */ CallbackTrapFrame = CurrentThread->TrapFrame; /* Restore the exception list */ Pcr = KeGetPcr(); Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList = CallbackTrapFrame->ExceptionList; /* Store the results in the callback stack */ *((PVOID*)CalloutFrame->Result) = Result; *((ULONG*)CalloutFrame->ResultLength) = ResultLength; /* Disable interrupts for NPX save and stack switch */ _disable(); /* Set desination and origin NPX Frames */ CbFxSaveArea = (PVOID)((ULONG)CurrentThread->InitialStack - sizeof(FX_SAVE_AREA)); FxSaveArea = (PVOID)(CalloutFrame->InitialStack - sizeof(FX_SAVE_AREA)); /* Now copy back NPX State */ FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.ControlWord = CbFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.ControlWord; FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.StatusWord = CbFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.StatusWord; FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.TagWord = CbFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.TagWord; FxSaveArea->U.FnArea.DataSelector = CbFxSaveArea->U.FnArea.DataSelector; FxSaveArea->Cr0NpxState = CbFxSaveArea->Cr0NpxState; /* Get the previous trap frame */ TrapFrame = (PKTRAP_FRAME)CalloutFrame->TrapFrame; /* Check if we failed in user mode */ if (CallbackStatus == STATUS_CALLBACK_POP_STACK) { /* Check if we came from v86 mode */ if (CallbackTrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK) { Size = sizeof(KTRAP_FRAME) - FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, SegFs); } else { Size = FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, V86Es) - FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, SegFs); } /* Copy back part of the trap frame */ RtlCopyMemory(&TrapFrame->SegFs, &CallbackTrapFrame->SegFs, Size); } /* Clear DR7 */ TrapFrame->Dr7 = 0; /* Check if debugging was active */ if (CurrentThread->Header.DebugActive & 0xFF) { /* Copy debug registers data from it */ TrapFrame->Dr0 = CallbackTrapFrame->Dr0; TrapFrame->Dr1 = CallbackTrapFrame->Dr1; TrapFrame->Dr2 = CallbackTrapFrame->Dr2; TrapFrame->Dr3 = CallbackTrapFrame->Dr3; TrapFrame->Dr6 = CallbackTrapFrame->Dr6; TrapFrame->Dr7 = CallbackTrapFrame->Dr7; } /* Get TSS */ Tss = Pcr->TSS; /* Check for V86 mode */ if (TrapFrame->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK) { /* Set new stack address in TSS (full trap frame) */ Tss->Esp0 = (ULONG_PTR)(TrapFrame + 1); } else { /* Set new stack address in TSS (non-V86 trap frame) */ Tss->Esp0 = (ULONG_PTR)&TrapFrame->V86Es; } /* Get the initial stack and restore it */ CurrentThread->InitialStack = (PVOID)CalloutFrame->InitialStack; /* Restore the trap frame and the previous callback stack */ CurrentThread->TrapFrame = TrapFrame; CurrentThread->CallbackStack = (PVOID)CalloutFrame->CallbackStack; /* Bring interrupts back */ _enable(); /* Now switch back to the old stack */ KiCallbackReturn(&CalloutFrame->Edi, CallbackStatus); } /* EOF */