/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS CRT * FILE: lib/crt/misc/i386/seh.S * PURPOSE: SEH Support for the CRT * PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org) */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include .intel_syntax noprefix #define DISPOSITION_DISMISS 0 #define DISPOSITION_CONTINUE_SEARCH 1 #define DISPOSITION_COLLIDED_UNWIND 3 /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ .globl __global_unwind2 .globl __local_unwind2 .globl __abnormal_termination .globl __except_handler2 .globl __except_handler3 /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ .func unwind_handler _unwind_handler: /* Check if we were unwinding and continue search if not */ mov ecx, [esp+4] test dword ptr [ecx+4], EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND + EXCEPTION_UNWINDING mov eax, DISPOSITION_CONTINUE_SEARCH jz unwind_handler_return /* We have a collision, do a local unwind */ mov eax, [esp+20] push ebp mov ebp, [eax+16] mov edx, [eax+40] push edx mov edx, [eax+36] push edx call __local_unwind2 add esp, 8 pop ebp /* Set new try level */ mov eax, [esp+8] mov edx, [esp+16] mov [edx], eax /* Return collided unwind */ mov eax, DISPOSITION_COLLIDED_UNWIND unwind_handler_return: ret .endfunc .func _global_unwind2 __global_unwind2: /* Create stack and save all registers */ push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx push esi push edi push ebp /* Call unwind */ push 0 push 0 push glu_return push [ebp+8] call _RtlUnwind@16 glu_return: /* Restore registers and return */ pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret .endfunc .func _abnormal_termination __abnormal_termination: /* Assume false */ xor eax, eax /* Check if the handler is the unwind handler */ mov ecx, fs:0 cmp dword ptr [ecx+4], offset _unwind_handler jne short ab_return /* Get the try level */ mov edx, [ecx+12] mov edx, [edx+12] /* Compare it */ cmp [ecx+8], edx jne ab_return /* Return true */ mov eax, 1 /* Return */ ab_return: ret .endfunc .func _local_unwind2 __local_unwind2: /* Save volatiles */ push ebx push esi push edi /* Get the exception registration */ mov eax, [esp+16] /* Setup SEH to protect the unwind */ push ebp push eax push -2 push offset _unwind_handler push fs:0 mov fs:0, esp unwind_loop: /* Get the exception registration and try level */ mov eax, [esp+36] mov ebx, [eax+8] mov esi, [eax+12] /* Validate the unwind */ cmp esi, -1 je unwind_return cmp dword ptr [esp+40], -1 je unwind_ok cmp esi, [esp+40] jbe unwind_return unwind_ok: /* Get the new enclosing level and save it */ lea esi, [esi+esi*2] mov ecx, [ebx+esi*4] mov [esp+8], ecx mov [eax+12], ecx /* Check the filter type */ cmp dword ptr [ebx+esi*4+4], 0 jnz __NLG_Return2 /* FIXME: NLG Notification */ /* Call the handler */ call dword ptr [ebx+esi*4+8] __NLG_Return2: /* Unwind again */ jmp unwind_loop unwind_return: /* Cleanup SEH */ pop fs:0 add esp, 16 pop edi pop esi pop ebx ret .endfunc .func _except_handler2 __except_handler2: /* Setup stack and save volatiles */ push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 8 push ebx push esi push edi push ebp /* Clear direction flag */ cld /* Get exception registration and record */ mov ebx, [ebp+12] mov eax, [ebp+8] /* Check if this is an unwind */ test dword ptr [eax+4], EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND + EXCEPTION_UNWINDING jnz except_unwind2 /* Save exception pointers structure */ mov [ebp-8], eax mov eax, [ebp+16] mov [ebp-4], eax lea eax, [ebp-8] mov [ebx+20], eax /* Get the try level and scope table */ mov esi, [ebx+12] mov edi, [ebx+8] except_loop2: /* Validate try level */ cmp esi, -1 je except_search2 /* Check if this is the termination handler */ lea ecx, [esi+esi*2] cmp dword ptr [edi+ecx*4+4], 0 jz except_continue2 /* Save registers and call filter, then restore them */ push esi push ebp mov ebp, [ebx+16] call dword ptr [edi+ecx*4+4] pop ebp pop esi /* Restore ebx and check the result */ mov ebx, [ebp+12] or eax, eax jz except_continue2 js except_dismiss2 /* So this is an accept, call the termination handlers */ mov edi, [ebx+8] push ebx call __global_unwind2 add esp, 4 /* Restore ebp */ mov ebp, [ebx+16] /* Do local unwind */ push esi push ebx call __local_unwind2 add esp, 8 /* Set new try level */ lea ecx, [esi+esi*2] mov eax, [edi+ecx*4] mov [ebx+12], eax /* Call except handler */ call [edi+ecx*4+8] except_continue2: /* Reload try level and except again */ mov edi, [ebx+8] lea ecx, [esi+esi*2] mov esi, [edi+ecx*4] jmp except_loop2 except_dismiss2: /* Dismiss it */ mov eax, DISPOSITION_DISMISS jmp except_return2 except_search2: /* Continue searching */ mov eax, DISPOSITION_CONTINUE_SEARCH jmp except_return2 /* Do local unwind */ except_unwind2: push ebp mov ebp, [ebx+16] push -1 push ebx call __local_unwind2 add esp, 8 /* Retore EBP and set return disposition */ pop ebp mov eax, DISPOSITION_CONTINUE_SEARCH except_return2: /* Restore registers and stack */ pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret .endfunc .func _except_handler3 __except_handler3: /* Setup stack and save volatiles */ push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 8 push ebx push esi push edi push ebp /* Clear direction flag */ cld /* Get exception registration and record */ mov ebx, [ebp+12] mov eax, [ebp+8] /* Check if this is an unwind */ test dword ptr [eax+4], EXCEPTION_EXIT_UNWIND + EXCEPTION_UNWINDING jnz except_unwind3 /* Save exception pointers structure */ mov [ebp-8], eax mov eax, [ebp+16] mov [ebp-4], eax lea eax, [ebp-8] mov [ebx-4], eax /* Get the try level and scope table */ mov esi, [ebx+12] mov edi, [ebx+8] /* FIXME: Validate the SEH exception */ except_loop3: /* Validate try level */ cmp esi, -1 je except_search3 /* Check if this is the termination handler */ lea ecx, [esi+esi*2] mov eax, [edi+ecx*4+4] or eax, eax jz except_continue3 /* Save registers clear them all */ push esi push ebp lea ebp, [ebx+16] xor ebx, ebx xor ecx, ecx xor edx, edx xor esi, esi xor edi, edi /* Call the filter and restore our registers */ call eax pop ebp pop esi /* Restore ebx and check the result */ mov ebx, [ebp+12] or eax, eax jz except_continue3 js except_dismiss3 /* So this is an accept, call the termination handlers */ mov edi, [ebx+8] push ebx call __global_unwind2 add esp, 4 /* Restore ebp */ lea ebp, [ebx+16] /* Do local unwind */ push esi push ebx call __local_unwind2 add esp, 8 /* FIXME: Do NLG Notification */ /* Set new try level */ lea ecx, [esi+esi*2] mov eax, [edi+ecx*4] mov [ebx+12], eax /* Clear registers and call except handler */ mov eax, [edi+ecx*4+8] xor ebx, ebx xor ecx, ecx xor edx, edx xor esi, esi xor edi, edi call eax except_continue3: /* Reload try level and except again */ mov edi, [ebx+8] lea ecx, [esi+esi*2] mov esi, [edi+ecx*4] jmp except_loop3 except_dismiss3: /* Dismiss it */ mov eax, DISPOSITION_DISMISS jmp except_return3 except_search3: /* Continue searching */ mov eax, DISPOSITION_CONTINUE_SEARCH jmp except_return3 /* Do local unwind */ except_unwind3: push ebp mov ebp, [ebx+16] push -1 push ebx call __local_unwind2 add esp, 8 /* Retore EBP and set return disposition */ pop ebp mov eax, DISPOSITION_CONTINUE_SEARCH except_return3: /* Restore registers and stack */ pop ebp pop edi pop esi pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret .endfunc // // // REMOVE ME REMOVE ME REMOVE ME REMOVE ME REMOVE ME REMOVE ME REMOVE ME // // .func RtlpGetStackLimits@8 .globl _RtlpGetStackLimits@8 _RtlpGetStackLimits@8: /* Get the current thread */ mov eax, [fs:KPCR_CURRENT_THREAD] /* Get the stack limits */ mov ecx, [eax+KTHREAD_STACK_LIMIT] mov edx, [eax+KTHREAD_INITIAL_STACK] sub edx, SIZEOF_FX_SAVE_AREA /* Return them */ mov eax, [esp+4] mov [eax], ecx mov eax, [esp+8] mov [eax], edx /* return */ ret 8 .endfunc