/* * PROJECT: ReactOS win32 kernel mode subsystem * LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory * FILE: subsystems/win32/win32k/objects/gdidbg.c * PURPOSE: Special debugging functions for GDI * PROGRAMMERS: Timo Kreuzer */ /** INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #if DBG #include #define NDEBUG #include extern ULONG gulFirstFree; extern ULONG gulFirstUnused; ULONG gulLogUnique = 0; /* Note: the following values need to be sorted */ DBG_CHANNEL DbgChannels[DbgChCount]={ {L"EngBlt", DbgChEngBlt}, {L"EngBrush", DbgChEngBrush}, {L"EngClip", DbgChEngClip}, {L"EngCursor", DbgChEngCursor}, {L"EngDev", DbgChEngDev}, {L"EngErr", DbgChEngErr}, {L"EngEvent", DbgChEngEvent}, {L"EngGrad", DbgChEngGrad}, {L"EngLDev", DbgChEngLDev}, {L"EngLine", DbgChEngLine}, {L"EngMapping", DbgChEngMapping}, {L"EngPDev", DbgChEngPDev}, {L"EngSurface", DbgChEngSurface}, {L"EngWnd", DbgChEngWnd}, {L"EngXlate", DbgChEngXlate}, {L"GdiBitmap", DbgChGdiBitmap}, {L"GdiBlt", DbgChGdiBlt}, {L"GdiBrush", DbgChGdiBrush}, {L"GdiClipRgn", DbgChGdiClipRgn}, {L"GdiCoord", DbgChGdiCoord}, {L"GdiDC", DbgChGdiDC}, {L"GdiDCAttr", DbgChGdiDCAttr}, {L"GdiDCState", DbgChGdiDCState}, {L"GdiDev", DbgChGdiDev}, {L"GdiDib", DbgChGdiDib}, {L"GdiFont", DbgChGdiFont}, {L"GdiLine", DbgChGdiLine}, {L"GdiObj", DbgChGdiObj}, {L"GdiPalette", DbgChGdiPalette}, {L"GdiPath", DbgChGdiPath}, {L"GdiPen", DbgChGdiPen}, {L"GdiPool", DbgChGdiPool}, {L"GdiRgn", DbgChGdiRgn}, {L"GdiText", DbgChGdiText}, {L"GdiXFormObj", DbgChGdiXFormObj}, {L"UserAccel", DbgChUserAccel}, {L"UserCallback", DbgChUserCallback}, {L"UserCallProc", DbgChUserCallProc}, {L"UserCaret", DbgChUserCaret}, {L"UserClass", DbgChUserClass}, {L"UserClipbrd", DbgChUserClipbrd}, {L"UserCsr", DbgChUserCsr}, {L"UserDce", DbgChUserDce}, {L"UserDefwnd", DbgChUserDefwnd}, {L"UserDesktop", DbgChUserDesktop}, {L"UserDisplay",DbgChUserDisplay}, {L"UserEvent", DbgChUserEvent}, {L"UserFocus", DbgChUserFocus}, {L"UserHook", DbgChUserHook}, {L"UserHotkey", DbgChUserHotkey}, {L"UserIcon", DbgChUserIcon}, {L"UserInput", DbgChUserInput}, {L"UserKbd", DbgChUserKbd}, {L"UserKbdLayout", DbgChUserKbdLayout}, {L"UserMenu", DbgChUserMenu}, {L"UserMetric", DbgChUserMetric}, {L"UserMisc", DbgChUserMisc}, {L"UserMonitor", DbgChUserMonitor}, {L"UserMsg", DbgChUserMsg}, {L"UserMsgQ", DbgChUserMsgQ}, {L"UserObj", DbgChUserObj}, {L"UserPainting", DbgChUserPainting}, {L"UserProcess", DbgChUserProcess}, {L"UserProp", DbgChUserProp}, {L"UserScrollbar", DbgChUserScrollbar}, {L"UserSysparams", DbgChUserSysparams}, {L"UserTimer", DbgChUserTimer}, {L"UserThread", DbgChUserThread}, {L"UserWinpos", DbgChUserWinpos}, {L"UserWinsta", DbgChUserWinsta}, {L"UserWnd", DbgChUserWnd} }; #ifdef GDI_DEBUG #if 0 static BOOL CompareBacktraces(ULONG idx1, ULONG idx2) { ULONG iLevel; /* Loop all stack levels */ for (iLevel = 0; iLevel < GDI_STACK_LEVELS; iLevel++) { if (GDIHandleAllocator[idx1][iLevel] != GDIHandleAllocator[idx2][iLevel]) // if (GDIHandleShareLocker[idx1][iLevel] // != GDIHandleShareLocker[idx2][iLevel]) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } VOID NTAPI DbgDumpGdiHandleTableWithBT(void) { static int leak_reported = 0; int i, j, idx, nTraces = 0; KIRQL OldIrql; if (leak_reported) { DPRINT1("GDI handle abusers already reported!\n"); return; } leak_reported = 1; DPRINT1("Reporting GDI handle abusers:\n"); /* We've got serious business to do */ KeRaiseIrql(DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); /* Step through GDI handle table and find out who our culprit is... */ for (idx = RESERVE_ENTRIES_COUNT; idx < GDI_HANDLE_COUNT; idx++) { /* If the handle is free, continue */ if (!IS_HANDLE_VALID(idx)) continue; /* Step through all previous backtraces */ for (j = 0; j < nTraces; j++) { /* Check if the backtrace matches */ if (CompareBacktraces(idx, AllocatorTable[j].idx)) { /* It matches, increment count and break out */ AllocatorTable[j].count++; break; } } /* Did we find a new backtrace? */ if (j == nTraces) { /* Break out, if we reached the maximum */ if (nTraces == MAX_BACKTRACES) break; /* Initialize this entry */ AllocatorTable[j].idx = idx; AllocatorTable[j].count = 1; nTraces++; } } /* bubble sort time! weeeeee!! */ for (i = 0; i < nTraces-1; i++) { if (AllocatorTable[i].count < AllocatorTable[i+1].count) { struct DbgOpenGDIHandle temp; temp = AllocatorTable[i+1]; AllocatorTable[i+1] = AllocatorTable[i]; j = i; while (j > 0 && AllocatorTable[j-1].count < temp.count) j--; AllocatorTable[j] = temp; } } /* Print the worst offenders... */ DbgPrint("Worst GDI Handle leak offenders (out of %i unique locations):\n", nTraces); for (i = 0; i < nTraces && AllocatorTable[i].count > 1; i++) { /* Print out the allocation count */ DbgPrint(" %i allocs, type = 0x%lx:\n", AllocatorTable[i].count, GdiHandleTable->Entries[AllocatorTable[i].idx].Type); /* Dump the frames */ KeRosDumpStackFrames(GDIHandleAllocator[AllocatorTable[i].idx], GDI_STACK_LEVELS); //KeRosDumpStackFrames(GDIHandleShareLocker[AllocatorTable[i].idx], GDI_STACK_LEVELS); /* Print new line for better readability */ DbgPrint("\n"); } if (i < nTraces) DbgPrint("(List terminated - the remaining entries have 1 allocation only)\n"); KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); ASSERT(FALSE); } #endif ULONG NTAPI DbgCaptureStackBackTace(PVOID* pFrames, ULONG nFramesToCapture) { ULONG nFrameCount; memset(pFrames, 0x00, (nFramesToCapture + 1) * sizeof(PVOID)); nFrameCount = RtlWalkFrameChain(pFrames, nFramesToCapture, 0); if (nFrameCount < nFramesToCapture) { nFrameCount += RtlWalkFrameChain(pFrames + nFrameCount, nFramesToCapture - nFrameCount, 1); } return nFrameCount; } BOOL NTAPI DbgGdiHTIntegrityCheck() { ULONG i, nDeleted = 0, nFree = 0, nUsed = 0; PGDI_TABLE_ENTRY pEntry; BOOL r = 1; KeEnterCriticalRegion(); /* FIXME: Check reserved entries */ /* Now go through the deleted objects */ i = gulFirstFree & 0xffff; while (i) { pEntry = &GdiHandleTable->Entries[i]; if (i >= GDI_HANDLE_COUNT) { DPRINT1("nDeleted=%lu\n", nDeleted); ASSERT(FALSE); } nDeleted++; /* Check the entry */ if ((pEntry->Type & GDI_ENTRY_BASETYPE_MASK) != 0) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Deleted Entry has a type != 0\n"); } if ((ULONG_PTR)pEntry->KernelData >= GDI_HANDLE_COUNT) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Deleted entries KernelPointer too big\n"); } if (pEntry->UserData != NULL) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Deleted entry has UserData != 0\n"); } if (pEntry->ProcessId != 0) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Deleted entry has ProcessId != 0\n"); } i = (ULONG_PTR)pEntry->KernelData & 0xffff; }; for (i = gulFirstUnused; i < GDI_HANDLE_COUNT; i++) { pEntry = &GdiHandleTable->Entries[i]; if ((pEntry->Type) != 0) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Free Entry has a type != 0\n"); } if ((ULONG_PTR)pEntry->KernelData != 0) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Free entries KernelPointer != 0\n"); } if (pEntry->UserData != NULL) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Free entry has UserData != 0\n"); } if (pEntry->ProcessId != 0) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Free entry has ProcessId != 0\n"); } nFree++; } for (i = RESERVE_ENTRIES_COUNT; i < GDI_HANDLE_COUNT; i++) { HGDIOBJ Handle; ULONG Type; pEntry = &GdiHandleTable->Entries[i]; Type = pEntry->Type; Handle = (HGDIOBJ)((Type << GDI_ENTRY_UPPER_SHIFT) + i); if (Type & GDI_ENTRY_BASETYPE_MASK) { if (pEntry->KernelData == NULL) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Used entry has KernelData == 0\n"); } else if (pEntry->KernelData <= MmHighestUserAddress) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Used entry invalid KernelData\n"); } else if (((POBJ)(pEntry->KernelData))->hHmgr != Handle) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Used entry %lu, has invalid hHmg %p (expected: %p)\n", i, ((POBJ)(pEntry->KernelData))->hHmgr, Handle); } nUsed++; } } if (RESERVE_ENTRIES_COUNT + nDeleted + nFree + nUsed != GDI_HANDLE_COUNT) { r = 0; DPRINT1("Number of all entries incorrect: RESERVE_ENTRIES_COUNT = %lu, nDeleted = %lu, nFree = %lu, nUsed = %lu\n", RESERVE_ENTRIES_COUNT, nDeleted, nFree, nUsed); } KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); return r; } #endif /* GDI_DEBUG */ VOID NTAPI DbgDumpLockedGdiHandles() { #if 0 ULONG i; for (i = RESERVE_ENTRIES_COUNT; i < GDI_HANDLE_COUNT; i++) { PENTRY pentry = &gpentHmgr[i]; if (pentry->Objt) { POBJ pobj = pentry->einfo.pobj; if (pobj->cExclusiveLock > 0) { DPRINT1("Locked object: %lx, type = %lx. allocated from:\n", i, pentry->Objt); DBG_DUMP_EVENT_LIST(&pobj->slhLog); } } } #endif } VOID NTAPI DbgLogEvent(PSLIST_HEADER pslh, LOG_EVENT_TYPE nEventType, LPARAM lParam) { PLOGENTRY pLogEntry; /* Log a maximum of 100 events */ if (QueryDepthSList(pslh) >= 1000) return; /* Allocate a logentry */ pLogEntry = EngAllocMem(0, sizeof(LOGENTRY), 'golG'); if (!pLogEntry) return; /* Set type */ pLogEntry->nEventType = nEventType; pLogEntry->ulUnique = InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&gulLogUnique); pLogEntry->dwProcessId = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentProcessId()); pLogEntry->dwThreadId = HandleToUlong(PsGetCurrentThreadId()); pLogEntry->lParam = lParam; /* Capture a backtrace */ DbgCaptureStackBackTace(pLogEntry->apvBackTrace, 20); switch (nEventType) { case EVENT_ALLOCATE: case EVENT_CREATE_HANDLE: case EVENT_REFERENCE: case EVENT_DEREFERENCE: case EVENT_LOCK: case EVENT_UNLOCK: case EVENT_DELETE: case EVENT_FREE: case EVENT_SET_OWNER: default: break; } /* Push it on the list */ InterlockedPushEntrySList(pslh, &pLogEntry->sleLink); } #define REL_ADDR(va) ((ULONG_PTR)va - (ULONG_PTR)&__ImageBase) VOID NTAPI DbgPrintEvent(PLOGENTRY pLogEntry) { PSTR pstr; switch (pLogEntry->nEventType) { case EVENT_ALLOCATE: pstr = "Allocate"; break; case EVENT_CREATE_HANDLE: pstr = "CreatHdl"; break; case EVENT_REFERENCE: pstr = "Ref"; break; case EVENT_DEREFERENCE: pstr = "Deref"; break; case EVENT_LOCK: pstr = "Lock"; break; case EVENT_UNLOCK: pstr = "Unlock"; break; case EVENT_DELETE: pstr = "Delete"; break; case EVENT_FREE: pstr = "Free"; break; case EVENT_SET_OWNER: pstr = "SetOwner"; break; default: pstr = "Unknown"; break; } DbgPrint("[%lu] %03x:%03x %.8s val=%p <%lx,%lx,%lx,%lx>\n", pLogEntry->ulUnique, pLogEntry->dwProcessId, pLogEntry->dwThreadId, pstr, (PVOID)pLogEntry->lParam, REL_ADDR(pLogEntry->apvBackTrace[2]), REL_ADDR(pLogEntry->apvBackTrace[3]), REL_ADDR(pLogEntry->apvBackTrace[4]), REL_ADDR(pLogEntry->apvBackTrace[5])); } VOID NTAPI DbgDumpEventList(PSLIST_HEADER pslh) { PSLIST_ENTRY psle; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry; while ((psle = InterlockedPopEntrySList(pslh))) { pLogEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(psle, LOGENTRY, sleLink); DbgPrintEvent(pLogEntry); } } VOID NTAPI DbgCleanupEventList(PSLIST_HEADER pslh) { PSLIST_ENTRY psle; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry; while ((psle = InterlockedPopEntrySList(pslh))) { pLogEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(psle, LOGENTRY, sleLink); EngFreeMem(pLogEntry); } } void NTAPI GdiDbgPreServiceHook(ULONG ulSyscallId, PULONG_PTR pulArguments) { PTHREADINFO pti = (PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (pti && pti->cExclusiveLocks != 0) { DbgPrint("FATAL: Win32DbgPreServiceHook(0x%lx): There are %lu exclusive locks!\n", ulSyscallId, pti->cExclusiveLocks); DbgDumpLockedGdiHandles(); ASSERT(FALSE); } } ULONG_PTR NTAPI GdiDbgPostServiceHook(ULONG ulSyscallId, ULONG_PTR ulResult) { PTHREADINFO pti = (PTHREADINFO)PsGetCurrentThreadWin32Thread(); if (pti && pti->cExclusiveLocks != 0) { DbgPrint("FATAL: Win32DbgPostServiceHook(0x%lx): There are %lu exclusive locks!\n", ulSyscallId, pti->cExclusiveLocks); DbgDumpLockedGdiHandles(); ASSERT(FALSE); } return ulResult; } NTSTATUS NTAPI QueryEnvironmentVariable(PUNICODE_STRING Name, PUNICODE_STRING Value) { NTSTATUS Status; PWSTR wcs; UNICODE_STRING var; PWSTR val; PPEB Peb; PWSTR Environment; /* Ugly HACK for ReactOS system threads */ if(!NtCurrentTeb()) { return(STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND); } Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); if (Peb == NULL) { return(STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND); } Environment = Peb->ProcessParameters->Environment; if (Environment == NULL) { return(STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND); } Value->Length = 0; wcs = Environment; while (*wcs) { var.Buffer = wcs++; wcs = wcschr(wcs, L'='); if (wcs == NULL) { wcs = var.Buffer + wcslen(var.Buffer); } if (*wcs) { var.Length = var.MaximumLength = (wcs - var.Buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR); val = ++wcs; wcs += wcslen(wcs); if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&var, Name, TRUE)) { Value->Length = (wcs - val) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (Value->Length <= Value->MaximumLength) { memcpy(Value->Buffer, val, min(Value->Length + sizeof(WCHAR), Value->MaximumLength)); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } return(Status); } } wcs++; } return(STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND); } static int DbgCompareChannels(const void * a, const void * b) { return wcscmp((WCHAR*)a, ((DBG_CHANNEL*)b)->Name); } static BOOL DbgAddDebugChannel(PPROCESSINFO ppi, WCHAR* channel, WCHAR* level, WCHAR op) { DBG_CHANNEL *ChannelEntry; UINT iLevel, iChannel; /* Special treatment for the "all" channel */ if (wcscmp(channel, L"all") == 0) { for (iChannel = 0; iChannel < DbgChCount; iChannel++) { DbgAddDebugChannel(ppi, DbgChannels[iChannel].Name, level, op); } return TRUE; } ChannelEntry = (DBG_CHANNEL*)bsearch(channel, DbgChannels, DbgChCount, sizeof(DBG_CHANNEL), DbgCompareChannels); if(ChannelEntry == NULL) { return FALSE; } iChannel = ChannelEntry->Id; ASSERT(iChannel < DbgChCount); if(level == NULL || *level == L'\0' ||wcslen(level) == 0 ) iLevel = MAX_LEVEL; else if(wcsncmp(level, L"err", 3) == 0) iLevel = ERR_LEVEL; else if(wcsncmp(level, L"fixme", 5) == 0) iLevel = FIXME_LEVEL; else if(wcsncmp(level, L"warn", 4) == 0) iLevel = WARN_LEVEL; else if (wcsncmp(level, L"trace", 4) == 0) iLevel = TRACE_LEVEL; else return FALSE; if(op==L'+') { DBG_ENABLE_CHANNEL(ppi, iChannel, iLevel); } else { DBG_DISABLE_CHANNEL(ppi, iChannel, iLevel); } return TRUE; } static BOOL DbgParseDebugChannels(PPROCESSINFO ppi, PUNICODE_STRING Value) { WCHAR *str, *separator, *c, op; str = Value->Buffer; do { separator = wcschr(str, L','); if(separator != NULL) *separator = L'\0'; c = wcschr(str, L'+'); if(c == NULL) c = wcschr(str, L'-'); if(c != NULL) { op = *c; *c = L'\0'; c++; DbgAddDebugChannel(ppi, c, str, op); } str = separator + 1; }while(separator != NULL); return TRUE; } BOOL DbgInitDebugChannels() { WCHAR valBuffer[100]; UNICODE_STRING Value; UNICODE_STRING Name = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"DEBUGCHANNEL"); NTSTATUS Status; PPROCESSINFO ppi; BOOL ret; /* Initialize all channels to ERROR */ ppi = PsGetCurrentProcessWin32Process(); RtlFillMemory( ppi->DbgChannelLevel, sizeof(ppi->DbgChannelLevel), ERR_LEVEL); /* Find DEBUGCHANNEL env var */ Value.Buffer = valBuffer; Value.Length = 0; Value.MaximumLength = sizeof(valBuffer); Status = QueryEnvironmentVariable(&Name, &Value); /* It does not exist */ if(Status == STATUS_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND) { /* There is nothing more to do */ return TRUE; } /* If the buffer in the stack is not enough allocate it */ if(Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { Value.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, Value.MaximumLength); if(Value.Buffer == NULL) { return FALSE; } /* Get the env var again */ Status = QueryEnvironmentVariable(&Name, &Value); } /* Check for error */ if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if(Value.Buffer != valBuffer) { ExFreePool(Value.Buffer); } return FALSE; } /* Parse the variable */ ret = DbgParseDebugChannels(ppi, &Value); /* Clean up */ if(Value.Buffer != valBuffer) { ExFreePool(Value.Buffer); } return ret; } #endif // DBG /* EOF */