/* Copyright (C) 1994 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */ #include int __vfwprintf(FILE *fp, const wchar_t *fmt0, va_list argp); /* * @implemented */ int lnx_vfwprintf(FILE *f, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list ap) { int len; wchar_t localbuf[BUFSIZ]; #if 0 __fileno_lock(_fileno(f)); #endif if (f->_flag & _IONBF) { f->_flag &= ~_IONBF; f->_ptr = f->_base = (char *)localbuf; f->_bufsiz = BUFSIZ; len = __vfwprintf(f,fmt,ap); (void)fflush(f); f->_flag |= _IONBF; f->_base = NULL; f->_bufsiz = 0; f->_cnt = 0; } else len = __vfwprintf(f,fmt,ap); #if 0 __fileno_unlock(_fileno(f)); #endif return (ferror(f) ? EOF : len); } /* * linux/lib/vsprintf.c * * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds */ /* vsprintf.c -- Lars Wirzenius & Linus Torvalds. */ /* * Wirzenius wrote this portably, Torvalds fucked it up :-) */ /* * Appropiated for the reactos kernel, March 1998 -- David Welch */ #include #include #define ZEROPAD 1 /* pad with zero */ #define SIGN 2 /* unsigned/signed long */ #define PLUS 4 /* show plus */ #define SPACE 8 /* space if plus */ #define LEFT 16 /* left justified */ #define SPECIAL 32 /* 0x */ #define LARGE 64 /* use 'ABCDEF' instead of 'abcdef' */ #define ZEROTRUNC 128 /* truncate zero 's */ static int skip_wtoi(const wchar_t **s) { int i=0; while (iswdigit(**s)) i = i*10 + *((*s)++) - L'0'; return i; } static int do_div(LONGLONG *n,int base) { int __res = ((ULONGLONG) *n) % (unsigned) base; *n = ((ULONGLONG) *n) / (unsigned) base; return __res; } static int number(FILE * f, LONGLONG num, int base, int size, int precision ,int type) { wchar_t c,sign,tmp[66]; const wchar_t *digits=L"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int i, done = 0; if (type & LARGE) digits = L"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; if (type & LEFT) type &= ~ZEROPAD; if (base < 2 || base > 36) return done; c = (type & ZEROPAD) ? L'0' : L' '; sign = 0; if (type & SIGN) { if (num < 0) { sign = L'-'; num = -num; size--; } else if (type & PLUS) { sign = L'+'; size--; } else if (type & SPACE) { sign = L' '; size--; } } if (type & SPECIAL) { if (base == 16) size -= 2; else if (base == 8) size--; } i = 0; if (num == 0) tmp[i++]=L'0'; else while (num != 0) tmp[i++] = digits[do_div(&num,base)]; if (i > precision) precision = i; size -= precision; if (!(type&(ZEROPAD+LEFT))) while(size-->0) { if (putwc(L' ',f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (sign) { if (putwc(sign,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (type & SPECIAL) { if (base==8) { if (putwc(L'0',f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } else if (base==16) { if (putwc(L'0', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; if (putwc(digits[33],f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } } if (!(type & LEFT)) while (size-- > 0) { if (putwc(c,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } while (i < precision--) { if (putwc(L'0', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } while (i-- > 0) { if (putwc(tmp[i],f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } while (size-- > 0) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } return done; } static int numberf(FILE * f, double __n, wchar_t exp_sign, int size, int precision, int type) { double exponent = 0.0; double e; long ie; //int x; char *buf, *tmp; int i = 0; int j = 0; //int k = 0; double frac, intr; double p; wchar_t sign; wchar_t c; char ro = 0; int result, done = 0; union { double* __n; double_t* n; } n; n.__n = &__n; if ( exp_sign == L'g' || exp_sign == L'G' || exp_sign == L'e' || exp_sign == L'E' ) { if ( 0 == n.n->mantissal && 0 == n.n->mantissah && 0 == n.n->exponent ) { ie = 0; } else { ie = ((unsigned int)n.n->exponent - (unsigned int)0x3ff); } exponent = ie/3.321928; } if ( exp_sign == L'g' || exp_sign == L'G' ) { type |= ZEROTRUNC; if ( exponent < -4 || fabs(exponent) >= precision ) exp_sign -= 2; // g -> e and G -> E else exp_sign = 'f'; } if ( exp_sign == L'e' || exp_sign == L'E' ) { frac = modf(exponent,&e); if ( frac > 0.5 ) e++; else if ( frac < -0.5 ) e--; result = numberf(f,__n/pow(10.0L,e),L'f',size-4, precision, type); if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; if (putwc( exp_sign,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; size--; ie = (long)e; type = LEFT | PLUS; if ( ie < 0 ) type |= SIGN; result = number(f,ie, 10,2, 2,type ); if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; return done; } if ( exp_sign == 'f' ) { buf = alloca(4096); if (type & LEFT) { type &= ~ZEROPAD; } c = (type & ZEROPAD) ? L'0' : L' '; sign = 0; if (type & SIGN) { if (__n < 0) { sign = L'-'; __n = fabs(__n); size--; } else if (type & PLUS) { sign = L'+'; size--; } else if (type & SPACE) { sign = L' '; size--; } } frac = modf(__n,&intr); // # flags forces a . and prevents trucation of trailing zero's if ( precision > 0 ) { //frac = modfl(__n,&intr); i = precision-1; while ( i >= 0 ) { frac*=10.0L; frac = modf(frac, &p); buf[i] = (int)p + L'0'; i--; } i = precision; size -= precision; ro = 0; if ( frac > 0.5 ) { ro = 1; } if ( precision >= 1 || type & SPECIAL) { buf[i++] = '.'; size--; } } if ( intr == 0.0 ) { buf[i++] = L'0'; size--; } else { while ( intr > 0.0 ) { p = intr; intr/=10.0L; modf(intr, &intr); p -= 10.0*intr; buf[i++] = (int)p + L'0'; size--; } } j = 0; while ( j < i && ro == 1 ) { if ( buf[j] >= L'0' && buf[j] <= L'8' ) { buf[j]++; ro = 0; } else if ( buf[j] == L'9' ) { buf[j] = L'0'; } j++; } if ( ro == 1 ) buf[i++] = L'1'; buf[i] = 0; size -= precision; if (!(type&(ZEROPAD+LEFT))) while(size-->0) { if (putwc(L' ',f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (sign) { if (putwc( sign,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (!(type&(ZEROPAD+LEFT))) while(size-->0) { if (putwc(L' ',f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (type & SPECIAL) { } if (!(type & LEFT)) while (size-- > 0) { if (putwc(c,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } tmp = buf; if ( type & ZEROTRUNC && ((type & SPECIAL) != SPECIAL) ) { j = 0; while ( j < i && *tmp == L'0' ) { tmp++; i--; } if ( j < i && *tmp == L'.' ) { tmp++; i--; } } // else // while (i < precision--) // putwc(L'0', f); while (i-- > 0) { if (putwc(tmp[i],f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } while (size-- > 0) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } } return done; } static int string(FILE *f, const char* s, int len, int field_width, int precision, int flags) { int i, done = 0; if (s == NULL) { s = ""; len = 6; } else { if (len == -1) { len = 0; while ((unsigned int)len < (unsigned int)precision && s[len]) len++; } else { if ((unsigned int)len > (unsigned int)precision) len = precision; } } if (!(flags & LEFT)) while (len < field_width--) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (putwc(*s++, f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } while (len < field_width--) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } return done; } static int stringw(FILE *f, const wchar_t* sw, int len, int field_width, int precision, int flags) { int i, done = 0; if (sw == NULL) { sw = L""; len = 6; } else { if (len == -1) { len = 0; while ((unsigned int)len < (unsigned int)precision && sw[len]) len++; } else { if ((unsigned int)len > (unsigned int)precision) len = precision; } } if (!(flags & LEFT)) while (len < field_width--) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (putwc(*sw++, f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } while (len < field_width--) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } return done; } int __vfwprintf(FILE *f, const wchar_t *fmt, va_list args) { int len = 0; ULONGLONG num; int base; double _double; const char *s; const wchar_t* sw; int result, done = 0; int flags; /* flags to number() */ int field_width; /* width of output field */ int precision; /* min. # of digits for integers; max number of chars for from string */ int qualifier = 0; /* 'h', 'l', 'L' or 'I64' for integer fields */ for (; *fmt ; ++fmt) { if (*fmt != L'%') { if (putwc(*fmt,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; continue; } /* process flags */ flags = 0; repeat: ++fmt; /* this also skips first '%' */ switch (*fmt) { case L'-': flags |= LEFT; goto repeat; case L'+': flags |= PLUS; goto repeat; case L' ': flags |= SPACE; goto repeat; case L'#': flags |= SPECIAL; goto repeat; case L'0': flags |= ZEROPAD; goto repeat; } /* get field width */ field_width = -1; if (isxdigit(*fmt)) field_width = skip_wtoi(&fmt); else if (*fmt == L'*') { ++fmt; /* it's the next argument */ field_width = va_arg(args, int); if (field_width < 0) { field_width = -field_width; flags |= LEFT; } } /* get the precision */ precision = -1; if (*fmt == L'.') { ++fmt; if (iswdigit(*fmt)) precision = skip_wtoi(&fmt); else if (*fmt == L'*') { ++fmt; /* it's the next argument */ precision = va_arg(args, int); } if (precision < 0) precision = 0; } /* get the conversion qualifier */ qualifier=0; // %Z can be just stand alone or as size_t qualifier if ( *fmt == 'Z' ) { qualifier = *fmt; switch ( *(fmt+1)) { case L'o': case L'b': case L'X': case L'x': case L'd': case L'i': case L'u': ++fmt; break; default: break; } } else if (*fmt == L'h' || *fmt == L'l' || *fmt == L'L' || *fmt == L'w') { qualifier = *fmt; ++fmt; } else if (*fmt == L'I' && *(fmt+1) == L'6' && *(fmt+2) == L'4') { qualifier = *fmt; fmt += 3; } // go fine with ll instead of L if ( *fmt == L'l' ) { ++fmt; qualifier = L'L'; } /* default base */ base = 10; switch (*fmt) { case L'c': /* finished */ if (!(flags & LEFT)) while (--field_width > 0) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (qualifier == L'h') { if (putwc((wchar_t) va_arg(args, int), f) == WEOF) return -1; } else { if (putwc((wchar_t) va_arg(args, int), f) == WEOF) return -1; } done++; while (--field_width > 0) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } continue; case L'C': /* finished */ if (!(flags & LEFT)) while (--field_width > 0) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (qualifier == L'l' || qualifier == L'w') { if (putwc((unsigned char) va_arg(args, int), f) == WEOF) return -1; } else { if (putwc((unsigned char) va_arg(args, int), f) == WEOF) return -1; } done++; while (--field_width > 0) { if (putwc(L' ', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } continue; case L's': /* finished */ if (qualifier == L'h') { /* print ascii string */ s = va_arg(args, char *); result = string(f, s, -1, field_width, precision, flags); } else { /* print unicode string */ sw = va_arg(args, wchar_t *); result = stringw(f, sw, -1, field_width, precision, flags); } if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; continue; case L'S': if (qualifier == L'l' || qualifier == L'w') { /* print unicode string */ sw = va_arg(args, wchar_t *); result = stringw(f, sw, -1, field_width, precision, flags); } else { /* print ascii string */ s = va_arg(args, char *); result = string(f, s, -1, field_width, precision, flags); } if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; continue; case L'Z': /* finished */ if (qualifier == L'w') { /* print counted unicode string */ PUNICODE_STRING pus = va_arg(args, PUNICODE_STRING); if ((pus == NULL) || (pus->Buffer)) { sw = NULL; len = -1; } else { sw = pus->Buffer; } result = stringw(f, sw, len, field_width, precision, flags); } else { /* print counted ascii string */ PANSI_STRING pus = va_arg(args, PANSI_STRING); if ((pus == NULL) || (pus->Buffer)) { s = NULL; len = -1; } else { s = pus->Buffer; len = pus->Length; } result = string(f, s, len, field_width, precision, flags); } if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; continue; case L'e': /* finished */ case L'E': case L'f': case L'g': case L'G': _double = (double)va_arg(args, double); if ( _isnan(_double) ) { sw = L"Nan"; len = 3; while ( len > 0 ) { if (putwc(*sw++,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; len --; } } else if ( _isinf(_double) < 0 ) { sw = L"-Inf"; len = 4; while ( len > 0 ) { if (putwc(*sw++,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; len --; } } else if ( _isinf(_double) > 0 ) { sw = L"+Inf"; len = 4; while ( len > 0 ) { if (putwc(*sw++,f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; len --; } } else { if ( precision == -1 ) precision = 6; result = numberf(f,_double,*fmt,field_width,precision,flags); if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; } continue; case L'p': if (field_width == -1) { field_width = 2*sizeof(void *); flags |= ZEROPAD; } result = number(f, (unsigned long) va_arg(args, void *), 16, field_width, precision, flags); if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; continue; case L'n': if (qualifier == L'l') { long * ip = va_arg(args, long *); *ip = 0; } else { int * ip = va_arg(args, int *); *ip = 0; } continue; /* integer number formats - set up the flags and "break" */ case L'o': base = 8; break; case L'b': base = 2; break; case L'X': flags |= LARGE; case L'x': base = 16; break; case L'd': case L'i': flags |= SIGN; case L'u': break; default: if (*fmt != L'%') { if (putwc(L'%', f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } if (*fmt) { if (putwc(*fmt, f) == WEOF) return -1; done++; } else --fmt; continue; } if (qualifier == L'I') num = va_arg(args, ULONGLONG); else if (qualifier == L'l') { if (flags & SIGN) num = va_arg(args, long); else num = va_arg(args, unsigned long); } else if (qualifier == L'h') { if (flags & SIGN) num = va_arg(args, int); else num = va_arg(args, unsigned int); } else if (flags & SIGN) num = va_arg(args, int); else num = va_arg(args, unsigned int); result = number(f, num, base, field_width, precision, flags); if (result < 0) return -1; done += result; } //putwc(L'\0',f); return done; } /* EOF */